"use strict"; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; var __generator = (this && this.__generator) || function (thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (_) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op = body.call(thisArg, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var properties_1 = require("@ethersproject/properties"); var logger_1 = require("@ethersproject/logger"); var _version_1 = require("./_version"); var logger = new logger_1.Logger(_version_1.version); var json_rpc_provider_1 = require("./json-rpc-provider"); // A StaticJsonRpcProvider is useful when you *know* for certain that // the backend will never change, as it never calls eth_chainId to // verify its backend. However, if the backend does change, the effects // are undefined and may include: // - inconsistent results // - locking up the UI // - block skew warnings // - wrong results // If the network is not explicit (i.e. auto-detection is expected), the // node MUST be running and available to respond to requests BEFORE this // is instantiated. var StaticJsonRpcProvider = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(StaticJsonRpcProvider, _super); function StaticJsonRpcProvider() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } StaticJsonRpcProvider.prototype.detectNetwork = function () { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var network; return __generator(this, function (_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: network = this.network; if (!(network == null)) return [3 /*break*/, 2]; return [4 /*yield*/, _super.prototype.detectNetwork.call(this)]; case 1: network = _a.sent(); if (!network) { logger.throwError("no network detected", logger_1.Logger.errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR, {}); } // If still not set, set it if (this._network == null) { // A static network does not support "any" properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "_network", network); this.emit("network", network, null); } _a.label = 2; case 2: return [2 /*return*/, network]; } }); }); }; return StaticJsonRpcProvider; }(json_rpc_provider_1.JsonRpcProvider)); exports.StaticJsonRpcProvider = StaticJsonRpcProvider; var UrlJsonRpcProvider = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(UrlJsonRpcProvider, _super); function UrlJsonRpcProvider(network, apiKey) { var _newTarget = this.constructor; var _this = this; logger.checkAbstract(_newTarget, UrlJsonRpcProvider); // Normalize the Network and API Key network = properties_1.getStatic((_newTarget), "getNetwork")(network); apiKey = properties_1.getStatic((_newTarget), "getApiKey")(apiKey); var connection = properties_1.getStatic((_newTarget), "getUrl")(network, apiKey); _this = _super.call(this, connection, network) || this; if (typeof (apiKey) === "string") { properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "apiKey", apiKey); } else if (apiKey != null) { Object.keys(apiKey).forEach(function (key) { properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, key, apiKey[key]); }); } return _this; } UrlJsonRpcProvider.prototype._startPending = function () { logger.warn("WARNING: API provider does not support pending filters"); }; UrlJsonRpcProvider.prototype.isCommunityResource = function () { return false; }; UrlJsonRpcProvider.prototype.getSigner = function (address) { return logger.throwError("API provider does not support signing", logger_1.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: "getSigner" }); }; UrlJsonRpcProvider.prototype.listAccounts = function () { return Promise.resolve([]); }; // Return a defaultApiKey if null, otherwise validate the API key UrlJsonRpcProvider.getApiKey = function (apiKey) { return apiKey; }; // Returns the url or connection for the given network and API key. The // API key will have been sanitized by the getApiKey first, so any validation // or transformations can be done there. UrlJsonRpcProvider.getUrl = function (network, apiKey) { return logger.throwError("not implemented; sub-classes must override getUrl", logger_1.Logger.errors.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, { operation: "getUrl" }); }; return UrlJsonRpcProvider; }(StaticJsonRpcProvider)); exports.UrlJsonRpcProvider = UrlJsonRpcProvider; //# sourceMappingURL=url-json-rpc-provider.js.map