import * as fc from 'fast-check'; import { secp256k1, schnorr } from '../lib/esm/secp256k1.js'; import { Fp } from '../lib/esm/abstract/modular.js'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { default as ecdsa } from './vectors/ecdsa.json' assert { type: 'json' }; import { default as ecdh } from './vectors/ecdh.json' assert { type: 'json' }; import { default as privates } from './vectors/privates.json' assert { type: 'json' }; import { default as points } from './vectors/points.json' assert { type: 'json' }; import { default as wp } from './vectors/wychenproof.json' assert { type: 'json' }; import { should, describe } from 'micro-should'; import { deepStrictEqual, throws } from 'assert'; import { hexToBytes, bytesToHex } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; const hex = bytesToHex; const secp = secp256k1; const Point = secp.ProjectivePoint; const privatesTxt = readFileSync('./test/vectors/privates-2.txt', 'utf-8'); const schCsv = readFileSync('./test/vectors/schnorr.csv', 'utf-8'); const FC_BIGINT = fc.bigInt(1n + 1n, secp.CURVE.n - 1n); // prettier-ignore const INVALID_ITEMS = ['deadbeef', Math.pow(2, 53), [1], 'xyzxyzxyxyzxyzxyxyzxyzxyxyzxyzxyxyzxyzxyxyzxyzxyxyzxyzxyxyzxyzxy', secp.CURVE.n + 2n]; const toBEHex = (n) => n.toString(16).padStart(64, '0'); function hexToNumber(hex) { if (typeof hex !== 'string') { throw new Error('hexToNumber: expected string, got ' + typeof hex); } // Big Endian return BigInt(`0x${hex}`); } describe('secp256k1', () => { should('getPublicKey()', () => { const data = privatesTxt .split('\n') .filter((line) => line) .map((line) => line.split(':')); for (let [priv, x, y] of data) { const point = Point.fromPrivateKey(BigInt(priv)); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point.x), x); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point.y), y); const point2 = Point.fromHex(secp.getPublicKey(toBEHex(BigInt(priv)))); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point2.x), x); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point2.y), y); const point3 = Point.fromHex(secp.getPublicKey(hexToBytes(toBEHex(BigInt(priv))))); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point3.x), x); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point3.y), y); } }); should('getPublicKey() rejects invalid keys', () => { for (const item of INVALID_ITEMS) { throws(() => secp.getPublicKey(item)); } }); should('precompute', () => { secp.utils.precompute(4); const data = privatesTxt .split('\n') .filter((line) => line) .map((line) => line.split(':')); for (let [priv, x, y] of data) { const point = Point.fromPrivateKey(BigInt(priv)); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point.x), x); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point.y), y); const point2 = Point.fromHex(secp.getPublicKey(toBEHex(BigInt(priv)))); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point2.x), x); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point2.y), y); const point3 = Point.fromHex(secp.getPublicKey(hexToBytes(toBEHex(BigInt(priv))))); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point3.x), x); deepStrictEqual(toBEHex(point3.y), y); } }); describe('Point', () => { should('fromHex() assertValidity', () => { for (const vector of points.valid.isPoint) { const { P, expected } = vector; if (expected) { Point.fromHex(P); } else { throws(() => Point.fromHex(P)); } } }); should('.fromPrivateKey()', () => { for (const vector of points.valid.pointFromScalar) { const { d, expected } = vector; let p = Point.fromPrivateKey(d); deepStrictEqual(p.toHex(true), expected); } }); should('#toHex(compressed)', () => { for (const vector of points.valid.pointCompress) { const { P, compress, expected } = vector; let p = Point.fromHex(P); deepStrictEqual(p.toHex(compress), expected); } }); should('#toHex() roundtrip (failed case)', () => { const point1 = Point.fromPrivateKey( 88572218780422190464634044548753414301110513745532121983949500266768436236425n ); // const hex = point1.toHex(true); // deepStrictEqual(Point.fromHex(hex).toHex(true), hex); }); should('#toHex() roundtrip', () => { fc.assert(, (x) => { const point1 = Point.fromPrivateKey(x); const hex = point1.toHex(true); deepStrictEqual(Point.fromHex(hex).toHex(true), hex); }) ); }); should('#add(other)', () => { for (const vector of points.valid.pointAdd) { const { P, Q, expected } = vector; let p = Point.fromHex(P); let q = Point.fromHex(Q); if (expected) { deepStrictEqual(p.add(q).toHex(true), expected); } else { if (!p.equals(q.negate())) { throws(() => p.add(q).toHex(true)); } } } }); should('#multiply(privateKey)', () => { for (const vector of points.valid.pointMultiply) { const { P, d, expected } = vector; const p = Point.fromHex(P); if (expected) { deepStrictEqual(p.multiply(hexToNumber(d)).toHex(true), expected, P); } else { throws(() => { p.multiply(hexToNumber(d)).toHex(true); }); } } for (const vector of points.invalid.pointMultiply) { const { P, d } = vector; if (hexToNumber(d) < secp.CURVE.n) { throws(() => { const p = Point.fromHex(P); p.multiply(hexToNumber(d)).toHex(true); }); } } for (const num of [0n, 0, -1n, -1, 1.1]) { throws(() => Point.BASE.multiply(num)); } }); }); // multiply() should equal multiplyUnsafe() // should('ProjectivePoint#multiplyUnsafe', () => { // const p0 = new secp.ProjectivePoint( // 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240n, // 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424n, // 1n // ); // const z = 106011723082030650010038151861333186846790370053628296836951575624442507889495n; // console.log(p0.multiply(z)); // console.log(secp.ProjectivePoint.normalizeZ([p0.multiplyUnsafe(z)])[0]) // }); describe('Signature', () => { should('.fromCompactHex() roundtrip', () => { fc.assert(, FC_BIGINT, (r, s) => { const sig = new secp.Signature(r, s); deepStrictEqual(secp.Signature.fromCompact(sig.toCompactHex()), sig); }) ); }); should('.fromDERHex() roundtrip', () => { fc.assert(, FC_BIGINT, (r, s) => { const sig = new secp.Signature(r, s); deepStrictEqual(secp.Signature.fromDER(sig.toDERHex()), sig); }) ); }); }); describe('sign()', () => { should('create deterministic signatures with RFC 6979', () => { for (const vector of ecdsa.valid) { let usig = secp.sign(vector.m, vector.d); let sig = usig.toCompactHex(); const vsig = vector.signature; deepStrictEqual(sig.slice(0, 64), vsig.slice(0, 64)); deepStrictEqual(sig.slice(64, 128), vsig.slice(64, 128)); } }); should('not create invalid deterministic signatures with RFC 6979', () => { for (const vector of ecdsa.invalid.sign) { throws(() => secp.sign(vector.m, vector.d)); } }); should('edge cases', () => { throws(() => secp.sign()); throws(() => secp.sign('')); }); should('create correct DER encoding against libsecp256k1', () => { const CASES = [ [ 'd1a9dc8ed4e46a6a3e5e594615ca351d7d7ef44df1e4c94c1802f3592183794b', '304402203de2559fccb00c148574997f660e4d6f40605acc71267ee38101abf15ff467af02200950abdf40628fd13f547792ba2fc544681a485f2fdafb5c3b909a4df7350e6b', ], [ '5f97983254982546d3976d905c6165033976ee449d300d0e382099fa74deaf82', '3045022100c046d9ff0bd2845b9aa9dff9f997ecebb31e52349f80fe5a5a869747d31dcb88022011f72be2a6d48fe716b825e4117747b397783df26914a58139c3f4c5cbb0e66c', ], [ '0d7017a96b97cd9be21cf28aada639827b2814a654a478c81945857196187808', '3045022100d18990bba7832bb283e3ecf8700b67beb39acc73f4200ed1c331247c46edccc602202e5c8bbfe47ae159512c583b30a3fa86575cddc62527a03de7756517ae4c6c73', ], ]; const privKey = hexToBytes( '0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101' ); for (const [msg, exp] of CASES) { const res = secp.sign(msg, privKey, { extraEntropy: undefined }); deepStrictEqual(res.toDERHex(), exp); const rs = secp.Signature.fromDER(res.toDERHex()).toCompactHex(); deepStrictEqual(secp.Signature.fromCompact(rs).toDERHex(), exp); } }); should('handle {extraData} option', () => { const ent1 = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; const ent2 = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'; const ent3 = '6e723d3fd94ed5d2b6bdd4f123364b0f3ca52af829988a63f8afe91d29db1c33'; const ent4 = 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141'; const ent5 = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'; for (const e of ecdsa.extraEntropy) { const sign = (extraEntropy) => { const s = secp.sign(e.m, e.d, { extraEntropy }).toCompactHex(); return s; }; deepStrictEqual(sign(), e.signature); deepStrictEqual(sign(ent1), e.extraEntropy0); deepStrictEqual(sign(ent2), e.extraEntropy1); deepStrictEqual(sign(ent3), e.extraEntropyRand); deepStrictEqual(sign(ent4), e.extraEntropyN); deepStrictEqual(sign(ent5), e.extraEntropyMax); } }); }); describe('verify()', () => { should('verify signature', () => { const MSG = '01'.repeat(32); const PRIV_KEY = 0x2n; const signature = secp.sign(MSG, PRIV_KEY); const publicKey = secp.getPublicKey(PRIV_KEY); deepStrictEqual(publicKey.length, 33); deepStrictEqual(secp.verify(signature, MSG, publicKey), true); }); should(' not verify signature with wrong public key', () => { const MSG = '01'.repeat(32); const PRIV_KEY = 0x2n; const WRONG_PRIV_KEY = 0x22n; const signature = secp.sign(MSG, PRIV_KEY); const publicKey = Point.fromPrivateKey(WRONG_PRIV_KEY).toHex(); deepStrictEqual(publicKey.length, 66); deepStrictEqual(secp.verify(signature, MSG, publicKey), false); }); should('not verify signature with wrong hash', () => { const MSG = '01'.repeat(32); const PRIV_KEY = 0x2n; const WRONG_MSG = '11'.repeat(32); const signature = secp.sign(MSG, PRIV_KEY); const publicKey = secp.getPublicKey(PRIV_KEY); deepStrictEqual(publicKey.length, 33); deepStrictEqual(secp.verify(signature, WRONG_MSG, publicKey), false); }); should('verify random signatures', () => fc.assert(, fc.hexaString({ minLength: 64, maxLength: 64 }), (privKey, msg) => { const pub = secp.getPublicKey(privKey); const sig = secp.sign(msg, privKey); deepStrictEqual(secp.verify(sig, msg, pub), true); }) ) ); should('not verify signature with invalid r/s', () => { const msg = new Uint8Array([ 0xbb, 0x5a, 0x52, 0xf4, 0x2f, 0x9c, 0x92, 0x61, 0xed, 0x43, 0x61, 0xf5, 0x94, 0x22, 0xa1, 0xe3, 0x00, 0x36, 0xe7, 0xc3, 0x2b, 0x27, 0x0c, 0x88, 0x07, 0xa4, 0x19, 0xfe, 0xca, 0x60, 0x50, 0x23, ]); const x = 100260381870027870612475458630405506840396644859280795015145920502443964769584n; const y = 41096923727651821103518389640356553930186852801619204169823347832429067794568n; const r = 1n; const s = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518162728904n; const pub = new Point(x, y, 1n); const signature = new secp.Signature(2n, 2n); signature.r = r; signature.s = s; const verified = secp.verify(signature, msg, pub); // Verifies, but it shouldn't, because signature S > curve order deepStrictEqual(verified, false); }); should('not verify msg = curve order', () => { const msg = 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141'; const x = 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240n; const y = 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424n; const r = 104546003225722045112039007203142344920046999340768276760147352389092131869133n; const s = 96900796730960181123786672629079577025401317267213807243199432755332205217369n; const pub = new Point(x, y, 1n); const sig = new secp.Signature(r, s); deepStrictEqual(secp.verify(sig, msg, pub), false); }); should('verify non-strict msg bb5a...', () => { const msg = 'bb5a52f42f9c9261ed4361f59422a1e30036e7c32b270c8807a419feca605023'; const x = 3252872872578928810725465493269682203671229454553002637820453004368632726370n; const y = 17482644437196207387910659778872952193236850502325156318830589868678978890912n; const r = 432420386565659656852420866390673177323n; const s = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494334n; const pub = new Point(x, y, 1n); const sig = new secp.Signature(r, s); deepStrictEqual(secp.verify(sig, msg, pub, { strict: false }), true); }); should('not verify invalid deterministic signatures with RFC 6979', () => { for (const vector of ecdsa.invalid.verify) { const res = secp.verify(vector.signature, vector.m, vector.Q); deepStrictEqual(res, false); } }); }); describe('schnorr.sign()', () => { // index,secret key,public key,aux_rand,message,signature,verification result,comment const vectors = schCsv .split('\n') .map((line) => line.split(',')) .slice(1, -1); for (let vec of vectors) { const [index, sec, pub, rnd, msg, expSig, passes, comment] = vec; should(`${comment || 'vector ' + index}`, () => { if (sec) { deepStrictEqual(hex(schnorr.getPublicKey(sec)), pub.toLowerCase()); const sig = schnorr.sign(msg, sec, rnd); deepStrictEqual(hex(sig), expSig.toLowerCase()); deepStrictEqual(schnorr.verify(sig, msg, pub), true); } else { const passed = schnorr.verify(expSig, msg, pub); deepStrictEqual(passed, passes === 'TRUE'); } }); } }); describe('recoverPublicKey()', () => { should('recover public key from recovery bit', () => { const message = '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000deadbeef'; const privateKey = 123456789n; const publicKey = Point.fromHex(secp.getPublicKey(privateKey)).toHex(false); const sig = secp.sign(message, privateKey); const recoveredPubkey = sig.recoverPublicKey(message); // const recoveredPubkey = secp.recoverPublicKey(message, signature, recovery); deepStrictEqual(recoveredPubkey !== null, true); deepStrictEqual(recoveredPubkey.toHex(false), publicKey); deepStrictEqual(secp.verify(sig, message, publicKey), true); }); should('not recover zero points', () => { const msgHash = '6b8d2c81b11b2d699528dde488dbdf2f94293d0d33c32e347f255fa4a6c1f0a9'; const sig = '79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f817986b8d2c81b11b2d699528dde488dbdf2f94293d0d33c32e347f255fa4a6c1f0a9'; const recovery = 0; throws(() => secp.recoverPublicKey(msgHash, sig, recovery)); }); should('handle all-zeros msghash', () => { const privKey = secp.utils.randomPrivateKey(); const pub = secp.getPublicKey(privKey); const zeros = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; const sig = secp.sign(zeros, privKey); const recoveredKey = sig.recoverPublicKey(zeros); deepStrictEqual(recoveredKey.toRawBytes(), pub); }); should('handle RFC 6979 vectors', () => { for (const vector of ecdsa.valid) { let usig = secp.sign(vector.m, vector.d); let sig = usig.toDERHex(); const vpub = secp.getPublicKey(vector.d); const recovered = usig.recoverPublicKey(vector.m); deepStrictEqual(recovered.toHex(), hex(vpub)); } }); }); describe('getSharedSecret()', () => { // TODO: Real implementation. function derToPub(der) { return der.slice(46); } should('produce correct results', () => { // TODO: Once der is there, run all tests. for (const vector of ecdh.testGroups[0].tests.slice(0, 230)) { if (vector.result === 'invalid' || vector.private.length !== 64) { throws(() => { secp.getSharedSecret(vector.private, derToPub(vector.public), true); }); } else if (vector.result === 'valid') { const res = secp.getSharedSecret(vector.private, derToPub(vector.public), true); deepStrictEqual(hex(res.slice(1)), `${vector.shared}`); } } }); should('priv/pub order matters', () => { for (const vector of ecdh.testGroups[0].tests.slice(0, 100)) { if (vector.result === 'valid') { let priv = vector.private; priv = priv.length === 66 ? priv.slice(2) : priv; throws(() => secp.getSharedSecret(derToPub(vector.public), priv, true)); } } }); should('reject invalid keys', () => { throws(() => secp.getSharedSecret('01', '02')); }); }); should('utils.isValidPrivateKey()', () => { for (const vector of privates.valid.isPrivate) { const { d, expected } = vector; deepStrictEqual(secp.utils.isValidPrivateKey(d), expected); } }); should('have proper curve equation in assertValidity()', () => { throws(() => { const { Fp } = secp.CURVE; let point = new Point(Fp.create(-2n), Fp.create(-1n), Fp.create(1n)); point.assertValidity(); }); }); describe('tweak utilities (legacy)', () => { const Fn = Fp(secp.CURVE.n); const normal = secp.utils._normalizePrivateKey; const tweakUtils = { privateAdd: (privateKey, tweak) => { const p = normal(privateKey); const t = normal(tweak); return secp.utils._bigintToBytes(Fn.create(p + t)); }, privateNegate: (privateKey) => { const p = normal(privateKey); return secp.utils._bigintToBytes(Fn.negate(p)); }, pointAddScalar: (p, tweak, isCompressed) => { const P = Point.fromHex(p); const t = normal(tweak); const Q = Point.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(P, t, 1n); if (!Q) throw new Error('Tweaked point at infinity'); return Q.toRawBytes(isCompressed); }, pointMultiply: (p, tweak, isCompressed) => { const P = Point.fromHex(p); const h = typeof tweak === 'string' ? tweak : bytesToHex(tweak); const t = BigInt(`0x${h}`); return P.multiply(t).toRawBytes(isCompressed); }, }; should('privateAdd()', () => { for (const vector of privates.valid.add) { const { a, b, expected } = vector; deepStrictEqual(bytesToHex(tweakUtils.privateAdd(a, b)), expected); } }); should('privateNegate()', () => { for (const vector of privates.valid.negate) { const { a, expected } = vector; deepStrictEqual(bytesToHex(tweakUtils.privateNegate(a)), expected); } }); should('pointAddScalar()', () => { for (const vector of points.valid.pointAddScalar) { const { description, P, d, expected } = vector; const compressed = !!expected && expected.length === 66; // compressed === 33 bytes deepStrictEqual(bytesToHex(tweakUtils.pointAddScalar(P, d, compressed)), expected); } }); should('pointAddScalar() invalid', () => { for (const vector of points.invalid.pointAddScalar) { const { P, d, exception } = vector; throws(() => tweakUtils.pointAddScalar(P, d)); } }); should('pointMultiply()', () => { for (const vector of points.valid.pointMultiply) { const { P, d, expected } = vector; deepStrictEqual(bytesToHex(tweakUtils.pointMultiply(P, d, true)), expected); } }); should('pointMultiply() invalid', () => { for (const vector of points.invalid.pointMultiply) { const { P, d, exception } = vector; throws(() => tweakUtils.pointMultiply(P, d)); } }); }); should('wychenproof vectors', () => { for (let group of wp.testGroups) { const pubKey = Point.fromHex(group.key.uncompressed); for (let test of group.tests) { const m = secp.CURVE.hash(hexToBytes(test.msg)); if (test.result === 'valid' || test.result === 'acceptable') { const verified = secp.verify(test.sig, m, pubKey); if (secp.Signature.fromDER(test.sig).hasHighS()) { deepStrictEqual(verified, false); } else { deepStrictEqual(verified, true); } } else if (test.result === 'invalid') { let failed = false; try { const verified = secp.verify(test.sig, m, pubKey); if (!verified) failed = true; } catch (error) { failed = true; } deepStrictEqual(failed, true); } else { deepStrictEqual(false, true); } } } }); }); // ESM is broken. import url from 'url'; if (import.meta.url === url.pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) {; }