/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ import chai from 'chai'; import mockery from 'mockery'; import { ChainId, NETWORKS } from '../src/config'; import { GasPriceOracle } from '../src/index'; import { GasPrice, OffChainOracle } from '../src/types'; chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')); chai.should(); let oracle = new GasPriceOracle(); let { onChainOracles, offChainOracles } = oracle; before('before', function () { const axiosMock = { get: () => { throw new Error('axios GET method is mocked for tests'); }, post: () => { throw new Error('axios POST method is mocked for tests'); }, }; mockery.registerMock('axios', axiosMock); }); beforeEach('beforeEach', function () { oracle = new GasPriceOracle(); ({ onChainOracles, offChainOracles } = oracle); }); describe('constructor', function () { it('should set default values', async function () { oracle.configuration.defaultRpc.should.be.equal('https://api.mycryptoapi.com/eth'); oracle.configuration.timeout.should.be.equal(10000); }); it('should set passed values', async function () { const newOracle = new GasPriceOracle({ timeout: 1337 }); newOracle.configuration.defaultRpc.should.be.equal('https://api.mycryptoapi.com/eth'); newOracle.configuration.timeout.should.be.equal(1337); }); }); describe('fetchGasPricesOffChain', function () { it('should work', async function () { const gas: GasPrice = await oracle.fetchGasPricesOffChain(); gas.instant.should.be.a('number'); gas.fast.should.be.a('number'); gas.standard.should.be.a('number'); gas.low.should.be.a('number'); gas.instant.should.be.at.least(gas.fast); // greater than or equal to the given number. gas.fast.should.be.at.least(gas.standard); gas.standard.should.be.at.least(gas.low); gas.low.should.not.be.equal(0); }); it('should throw if all offchain oracles are down', async function () { mockery.enable({ useCleanCache: true, warnOnUnregistered: false }); const { GasPriceOracle } = require('../src/index'); oracle = new GasPriceOracle(); await oracle .fetchGasPricesOffChain() .should.be.rejectedWith('All oracles are down. Probably a network error.'); mockery.disable(); }); }); describe('fetchGasPricesOnChain', function () { it('should work', async function () { const gas: number = await oracle.fetchGasPricesOnChain(); gas.should.be.a('number'); gas.should.be.above(1); gas.should.not.be.equal(0); }); it('should work with custom rpc', async function () { const rpc = 'https://ethereum-rpc.trustwalletapp.com'; const oracle = new GasPriceOracle({ defaultRpc: rpc }); oracle.configuration.defaultRpc.should.be.equal(rpc); const gas: number = await oracle.fetchGasPricesOnChain(); gas.should.be.a('number'); gas.should.be.above(1); gas.should.not.be.equal(0); }); it('should remove oracle', async function () { await oracle.fetchGasPricesOnChain(); oracle.removeOnChainOracle('chainlink'); await oracle .fetchGasPricesOnChain() .should.be.rejectedWith('All oracles are down. Probably a network error.'); }); it('should add oracle', async function () { const { chainlink } = onChainOracles; await oracle.fetchGasPricesOnChain(); oracle.removeOnChainOracle('chainlink'); await oracle .fetchGasPricesOnChain() .should.be.rejectedWith('All oracles are down. Probably a network error.'); oracle.addOnChainOracle(chainlink); const gas: number = await oracle.fetchGasPricesOnChain(); gas.should.be.a('number'); gas.should.not.be.equal(0); }); it('should throw if all onchain oracles are down', async function () { mockery.enable({ useCleanCache: true, warnOnUnregistered: false }); const { GasPriceOracle } = require('../src/index'); oracle = new GasPriceOracle(); await oracle .fetchGasPricesOnChain() .should.be.rejectedWith('All oracles are down. Probably a network error.'); mockery.disable(); }); }); describe('fetchGasPriceFromRpc', function () { it('should work', async function () { const gas: number = await oracle.fetchGasPriceFromRpc(); gas.should.be.a('number'); gas.should.be.above(1); gas.should.not.be.equal(0); }); it('should work with custom rpc', async function () { const rpc = 'https://ethereum-rpc.trustwalletapp.com'; const oracle = new GasPriceOracle({ defaultRpc: rpc }); oracle.configuration.defaultRpc.should.be.equal(rpc); const gas: number = await oracle.fetchGasPriceFromRpc(); gas.should.be.a('number'); gas.should.be.above(1); gas.should.not.be.equal(0); }); it('should throw if default rpc is down', async function () { mockery.enable({ useCleanCache: true, warnOnUnregistered: false }); const { GasPriceOracle } = require('../src/index'); oracle = new GasPriceOracle(); await oracle .fetchGasPriceFromRpc() .should.be.rejectedWith('Default RPC is down. Probably a network error.'); mockery.disable(); }); }); describe('gasPrice', function () { it('should work', async function () { const gas: GasPrice = await oracle.gasPrices(); gas.instant.should.be.a('number'); gas.fast.should.be.a('number'); gas.standard.should.be.a('number'); gas.low.should.be.a('number'); gas.instant.should.be.at.least(gas.fast); gas.fast.should.be.at.least(gas.standard); gas.standard.should.be.at.least(gas.low); gas.low.should.not.be.equal(0); }); it('should fallback', async function () { mockery.enable({ useCleanCache: true, warnOnUnregistered: false }); const { GasPriceOracle } = require('../src/index'); oracle = new GasPriceOracle(); const gas: GasPrice = await oracle.gasPrices(); gas.instant.should.be.equal(28.6); gas.fast.should.be.equal(22); gas.standard.should.be.equal(18.7); gas.low.should.be.equal(11); mockery.disable(); }); it('should fallback to set values', async function () { mockery.enable({ useCleanCache: true, warnOnUnregistered: false }); const { GasPriceOracle } = require('../src/index'); oracle = new GasPriceOracle(); const gas: GasPrice = await oracle.gasPrices({ instant: 50, fast: 21, standard: 10, low: 3 }); gas.instant.should.be.equal(50); gas.fast.should.be.equal(21); gas.standard.should.be.equal(10); gas.low.should.be.equal(3); mockery.disable(); }); }); describe('median', function () { it('should work', async function () { const gas1 = { instant: 100, fast: 100, standard: 100, low: 100 }; const gas2 = { instant: 90, fast: 90, standard: 90, low: 90 }; const gas3 = { instant: 70, fast: 70, standard: 70, low: 70 }; const gas4 = { instant: 110.1, fast: 110.1, standard: 110.1, low: 110.1 }; let gas: GasPrice = await oracle.median([gas1, gas2, gas3]); gas.instant.should.be.a('number'); gas.fast.should.be.a('number'); gas.standard.should.be.a('number'); gas.low.should.be.a('number'); gas.instant.should.be.eq(90); gas.fast.should.be.eq(90); gas.standard.should.be.eq(90); gas.low.should.be.eq(90); gas = await oracle.median([gas1, gas2, gas3, gas4]); gas.instant.should.be.a('number'); gas.fast.should.be.a('number'); gas.standard.should.be.a('number'); gas.low.should.be.a('number'); gas.instant.should.be.eq(95); gas.fast.should.be.eq(95); gas.standard.should.be.eq(95); gas.low.should.be.eq(95); }); }); describe('fetchMedianGasPriceOffChain', function () { it('should work', async function () { const gas: GasPrice = await oracle.fetchMedianGasPriceOffChain(); gas.instant.should.be.a('number'); gas.fast.should.be.a('number'); gas.standard.should.be.a('number'); gas.low.should.be.a('number'); gas.instant.should.be.at.least(gas.fast); // greater than or equal to the given number. gas.fast.should.be.at.least(gas.standard); gas.standard.should.be.at.least(gas.low); gas.low.should.not.be.equal(0); }); }); describe('askOracle', function () { const chains = Object.keys(NETWORKS).map(id => Number(id)); chains.forEach(chainId => { describe(`all ${ChainId[chainId]} oracles should answer`, function () { oracle = new GasPriceOracle({ chainId }); ({ offChainOracles } = oracle); for (const o of Object.values(offChainOracles) as Array) { it(`check ${o.name}`, async function () { try { const gas: GasPrice = await oracle.askOracle(o); gas.instant.should.be.a('number'); gas.fast.should.be.a('number'); gas.standard.should.be.a('number'); gas.low.should.be.a('number'); gas.instant.should.be.at.least(gas.fast); // greater than or equal to the given number. gas.fast.should.be.at.least(gas.standard); gas.standard.should.be.at.least(gas.low); gas.low.should.not.be.equal(0); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to get data from ${o.name} oracle`); throw new Error(e); } }); } }); }); }); after('after', function () { after(function () { mockery.disable(); mockery.deregisterMock('node-fetch'); }); });