
664 lines
22 KiB

import { getAddress } from "../address/index.js";
import { keccak256, Signature } from "../crypto/index.js";
import {
concat, decodeRlp, encodeRlp, getBytes, getStore, getBigInt, getNumber, hexlify,
setStore, throwArgumentError, toArray, zeroPadValue
} from "../utils/index.js";
import { accessListify } from "./accesslist.js";
import { recoverAddress } from "./address.js";
import type { BigNumberish, BytesLike, Freezable, Frozen } from "../utils/index.js";
import type { SignatureLike } from "../crypto/index.js";
import type { AccessList, AccessListish } from "./index.js";
const BN_0 = BigInt(0);
const BN_2 = BigInt(2);
const BN_27 = BigInt(27)
const BN_28 = BigInt(28)
const BN_35 = BigInt(35);
const BN_MAX_UINT = BigInt("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
export interface TransactionLike<A = string> {
type?: null | number;
to?: null | A;
from?: null | A;
nonce?: null | number;
gasLimit?: null | BigNumberish;
gasPrice?: null | BigNumberish;
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: null | BigNumberish;
maxFeePerGas?: null | BigNumberish;
data?: null | string;
value?: null | BigNumberish;
chainId?: null | BigNumberish;
hash?: null | string;
signature?: null | SignatureLike;
accessList?: null | AccessListish;
function handleAddress(value: string): null | string {
if (value === "0x") { return null; }
return getAddress(value);
function handleData(value: string, param: string): string {
try {
return hexlify(value);
} catch (error) {
return throwArgumentError("invalid data", param, value);
function handleAccessList(value: any, param: string): AccessList {
try {
return accessListify(value);
} catch (error) {
return throwArgumentError("invalid accessList", param, value);
function handleNumber(_value: string, param: string): number {
if (_value === "0x") { return 0; }
return getNumber(_value, param);
function handleUint(_value: string, param: string): bigint {
if (_value === "0x") { return BN_0; }
const value = getBigInt(_value, param);
if (value > BN_MAX_UINT) { throwArgumentError("value exceeds uint size", param, value); }
return value;
function formatNumber(_value: BigNumberish, name: string): Uint8Array {
const value = getBigInt(_value, "value");
const result = toArray(value);
if (result.length > 32) {
throwArgumentError(`value too large`, `tx.${ name }`, value);
return result;
function formatAccessList(value: AccessListish): Array<[ string, Array<string> ]> {
return accessListify(value).map((set) => [ set.address, set.storageKeys ]);
function _parseLegacy(data: Uint8Array): TransactionLike {
const fields: any = decodeRlp(data);
if (!Array.isArray(fields) || (fields.length !== 9 && fields.length !== 6)) {
return throwArgumentError("invalid field count for legacy transaction", "data", data);
const tx: TransactionLike = {
type: 0,
nonce: handleNumber(fields[0], "nonce"),
gasPrice: handleUint(fields[1], "gasPrice"),
gasLimit: handleUint(fields[2], "gasLimit"),
to: handleAddress(fields[3]),
value: handleUint(fields[4], "value"),
data: handleData(fields[5], "dta"),
chainId: BN_0
// Legacy unsigned transaction
if (fields.length === 6) { return tx; }
const v = handleUint(fields[6], "v");
const r = handleUint(fields[7], "r");
const s = handleUint(fields[8], "s");
if (r === BN_0 && s === BN_0) {
// EIP-155 unsigned transaction
tx.chainId = v;
} else {
// Compute the EIP-155 chain ID (or 0 for legacy)
let chainId = (v - BN_35) / BN_2;
if (chainId < BN_0) { chainId = BN_0; }
tx.chainId = chainId
// Signed Legacy Transaction
if (chainId === BN_0 && (v < BN_27 || v > BN_28)) {
throwArgumentError("non-canonical legacy v", "v", fields[6]);
tx.signature = Signature.from({
r: zeroPadValue(fields[7], 32),
s: zeroPadValue(fields[8], 32),
tx.hash = keccak256(data);
return tx;
function _serializeLegacy(tx: Transaction, sig?: Signature): string {
const fields: Array<any> = [
formatNumber(tx.nonce || 0, "nonce"),
formatNumber(tx.gasPrice || 0, "gasPrice"),
formatNumber(tx.gasLimit || 0, "gasLimit"),
(( != null) ? getAddress( "0x"),
formatNumber(tx.value || 0, "value"),
( || "0x"),
let chainId = BN_0;
if (tx.chainId != null) {
// A chainId was provided; if non-zero we'll use EIP-155
chainId = getBigInt(tx.chainId, "tx.chainId");
// We have a chainId in the tx and an EIP-155 v in the signature,
// make sure they agree with each other
if (sig && sig.networkV != null && sig.legacyChainId !== chainId) {
throwArgumentError("tx.chainId/sig.v mismatch", "sig", sig);
} else if (sig) {
// No chainId provided, but the signature is signing with EIP-155; derive chainId
const legacy = sig.legacyChainId;
if (legacy != null) { chainId = legacy; }
// Requesting an unsigned transaction
if (!sig) {
// We have an EIP-155 transaction (chainId was specified and non-zero)
if (chainId !== BN_0) {
return encodeRlp(fields);
// We pushed a chainId and null r, s on for hashing only; remove those
let v = BigInt(27 + sig.yParity);
if (chainId !== BN_0) {
v = Signature.getChainIdV(chainId, sig.v);
} else if (BigInt(sig.v) !== v) {
throwArgumentError("tx.chainId/sig.v mismatch", "sig", sig);
return encodeRlp(fields);
function _parseEipSignature(tx: TransactionLike, fields: Array<string>, serialize: (tx: TransactionLike) => string): void {
let yParity: number;
try {
yParity = handleNumber(fields[0], "yParity");
if (yParity !== 0 && yParity !== 1) { throw new Error("bad yParity"); }
} catch (error) {
return throwArgumentError("invalid yParity", "yParity", fields[0]);
const r = zeroPadValue(fields[1], 32);
const s = zeroPadValue(fields[2], 32);
const signature = Signature.from({ r, s, yParity });
tx.signature = signature;
function _parseEip1559(data: Uint8Array): TransactionLike {
const fields: any = decodeRlp(getBytes(data).slice(1));
if (!Array.isArray(fields) || (fields.length !== 9 && fields.length !== 12)) {
throwArgumentError("invalid field count for transaction type: 2", "data", hexlify(data));
const maxPriorityFeePerGas = handleUint(fields[2], "maxPriorityFeePerGas");
const maxFeePerGas = handleUint(fields[3], "maxFeePerGas");
const tx: TransactionLike = {
type: 2,
chainId: handleUint(fields[0], "chainId"),
nonce: handleNumber(fields[1], "nonce"),
maxPriorityFeePerGas: maxPriorityFeePerGas,
maxFeePerGas: maxFeePerGas,
gasPrice: null,
gasLimit: handleUint(fields[4], "gasLimit"),
to: handleAddress(fields[5]),
value: handleUint(fields[6], "value"),
data: handleData(fields[7], "data"),
accessList: handleAccessList(fields[8], "accessList"),
// Unsigned EIP-1559 Transaction
if (fields.length === 9) { return tx; }
tx.hash = keccak256(data);
_parseEipSignature(tx, fields.slice(9), _serializeEip1559);
return tx;
function _serializeEip1559(tx: TransactionLike, sig?: Signature): string {
const fields: Array<any> = [
formatNumber(tx.chainId || 0, "chainId"),
formatNumber(tx.nonce || 0, "nonce"),
formatNumber(tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas || 0, "maxPriorityFeePerGas"),
formatNumber(tx.maxFeePerGas || 0, "maxFeePerGas"),
formatNumber(tx.gasLimit || 0, "gasLimit"),
(( != null) ? getAddress( "0x"),
formatNumber(tx.value || 0, "value"),
( || "0x"),
(formatAccessList(tx.accessList || []))
if (sig) {
fields.push(formatNumber(sig.yParity, "yParity"));
return concat([ "0x02", encodeRlp(fields)]);
function _parseEip2930(data: Uint8Array): TransactionLike {
const fields: any = decodeRlp(getBytes(data).slice(1));
if (!Array.isArray(fields) || (fields.length !== 8 && fields.length !== 11)) {
throwArgumentError("invalid field count for transaction type: 1", "data", hexlify(data));
const tx: TransactionLike = {
type: 1,
chainId: handleUint(fields[0], "chainId"),
nonce: handleNumber(fields[1], "nonce"),
gasPrice: handleUint(fields[2], "gasPrice"),
gasLimit: handleUint(fields[3], "gasLimit"),
to: handleAddress(fields[4]),
value: handleUint(fields[5], "value"),
data: handleData(fields[6], "data"),
accessList: handleAccessList(fields[7], "accessList")
// Unsigned EIP-2930 Transaction
if (fields.length === 8) { return tx; }
tx.hash = keccak256(data);
_parseEipSignature(tx, fields.slice(8), _serializeEip2930);
return tx;
function _serializeEip2930(tx: TransactionLike, sig?: Signature): string {
const fields: any = [
formatNumber(tx.chainId || 0, "chainId"),
formatNumber(tx.nonce || 0, "nonce"),
formatNumber(tx.gasPrice || 0, "gasPrice"),
formatNumber(tx.gasLimit || 0, "gasLimit"),
(( != null) ? getAddress( "0x"),
formatNumber(tx.value || 0, "value"),
( || "0x"),
(formatAccessList(tx.accessList || []))
if (sig) {
fields.push(formatNumber(sig.yParity, "recoveryParam"));
return concat([ "0x01", encodeRlp(fields)]);
export interface SignedTransaction extends Transaction {
type: number;
typeName: string;
from: string;
signature: Signature;
export class Transaction implements Freezable<Transaction>, TransactionLike<string> {
#props: {
type: null | number,
to: null | string,
data: string,
nonce: number,
gasLimit: bigint,
gasPrice: null | bigint,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: null | bigint,
maxFeePerGas: null | bigint,
value: bigint,
chainId: bigint,
sig: null | Signature,
accessList: null | AccessList
// A type of null indicates the type will be populated automatically
get type(): null | number { return getStore(this.#props, "type"); }
get typeName(): null | string {
switch (this.type) {
case 0: return "legacy";
case 1: return "eip-2930";
case 2: return "eip-1559";
return null;
set type(value: null | number | string) {
switch (value) {
case null:
setStore(this.#props, "type", null);
case 0: case "legacy":
setStore(this.#props, "type", 0);
case 1: case "berlin": case "eip-2930":
setStore(this.#props, "type", 1);
case 2: case "london": case "eip-1559":
setStore(this.#props, "type", 2);
throw new Error(`unsupported transaction type`);
get to(): null | string { return getStore(this.#props, "to"); }
set to(value: null | string) {
setStore(this.#props, "to", (value == null) ? null: getAddress(value));
get nonce(): number { return getStore(this.#props, "nonce"); }
set nonce(value: BigNumberish) { setStore(this.#props, "nonce", getNumber(value, "value")); }
get gasLimit(): bigint { return getStore(this.#props, "gasLimit"); }
set gasLimit(value: BigNumberish) { setStore(this.#props, "gasLimit", getBigInt(value)); }
get gasPrice(): null | bigint {
const value = getStore(this.#props, "gasPrice");
if (value == null && (this.type === 0 || this.type === 1)) { return BN_0; }
return value;
set gasPrice(value: null | BigNumberish) {
setStore(this.#props, "gasPrice", (value == null) ? null: getBigInt(value, "gasPrice"));
get maxPriorityFeePerGas(): null | bigint {
const value = getStore(this.#props, "maxPriorityFeePerGas");
if (value == null && this.type === 2) { return BN_0; }
return value;
set maxPriorityFeePerGas(value: null | BigNumberish) {
setStore(this.#props, "maxPriorityFeePerGas", (value == null) ? null: getBigInt(value, "maxPriorityFeePerGas"));
get maxFeePerGas(): null | bigint {
const value = getStore(this.#props, "maxFeePerGas");
if (value == null && this.type === 2) { return BN_0; }
return value;
set maxFeePerGas(value: null | BigNumberish) {
setStore(this.#props, "maxFeePerGas", (value == null) ? null: getBigInt(value, "maxFeePerGas"));
get data(): string { return getStore(this.#props, "data"); }
set data(value: BytesLike) { setStore(this.#props, "data", hexlify(value)); }
get value(): bigint { return getStore(this.#props, "value"); }
set value(value: BigNumberish) {
setStore(this.#props, "value", getBigInt(value, "value"));
get chainId(): bigint { return getStore(this.#props, "chainId"); }
set chainId(value: BigNumberish) { setStore(this.#props, "chainId", getBigInt(value)); }
get signature(): null | Signature { return getStore(this.#props, "sig") || null; }
set signature(value: null | SignatureLike) {
setStore(this.#props, "sig", (value == null) ? null: Signature.from(value));
get accessList(): null | AccessList {
const value = getStore(this.#props, "accessList") || null;
if (value == null && (this.type === 1 || this.type === 2)) { return [ ]; }
return value;
set accessList(value: null | AccessListish) {
setStore(this.#props, "accessList", (value == null) ? null: accessListify(value));
constructor() {
this.#props = {
type: null,
to: null,
nonce: 0,
gasLimit: BigInt(0),
gasPrice: null,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: null,
maxFeePerGas: null,
data: "0x",
value: BigInt(0),
chainId: BigInt(0),
sig: null,
accessList: null
get hash(): null | string {
if (this.signature == null) {
throw new Error("cannot hash unsigned transaction; maybe you meant .unsignedHash");
return keccak256(this.serialized);
get unsignedHash(): string {
return keccak256(this.unsignedSerialized);
get from(): null | string {
if (this.signature == null) { return null; }
return recoverAddress(this.unsignedSerialized, this.signature);
get fromPublicKey(): null | string {
if (this.signature == null) { return null; }
// use ecrecover
return "";
isSigned(): this is SignedTransaction {
return this.signature != null;
get serialized(): string {
if (this.signature == null) {
throw new Error("cannot serialize unsigned transaction; maybe you meant .unsignedSerialized");
const types = this.inferTypes();
if (types.length !== 1) {
throw new Error("cannot determine transaction type; specify type manually");
switch (types[0]) {
case 0:
return _serializeLegacy(this, this.signature);
case 1:
return _serializeEip2930(this, this.signature);
case 2:
return _serializeEip1559(this, this.signature);
throw new Error("unsupported type");
get unsignedSerialized(): string {
const types = this.inferTypes();
if (types.length !== 1) {
throw new Error("cannot determine transaction type; specify type manually");
switch (types[0]) {
case 0:
return _serializeLegacy(this);
case 1:
return _serializeEip2930(this);
case 2:
return _serializeEip1559(this);
throw new Error("unsupported type");
// Validates properties and lists possible types this transaction adheres to
inferTypes(): Array<number> {
// Checks that there are no conflicting properties set
const hasGasPrice = this.gasPrice != null;
const hasFee = (this.maxFeePerGas != null || this.maxPriorityFeePerGas != null);
const hasAccessList = (this.accessList != null);
//if (hasGasPrice && hasFee) {
// throw new Error("transaction cannot have gasPrice and maxFeePerGas");
if (this.maxFeePerGas != null && this.maxPriorityFeePerGas != null) {
if (this.maxFeePerGas < this.maxPriorityFeePerGas) {
throw new Error("priorityFee cannot be more than maxFee");
//if (this.type === 2 && hasGasPrice) {
// throw new Error("eip-1559 transaction cannot have gasPrice");
if ((this.type === 0 || this.type === 1) && hasFee) {
throw new Error("transaction type cannot have maxFeePerGas or maxPriorityFeePerGas");
if (this.type === 0 && hasAccessList) {
throw new Error("legacy transaction cannot have accessList");
const types: Array<number> = [ ];
// Explicit type
if (this.type != null) {
} else {
if (hasFee) {
} else if (hasGasPrice) {
if (!hasAccessList) { types.push(0); }
} else if (hasAccessList) {
} else {
return types;
isLegacy(): this is (Transaction & { type: 0, gasPrice: bigint }) {
return (this.type === 0);
isBerlin(): this is (Transaction & { type: 1, gasPrice: bigint, accessList: AccessList }) {
return (this.type === 1);
isLondon(): this is (Transaction & { type: 2, accessList: AccessList, maxFeePerGas: bigint, maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint}) {
return (this.type === 2);
clone(): Transaction {
return Transaction.from(this);
freeze(): Frozen<Transaction> {
if (this.#props.sig) {
this.#props.sig = <any>(this.#props.sig.clone().freeze());
if (this.#props.accessList) {
this.#props.accessList = <any>Object.freeze( => {
return Object.freeze(set);
return this;
isFrozen(): boolean {
return Object.isFrozen(this.#props);
static from(tx: string | TransactionLike<string>): Transaction {
if (typeof(tx) === "string") {
const payload = getBytes(tx);
if (payload[0] >= 0x7f) { // @TODO: > vs >= ??
return Transaction.from(_parseLegacy(payload));
switch(payload[0]) {
case 1: return Transaction.from(_parseEip2930(payload));
case 2: return Transaction.from(_parseEip1559(payload));
throw new Error("unsupported transaction type");
const result = new Transaction();
if (tx.type != null) { result.type = tx.type; }
if ( != null) { =; }
if (tx.nonce != null) { result.nonce = tx.nonce; }
if (tx.gasLimit != null) { result.gasLimit = tx.gasLimit; }
if (tx.gasPrice != null) { result.gasPrice = tx.gasPrice; }
if (tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas != null) { result.maxPriorityFeePerGas = tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas; }
if (tx.maxFeePerGas != null) { result.maxFeePerGas = tx.maxFeePerGas; }
if ( != null) { =; }
if (tx.value != null) { result.value = tx.value; }
if (tx.chainId != null) { result.chainId = tx.chainId; }
if (tx.signature != null) { result.signature = Signature.from(tx.signature); }
if (tx.accessList != null) { result.accessList = tx.accessList; }
if (tx.hash != null) {
if (result.isSigned()) {
if (result.hash !== tx.hash) { throw new Error("hash mismatch"); }
} else {
throw new Error("unsigned transaction cannot have a hashs");
if (tx.from != null) {
if (result.isSigned()) {
if (result.from.toLowerCase() !== (tx.from || "").toLowerCase()) { throw new Error("from mismatch"); }
} else {
throw new Error("unsigned transaction cannot have a from");
return result;