import { getAddress, getCreateAddress } from "../address/index.js"; import { accessListify } from "../transaction/index.js"; import { getBigInt, getNumber, hexlify, isHexString, zeroPadValue, throwArgumentError, throwError } from "../utils/index.js"; const BN_0 = BigInt(0); export function allowNull(format, nullValue) { return (function (value) { if (value == null) { return nullValue; } return format(value); }); } export function arrayOf(format) { return ((array) => { if (!Array.isArray(array)) { throw new Error("not an array"); } return => format(i)); }); } // Requires an object which matches a fleet of other formatters // Any FormatFunc may return `undefined` to have the value omitted // from the result object. Calls preserve `this`. export function object(format, altNames) { return ((value) => { const result = {}; for (const key in format) { let srcKey = key; if (altNames && key in altNames && !(srcKey in value)) { for (const altKey of altNames[key]) { if (altKey in value) { srcKey = altKey; break; } } } try { const nv = format[key](value[srcKey]); if (nv !== undefined) { result[key] = nv; } } catch (error) { const message = (error instanceof Error) ? error.message : "not-an-error"; throwError(`invalid value for value.${key} (${message})`, "BAD_DATA", { value }); } } return result; }); } export function formatBoolean(value) { switch (value) { case true: case "true": return true; case false: case "false": return false; } return throwArgumentError(`invalid boolean; ${JSON.stringify(value)}`, "value", value); } export function formatData(value) { if (!isHexString(value, true)) { throwArgumentError("", "value", value); } return value; } export function formatHash(value) { if (!isHexString(value, 32)) { throwArgumentError("", "value", value); } return value; } export function formatUint256(value) { if (!isHexString(value)) { throw new Error("invalid uint256"); } return zeroPadValue(value, 32); } export const formatLog = object({ address: getAddress, blockHash: formatHash, blockNumber: getNumber, data: formatData, index: getNumber, removed: formatBoolean, topics: arrayOf(formatHash), transactionHash: formatHash, transactionIndex: getNumber, }, { index: ["logIndex"] }); function _formatBlock(txFunc) { return object({ hash: allowNull(formatHash), parentHash: formatHash, number: getNumber, timestamp: getNumber, nonce: allowNull(formatData), difficulty: getBigInt, gasLimit: getBigInt, gasUsed: getBigInt, miner: allowNull(getAddress), extraData: formatData, transactions: arrayOf(txFunc), baseFeePerGas: allowNull(getBigInt) }); } export const formatBlock = _formatBlock(formatHash); export const formatBlockWithTransactions = _formatBlock(formatTransactionResponse); export const formatReceiptLog = object({ transactionIndex: getNumber, blockNumber: getNumber, transactionHash: formatHash, address: getAddress, topics: arrayOf(formatHash), data: formatData, logIndex: getNumber, blockHash: formatHash, }); export const formatTransactionReceipt = object({ to: allowNull(getAddress, null), from: allowNull(getAddress, null), contractAddress: allowNull(getAddress, null), transactionIndex: getNumber, // should be allowNull(hash), but broken-EIP-658 support is handled in receipt root: allowNull(hexlify), gasUsed: getBigInt, logsBloom: allowNull(formatData), blockHash: formatHash, transactionHash: formatHash, logs: arrayOf(formatReceiptLog), blockNumber: getNumber, confirmations: allowNull(getNumber, null), cumulativeGasUsed: getBigInt, effectiveGasPrice: allowNull(getBigInt), status: allowNull(getNumber), type: getNumber }, { effectiveGasPrice: ["gasPrice"] }); export function formatTransactionResponse(value) { // Some clients (TestRPC) do strange things like return 0x0 for the // 0 address; correct this to be a real address if ( && getBigInt( === BN_0) { = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; } const result = object({ hash: formatHash, type: (value) => { if (value === "0x" || value == null) { return 0; } return getNumber(value); }, accessList: allowNull(accessListify, null), blockHash: allowNull(formatHash, null), blockNumber: allowNull(getNumber, null), transactionIndex: allowNull(getNumber, null), confirmations: allowNull(getNumber, null), from: getAddress, // either (gasPrice) or (maxPriorityFeePerGas + maxFeePerGas) must be set gasPrice: allowNull(getBigInt), maxPriorityFeePerGas: allowNull(getBigInt), maxFeePerGas: allowNull(getBigInt), gasLimit: getBigInt, to: allowNull(getAddress, null), value: getBigInt, nonce: getNumber, data: formatData, r: allowNull(formatUint256), s: allowNull(formatUint256), v: allowNull(getNumber), creates: allowNull(getAddress, null), chainId: allowNull(getBigInt, null) }, { data: ["input"], gasLimit: ["gas"] })(value); // If to and creates are empty, populate the creates from the value if ( == null && result.creates == null) { result.creates = getCreateAddress(result); } // @TODO: Check fee data // Add an access list to supported transaction types if ((value.type === 1 || value.type === 2) && value.accessList == null) { value.accessList = []; } // @TODO: check chainID /* if (value.chainId != null) { let chainId = value.chainId; if (isHexString(chainId)) { chainId = BigNumber.from(chainId).toNumber(); } result.chainId = chainId; } else { let chainId = value.networkId; // geth-etc returns chainId if (chainId == null && result.v == null) { chainId = value.chainId; } if (isHexString(chainId)) { chainId = BigNumber.from(chainId).toNumber(); } if (typeof(chainId) !== "number" && result.v != null) { chainId = (result.v - 35) / 2; if (chainId < 0) { chainId = 0; } chainId = parseInt(chainId); } if (typeof(chainId) !== "number") { chainId = 0; } result.chainId = chainId; } */ // 0x0000... should actually be null if (result.blockHash && getBigInt(result.blockHash) === BN_0) { result.blockHash = null; } return result; } //#