247 lines
8.6 KiB
247 lines
8.6 KiB
import { getStore, setStore } from "@ethersproject/properties";
import { toUtf8Bytes } from "@ethersproject/strings";
import { logger } from "./logger.js";
import type { Freezable, Frozen } from "@ethersproject/properties";
function check<T>(value: T, type: string, name: string): T {
if (typeof(value) !== type) {
throw new Error(`invalid ${ name }`);
return value;
export interface FetchRequestWithBody extends FetchRequest {
body: Uint8Array;
export class FetchRequest implements Freezable<FetchRequest>, Iterable<[ key: string, value: string ]> {
#props: {
allowInsecure: boolean,
gzip: boolean;
headers: Record<string, string>,
method: string,
timeout: number,
url: string,
body?: Uint8Array,
bodyType?: string,
creds?: string,
// URL
get url(): string { return getStore(this.#props, "url"); }
set url(url: string) {
setStore(this.#props, "url", check(url, "string", "url"));
// Body
get body(): null | Uint8Array {
const body = getStore(this.#props, "body");
if (body == null) { return null; }
if (this.isFrozen()) { return new Uint8Array(body); }
return body;
set body(body: null | string | Readonly<object> | Readonly<Uint8Array>) {
if (body == null) {
setStore(this.#props, "body", undefined);
setStore(this.#props, "bodyType", undefined);
} else if (typeof(body) === "string") {
// @TODO: utf8-check
setStore(this.#props, "body", toUtf8Bytes(body));
setStore(this.#props, "bodyType", "text/plain");
} else if (body instanceof Uint8Array) {
setStore(this.#props, "body", body);
setStore(this.#props, "bodyType", "application/octet-stream");
} else if (typeof(body) === "object") {
setStore(this.#props, "body", toUtf8Bytes(JSON.stringify(body)));
setStore(this.#props, "bodyType", "application/json");
} else {
throw new Error("invalid body");
hasBody(): this is FetchRequestWithBody {
return (getStore(this.#props, "body") != null);
// Method (default: GET with no body, POST with a body)
get method(): string {
const method = getStore(this.#props, "method");
if (method) { return method.toUpperCase(); }
if (this.body) { return "POST"; }
return "GET";
set method(method: null | string) {
if (method == null) { method = ""; }
setStore(this.#props, "method", check(method, "string", "method"));
// Headers (automatically fills content-type if not explicitly set)
get headers(): Readonly<Record<string, string>> {
const headers = Object.assign({ }, getStore(this.#props, "headers"));
const bodyType = getStore(this.#props, "bodyType");
if (this.credentials) { /* TODO */ };
if (this.allowGzip) {
headers["accept-encoding"] = "gzip";
if (headers["content-type"] == null && bodyType) {
headers["content-type"] = bodyType;
if (this.body) { headers["content-length"] = String(this.body.length); }
return Object.freeze(headers);
getHeader(key: string): string {
return this.headers[key.toLowerCase()];
setHeader(key: string, value: string | number): void {
const headers = getStore(this.#props, "headers");
setStore(this.#props, "headers", headers);
headers[check(key, "string", "key").toLowerCase()] = String(value);
clearHeaders(): void {
setStore(this.#props, "headers", { });
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<[ key: string, value: string ]> {
const headers = this.headers;
const keys = Object.keys(headers);
let index = 0;
return {
next: () => {
if (index < keys.length) {
const key = keys[index++];
return {
value: [ key, headers[key] ], done: false
return { value: undefined, done: true };
// Configure an Authorization header
get credentials(): null | string {
return getStore(this.#props, "creds") || null;
setCredentials(username: string, password: string): void {
if (username.match(/:/)) {
logger.throwArgumentError("invalid basic authentication username", "username", "[REDACTED]");
setStore(this.#props, "creds", `${ username }:${ password }`);
// @TODO:
//const auth = username + ":" + password;
//this.setHeader("authorization", "Basic " + base64Encode(toUtf8Bytes(auth)))
//this.setHeader("authorization", "Basic TODO:" + auth);
// Configure the request to allow gzipped responses
get allowGzip(): boolean {
return getStore(this.#props, "gzip");
set allowGzip(value: boolean) {
setStore(this.#props, "gzip", !!value);
// Allow credentials to be sent over an insecure (non-HTTPS) channel
get allowInsecureAuthentication(): boolean {
return !!getStore(this.#props, "allowInsecure");
set allowInsecureAuthentication(value: boolean) {
setStore(this.#props, "allowInsecure", check(value, "boolean", "allowInsecureAuthentication"));
// Timeout (seconds)
get timeout(): number { return getStore(this.#props, "timeout"); }
set timeout(timeout: number) {
timeout = check(timeout, "number", "timeout");
if (timeout <= 0) { throw new Error("invalid timerout"); }
setStore(this.#props, "timeout", timeout);
constructor(url: string) {
this.#props = {
allowInsecure: false,
gzip: false,
headers: { },
method: "",
timeout: 300,
url: check(url, "string", "url")
redirect(location: string): FetchRequest {
// Redirection; for now we only support absolute locataions
const current = this.url.split(":")[0].toLowerCase();
const target = location.split(":")[0].toLowerCase();
if (this.method !== "GET" || (current === "https" && target === "http") ||
!location.match(/^https?:/)) {
return logger.throwError(`unsupported redirect`, "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: `redirect(${ this.method } ${ JSON.stringify(this.url) } => ${ JSON.stringify(location) })`
// Create a copy of this request, with a new URL
const req = new FetchRequest(location);
req.method = "GET";
req.allowGzip = this.allowGzip;
req.timeout = this.timeout;
setStore(req.#props, "body", getStore(this.#props, "body"));
setStore(req.#props, "headers", Object.assign({}, getStore(this.#props, "headers")));
setStore(req.#props, "bodyType", getStore(this.#props, "bodyType"));
// Do not forward credentials unless on the same domain; only absolute
//req.allowInsecure = false;
// paths are currently supported; may want a way to specify to forward?
//setStore(req.#props, "creds", getStore(this.#pros, "creds"));
return req;
clone(): FetchRequest {
const clone = new FetchRequest(this.url);
// Preserve "default method" (i.e. null)
setStore(clone.#props, "method", getStore(this.#props, "method"));
// Preserve "default body" with type, copying the Uint8Array is present
const body = getStore(this.#props, "body");
setStore(clone.#props, "body", (body == null) ? undefined: new Uint8Array(body));
setStore(clone.#props, "bodyType", getStore(this.#props, "bodyType"));
// Preserve "default headers"
setStore(clone.#props, "headers", Object.assign({ }, getStore(this.#props, "headers")));
// Credentials is readonly, so we copy internally
setStore(clone.#props, "creds", getStore(this.#props, "creds"));
if (this.allowGzip) { clone.allowGzip = true; }
clone.timeout = this.timeout;
if (this.allowInsecureAuthentication) { clone.allowInsecureAuthentication = true; }
return clone;
freeze(): Frozen<FetchRequest> {
// Copy the body so any changes to previous access do not modify it
const body = getStore(this.#props, "body");
if (body != null) { setStore(this.#props, "body", new Uint8Array(body)); }
return this;
isFrozen(): boolean {
return Object.isFrozen(this.#props);