"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.dnsEncode = exports.namehash = exports.isValidName = exports.ensNormalize = void 0; const index_js_1 = require("../crypto/index.js"); const index_js_2 = require("../utils/index.js"); const ens_normalize_1 = require("@adraffy/ens-normalize"); const Zeros = new Uint8Array(32); Zeros.fill(0); function checkComponent(comp) { (0, index_js_2.assertArgument)(comp.length !== 0, "invalid ENS name; empty component", "comp", comp); return comp; } function ensNameSplit(name) { const bytes = (0, index_js_2.toUtf8Bytes)(ensNormalize(name)); const comps = []; if (name.length === 0) { return comps; } let last = 0; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { const d = bytes[i]; // A separator (i.e. "."); copy this component if (d === 0x2e) { comps.push(checkComponent(bytes.slice(last, i))); last = i + 1; } } // There was a stray separator at the end of the name (0, index_js_2.assertArgument)(last < bytes.length, "invalid ENS name; empty component", "name", name); comps.push(checkComponent(bytes.slice(last))); return comps; } /** * Returns the ENS %%name%% normalized. */ function ensNormalize(name) { try { return (0, ens_normalize_1.ens_normalize)(name); } catch (error) { (0, index_js_2.assertArgument)(false, `invalid ENS name (${error.message})`, "name", name); } } exports.ensNormalize = ensNormalize; /** * Returns ``true`` if %%name%% is a valid ENS name. */ function isValidName(name) { try { return (ensNameSplit(name).length !== 0); } catch (error) { } return false; } exports.isValidName = isValidName; /** * Returns the [[link-namehash]] for %%name%%. */ function namehash(name) { (0, index_js_2.assertArgument)(typeof (name) === "string", "invalid ENS name; not a string", "name", name); let result = Zeros; const comps = ensNameSplit(name); while (comps.length) { result = (0, index_js_1.keccak256)((0, index_js_2.concat)([result, (0, index_js_1.keccak256)((comps.pop()))])); } return (0, index_js_2.hexlify)(result); } exports.namehash = namehash; /** * Returns the DNS encoded %%name%%. * * This is used for various parts of ENS name resolution, such * as the wildcard resolution. */ function dnsEncode(name) { return (0, index_js_2.hexlify)((0, index_js_2.concat)(ensNameSplit(name).map((comp) => { // DNS does not allow components over 63 bytes in length if (comp.length > 63) { throw new Error("invalid DNS encoded entry; length exceeds 63 bytes"); } const bytes = new Uint8Array(comp.length + 1); bytes.set(comp, 1); bytes[0] = bytes.length - 1; return bytes; }))) + "00"; } exports.dnsEncode = dnsEncode; //# sourceMappingURL=namehash.js.map