_section: Contract @ @SRC Explain contract here... _subsection: Creating Instances @ _property: new ethers.Contract(address, abi, signerOrProvider) @src _property: contract.attach(addressOrName) => [[Contract]] @ @SRC Returns a new instance of the **Contract** attached to a new address. This is useful if there are multiple similar or identical copies of a Contract on the network and you wish to interact with each of them. _property: contract.connect(providerOrSigner) => [[Contract]] @ @SRC Returns a new instance of the Contract, but connected to //providerOrSigner//. By passing in a [[Provider]], this will return a downgraded **Contract** which only has read-only access (i.e. constant calls). By passing in a [[Signer]]. this will return a **Contract** which will act on behalf of that signer. _subsection: Properties @ _property: contract.address => string<[[address]]> This is the address (or ENS name) the contract was constructed with. _property: contract.resolvedAddress => string<[[address]]> This is a promise that will resolve to the address the **Contract** object is attached to. If an [[address]] was provided to the constructor, it will be equal to this; if an ENS name was provided, this will be the resolved address. _property: contract.deployTransaction => [[providers-TransactionResponse]] If the **Contract** object is the result of a ContractFactory deployment, this is the transaction which was used to deploy the contract. _property: contract.interface => [[Interface]] This is the ABI as an [[Interface]]. _property: contract.provider => [[Provider]] If a provider was provided to the constructor, this is that provider. If a signer was provided that had a [[Provider]], this is that provider. _property: contract.signer => [[Signer]] If a signer was provided to the constructor, this is that signer. _subsection: Methods @ _property: contract.deployed() => Promise<[[Contract]]> @ @SRC _property: Contract.isIndexed(value) => boolean @ @SRC _subsection: Events @ _property: contract.queryFilter(event [ , fromBlockOrBlockHash [ , toBlock ]) => Promise> @ @SRC Return Events that match the //event//. _property: contract.listenerCount([ event ]) => number @ @SRC Return the number of listeners that are subscribed to //event//. If no event is provided, returns the total count of all events. _property: contract.listeners(event) => Array @ @SRC Return a list of listeners that are subscribed to //event//. _property: contract.off(event, listener) => this @ @SRC Unsubscribe //listener// to //event//. _property: contract.on(event, listener) => this @ @SRC Subscribe to //event// calling //listener// when the event occurs. _property: contract.once(event, listener) => this @ @SRC Subscribe once to //event// calling //listener// when the event occurs. _property: contract.removeAllListeners([ event ]) => this @ @SRC Unsubscribe all listeners for //event//. If no event is provided, all events are unsubscribed. _subsection: Meta-Class @ A Meta-Class is a Class which has any of its properties determined at run-time. The **Contract** object uses a Contract's ABI to determine what methods are available, so the following sections describe the generic ways to interact with the properties added at run-time during the **Contract** constructor. _heading: Read-Only Methods (constant) @ A constant method is read-only and evaluates a small amount of EVM code against the current blockchain state and can be computed by asking a single node, which can return a result. It is therefore free and does not require any ether, but **cannot make changes** to the blockchain state.. _property: contract.METHOD_NAME(...args [, overrides ]) => Promise @ The type of the result depends on the ABI. For values that have a simple meaning in JavaScript, the types are fairly straight forward; strings and booleans are returned as JavaScript strings and booleans. For numbers, if the **type** is in the JavaScript safe range (i.e. less than 53 bits, such as an ``int24`` or ``uint48``) a normal JavaScript number is used. Otherwise a [[BigNumber]] is returned. For bytes (both fixed length and dynamic), a [[DataHexString]] is returned. _property: contract.functions.METHOD_NAME(...args [, overrides ]) => Promise<[[Result]]> The result will always be a [[Result]], even if there is only a single return value type. This simplifies frameworks which wish to use the [[Contract]] object, since they do not need to inspect the return types to unwrap simplified functions. Another use for this method is for error recovery. For example, if a function result is an invalid UTF-8 string, the normal call using the above meta-class function will throw an exception. This allows using the Result access error to access the low-level bytes and reason for the error allowing an alternate UTF-8 error strategy to be used. Most developers should not require this. _heading: Write Methods (non-constant) @ A non-constant method requires a transaction to be signed and requires payment in the form of a fee to be paid to a miner. This transaction will be verified by every node on the entire network as well by the miner who will compute the new state of the blockchain after executing it against the current state. It cannot return a result. If a result is required, it should be logged using a Solidity event (or EVM log), which can then be queried from the transaction receipt. _property: contract.METHOD_NAME(...args [ , overrides ]) => Promise<[[providers-TransactionResponse]]> @ Returns a [[providers-TransactionResponse]] for the transaction after it is sent to the network. This requires the **Contract** has a signer. _heading: Write Methods Analysis @ There are several options to analyze properties and results of a write method without actually executing it. _property: contract.estimateGas.METHOD_NAME(...args [ , overrides ]) => Promise<[[BigNumber]]> @ Returns the estimate units of gas that would be required to execute the //METHOD_NAME// with //args// and //overrides//. _property: contract.populateTransaction.METHOD_NAME(...args [ , overrides ]) => Promise<[UnsignedTx](UnsignedTransaction)> @ Returns an [[UnsignedTransaction]] which represents the transaction that would need to be signed and submitted to the network to execute //METHOD_NAME// with //args// and //overrides//. _property: contract.callStatic.METHOD_NAME(...args [ , overrides ]) => Promise @ Rather than executing the state-change of a transaction, it is possible to ask a node to //pretend// that a call is not state-changing and return the result. This does not actually change any state, but is free. This in some cases can be used to determine if a transaction will fail or succeed. This otherwise functions the same as a [Read-Only Method](Contract--readonly). _heading: Event Filters @ An event filter is made up of topics, which are values logged in a [[link-wiki-bloomfilter]], allowing efficient searching for entries which match a filter. _property: contract.filters.EVENT_NAME(...args) => Filter Return a filter for //EVENT_NAME//, optionally filtering by additional constraints. Only ``indexed`` event parameters may be filtered. If a parameter is null (or not provided) then any value in that field matches.