//import { resolveAddress } from "@ethersproject/address"; import { defineProperties, getBigInt, getNumber, hexlify, resolveProperties, assertArgument, isError, makeError, throwError } from "../utils/index.js"; import { accessListify } from "../transaction/index.js"; const BN_0 = BigInt(0); // ----------------------- function getValue(value) { if (value == null) { return null; } return value; } function toJson(value) { if (value == null) { return null; } return value.toString(); } // @TODO? implements Required export class FeeData { gasPrice; maxFeePerGas; maxPriorityFeePerGas; constructor(gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas) { defineProperties(this, { gasPrice: getValue(gasPrice), maxFeePerGas: getValue(maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: getValue(maxPriorityFeePerGas) }); } toJSON() { const { gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas } = this; return { _type: "FeeData", gasPrice: toJson(gasPrice), maxFeePerGas: toJson(maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: toJson(maxPriorityFeePerGas), }; } } ; export function copyRequest(req) { const result = {}; // These could be addresses, ENS names or Addressables if (req.to) { result.to = req.to; } if (req.from) { result.from = req.from; } if (req.data) { result.data = hexlify(req.data); } const bigIntKeys = "chainId,gasLimit,gasPrice,maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas,value".split(/,/); for (const key in bigIntKeys) { if (!(key in req) || req[key] == null) { continue; } result[key] = getBigInt(req[key], `request.${key}`); } const numberKeys = "type,nonce".split(/,/); for (const key in numberKeys) { if (!(key in req) || req[key] == null) { continue; } result[key] = getNumber(req[key], `request.${key}`); } if (req.accessList) { result.accessList = accessListify(req.accessList); } if ("blockTag" in req) { result.blockTag = req.blockTag; } if ("enableCcipRead" in req) { result.enableCcipReadEnabled = !!req.enableCcipRead; } if ("customData" in req) { result.customData = req.customData; } return result; } ; export class Block { provider; number; hash; timestamp; parentHash; nonce; difficulty; gasLimit; gasUsed; miner; extraData; baseFeePerGas; #transactions; constructor(block, provider) { this.#transactions = Object.freeze(block.transactions.map((tx) => { if (typeof (tx) !== "string" && tx.provider !== provider) { throw new Error("provider mismatch"); } return tx; })); ; defineProperties(this, { provider, hash: getValue(block.hash), number: block.number, timestamp: block.timestamp, parentHash: block.parentHash, nonce: block.nonce, difficulty: block.difficulty, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, gasUsed: block.gasUsed, miner: block.miner, extraData: block.extraData, baseFeePerGas: getValue(block.baseFeePerGas) }); } get transactions() { return this.#transactions; } //connect(provider: Provider): Block { // return new Block(this, provider); //} toJSON() { const { baseFeePerGas, difficulty, extraData, gasLimit, gasUsed, hash, miner, nonce, number, parentHash, timestamp, transactions } = this; return { _type: "Block", baseFeePerGas: toJson(baseFeePerGas), difficulty: toJson(difficulty), extraData, gasLimit: toJson(gasLimit), gasUsed: toJson(gasUsed), hash, miner, nonce, number, parentHash, timestamp, transactions, }; } [Symbol.iterator]() { let index = 0; return { next: () => { if (index < this.length) { return { value: this.transactions[index++], done: false }; } return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; } get length() { return this.transactions.length; } get date() { if (this.timestamp == null) { return null; } return new Date(this.timestamp * 1000); } async getTransaction(index) { const tx = this.transactions[index]; if (tx == null) { throw new Error("no such tx"); } if (typeof (tx) === "string") { return (await this.provider.getTransaction(tx)); } else { return tx; } } isMined() { return !!this.hash; } isLondon() { return !!this.baseFeePerGas; } orphanedEvent() { if (!this.isMined()) { throw new Error(""); } return createOrphanedBlockFilter(this); } } export class Log { provider; transactionHash; blockHash; blockNumber; removed; address; data; topics; index; transactionIndex; constructor(log, provider) { this.provider = provider; const topics = Object.freeze(log.topics.slice()); defineProperties(this, { transactionHash: log.transactionHash, blockHash: log.blockHash, blockNumber: log.blockNumber, removed: log.removed, address: log.address, data: log.data, topics, index: log.index, transactionIndex: log.transactionIndex, }); } //connect(provider: Provider): Log { // return new Log(this, provider); //} toJSON() { const { address, blockHash, blockNumber, data, index, removed, topics, transactionHash, transactionIndex } = this; return { _type: "log", address, blockHash, blockNumber, data, index, removed, topics, transactionHash, transactionIndex }; } async getBlock() { return (await this.provider.getBlock(this.blockHash)); } async getTransaction() { return (await this.provider.getTransaction(this.transactionHash)); } async getTransactionReceipt() { return (await this.provider.getTransactionReceipt(this.transactionHash)); } removedEvent() { return createRemovedLogFilter(this); } } /* export interface LegacyTransactionReceipt { byzantium: false; status: null; root: string; } export interface ByzantiumTransactionReceipt { byzantium: true; status: number; root: null; } */ export class TransactionReceipt { provider; to; from; contractAddress; hash; index; blockHash; blockNumber; logsBloom; gasUsed; cumulativeGasUsed; gasPrice; byzantium; status; root; #logs; constructor(tx, provider) { this.#logs = Object.freeze(tx.logs.map((log) => { if (provider !== log.provider) { //return log.connect(provider); throw new Error("provider mismatch"); } return log; })); defineProperties(this, { provider, to: tx.to, from: tx.from, contractAddress: tx.contractAddress, hash: tx.hash, index: tx.index, blockHash: tx.blockHash, blockNumber: tx.blockNumber, logsBloom: tx.logsBloom, gasUsed: tx.gasUsed, cumulativeGasUsed: tx.cumulativeGasUsed, gasPrice: (tx.effectiveGasPrice || tx.gasPrice), byzantium: tx.byzantium, status: tx.status, root: tx.root }); } get logs() { return this.#logs; } //connect(provider: Provider): TransactionReceipt { // return new TransactionReceipt(this, provider); //} toJSON() { const { to, from, contractAddress, hash, index, blockHash, blockNumber, logsBloom, logs, byzantium, status, root } = this; return { _type: "TransactionReceipt", blockHash, blockNumber, byzantium, contractAddress, cumulativeGasUsed: toJson(this.cumulativeGasUsed), from, gasPrice: toJson(this.gasPrice), gasUsed: toJson(this.gasUsed), hash, index, logs, logsBloom, root, status, to }; } get length() { return this.logs.length; } [Symbol.iterator]() { let index = 0; return { next: () => { if (index < this.length) { return { value: this.logs[index++], done: false }; } return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; } get fee() { return this.gasUsed * this.gasPrice; } async getBlock() { const block = await this.provider.getBlock(this.blockHash); if (block == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } return block; } async getTransaction() { const tx = await this.provider.getTransaction(this.hash); if (tx == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } return tx; } async getResult() { return (await this.provider.getTransactionResult(this.hash)); } async confirmations() { return (await this.provider.getBlockNumber()) - this.blockNumber + 1; } removedEvent() { return createRemovedTransactionFilter(this); } reorderedEvent(other) { if (other && !other.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined 'other' transction cannot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "reorderedEvent(other)" }); } return createReorderedTransactionFilter(this, other); } } ; export class TransactionResponse { provider; blockNumber; blockHash; index; hash; type; to; from; nonce; gasLimit; gasPrice; maxPriorityFeePerGas; maxFeePerGas; data; value; chainId; signature; accessList; #startBlock; constructor(tx, provider) { this.provider = provider; this.blockNumber = (tx.blockNumber != null) ? tx.blockNumber : null; this.blockHash = (tx.blockHash != null) ? tx.blockHash : null; this.hash = tx.hash; this.index = tx.index; this.type = tx.type; this.from = tx.from; this.to = tx.to || null; this.gasLimit = tx.gasLimit; this.nonce = tx.nonce; this.data = tx.data; this.value = tx.value; this.gasPrice = tx.gasPrice; this.maxPriorityFeePerGas = (tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas != null) ? tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas : null; this.maxFeePerGas = (tx.maxFeePerGas != null) ? tx.maxFeePerGas : null; this.chainId = tx.chainId; this.signature = tx.signature; this.accessList = (tx.accessList != null) ? tx.accessList : null; this.#startBlock = -1; } toJSON() { const { blockNumber, blockHash, index, hash, type, to, from, nonce, data, signature, accessList } = this; return { _type: "TransactionReceipt", accessList, blockNumber, blockHash, chainId: toJson(this.chainId), data, from, gasLimit: toJson(this.gasLimit), gasPrice: toJson(this.gasPrice), hash, maxFeePerGas: toJson(this.maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: toJson(this.maxPriorityFeePerGas), nonce, signature, to, index, type, value: toJson(this.value), }; } async getBlock() { let blockNumber = this.blockNumber; if (blockNumber == null) { const tx = await this.getTransaction(); if (tx) { blockNumber = tx.blockNumber; } } if (blockNumber == null) { return null; } const block = this.provider.getBlock(blockNumber); if (block == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } return block; } async getTransaction() { return this.provider.getTransaction(this.hash); } async wait(_confirms, _timeout) { const confirms = (_confirms == null) ? 1 : _confirms; const timeout = (_timeout == null) ? 0 : _timeout; let startBlock = this.#startBlock; let nextScan = -1; let stopScanning = (startBlock === -1) ? true : false; const checkReplacement = async () => { // Get the current transaction count for this sender if (stopScanning) { return null; } const { blockNumber, nonce } = await resolveProperties({ blockNumber: this.provider.getBlockNumber(), nonce: this.provider.getTransactionCount(this.from) }); // No transaction for our nonce has been mined yet; but we can start // scanning later when we do start if (nonce < this.nonce) { startBlock = blockNumber; return; } // We were mined; no replacement if (stopScanning) { return null; } const mined = await this.getTransaction(); if (mined && mined.blockNumber != null) { return; } // We were replaced; start scanning for that transaction // Starting to scan; look back a few extra blocks for safety if (nextScan === -1) { nextScan = startBlock - 3; if (nextScan < this.#startBlock) { nextScan = this.#startBlock; } } while (nextScan <= blockNumber) { // Get the next block to scan if (stopScanning) { return null; } const block = await this.provider.getBlockWithTransactions(nextScan); // This should not happen; but we'll try again shortly if (block == null) { return; } for (const tx of block.transactions) { // We were mined; no replacement if (tx.hash === this.hash) { return; } if (tx.from === this.from && tx.nonce === this.nonce) { // Get the receipt if (stopScanning) { return null; } const receipt = await this.provider.getTransactionReceipt(tx.hash); // This should not happen; but we'll try again shortly if (receipt == null) { return; } // We will retry this on the next block (this case could be optimized) if ((blockNumber - receipt.blockNumber + 1) < confirms) { return; } // The reason we were replaced let reason = "replaced"; if (tx.data === this.data && tx.to === this.to && tx.value === this.value) { reason = "repriced"; } else if (tx.data === "0x" && tx.from === tx.to && tx.value === BN_0) { reason = "cancelled"; } throwError("transaction was replaced", "TRANSACTION_REPLACED", { cancelled: (reason === "replaced" || reason === "cancelled"), reason, replacement: tx.replaceableTransaction(startBlock), hash: tx.hash, receipt }); } } nextScan++; } return; }; const receipt = await this.provider.getTransactionReceipt(this.hash); if (receipt) { if ((await receipt.confirmations()) >= confirms) { return receipt; } } else { // Check for a replacement; throws if a replacement was found await checkReplacement(); // Allow null only when the confirms is 0 if (confirms === 0) { return null; } } const waiter = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // List of things to cancel when we have a result (one way or the other) const cancellers = []; const cancel = () => { cancellers.forEach((c) => c()); }; // On cancel, stop scanning for replacements cancellers.push(() => { stopScanning = true; }); // Set up any timeout requested if (timeout > 0) { const timer = setTimeout(() => { cancel(); reject(makeError("wait for transaction timeout", "TIMEOUT")); }, timeout); cancellers.push(() => { clearTimeout(timer); }); } const txListener = async (receipt) => { // Done; return it! if ((await receipt.confirmations()) >= confirms) { cancel(); resolve(receipt); } }; cancellers.push(() => { this.provider.off(this.hash, txListener); }); this.provider.on(this.hash, txListener); // We support replacement detection; start checking if (startBlock >= 0) { const replaceListener = async () => { try { // Check for a replacement; this throws only if one is found await checkReplacement(); } catch (error) { // We were replaced (with enough confirms); re-throw the error if (isError(error, "TRANSACTION_REPLACED")) { cancel(); reject(error); return; } } // Rescheudle a check on the next block this.provider.once("block", replaceListener); }; cancellers.push(() => { this.provider.off("block", replaceListener); }); this.provider.once("block", replaceListener); } }); return await waiter; } isMined() { return (this.blockHash != null); } isLegacy() { return (this.type === 0); } isBerlin() { return (this.type === 1); } isLondon() { return (this.type === 2); } removedEvent() { if (!this.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" }); } return createRemovedTransactionFilter(this); } reorderedEvent(other) { if (!this.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" }); } if (other && !other.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined 'other' transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" }); } return createReorderedTransactionFilter(this, other); } /** * Returns a new TransactionResponse instance which has the ability to * detect (and throw an error) if the transaction is replaced, which * will begin scanning at %%startBlock%%. * * This should generally not be used by developers and is intended * primarily for internal use. Setting an incorrect %%startBlock%% can * have devastating performance consequences if used incorrectly. */ replaceableTransaction(startBlock) { assertArgument(Number.isInteger(startBlock) && startBlock >= 0, "invalid startBlock", "startBlock", startBlock); const tx = new TransactionResponse(this, this.provider); tx.#startBlock = startBlock; return tx; } } function createOrphanedBlockFilter(block) { return { orphan: "drop-block", hash: block.hash, number: block.number }; } function createReorderedTransactionFilter(tx, other) { return { orphan: "reorder-transaction", tx, other }; } function createRemovedTransactionFilter(tx) { return { orphan: "drop-transaction", tx }; } function createRemovedLogFilter(log) { return { orphan: "drop-log", log: { transactionHash: log.transactionHash, blockHash: log.blockHash, blockNumber: log.blockNumber, address: log.address, data: log.data, topics: Object.freeze(log.topics.slice()), index: log.index } }; } //# sourceMappingURL=provider.js.map