"use strict"; var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; import { Signer } from "@ethersproject/abstract-signer"; import { BigNumber } from "@ethersproject/bignumber"; import { hexlify, hexValue, isHexString } from "@ethersproject/bytes"; import { _TypedDataEncoder } from "@ethersproject/hash"; import { checkProperties, deepCopy, defineReadOnly, getStatic, resolveProperties, shallowCopy } from "@ethersproject/properties"; import { toUtf8Bytes } from "@ethersproject/strings"; import { accessListify } from "@ethersproject/transactions"; import { fetchJson, poll } from "@ethersproject/web"; import { Logger } from "@ethersproject/logger"; import { version } from "./_version"; const logger = new Logger(version); import { BaseProvider } from "./base-provider"; const errorGas = ["call", "estimateGas"]; function checkError(method, error, params) { // Undo the "convenience" some nodes are attempting to prevent backwards // incompatibility; maybe for v6 consider forwarding reverts as errors if (method === "call" && error.code === Logger.errors.SERVER_ERROR) { const e = error.error; if (e && e.message.match("reverted") && isHexString(e.data)) { return e.data; } logger.throwError("missing revert data in call exception", Logger.errors.CALL_EXCEPTION, { error, data: "0x" }); } let message = error.message; if (error.code === Logger.errors.SERVER_ERROR && error.error && typeof (error.error.message) === "string") { message = error.error.message; } else if (typeof (error.body) === "string") { message = error.body; } else if (typeof (error.responseText) === "string") { message = error.responseText; } message = (message || "").toLowerCase(); const transaction = params.transaction || params.signedTransaction; // "insufficient funds for gas * price + value + cost(data)" if (message.match(/insufficient funds|base fee exceeds gas limit/)) { logger.throwError("insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost", Logger.errors.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, { error, method, transaction }); } // "nonce too low" if (message.match(/nonce too low/)) { logger.throwError("nonce has already been used", Logger.errors.NONCE_EXPIRED, { error, method, transaction }); } // "replacement transaction underpriced" if (message.match(/replacement transaction underpriced/)) { logger.throwError("replacement fee too low", Logger.errors.REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED, { error, method, transaction }); } // "replacement transaction underpriced" if (message.match(/only replay-protected/)) { logger.throwError("legacy pre-eip-155 transactions not supported", Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { error, method, transaction }); } if (errorGas.indexOf(method) >= 0 && message.match(/gas required exceeds allowance|always failing transaction|execution reverted/)) { logger.throwError("cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit", Logger.errors.UNPREDICTABLE_GAS_LIMIT, { error, method, transaction }); } throw error; } function timer(timeout) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }); } function getResult(payload) { if (payload.error) { // @TODO: not any const error = new Error(payload.error.message); error.code = payload.error.code; error.data = payload.error.data; throw error; } return payload.result; } function getLowerCase(value) { if (value) { return value.toLowerCase(); } return value; } const _constructorGuard = {}; export class JsonRpcSigner extends Signer { constructor(constructorGuard, provider, addressOrIndex) { logger.checkNew(new.target, JsonRpcSigner); super(); if (constructorGuard !== _constructorGuard) { throw new Error("do not call the JsonRpcSigner constructor directly; use provider.getSigner"); } defineReadOnly(this, "provider", provider); if (addressOrIndex == null) { addressOrIndex = 0; } if (typeof (addressOrIndex) === "string") { defineReadOnly(this, "_address", this.provider.formatter.address(addressOrIndex)); defineReadOnly(this, "_index", null); } else if (typeof (addressOrIndex) === "number") { defineReadOnly(this, "_index", addressOrIndex); defineReadOnly(this, "_address", null); } else { logger.throwArgumentError("invalid address or index", "addressOrIndex", addressOrIndex); } } connect(provider) { return logger.throwError("cannot alter JSON-RPC Signer connection", Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: "connect" }); } connectUnchecked() { return new UncheckedJsonRpcSigner(_constructorGuard, this.provider, this._address || this._index); } getAddress() { if (this._address) { return Promise.resolve(this._address); } return this.provider.send("eth_accounts", []).then((accounts) => { if (accounts.length <= this._index) { logger.throwError("unknown account #" + this._index, Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: "getAddress" }); } return this.provider.formatter.address(accounts[this._index]); }); } sendUncheckedTransaction(transaction) { transaction = shallowCopy(transaction); const fromAddress = this.getAddress().then((address) => { if (address) { address = address.toLowerCase(); } return address; }); // The JSON-RPC for eth_sendTransaction uses 90000 gas; if the user // wishes to use this, it is easy to specify explicitly, otherwise // we look it up for them. if (transaction.gasLimit == null) { const estimate = shallowCopy(transaction); estimate.from = fromAddress; transaction.gasLimit = this.provider.estimateGas(estimate); } if (transaction.to != null) { transaction.to = Promise.resolve(transaction.to).then((to) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (to == null) { return null; } const address = yield this.provider.resolveName(to); if (address == null) { logger.throwArgumentError("provided ENS name resolves to null", "tx.to", to); } return address; })); } return resolveProperties({ tx: resolveProperties(transaction), sender: fromAddress }).then(({ tx, sender }) => { if (tx.from != null) { if (tx.from.toLowerCase() !== sender) { logger.throwArgumentError("from address mismatch", "transaction", transaction); } } else { tx.from = sender; } const hexTx = this.provider.constructor.hexlifyTransaction(tx, { from: true }); return this.provider.send("eth_sendTransaction", [hexTx]).then((hash) => { return hash; }, (error) => { return checkError("sendTransaction", error, hexTx); }); }); } signTransaction(transaction) { return logger.throwError("signing transactions is unsupported", Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: "signTransaction" }); } sendTransaction(transaction) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // This cannot be mined any earlier than any recent block const blockNumber = yield this.provider._getInternalBlockNumber(100 + 2 * this.provider.pollingInterval); // Send the transaction const hash = yield this.sendUncheckedTransaction(transaction); try { // Unfortunately, JSON-RPC only provides and opaque transaction hash // for a response, and we need the actual transaction, so we poll // for it; it should show up very quickly return yield poll(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const tx = yield this.provider.getTransaction(hash); if (tx === null) { return undefined; } return this.provider._wrapTransaction(tx, hash, blockNumber); }), { oncePoll: this.provider }); } catch (error) { error.transactionHash = hash; throw error; } }); } signMessage(message) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const data = ((typeof (message) === "string") ? toUtf8Bytes(message) : message); const address = yield this.getAddress(); return yield this.provider.send("personal_sign", [hexlify(data), address.toLowerCase()]); }); } _legacySignMessage(message) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const data = ((typeof (message) === "string") ? toUtf8Bytes(message) : message); const address = yield this.getAddress(); // https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_sign return yield this.provider.send("eth_sign", [address.toLowerCase(), hexlify(data)]); }); } _signTypedData(domain, types, value) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // Populate any ENS names (in-place) const populated = yield _TypedDataEncoder.resolveNames(domain, types, value, (name) => { return this.provider.resolveName(name); }); const address = yield this.getAddress(); return yield this.provider.send("eth_signTypedData_v4", [ address.toLowerCase(), JSON.stringify(_TypedDataEncoder.getPayload(populated.domain, types, populated.value)) ]); }); } unlock(password) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const provider = this.provider; const address = yield this.getAddress(); return provider.send("personal_unlockAccount", [address.toLowerCase(), password, null]); }); } } class UncheckedJsonRpcSigner extends JsonRpcSigner { sendTransaction(transaction) { return this.sendUncheckedTransaction(transaction).then((hash) => { return { hash: hash, nonce: null, gasLimit: null, gasPrice: null, data: null, value: null, chainId: null, confirmations: 0, from: null, wait: (confirmations) => { return this.provider.waitForTransaction(hash, confirmations); } }; }); } } const allowedTransactionKeys = { chainId: true, data: true, gasLimit: true, gasPrice: true, nonce: true, to: true, value: true, type: true, accessList: true, maxFeePerGas: true, maxPriorityFeePerGas: true }; export class JsonRpcProvider extends BaseProvider { constructor(url, network) { logger.checkNew(new.target, JsonRpcProvider); let networkOrReady = network; // The network is unknown, query the JSON-RPC for it if (networkOrReady == null) { networkOrReady = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { this.detectNetwork().then((network) => { resolve(network); }, (error) => { reject(error); }); }, 0); }); } super(networkOrReady); // Default URL if (!url) { url = getStatic(this.constructor, "defaultUrl")(); } if (typeof (url) === "string") { defineReadOnly(this, "connection", Object.freeze({ url: url })); } else { defineReadOnly(this, "connection", Object.freeze(shallowCopy(url))); } this._nextId = 42; } get _cache() { if (this._eventLoopCache == null) { this._eventLoopCache = {}; } return this._eventLoopCache; } static defaultUrl() { return "http:/\/localhost:8545"; } detectNetwork() { if (!this._cache["detectNetwork"]) { this._cache["detectNetwork"] = this._uncachedDetectNetwork(); // Clear this cache at the beginning of the next event loop setTimeout(() => { this._cache["detectNetwork"] = null; }, 0); } return this._cache["detectNetwork"]; } _uncachedDetectNetwork() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield timer(0); let chainId = null; try { chainId = yield this.send("eth_chainId", []); } catch (error) { try { chainId = yield this.send("net_version", []); } catch (error) { } } if (chainId != null) { const getNetwork = getStatic(this.constructor, "getNetwork"); try { return getNetwork(BigNumber.from(chainId).toNumber()); } catch (error) { return logger.throwError("could not detect network", Logger.errors.NETWORK_ERROR, { chainId: chainId, event: "invalidNetwork", serverError: error }); } } return logger.throwError("could not detect network", Logger.errors.NETWORK_ERROR, { event: "noNetwork" }); }); } getSigner(addressOrIndex) { return new JsonRpcSigner(_constructorGuard, this, addressOrIndex); } getUncheckedSigner(addressOrIndex) { return this.getSigner(addressOrIndex).connectUnchecked(); } listAccounts() { return this.send("eth_accounts", []).then((accounts) => { return accounts.map((a) => this.formatter.address(a)); }); } send(method, params) { const request = { method: method, params: params, id: (this._nextId++), jsonrpc: "2.0" }; this.emit("debug", { action: "request", request: deepCopy(request), provider: this }); // We can expand this in the future to any call, but for now these // are the biggest wins and do not require any serializing parameters. const cache = (["eth_chainId", "eth_blockNumber"].indexOf(method) >= 0); if (cache && this._cache[method]) { return this._cache[method]; } const result = fetchJson(this.connection, JSON.stringify(request), getResult).then((result) => { this.emit("debug", { action: "response", request: request, response: result, provider: this }); return result; }, (error) => { this.emit("debug", { action: "response", error: error, request: request, provider: this }); throw error; }); // Cache the fetch, but clear it on the next event loop if (cache) { this._cache[method] = result; setTimeout(() => { this._cache[method] = null; }, 0); } return result; } prepareRequest(method, params) { switch (method) { case "getBlockNumber": return ["eth_blockNumber", []]; case "getGasPrice": return ["eth_gasPrice", []]; case "getBalance": return ["eth_getBalance", [getLowerCase(params.address), params.blockTag]]; case "getTransactionCount": return ["eth_getTransactionCount", [getLowerCase(params.address), params.blockTag]]; case "getCode": return ["eth_getCode", [getLowerCase(params.address), params.blockTag]]; case "getStorageAt": return ["eth_getStorageAt", [getLowerCase(params.address), params.position, params.blockTag]]; case "sendTransaction": return ["eth_sendRawTransaction", [params.signedTransaction]]; case "getBlock": if (params.blockTag) { return ["eth_getBlockByNumber", [params.blockTag, !!params.includeTransactions]]; } else if (params.blockHash) { return ["eth_getBlockByHash", [params.blockHash, !!params.includeTransactions]]; } return null; case "getTransaction": return ["eth_getTransactionByHash", [params.transactionHash]]; case "getTransactionReceipt": return ["eth_getTransactionReceipt", [params.transactionHash]]; case "call": { const hexlifyTransaction = getStatic(this.constructor, "hexlifyTransaction"); return ["eth_call", [hexlifyTransaction(params.transaction, { from: true }), params.blockTag]]; } case "estimateGas": { const hexlifyTransaction = getStatic(this.constructor, "hexlifyTransaction"); return ["eth_estimateGas", [hexlifyTransaction(params.transaction, { from: true })]]; } case "getLogs": if (params.filter && params.filter.address != null) { params.filter.address = getLowerCase(params.filter.address); } return ["eth_getLogs", [params.filter]]; default: break; } return null; } perform(method, params) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // Legacy networks do not like the type field being passed along (which // is fair), so we delete type if it is 0 and a non-EIP-1559 network if (method === "call" || method === "estimateGas") { const tx = params.transaction; if (tx && tx.type != null && BigNumber.from(tx.type).isZero()) { // If there are no EIP-1559 properties, it might be non-EIP-a559 if (tx.maxFeePerGas == null && tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas == null) { const feeData = yield this.getFeeData(); if (feeData.maxFeePerGas == null && feeData.maxPriorityFeePerGas == null) { // Network doesn't know about EIP-1559 (and hence type) params = shallowCopy(params); params.transaction = shallowCopy(tx); delete params.transaction.type; } } } } const args = this.prepareRequest(method, params); if (args == null) { logger.throwError(method + " not implemented", Logger.errors.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, { operation: method }); } try { return yield this.send(args[0], args[1]); } catch (error) { return checkError(method, error, params); } }); } _startEvent(event) { if (event.tag === "pending") { this._startPending(); } super._startEvent(event); } _startPending() { if (this._pendingFilter != null) { return; } const self = this; const pendingFilter = this.send("eth_newPendingTransactionFilter", []); this._pendingFilter = pendingFilter; pendingFilter.then(function (filterId) { function poll() { self.send("eth_getFilterChanges", [filterId]).then(function (hashes) { if (self._pendingFilter != pendingFilter) { return null; } let seq = Promise.resolve(); hashes.forEach(function (hash) { // @TODO: This should be garbage collected at some point... How? When? self._emitted["t:" + hash.toLowerCase()] = "pending"; seq = seq.then(function () { return self.getTransaction(hash).then(function (tx) { self.emit("pending", tx); return null; }); }); }); return seq.then(function () { return timer(1000); }); }).then(function () { if (self._pendingFilter != pendingFilter) { self.send("eth_uninstallFilter", [filterId]); return; } setTimeout(function () { poll(); }, 0); return null; }).catch((error) => { }); } poll(); return filterId; }).catch((error) => { }); } _stopEvent(event) { if (event.tag === "pending" && this.listenerCount("pending") === 0) { this._pendingFilter = null; } super._stopEvent(event); } // Convert an ethers.js transaction into a JSON-RPC transaction // - gasLimit => gas // - All values hexlified // - All numeric values zero-striped // - All addresses are lowercased // NOTE: This allows a TransactionRequest, but all values should be resolved // before this is called // @TODO: This will likely be removed in future versions and prepareRequest // will be the preferred method for this. static hexlifyTransaction(transaction, allowExtra) { // Check only allowed properties are given const allowed = shallowCopy(allowedTransactionKeys); if (allowExtra) { for (const key in allowExtra) { if (allowExtra[key]) { allowed[key] = true; } } } checkProperties(transaction, allowed); const result = {}; // JSON-RPC now requires numeric values to be "quantity" values ["chainId", "gasLimit", "gasPrice", "type", "maxFeePerGas", "maxPriorityFeePerGas", "nonce", "value"].forEach(function (key) { if (transaction[key] == null) { return; } const value = hexValue(transaction[key]); if (key === "gasLimit") { key = "gas"; } result[key] = value; }); ["from", "to", "data"].forEach(function (key) { if (transaction[key] == null) { return; } result[key] = hexlify(transaction[key]); }); if (transaction.accessList) { result["accessList"] = accessListify(transaction.accessList); } return result; } } //# sourceMappingURL=json-rpc-provider.js.map