import { keccak256 } from "../crypto/index.js"; import { concat, dataSlice, getBigInt, getBytes, encodeRlp, assertArgument } from "../utils/index.js"; import { getAddress } from "./address.js"; import type { BigNumberish, BytesLike } from "../utils/index.js"; // export function getCreateAddress(tx: { from: string, nonce: BigNumberish }): string { const from = getAddress(tx.from); const nonce = getBigInt(tx.nonce, "tx.nonce"); let nonceHex = nonce.toString(16); if (nonceHex === "0") { nonceHex = "0x"; } else if (nonceHex.length % 2) { nonceHex = "0x0" + nonceHex; } else { nonceHex = "0x" + nonceHex; } return getAddress(dataSlice(keccak256(encodeRlp([ from, nonceHex ])), 12)); } export function getCreate2Address(_from: string, _salt: BytesLike, _initCodeHash: BytesLike): string { const from = getAddress(_from); const salt = getBytes(_salt, "salt"); const initCodeHash = getBytes(_initCodeHash, "initCodeHash"); assertArgument(salt.length === 32, "salt must be 32 bytes", "salt", _salt); assertArgument(initCodeHash.length === 32, "initCodeHash must be 32 bytes", "initCodeHash", _initCodeHash); return getAddress(dataSlice(keccak256(concat([ "0xff", from, salt, initCodeHash ])), 12)) }