import { getChanges } from "./utils/changelog.js"; import { getDateTime } from "./utils/date.js"; import { resolve } from "./utils/path.js"; import { run } from "./utils/run.js"; import { getVersions } from "./utils/npm.js"; const version = process.argv[2] || null; (async function() { // Get the change from the CHANGELOG const changes = getChanges(); const change = version ? changes.filter((c) => (c.version === version))[0]: changes.shift(); if (change == null) { throw new Error(`version not found: ${ version }`); } console.log(change); // Find the gitHead and release date const versions = await getVersions("ethers"); const ver = versions.filter((c) => (c.version === change.version))[0]; if (ver == null) { throw new Error(`no npm version found: ${ change.version }`); } console.log(ver); const title = `${ change.title.split("(")[0].trim() } (${ getDateTime(new Date( ) })`; const args = [ "release", "create", `v${ change.version }`, // "--draft", // DEBUGGING "--title", title, "--target", ver.gitHead, "--notes", change.body.join("\n"), ]; console.log(args); const result = await run("gh", args, resolve(".")); console.log("Published"); console.log(`See: ${ (result.stdout || "").trim() }`); })().catch((e) => { console.log("ERROR"); console.log(e); });