2022-11-30 15:44:23 -05:00

331 lines
13 KiB

* Explain HD Wallets..
* @_subsection: api/wallet:HD Wallets [hd-wallets]
import { computeHmac, randomBytes, ripemd160, SigningKey, sha256 } from "../crypto/index.js";
import { VoidSigner } from "../providers/index.js";
import { computeAddress } from "../transaction/index.js";
import { concat, dataSlice, decodeBase58, defineProperties, encodeBase58, getBytes, hexlify, isBytesLike, getNumber, toArray, toBigInt, toHex, assertPrivate, assert, assertArgument } from "../utils/index.js";
import { LangEn } from "../wordlists/lang-en.js";
import { BaseWallet } from "./base-wallet.js";
import { Mnemonic } from "./mnemonic.js";
import { encryptKeystoreJson, encryptKeystoreJsonSync, } from "./json-keystore.js";
export const defaultPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
// "Bitcoin seed"
const MasterSecret = new Uint8Array([66, 105, 116, 99, 111, 105, 110, 32, 115, 101, 101, 100]);
const HardenedBit = 0x80000000;
const N = BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141");
const Nibbles = "0123456789abcdef";
function zpad(value, length) {
let result = "";
while (value) {
result = Nibbles[value % 16] + result;
value = Math.trunc(value / 16);
while (result.length < length * 2) {
result = "0" + result;
return "0x" + result;
function encodeBase58Check(_value) {
const value = getBytes(_value);
const check = dataSlice(sha256(sha256(value)), 0, 4);
const bytes = concat([value, check]);
return encodeBase58(bytes);
const _guard = {};
function ser_I(index, chainCode, publicKey, privateKey) {
const data = new Uint8Array(37);
if (index & HardenedBit) {
assert(privateKey != null, "cannot derive child of neutered node", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", {
operation: "deriveChild"
// Data = 0x00 || ser_256(k_par)
data.set(getBytes(privateKey), 1);
else {
// Data = ser_p(point(k_par))
// Data += ser_32(i)
for (let i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) {
data[33 + (i >> 3)] = ((index >> (24 - i)) & 0xff);
const I = getBytes(computeHmac("sha512", chainCode, data));
return { IL: I.slice(0, 32), IR: I.slice(32) };
function derivePath(node, path) {
const components = path.split("/");
assertArgument(components.length > 0 && (components[0] === "m" || node.depth > 0), "invalid path", "path", path);
if (components[0] === "m") {
let result = node;
for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
const component = components[i];
if (component.match(/^[0-9]+'$/)) {
const index = parseInt(component.substring(0, component.length - 1));
assertArgument(index < HardenedBit, "invalid path index", `path[${i}]`, component);
result = result.deriveChild(HardenedBit + index);
else if (component.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
const index = parseInt(component);
assertArgument(index < HardenedBit, "invalid path index", `path[${i}]`, component);
result = result.deriveChild(index);
else {
assertArgument(false, "invalid path component", `path[${i}]`, component);
return result;
export class HDNodeWallet extends BaseWallet {
* @private
constructor(guard, signingKey, parentFingerprint, chainCode, path, index, depth, mnemonic, provider) {
super(signingKey, provider);
assertPrivate(guard, _guard, "HDNodeWallet");
defineProperties(this, { publicKey: signingKey.compressedPublicKey });
const fingerprint = dataSlice(ripemd160(sha256(this.publicKey)), 0, 4);
defineProperties(this, {
parentFingerprint, fingerprint,
chainCode, path, index, depth
defineProperties(this, { mnemonic });
connect(provider) {
return new HDNodeWallet(_guard, this.signingKey, this.parentFingerprint, this.chainCode, this.path, this.index, this.depth, this.mnemonic, provider);
#account() {
const account = { address: this.address, privateKey: this.privateKey };
const m = this.mnemonic;
if (this.path && m && m.wordlist.locale === "en" && m.password === "") {
account.mnemonic = {
path: this.path,
locale: "en",
entropy: m.entropy
return account;
* Resolves to a [JSON Keystore Wallet](json-wallets) encrypted with
* %%password%%.
* If %%progressCallback%% is specified, it will receive periodic
* updates as the encryption process progreses.
async encrypt(password, progressCallback) {
return await encryptKeystoreJson(this.#account(), password, { progressCallback });
* Returns a [JSON Keystore Wallet](json-wallets) encryped with
* %%password%%.
* It is preferred to use the [async version](encrypt) instead,
* which allows a [[ProgressCallback]] to keep the user informed.
* This method will block the event loop (freezing all UI) until
* it is complete, which may be a non-trivial duration.
encryptSync(password) {
return encryptKeystoreJsonSync(this.#account(), password);
get extendedKey() {
// We only support the mainnet values for now, but if anyone needs
// testnet values, let me know. I believe current sentiment is that
// we should always use mainnet, and use BIP-44 to derive the network
// - Mainnet: public=0x0488B21E, private=0x0488ADE4
// - Testnet: public=0x043587CF, private=0x04358394
assert(this.depth < 256, "Depth too deep", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "extendedKey" });
return encodeBase58Check(concat([
"0x0488ADE4", zpad(this.depth, 1), this.parentFingerprint,
zpad(this.index, 4), this.chainCode,
concat(["0x00", this.privateKey])
hasPath() { return (this.path != null); }
neuter() {
return new HDNodeVoidWallet(_guard, this.address, this.publicKey, this.parentFingerprint, this.chainCode, this.path, this.index, this.depth, this.provider);
deriveChild(_index) {
const index = getNumber(_index, "index");
assertArgument(index <= 0xffffffff, "invalid index", "index", index);
// Base path
let path = this.path;
if (path) {
path += "/" + (index & ~HardenedBit);
if (index & HardenedBit) {
path += "'";
const { IR, IL } = ser_I(index, this.chainCode, this.publicKey, this.privateKey);
const ki = new SigningKey(toHex((toBigInt(IL) + BigInt(this.privateKey)) % N, 32));
return new HDNodeWallet(_guard, ki, this.fingerprint, hexlify(IR), path, index, this.depth + 1, this.mnemonic, this.provider);
derivePath(path) {
return derivePath(this, path);
static #fromSeed(_seed, mnemonic) {
assertArgument(isBytesLike(_seed), "invalid seed", "seed", "[REDACTED]");
const seed = getBytes(_seed, "seed");
assertArgument(seed.length >= 16 && seed.length <= 64, "invalid seed", "seed", "[REDACTED]");
const I = getBytes(computeHmac("sha512", MasterSecret, seed));
const signingKey = new SigningKey(hexlify(I.slice(0, 32)));
return new HDNodeWallet(_guard, signingKey, "0x00000000", hexlify(I.slice(32)), "m", 0, 0, mnemonic, null);
static fromExtendedKey(extendedKey) {
const bytes = toArray(decodeBase58(extendedKey)); // @TODO: redact
assertArgument(bytes.length === 82 || encodeBase58Check(bytes.slice(0, 78)) === extendedKey, "invalid extended key", "extendedKey", "[ REDACTED ]");
const depth = bytes[4];
const parentFingerprint = hexlify(bytes.slice(5, 9));
const index = parseInt(hexlify(bytes.slice(9, 13)).substring(2), 16);
const chainCode = hexlify(bytes.slice(13, 45));
const key = bytes.slice(45, 78);
switch (hexlify(bytes.slice(0, 4))) {
// Public Key
case "0x0488b21e":
case "0x043587cf": {
const publicKey = hexlify(key);
return new HDNodeVoidWallet(_guard, computeAddress(publicKey), publicKey, parentFingerprint, chainCode, null, index, depth, null);
// Private Key
case "0x0488ade4":
case "0x04358394 ":
if (key[0] !== 0) {
return new HDNodeWallet(_guard, new SigningKey(key.slice(1)), parentFingerprint, chainCode, null, index, depth, null, null);
assertArgument(false, "invalid extended key prefix", "extendedKey", "[ REDACTED ]");
static createRandom(password, path, wordlist) {
if (password == null) {
password = "";
if (path == null) {
path = defaultPath;
if (wordlist == null) {
wordlist = LangEn.wordlist();
const mnemonic = Mnemonic.fromEntropy(randomBytes(16), password, wordlist);
return HDNodeWallet.#fromSeed(mnemonic.computeSeed(), mnemonic).derivePath(path);
static fromMnemonic(mnemonic, path) {
if (!path) {
path = defaultPath;
return HDNodeWallet.#fromSeed(mnemonic.computeSeed(), mnemonic).derivePath(path);
static fromPhrase(phrase, password, path, wordlist) {
if (password == null) {
password = "";
if (path == null) {
path = defaultPath;
if (wordlist == null) {
wordlist = LangEn.wordlist();
const mnemonic = Mnemonic.fromPhrase(phrase, password, wordlist);
return HDNodeWallet.#fromSeed(mnemonic.computeSeed(), mnemonic).derivePath(path);
static fromSeed(seed) {
return HDNodeWallet.#fromSeed(seed, null);
export class HDNodeVoidWallet extends VoidSigner {
* @private
constructor(guard, address, publicKey, parentFingerprint, chainCode, path, index, depth, provider) {
super(address, provider);
assertPrivate(guard, _guard, "HDNodeVoidWallet");
defineProperties(this, { publicKey });
const fingerprint = dataSlice(ripemd160(sha256(publicKey)), 0, 4);
defineProperties(this, {
publicKey, fingerprint, parentFingerprint, chainCode, path, index, depth
connect(provider) {
return new HDNodeVoidWallet(_guard, this.address, this.publicKey, this.parentFingerprint, this.chainCode, this.path, this.index, this.depth, provider);
get extendedKey() {
// We only support the mainnet values for now, but if anyone needs
// testnet values, let me know. I believe current sentiment is that
// we should always use mainnet, and use BIP-44 to derive the network
// - Mainnet: public=0x0488B21E, private=0x0488ADE4
// - Testnet: public=0x043587CF, private=0x04358394
assert(this.depth < 256, "Depth too deep", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "extendedKey" });
return encodeBase58Check(concat([
zpad(this.depth, 1),
zpad(this.index, 4),
hasPath() { return (this.path != null); }
deriveChild(_index) {
const index = getNumber(_index, "index");
assertArgument(index <= 0xffffffff, "invalid index", "index", index);
// Base path
let path = this.path;
if (path) {
path += "/" + (index & ~HardenedBit);
if (index & HardenedBit) {
path += "'";
const { IR, IL } = ser_I(index, this.chainCode, this.publicKey, null);
const Ki = SigningKey._addPoints(IL, this.publicKey, true);
const address = computeAddress(Ki);
return new HDNodeVoidWallet(_guard, address, Ki, this.fingerprint, hexlify(IR), path, index, this.depth + 1, this.provider);
derivePath(path) {
return derivePath(this, path);
export class HDNodeWalletManager {
constructor(phrase, password, path, locale) {
if (password == null) {
password = "";
if (path == null) {
path = "m/44'/60'/0'/0";
if (locale == null) {
locale = LangEn.wordlist();
this.#root = HDNodeWallet.fromPhrase(phrase, password, path, locale);
getSigner(index) {
return this.#root.deriveChild((index == null) ? 0 : index);
export function getAccountPath(_index) {
const index = getNumber(_index, "index");
assertArgument(index >= 0 && index < HardenedBit, "invalid account index", "index", index);
return `m/44'/60'/${index}'/0/0`;