207 lines
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207 lines
7.1 KiB
'use strict';
import { arrayify, concat, joinSignature } from './utils/bytes';
import { BigNumber } from './utils/bignumber';
import { hashMessage } from './utils/hash';
import { defaultPath, HDNode, entropyToMnemonic, fromMnemonic } from './utils/hdnode';
import { isCrowdsaleWallet, isSecretStorageWallet } from './utils/json-wallet';
import { keccak256 } from './utils/keccak256';
import { defineReadOnly, resolveProperties, shallowCopy } from './utils/properties';
import { randomBytes } from './utils/random-bytes';
import * as secretStorage from './utils/secret-storage';
import { SigningKey } from './utils/signing-key';
import { serialize as serializeTransaction } from './utils/transaction';
import { Wordlist } from './utils/wordlist';
// Imported Abstracts
import { Signer as AbstractSigner } from './abstract-signer';
import { Provider } from './providers/abstract-provider';
// Imported Types
import { ProgressCallback } from './utils/secret-storage';
import { Arrayish } from './utils/bytes';
import { BlockTag, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from './providers/abstract-provider';
import * as errors from './errors';
const allowedTransactionKeys: { [ key: string ]: boolean } = {
chainId: true, data: true, gasLimit: true, gasPrice:true, nonce: true, to: true, value: true
export class Wallet extends AbstractSigner {
readonly provider: Provider;
private readonly signingKey: SigningKey;
constructor(privateKey: SigningKey | HDNode | Arrayish, provider?: Provider) {
errors.checkNew(this, Wallet);
// Make sure we have a valid signing key
if (SigningKey.isSigningKey(privateKey)) {
defineReadOnly(this, 'signingKey', privateKey);
} else {
defineReadOnly(this, 'signingKey', new SigningKey(privateKey));
defineReadOnly(this, 'provider', provider);
get address(): string { return this.signingKey.address; }
get mnemonic(): string { return this.signingKey.mnemonic; }
get path(): string { return this.signingKey.mnemonic; }
get privateKey(): string { return this.signingKey.privateKey; }
* Create a new instance of this Wallet connected to provider.
connect(provider: Provider): Wallet {
if (!(Provider.isProvider(provider))) {
errors.throwError('invalid provider', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { argument: 'provider', value: provider });
return new Wallet(this.signingKey, provider);
getAddress(): Promise<string> {
return Promise.resolve(this.address);
sign(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<string> {
for (let key in transaction) {
if (!allowedTransactionKeys[key]) {
errors.throwError('unsupported transaction property - ' + key, errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, {
argument: 'transaction',
value: transaction,
key: key
return resolveProperties(transaction).then((tx) => {
let rawTx = serializeTransaction(tx);
let signature = this.signingKey.signDigest(keccak256(rawTx));
return Promise.resolve(serializeTransaction(tx, signature));
signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): Promise<string> {
return Promise.resolve(joinSignature(this.signingKey.signDigest(hashMessage(message))));
getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
return this.provider.getBalance(this.address, blockTag);
getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
return this.provider.getTransactionCount(this.address, blockTag);
sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
if (!transaction || typeof(transaction) !== 'object') {
throw new Error('invalid transaction object');
let tx = shallowCopy(transaction);
if (tx.to != null) {
tx.to = this.provider.resolveName(tx.to);
if (tx.gasPrice == null) {
tx.gasPrice = this.provider.getGasPrice();
if (tx.nonce == null) {
tx.nonce = this.getTransactionCount();
if (tx.gasLimit == null) {
let estimate = shallowCopy(tx);
estimate.from = this.getAddress();
tx.gasLimit = this.provider.estimateGas(estimate);
if (tx.chainId == null) {
tx.chainId = this.provider.getNetwork().then((network) => network.chainId);
return this.provider.sendTransaction(this.sign(tx));
encrypt(password: Arrayish | string, options?: any, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string> {
if (typeof(options) === 'function' && !progressCallback) {
progressCallback = options;
options = {};
if (progressCallback && typeof(progressCallback) !== 'function') {
throw new Error('invalid callback');
if (!options) { options = {}; }
if (this.mnemonic) {
// Make sure we don't accidentally bubble the mnemonic up the call-stack
options = shallowCopy(options);
// Set the mnemonic and path
options.mnemonic = this.mnemonic;
options.path = this.path
return secretStorage.encrypt(this.privateKey, password, options, progressCallback);
* Static methods to create Wallet instances.
static createRandom(options?: any): Wallet {
var entropy: Uint8Array = randomBytes(16);
if (!options) { options = { }; }
if (options.extraEntropy) {
entropy = arrayify(keccak256(concat([entropy, options.extraEntropy])).substring(0, 34));
var mnemonic = entropyToMnemonic(entropy, options.locale);
return Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, options.path, options.locale);
static fromEncryptedJson(json: string, password: Arrayish, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet> {
if (isCrowdsaleWallet(json)) {
try {
if (progressCallback) { progressCallback(0); }
let privateKey = secretStorage.decryptCrowdsale(json, password);
if (progressCallback) { progressCallback(1); }
return Promise.resolve(new Wallet(privateKey));
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
} else if (isSecretStorageWallet(json)) {
return secretStorage.decrypt(json, password, progressCallback).then(function(signingKey) {
return new Wallet(signingKey);
return Promise.reject('invalid wallet JSON');
static fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, path?: string, wordlist?: Wordlist): Wallet {
if (!path) { path = defaultPath; }
return new Wallet(fromMnemonic(mnemonic, wordlist).derivePath(path));