Cookbook ******** Some quick snippets of code and ideas to work from. ----- Dump Balances of All Geth Wallets (in the current director) =========================================================== Geth ~/.ethereum/keystore Parity ~/.parity/keys/*some directory*/keys *SourceCode:* :: var fs = require('fs'); var ethers = require('ethers'); var provider = ethers.providers.defaultProvider(); var filenames = fs.readDirSync('.'); filenames.forEach(function(filename) { fs.readFile(filename, function(error, data) { if (error) { console.log('Error reading file: ' + error.message); return; } var address = Wallet.getWalletAddress(data.toString()); provider.getBalance(address).then(function(balance) { console.log(address + ':' + ethers.formatEther(balance)); }); }); }); ----- Empty One Account into Another ============================== Include example links to etherscan showing the transactions *Source Code:* :: var ethers = require('ethers'); var provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(); var newAddress = ''; var privateKey = ''; var wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider); Promise.all([ wallet.getBalance(), provider.getGasPrice(), ]).then(function(results) { var balance = results[0]; var gasPrice = results[1]; // The exact cost (in gas) to send to an Externally Owned Account (EOA) var gasLimit = 21000; // The balance less exactly the txfee in wei var value = balance.sub(gasPrice.mul(gasLimit)) wallet.send(newAddress, value, {gasLimit: gasLimit}).then(function(transaction) { console.log(transaction); }); }); ----- Transactions Confirm UI (with a Custom Signer) ============================================== *Source Code:* :: var ethers = require('ethers'); function CustomSigner(privateKey) { this.provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider(); var wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey); this.address = wallet.address; this.sign = function(transaction) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var allow = confirm('Sign Transaction? To: ' + + ", Amount: " + ethers.formatEther(transaction.value)); var etherString = ethers.formatEther(transaction.value); var modal = document.createElement('pre'); document.body.appendChild(modal); modal.className = "modal"; modal.textContent += 'Sign Transaction?\n'; modal.textContent += 'To: ' + transaction.address + '\n'; modal.textContent += 'Amount: ' + etherString + '\n'; var confirmButton = document.createElement('div'); modal.appendChild(confirmButton); confirmButton.textContent = ""confirm"; confirmButton.onclick = function() { resolve(wallet.sign(transaction)); } var rejectButton = document.createElement('div'); modal.appendChild(rejectButton); rejectButton.textContent = ""confirm"; rejectButton.onclick = function() { modal.remove(); reject(new Error('cancelled transaction')); } } } ----- Coalesce Jaxx Wallets ===================== Explain how Jaxx uses HD Wallets *Source Code:* :: var ethers = require('ethers'); var provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(); var hdnode = ethers.HDNode.fromMnemonic(); hdnode = hdnode.derivePath("m/44'/60'/0'/0"); ----- Access Funds in a Mnemonic Phrase Wallet ======================================== *Source Code:* :: var ethers = require('ethers'); var walletPath = { "standard": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", "electrum": "m/0'" // Non-standard }; var mnemonic = ""; var hdnode = ethers.HDNode.fromMnemonic(mnemonic); var node = hdnode.derivePath(walletPath.standard); var wallet = new Wallet(node.privateKey); console.log(wallet.address); ----- Custom Provider =============== This is a much more advanced topic, and most people should not need to work this low level. But it is provided for those rare instances where you need some custom connection logic. A provider must only implement the method **perform(method, params)**. All data passed into a provider is sanitized by the Provider subclass, and all results are normalized before returning them to the user. For this example, we will build a DebugProvider, which will simple proxy all commands through to INFURA, but dump all data going back and forth. *Source Code:* :: var inherits = require('inherits'); var ethers = require('ethers'); function DebugProvider(testnet) {, testnet); this.subprovider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider(testnet); } inherits(DebugProvider, ethers.providers.Provider); // This should return a Promise (and may throw erros) // method is the method name (e.g. getBalance) and params is an // object with normalized values passed in, depending on the method DebugProvier.prototype.perform = function(method, params) { this.subprovider.perform(method, params).then(function(result) { console.log('DEBUG', method, params, '=>', result); }); } ----- \