2022-12-30 17:01:15 -05:00

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_section: Getting Started @<getting-started> @priority<100>
The v6 getting started is coming soon...
_heading: Installing
_code: Install via NPM @lang<shell>
# Create a new folder for your project
/home/ricmoo> mkdir test-ethers
/home/ricmoo> cd test-ethers
# Install ethers
/home/ricmoo/test-ethers> npm install ethers@beta-exports
_heading: Importing
Everything in Ethers is exported at the root as well as on the ``ethers``
object. There are also ``exports`` in the ``package.json`` to facilitate
Generally this documentation will presume all exports from ethers
have been imported in the code examples, but you may import the
necessary objects any way you wish.
_code: Node.js @lang<script>
// Import everything
import { ethers } from "ethers";
// Import just a few select items
import { BrowserProvider, parseUnits } from "ethers";
// Import from a specific export
import { HDNodeWallet } from "ethers/wallet";
_code: Web Browsers (ESM) @lang<script>
<script type="module">
import { ethers } from "";
// Your code here...
_subsection: Some Common Terminology
_heading: PROVIDER
_heading: SIGNER
_heading: Receipt
_heading: CONTRACT
_subsection: Connecting to Ethereum
_heading: MetaMask (and other injected providers)
The quickest and easiest way to experiment and begin developing
on Ethereum is to use [[link-metamask]], which is a browser
extension that injects objects into the ``window``, providing:
- read-only access to the Ethereum network (a [[Provider]])
- authenticated write access backed by a private key (a [[Signer]])
When requesting access to the authenticated methods, such as
sending a transaction or even requesting the private key addess,
MetaMask will show a pop-up to the user asking for permission.
_code: @lang<script>
let signer = null;
let provider;
if (window.ethereum == null) {
// If MetaMask is not installed, we use the default provider,
// which is backed by a variety of third-party services (such
// as INFURA). They do not have private keys installed so are
// only have read-only access
console.log("MetaMask not installed; using read-only defaults")
provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider()
} else {
// Connect to the MetaMask EIP-1193 object. This is a standard
// protocol that allows Ethers access to make all read-only
// requests through MetaMask.
provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum)
// It also provides an opportunity to request access to write
// operations, which will be performed by the private key
// that MetaMask manages for the user.
signer = await provider.getSigner();
_heading: Custom RPC Backend
If you are running your own Ethereum node (e.g. [[link-geth]])
or using a custom third-party service (e.g. [[link-infura]]),
you can use the [[JsonRpcProvider]] directly, which communicates
using the [[link-jsonrpc]] protocol.
When using your own Ethereum node or a developer-base blockchain,
such as Hardhat or Ganache, you can get access the accounts with
_code: @lang<script>
// If no %%url%% is provided, it connects to the default
// http://localhost:8545, which most nodes use.
provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(url)
// Get write access as an account by getting the signer
signer = await provider.getSigner()
_subsection: Interacting with the Blockchain
_heading: Querying State (reading)
Once you have a [[Provider]], you have a read-only connection to
the data on the blockchain. This can be used to query the current
account state, fetch historic logs, look up contract code and so on.
_code: @lang<javascript>
//_hide: provider = new InfuraProvider();
// Look up the current block number (i.e. height)
await provider.getBlockNumber()
// Get the current balance of an account (by address or ENS name)
balance = await provider.getBalance("ethers.eth")
// Since the balance is in wei, you may wish to display it
// in ether instead.
// Get the next nonce required to send a transaction
await provider.getTransactionCount("ethers.eth")
_heading: Sending Transactions (writing)
To write to the blockchain you require access to a private key
which controls some account. In most cases, those private keys
are not accessible directly to your code, and instead you make
requests via a [[Signer]], which dispatches the request to a
service (such as [[link-metamask]]) which provides strictly
gated access and requires feedback to the user to approve or
reject operations.
_code: @lang<script>
// When sending a transaction, the value is in wei, so parseEther
// converts ether to wei.
tx = await signer.send({
to: "ethers.eth",
value: parseEther("1.0")
// Often you may wish to wait until the transaction is mined
receipt = await tx.wait();
_heading: User Interaction
explain ether vs gwei... format vs parse. getAddress, resolveAddress
_code: @lang<javascript>
// Convert user-provided strings in ether to wei for a value
eth = parseEther("1.0")
// Convert user-provided strings in gwei to wei for max base fee
feePerGas = parseUnits("4.5", "gwei")
// Convert a value in wei to a string in ether to display in a UI
// Convert a value in wei to a string in gwei to display in a UI
formatUnits(feePerGas, "gwei")
_subsection: Contracts
_heading: Read-only methods (i.e. ``view`` and ``pure``)
_heading: State-changing Methods
_heading: Estimating Gas and fees
_heading: Listening to Events
_heading: Query Historic Events
_subsection: Signing Messages