import { ZeroHash } from "../constants/index.js"; import { concat, dataLength, getBigInt, getBytes, getNumber, getStore, hexlify, isHexString, setStore, assertArgument, assertPrivate } from "../utils/index.js"; // Constants const BN_0 = BigInt(0); const BN_1 = BigInt(1); const BN_2 = BigInt(2); const BN_27 = BigInt(27); const BN_28 = BigInt(28); const BN_35 = BigInt(35); const _guard = {}; export class Signature { #props; get r() { return getStore(this.#props, "r"); } set r(value) { assertArgument(dataLength(value) === 32, "invalid r", "value", value); setStore(this.#props, "r", hexlify(value)); } get s() { return getStore(this.#props, "s"); } set s(value) { assertArgument(dataLength(value) === 32, "invalid r", "value", value); assertArgument((getBytes(value)[0] & 0x80) === 0, "non-canonical s", "value", value); setStore(this.#props, "s", hexlify(value)); } get v() { return getStore(this.#props, "v"); } set v(value) { const v = getNumber(value, "value"); assertArgument(v === 27 || v === 28, "invalid v", "v", value); setStore(this.#props, "v", v); } get networkV() { return getStore(this.#props, "networkV"); } get legacyChainId() { const v = this.networkV; if (v == null) { return null; } return Signature.getChainId(v); } get yParity() { return (this.v === 27) ? 0 : 1; } get yParityAndS() { // The EIP-2098 compact representation const yParityAndS = getBytes(this.s); if (this.yParity) { yParityAndS[0] |= 0x80; } return hexlify(yParityAndS); } get compactSerialized() { return concat([this.r, this.yParityAndS]); } get serialized() { return concat([this.r, this.s, (this.yParity ? "0x1c" : "0x1b")]); } constructor(guard, r, s, v) { assertPrivate(guard, _guard, "Signature"); this.#props = { r, s, v, networkV: null }; } [Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() { return `Signature { r: "${this.r}", s: "${this.s}", yParity: ${this.yParity}, networkV: ${this.networkV} }`; } clone() { const clone = new Signature(_guard, this.r, this.s, this.v); if (this.networkV) { setStore(clone.#props, "networkV", this.networkV); } return clone; } freeze() { Object.freeze(this.#props); return this; } isFrozen() { return Object.isFrozen(this.#props); } toJSON() { const networkV = this.networkV; return { _type: "signature", networkV: ((networkV != null) ? networkV.toString() : null), r: this.r, s: this.s, v: this.v, }; } // Get the chain ID from an EIP-155 v static getChainId(v) { const bv = getBigInt(v, "v"); // The v is not an EIP-155 v, so it is the unspecified chain ID if ((bv == BN_27) || (bv == BN_28)) { return BN_0; } // Bad value for an EIP-155 v assertArgument(bv >= BN_35, "invalid EIP-155 v", "v", v); return (bv - BN_35) / BN_2; } // Get the EIP-155 v transformed for a given chainId static getChainIdV(chainId, v) { return (getBigInt(chainId) * BN_2) + BigInt(35 + v - 27); } // Convert an EIP-155 v into a normalized v static getNormalizedV(v) { const bv = getBigInt(v); if (bv == BN_0) { return 27; } if (bv == BN_1) { return 28; } // Otherwise, EIP-155 v means odd is 27 and even is 28 return (bv & BN_1) ? 27 : 28; } static from(sig) { function assertError(check, message) { assertArgument(check, message, "signature", sig); } ; if (sig == null) { return new Signature(_guard, ZeroHash, ZeroHash, 27); } if (typeof (sig) === "string") { const bytes = getBytes(sig, "signature"); if (bytes.length === 64) { const r = hexlify(bytes.slice(0, 32)); const s = bytes.slice(32, 64); const v = (s[0] & 0x80) ? 28 : 27; s[0] &= 0x7f; return new Signature(_guard, r, hexlify(s), v); } if (bytes.length === 65) { const r = hexlify(bytes.slice(0, 32)); const s = bytes.slice(32, 64); assertError((s[0] & 0x80) === 0, "non-canonical s"); const v = Signature.getNormalizedV(bytes[64]); return new Signature(_guard, r, hexlify(s), v); } assertError(false, "invlaid raw signature length"); } if (sig instanceof Signature) { return sig.clone(); } // Get r const r = sig.r; assertError(r != null, "missing r"); assertError(isHexString(r, 32), "invalid r"); // Get s; by any means necessary (we check consistency below) const s = (function (s, yParityAndS) { if (s != null) { assertError(isHexString(s, 32), "invalid s"); return s; } if (yParityAndS != null) { assertError(isHexString(yParityAndS, 32), "invalid yParityAndS"); const bytes = getBytes(yParityAndS); bytes[0] &= 0x7f; return hexlify(bytes); } assertError(false, "missing s"); })(sig.s, sig.yParityAndS); assertError((getBytes(s)[0] & 0x80) == 0, "non-canonical s"); // Get v; by any means necessary (we check consistency below) const { networkV, v } = (function (_v, yParityAndS, yParity) { if (_v != null) { const v = getBigInt(_v); return { networkV: ((v >= BN_35) ? v : undefined), v: Signature.getNormalizedV(v) }; } if (yParityAndS != null) { assertError(isHexString(yParityAndS, 32), "invalid yParityAndS"); return { v: ((getBytes(yParityAndS)[0] & 0x80) ? 28 : 27) }; } if (yParity != null) { switch (yParity) { case 0: return { v: 27 }; case 1: return { v: 28 }; } assertError(false, "invalid yParity"); } assertError(false, "missing v"); })(sig.v, sig.yParityAndS, sig.yParity); const result = new Signature(_guard, r, s, v); if (networkV) { setStore(result.#props, "networkV", networkV); } // If multiple of v, yParity, yParityAndS we given, check they match assertError(!("yParity" in sig && sig.yParity !== result.yParity), "yParity mismatch"); assertError(!("yParityAndS" in sig && sig.yParityAndS !== result.yParityAndS), "yParityAndS mismatch"); return result; } } //#