2022-11-04 18:08:37 -04:00

404 lines
12 KiB

import { version } from "../_version.js";
import { defineReadOnly } from "./properties.js";
import type {
TransactionRequest, TransactionReceipt, TransactionResponse
} from "../providers/index.js";
import type { FetchRequest, FetchResponse } from "./fetch.js";
export type ErrorInfo<T> = Omit<T, "code" | "name" | "message">;
// The type of error to use for various error codes
const ErrorConstructors: Record<string, { new (...args: Array<any>): Error }> = { };
ErrorConstructors.INVALID_ARGUMENT = TypeError;
ErrorConstructors.NUMERIC_FAULT = RangeError;
ErrorConstructors.BUFFER_OVERRUN = RangeError;
* All errors emitted by ethers have an **ErrorCode** to help
* identify and coalesce errors to simplfy programatic analysis.
* _property: ``"UNKNOWN_ERROR"``
* This is a general puspose fallback when no other error makes sense
* or the error wasn't expected
* _property: ``"NOT_IMPLEMENTED"``
export type ErrorCode =
// Generic Errors
// Operational Errors
// Argument Errors
// Blockchain Errors
// User Interaction
export interface EthersError<T extends ErrorCode = ErrorCode> extends Error {
code: ErrorCode;
// recover?: (...args: Array<any>) => any;
info?: Record<string, any>;
error?: Error;
// Generic Errors
export interface UnknownError extends EthersError<"UNKNOWN_ERROR"> {
[ key: string ]: any;
export interface NotImplementedError extends EthersError<"NOT_IMPLEMENTED"> {
operation: string;
export interface UnsupportedOperationError extends EthersError<"UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION"> {
operation: string;
export interface NetworkError extends EthersError<"NETWORK_ERROR"> {
event: string;
export interface ServerError extends EthersError<"SERVER_ERROR"> {
request: FetchRequest | string;
response?: FetchResponse;
export interface TimeoutError extends EthersError<"TIMEOUT"> {
operation: string;
reason: string;
request?: FetchRequest;
export interface BadDataError extends EthersError<"BAD_DATA"> {
value: any;
export interface CancelledError extends EthersError<"CANCELLED"> {
// Operational Errors
export interface BufferOverrunError extends EthersError<"BUFFER_OVERRUN"> {
buffer: Uint8Array;
length: number;
offset: number;
export interface NumericFaultError extends EthersError<"NUMERIC_FAULT"> {
operation: string;
fault: string;
value: any;
// Argument Errors
export interface InvalidArgumentError extends EthersError<"INVALID_ARGUMENT"> {
argument: string;
value: any;
info?: Record<string, any>
export interface MissingArgumentError extends EthersError<"MISSING_ARGUMENT"> {
count: number;
expectedCount: number;
export interface UnexpectedArgumentError extends EthersError<"UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT"> {
count: number;
expectedCount: number;
// Blockchain Errors
export type CallExceptionAction = "call" | "estimateGas" | "getTransactionResult" | "unknown";
export type CallExceptionTransaction = {
to: null | string;
from?: string;
data: string;
export interface CallExceptionError extends EthersError<"CALL_EXCEPTION"> {
// What was being performed when the call exception occurred
action: CallExceptionAction;
// The revert data
data: null | string;
// If possible, a human-readable representation of data
reason: null | string;
// The transaction that triggered the exception
transaction: CallExceptionTransaction,
// If avaiable, the contract invocation details
invocation: null | {
method: string;
signature: string;
args: Array<any>;
// The built-in or custom revert error if available
revert: null | {
signature: string;
name: string;
args: Array<any>;
//export interface ContractCallExceptionError extends CallExceptionError {
// The transaction call
// transaction: any;//ErrorTransaction;
export interface InsufficientFundsError extends EthersError<"INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"> {
transaction: TransactionRequest;
export interface NonceExpiredError extends EthersError<"NONCE_EXPIRED"> {
transaction: TransactionRequest;
export interface OffchainFaultError extends EthersError<"OFFCHAIN_FAULT"> {
transaction?: TransactionRequest;
reason: string;
export interface ReplacementUnderpricedError extends EthersError<"REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED"> {
transaction: TransactionRequest;
export interface TransactionReplacedError extends EthersError<"TRANSACTION_REPLACED"> {
cancelled: boolean;
reason: "repriced" | "cancelled" | "replaced";
hash: string;
replacement: TransactionResponse;
receipt: TransactionReceipt;
export interface UnconfiguredNameError extends EthersError<"UNCONFIGURED_NAME"> {
value: string;
export interface ActionRejectedError extends EthersError<"ACTION_REJECTED"> {
action: "requestAccess" | "sendTransaction" | "signMessage" | "signTransaction" | "signTypedData" | "unknown",
reason: "expired" | "rejected" | "pending"
// Coding; converts an ErrorCode its Typed Error
* A conditional type that transforms the [[ErrorCode]] T into
* its EthersError type.
* @flatworm-skip-docs
export type CodedEthersError<T> =
T extends "UNKNOWN_ERROR" ? UnknownError:
T extends "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" ? NotImplementedError:
T extends "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION" ? UnsupportedOperationError:
T extends "NETWORK_ERROR" ? NetworkError:
T extends "SERVER_ERROR" ? ServerError:
T extends "TIMEOUT" ? TimeoutError:
T extends "BAD_DATA" ? BadDataError:
T extends "CANCELLED" ? CancelledError:
T extends "BUFFER_OVERRUN" ? BufferOverrunError:
T extends "NUMERIC_FAULT" ? NumericFaultError:
T extends "INVALID_ARGUMENT" ? InvalidArgumentError:
T extends "MISSING_ARGUMENT" ? MissingArgumentError:
T extends "UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT" ? UnexpectedArgumentError:
T extends "CALL_EXCEPTION" ? CallExceptionError:
T extends "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS" ? InsufficientFundsError:
T extends "NONCE_EXPIRED" ? NonceExpiredError:
T extends "OFFCHAIN_FAULT" ? OffchainFaultError:
T extends "REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED" ? ReplacementUnderpricedError:
T extends "TRANSACTION_REPLACED" ? TransactionReplacedError:
T extends "UNCONFIGURED_NAME" ? UnconfiguredNameError:
T extends "ACTION_REJECTED" ? ActionRejectedError:
* Returns true if the %%error%% matches an error thrown by ethers
* that matches the error %%code%%.
* In TypeScript envornoments, this can be used to check that %%error%%
* matches an EthersError type, which means the expected properties will
* be set.
* @See [ErrorCodes](api:ErrorCode)
* @example
* try {
* // code....
* } catch (e) {
* if (isError(e, "CALL_EXCEPTION")) {
* console.log(;
* }
* }
export function isError<K extends ErrorCode, T extends CodedEthersError<K>>(error: any, code: K): error is T {
return (error && (<EthersError>error).code === code);
* Returns true if %%error%% is a [CALL_EXCEPTION](api:CallExceptionError).
export function isCallException(error: any): error is CallExceptionError {
return isError(error, "CALL_EXCEPTION");
* Returns a new Error configured to the format ethers emits errors, with
* the %%message%%, [[api:ErrorCode]] %%code%% and additioanl properties
* for the corresponding EthersError.
* Each error in ethers includes the version of ethers, a
* machine-readable [[ErrorCode]], and depneding on %%code%%, additional
* required properties. The error message will also include the %%meeage%%,
* ethers version, %%code%% and all aditional properties, serialized.
export function makeError<K extends ErrorCode, T extends CodedEthersError<K>>(message: string, code: K, info?: ErrorInfo<T>): T {
const details: Array<string> = [];
if (info) {
if ("message" in info || "code" in info || "name" in info) {
throw new Error(`value will overwrite populated values: ${ JSON.stringify(info) }`);
for (const key in info) {
const value = <any>(info[<keyof ErrorInfo<T>>key]);
try {
details.push(key + "=" + JSON.stringify(value));
} catch (error) {
details.push(key + "=[could not serialize object]");
details.push(`code=${ code }`);
details.push(`version=${ version }`);
if (details.length) {
message += " (" + details.join(", ") + ")";
const create = ErrorConstructors[code] || Error;
const error = <T>(new create(message));
defineReadOnly(error, "code", code);
if (info) {
for (const key in info) {
defineReadOnly(error, <keyof T>key, <any>(info[<keyof ErrorInfo<T>>key]));
return <T>error;
* Throws an EthersError with %%message%%, %%code%% and additional error
* %%info%% when %%check%% is falsish..
* @see [[api:makeError]]
export function assert<K extends ErrorCode, T extends CodedEthersError<K>>(check: unknown, message: string, code: K, info?: ErrorInfo<T>): asserts check {
if (!check) { throw makeError(message, code, info); }
* A simple helper to simply ensuring provided arguments match expected
* constraints, throwing if not.
* In TypeScript environments, the %%check%% has been asserted true, so
* any further code does not need additional compile-time checks.
export function assertArgument(check: unknown, message: string, name: string, value: unknown): asserts check {
assert(check, message, "INVALID_ARGUMENT", { argument: name, value: value });
export function assertArgumentCount(count: number, expectedCount: number, message: string = ""): void {
if (message) { message = ": " + message; }
assert(count >= expectedCount, "missing arguemnt" + message, "MISSING_ARGUMENT", {
count: count,
expectedCount: expectedCount
assert(count <= expectedCount, "too many arguemnts" + message, "UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT", {
count: count,
expectedCount: expectedCount
const _normalizeForms = ["NFD", "NFC", "NFKD", "NFKC"].reduce((accum, form) => {
try {
// General test for normalize
/* c8 ignore start */
if ("test".normalize(form) !== "test") { throw new Error("bad"); };
/* c8 ignore stop */
if (form === "NFD") {
const check = String.fromCharCode(0xe9).normalize("NFD");
const expected = String.fromCharCode(0x65, 0x0301)
/* c8 ignore start */
if (check !== expected) { throw new Error("broken") }
/* c8 ignore stop */
} catch(error) { }
return accum;
}, <Array<string>>[]);
* Throws if the normalization %%form%% is not supported.
export function assertNormalize(form: string): void {
assert(_normalizeForms.indexOf(form) >= 0, "platform missing String.prototype.normalize", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "String.prototype.normalize", info: { form }
* Many classes use file-scoped values to guard the constructor,
* making it effectively private. This facilitates that pattern
* by ensuring the %%givenGaurd%% matches the file-scoped %%guard%%,
* throwing if not, indicating the %%className%% if provided.
export function assertPrivate(givenGuard: any, guard: any, className: string = ""): void {
if (givenGuard !== guard) {
let method = className, operation = "new";
if (className) {
method += ".";
operation += " " + className;
assert(false, `private constructor; use ${ method }from* methods`, "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {