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/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
// The pairing-friendly Barreto-Lynn-Scott elliptic curve construction allows to:
// - Construct zk-SNARKs at the 128-bit security
// - Use threshold signatures, which allows a user to sign lots of messages with one signature and verify them swiftly in a batch, using Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signature scheme.
// Differences from @noble/bls12-381 1.4:
// - PointG1 -> G1.Point
// - PointG2 -> G2.Point
// - PointG2.fromSignature -> Signature.decode
// - PointG2.toSignature -> Signature.encode
// - Fixed Fp2 ORDER
// - Points now have only two coordinates
import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256';
import { randomBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils';
import { bls, CurveFn } from './abstract/bls.js';
import * as mod from './abstract/modular.js';
import {
} from './abstract/utils.js';
// Types
import {
} from './abstract/weierstrass.js';
import { isogenyMap } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';
// Finite field over p.
const Fp =
type Fp = bigint;
// Finite field over r.
// This particular field is not used anywhere in bls12-381, but it is still useful.
const Fr = mod.Fp(0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001n);
// Fp₂ over complex plane
type BigintTuple = [bigint, bigint];
type Fp2 = { c0: bigint; c1: bigint };
const Fp2Add = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp2) => ({
c0: Fp.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.add(c1, r1),
const Fp2Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp2) => ({
c0: Fp.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp2Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, rhs: Fp2) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') return { c0: Fp.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp.mul(c1, rhs) };
// (a+bi)(c+di) = (acbd) + (ad+bc)i
const { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
let t2 = Fp.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
// (T1 - T2) + ((c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2))*i
const o0 = Fp.sub(t1, t2);
const o1 = Fp.sub(Fp.mul(Fp.add(c0, c1), Fp.add(r0, r1)), Fp.add(t1, t2));
return { c0: o0, c1: o1 };
const Fp2Square = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2) => {
const a = Fp.add(c0, c1);
const b = Fp.sub(c0, c1);
const c = Fp.add(c0, c0);
return { c0: Fp.mul(a, b), c1: Fp.mul(c, c1) };
type Fp2Utils = {
fromBigTuple: (tuple: BigintTuple | bigint[]) => Fp2;
reim: (num: Fp2) => { re: bigint; im: bigint };
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
multiplyByB: (num: Fp2) => Fp2;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp2, power: number): Fp2;
// G2 is the order-q subgroup of E2(Fp²) : y² = x³+4(1+√1),
// where Fp2 is Fp[√1]/(x2+1). #E2(Fp2 ) = h2q, where
// G² - 1
// h2q
// NOTE: ORDER was wrong!
const FP2_ORDER =
0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaabn **
const Fp2: mod.Field<Fp2> & Fp2Utils = {
BITS: bitLen(FP2_ORDER),
BYTES: Math.ceil(bitLen(FP2_ORDER) / 8),
MASK: bitMask(bitLen(FP2_ORDER)),
ZERO: { c0: Fp.ZERO, c1: Fp.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp.ONE, c1: Fp.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => typeof c0 === 'bigint' && typeof c1 === 'bigint',
isZero: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp.isZero(c0) && Fp.isZero(c1),
equals: ({ c0, c1 }: Fp2, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp2) => Fp.equals(c0, r0) && Fp.equals(c1, r1),
negate: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.negate(c0), c1: Fp.negate(c1) }),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp2, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp2, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp2Add,
sub: Fp2Subtract,
mul: Fp2Multiply,
square: Fp2Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp2Add,
subN: Fp2Subtract,
mulN: Fp2Multiply,
squareN: Fp2Square,
// Why inversion for bigint inside Fp instead of Fp2? it is even used in that context?
div: (lhs, rhs) =>
Fp2.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.invert(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp2.invert(rhs)),
invert: ({ c0: a, c1: b }) => {
// We wish to find the multiplicative inverse of a nonzero
// element a + bu in Fp2. We leverage an identity
// (a + bu)(a - bu) = a² + b²
// which holds because u² = -1. This can be rewritten as
// (a + bu)(a - bu)/(a² + b²) = 1
// because a² + b² = 0 has no nonzero solutions for (a, b).
// This gives that (a - bu)/(a² + b²) is the inverse
// of (a + bu). Importantly, this can be computing using
// only a single inversion in Fp.
const factor = Fp.invert(Fp.create(a * a + b * b));
return { c0: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(a)), c1: Fp.mul(factor, Fp.create(-b)) };
sqrt: (num) => {
// TODO: Optimize this line. It's extremely slow.
// Speeding this up would boost aggregateSignatures.
// applicable?
// Inspired by
const candidateSqrt = Fp2.pow(num, (Fp2.ORDER + 8n) / 16n);
const check = Fp2.div(Fp2.square(candidateSqrt), num); // candidateSqrt.square().div(this);
const divisor = [R[0], R[2], R[4], R[6]].find((r) => Fp2.equals(r, check));
if (!divisor) throw new Error('No root');
const index = R.indexOf(divisor);
const root = R[index / 2];
if (!root) throw new Error('Invalid root');
const x1 = Fp2.div(candidateSqrt, root);
const x2 = Fp2.negate(x1);
const { re: re1, im: im1 } = Fp2.reim(x1);
const { re: re2, im: im2 } = Fp2.reim(x2);
if (im1 > im2 || (im1 === im2 && re1 > re2)) return x1;
return x2;
// Same as sgn0_fp2 in draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-16
isOdd: (x: Fp2) => {
const { re: x0, im: x1 } = Fp2.reim(x);
const sign_0 = x0 % 2n;
const zero_0 = x0 === 0n;
const sign_1 = x1 % 2n;
return BigInt(sign_0 || (zero_0 && sign_1)) == 1n;
// Bytes util
fromBytes(b: Uint8Array): Fp2 {
if (b.length !== Fp2.BYTES) throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return { c0: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp.BYTES)), c1: Fp.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp.BYTES)) };
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }) => concatBytes(Fp.toBytes(c0), Fp.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Specific utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp2(${this.c0} + ${this.c1}×i)`;
// }
reim: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ re: c0, im: c1 }),
// multiply by u + 1
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp.sub(c0, c1), c1: Fp.add(c0, c1) }),
multiplyByB: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t0 = Fp.mul(c0, 4n); // 4 * c0
let t1 = Fp.mul(c1, 4n); // 4 * c1
// (T0-T1) + (T0+T1)*i
return { c0: Fp.sub(t0, t1), c1: Fp.add(t0, t1) };
fromBigTuple: (tuple: BigintTuple | bigint[]) => {
if (tuple.length !== 2) throw new Error('Invalid tuple');
const fps = => Fp.create(n)) as [Fp, Fp];
return { c0: fps[0], c1: fps[1] };
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1 }, power: number): Fp2 => ({
c1: Fp.mul(c1, FP2_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 2]),
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
].map((item) => Fp.create(item));
// For Fp2 roots of unity.
const rv1 =
// const ev1 =
// 0x699be3b8c6870965e5bf892ad5d2cc7b0e85a117402dfd83b7f4a947e02d978498255a2aaec0ac627b5afbdf1bf1c90n;
// const ev2 =
// 0x8157cd83046453f5dd0972b6e3949e4288020b5b8a9cc99ca07e27089a2ce2436d965026adad3ef7baba37f2183e9b5n;
// const ev3 =
// 0xab1c2ffdd6c253ca155231eb3e71ba044fd562f6f72bc5bad5ec46a0b7a3b0247cf08ce6c6317f40edbc653a72dee17n;
// const ev4 =
// 0xaa404866706722864480885d68ad0ccac1967c7544b447873cc37e0181271e006df72162a3d3e0287bf597fbf7f8fc1n;
// Eighth roots of unity, used for computing square roots in Fp2.
// To verify or re-calculate:
// Array(8).fill(new Fp2([1n, 1n])).map((fp2, k) => fp2.pow(Fp2.ORDER * BigInt(k) / 8n))
const FP2_ROOTS_OF_UNITY = [
[1n, 0n],
[rv1, -rv1],
[0n, 1n],
[rv1, rv1],
[-1n, 0n],
[-rv1, rv1],
[0n, -1n],
[-rv1, -rv1],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// eta values, used for computing sqrt(g(X1(t)))
// const FP2_ETAs = [
// [ev1, ev2],
// [-ev2, ev1],
// [ev3, ev4],
// [-ev4, ev3],
// ].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp2(v) / (v³ - ξ) where ξ = u + 1
type BigintSix = [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint];
type Fp6 = { c0: Fp2; c1: Fp2; c2: Fp2 };
const Fp6Add = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }: Fp6) => ({
c0: Fp2.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.add(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.add(c2, r2),
const Fp6Subtract = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }: Fp6) => ({
c0: Fp2.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp2.sub(c1, r1),
c2: Fp2.sub(c2, r2),
const Fp6Multiply = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, rhs: Fp6 | bigint) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') {
return {
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
const { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 } = rhs;
const t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * o0
const t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * o1
const t2 = Fp2.mul(c2, r2); // c2 * o2
return {
// t0 + (c1 + c2) * (r1 * r2) - (T1 + T2) * (u + 1)
c0: Fp2.add(
Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), Fp2.add(r1, r2)), Fp2.add(t1, t2)))
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T0 + T1) + T2 * (u + 1)
c1: Fp2.add(
Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c1), Fp2.add(r0, r1)), Fp2.add(t0, t1)),
// T1 + (c0 + c2) * (r0 + r2) - T0 + T2
c2: Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), Fp2.add(r0, r2))), Fp2.add(t0, t2)),
const Fp6Square = ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6) => {
let t0 = Fp2.square(c0); // c0²
let t1 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c0, c1), 2n); // 2 * c0 * c1
let t3 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(c1, c2), 2n); // 2 * c1 * c2
let t4 = Fp2.square(c2); // c2²
return {
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t3), t0), // T3 * (u + 1) + T0
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t4), t1), // T4 * (u + 1) + T1
// T1 + (c0 - c1 + c2)² + T3 - T0 - T4
c2: Fp2.sub(
Fp2.sub(Fp2.add(Fp2.add(t1, Fp2.square(Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(c0, c1), c2))), t3), t0),
type Fp6Utils = {
fromBigSix: (tuple: BigintSix) => Fp6;
mulByNonresidue: (num: Fp6) => Fp6;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp6, power: number): Fp6;
multiplyBy1(num: Fp6, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyBy01(num: Fp6, b0: Fp2, b1: Fp2): Fp6;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp6, rhs: Fp2): Fp6;
const Fp6: mod.Field<Fp6> & Fp6Utils = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 3 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: bitMask(3 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp2.ONE, c1: Fp2.ZERO, c2: Fp2.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.isValid(c0) && Fp2.isValid(c1) && Fp2.isValid(c2),
isZero: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => Fp2.isZero(c0) && Fp2.isZero(c1) && Fp2.isZero(c2),
negate: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.negate(c0), c1: Fp2.negate(c1), c2: Fp2.negate(c2) }),
equals: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }) =>
Fp2.equals(c0, r0) && Fp2.equals(c1, r1) && Fp2.equals(c2, r2),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
// Do we need division by bigint at all? Should be done via order:
div: (lhs, rhs) =>
Fp6.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.invert(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp6.invert(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp6, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp6, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp6Add,
sub: Fp6Subtract,
mul: Fp6Multiply,
square: Fp6Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp6Add,
subN: Fp6Subtract,
mulN: Fp6Multiply,
squareN: Fp6Square,
invert: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => {
let t0 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.square(c0), Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, c1))); // c0² - c2 * c1 * (u + 1)
let t1 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.square(c2)), Fp2.mul(c0, c1)); // c2² * (u + 1) - c0 * c1
let t2 = Fp2.sub(Fp2.square(c1), Fp2.mul(c0, c2)); // c1² - c0 * c2
// 1/(((c2 * T1 + c1 * T2) * v) + c0 * T0)
let t4 = Fp2.invert(
Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(c2, t1), Fp2.mul(c1, t2))), Fp2.mul(c0, t0))
return { c0: Fp2.mul(t4, t0), c1: Fp2.mul(t4, t1), c2: Fp2.mul(t4, t2) };
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b: Uint8Array): Fp6 => {
if (b.length !== Fp6.BYTES) throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp2.BYTES)),
c1: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp2.BYTES, 2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
c2: Fp2.fromBytes(b.subarray(2 * Fp2.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1, c2 }): Uint8Array =>
concatBytes(Fp2.toBytes(c0), Fp2.toBytes(c1), Fp2.toBytes(c2)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1, c2 }: Fp6, { c0: r0, c1: r1, c2: r2 }: Fp6, c) => ({
c0: Fp2.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp2.cmov(c1, r1, c),
c2: Fp2.cmov(c2, r2, c),
// Utils
// fromTriple(triple: [Fp2, Fp2, Fp2]) {
// return new Fp6(...triple);
// }
// toString() {
// return `Fp6(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * v, ${this.c2} * v^2)`;
// }
fromBigSix: (t: BigintSix): Fp6 => {
if (!Array.isArray(t) || t.length !== 6) throw new Error('Invalid Fp6 usage');
return {
c0: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(0, 2)),
c1: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(2, 4)),
c2: Fp2.fromBigTuple(t.slice(4, 6)),
frobeniusMap: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, power: number) => ({
c0: Fp2.frobeniusMap(c0, power),
c1: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c1, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_1[power % 6]),
c2: Fp2.mul(Fp2.frobeniusMap(c2, power), FP6_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS_2[power % 6]),
mulByNonresidue: ({ c0, c1, c2 }) => ({ c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(c2), c1: c0, c2: c1 }),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy1: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, b1: Fp2): Fp6 => ({
c0: Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.mul(c2, b1)),
c1: Fp2.mul(c0, b1),
c2: Fp2.mul(c1, b1),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy01({ c0, c1, c2 }, b0: Fp2, b1: Fp2): Fp6 {
let t0 = Fp2.mul(c0, b0); // c0 * b0
let t1 = Fp2.mul(c1, b1); // c1 * b1
return {
// ((c1 + c2) * b1 - T1) * (u + 1) + T0
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c1, c2), b1), t1)), t0),
// (b0 + b1) * (c0 + c1) - T0 - T1
c1: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(b0, b1), Fp2.add(c0, c1)), t0), t1),
// (c0 + c2) * b0 - T0 + T1
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.sub(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(c0, c2), b0), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1, c2 }, rhs: Fp2): Fp6 => ({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, rhs),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, rhs),
[0x1n, 0x0n],
[0x0n, 0x1n],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
[0x1n, 0x0n],
].map((pair) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(pair));
// Finite extension field over irreducible polynominal.
// Fp₁₂ = Fp₆² => Fp₂³
// Fp₆(w) / (w² - γ) where γ = v
type Fp12 = { c0: Fp6; c1: Fp6 };
// The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
const BLS_X = 0xd201000000010000n;
const BLS_X_LEN = bitLen(BLS_X);
// prettier-ignore
type BigintTwelve = [
bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint,
bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint
const Fp12Add = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp12) => ({
c0: Fp6.add(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.add(c1, r1),
const Fp12Subtract = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }: Fp12) => ({
c0: Fp6.sub(c0, r0),
c1: Fp6.sub(c1, r1),
const Fp12Multiply = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12, rhs: Fp12 | bigint) => {
if (typeof rhs === 'bigint') return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, rhs), c1: Fp6.mul(c1, rhs) };
let { c0: r0, c1: r1 } = rhs;
let t1 = Fp6.mul(c0, r0); // c0 * r0
let t2 = Fp6.mul(c1, r1); // c1 * r1
return {
c0: Fp6.add(t1, Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t2)), // T1 + T2 * v
// (c0 + c1) * (r0 + r1) - (T1 + T2)
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(c0, c1), Fp6.add(r0, r1)), Fp6.add(t1, t2)),
const Fp12Square = ({ c0, c1 }: Fp12) => {
let ab = Fp6.mul(c0, c1); // c0 * c1
return {
// (c1 * v + c0) * (c0 + c1) - AB - AB * v
c0: Fp6.sub(
Fp6.sub(Fp6.mul(Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(c1), c0), Fp6.add(c0, c1)), ab),
c1: Fp6.add(ab, ab),
}; // AB + AB
function Fp4Square(a: Fp2, b: Fp2): { first: Fp2; second: Fp2 } {
const a2 = Fp2.square(a);
const b2 = Fp2.square(b);
return {
first: Fp2.add(Fp2.mulByNonresidue(b2), a2), // b² * Nonresidue + a²
second: Fp2.sub(Fp2.sub(Fp2.square(Fp2.add(a, b)), a2), b2), // (a + b)² - a² - b²
type Fp12Utils = {
fromBigTwelve: (t: BigintTwelve) => Fp12;
frobeniusMap(num: Fp12, power: number): Fp12;
multiplyBy014(num: Fp12, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2): Fp12;
multiplyByFp2(lhs: Fp12, rhs: Fp2): Fp12;
conjugate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
finalExponentiate(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicSquare(num: Fp12): Fp12;
_cyclotomicExp(num: Fp12, n: bigint): Fp12;
const Fp12: mod.Field<Fp12> & Fp12Utils = {
ORDER: Fp2.ORDER, // TODO: unused, but need to verify
BITS: 2 * Fp2.BITS,
MASK: bitMask(2 * Fp2.BITS),
ZERO: { c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
ONE: { c0: Fp6.ONE, c1: Fp6.ZERO },
create: (num) => num,
isValid: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.isValid(c0) && Fp6.isValid(c1),
isZero: ({ c0, c1 }) => Fp6.isZero(c0) && Fp6.isZero(c1),
negate: ({ c0, c1 }) => ({ c0: Fp6.negate(c0), c1: Fp6.negate(c1) }),
equals: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }) => Fp6.equals(c0, r0) && Fp6.equals(c1, r1),
sqrt: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
invert: ({ c0, c1 }) => {
let t = Fp6.invert(Fp6.sub(Fp6.square(c0), Fp6.mulByNonresidue(Fp6.square(c1)))); // 1 / (c0² - c1² * v)
return { c0: Fp6.mul(c0, t), c1: Fp6.negate(Fp6.mul(c1, t)) }; // ((C0 * T) * T) + (-C1 * T) * w
div: (lhs, rhs) =>
Fp12.mul(lhs, typeof rhs === 'bigint' ? Fp.invert(Fp.create(rhs)) : Fp12.invert(rhs)),
pow: (num, power) => mod.FpPow(Fp12, num, power),
invertBatch: (nums) => mod.FpInvertBatch(Fp12, nums),
// Normalized
add: Fp12Add,
sub: Fp12Subtract,
mul: Fp12Multiply,
square: Fp12Square,
// NonNormalized stuff
addN: Fp12Add,
subN: Fp12Subtract,
mulN: Fp12Multiply,
squareN: Fp12Square,
// Bytes utils
fromBytes: (b: Uint8Array): Fp12 => {
if (b.length !== Fp12.BYTES) throw new Error(`fromBytes wrong length=${b.length}`);
return {
c0: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(0, Fp6.BYTES)),
c1: Fp6.fromBytes(b.subarray(Fp6.BYTES)),
toBytes: ({ c0, c1 }): Uint8Array => concatBytes(Fp6.toBytes(c0), Fp6.toBytes(c1)),
cmov: ({ c0, c1 }, { c0: r0, c1: r1 }, c) => ({
c0: Fp6.cmov(c0, r0, c),
c1: Fp6.cmov(c1, r1, c),
// Utils
// toString() {
// return `Fp12(${this.c0} + ${this.c1} * w)`;
// },
// fromTuple(c: [Fp6, Fp6]) {
// return new Fp12(...c);
// }
fromBigTwelve: (t: BigintTwelve): Fp12 => ({
c0: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(0, 6) as BigintSix),
c1: Fp6.fromBigSix(t.slice(6, 12) as BigintSix),
// Raises to q**i -th power
frobeniusMap(lhs, power: number) {
const r0 = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c0, power);
const { c0, c1, c2 } = Fp6.frobeniusMap(lhs.c1, power);
const coeff = FP12_FROBENIUS_COEFFICIENTS[power % 12];
return {
c0: r0,
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.mul(c0, coeff),
c1: Fp2.mul(c1, coeff),
c2: Fp2.mul(c2, coeff),
// Sparse multiplication
multiplyBy014: ({ c0, c1 }, o0: Fp2, o1: Fp2, o4: Fp2) => {
let t0 = Fp6.multiplyBy01(c0, o0, o1);
let t1 = Fp6.multiplyBy1(c1, o4);
return {
c0: Fp6.add(Fp6.mulByNonresidue(t1), t0), // T1 * v + T0
// (c1 + c0) * [o0, o1+o4] - T0 - T1
c1: Fp6.sub(Fp6.sub(Fp6.multiplyBy01(Fp6.add(c1, c0), o0, Fp2.add(o1, o4)), t0), t1),
multiplyByFp2: ({ c0, c1 }, rhs: Fp2): Fp12 => ({
c0: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c0, rhs),
c1: Fp6.multiplyByFp2(c1, rhs),
conjugate: ({ c0, c1 }): Fp12 => ({ c0, c1: Fp6.negate(c1) }),
// A cyclotomic group is a subgroup of Fp^n defined by
// GΦₙ(p) = {α ∈ Fpⁿ : α^Φₙ(p) = 1}
// The result of any pairing is in a cyclotomic subgroup
_cyclotomicSquare: ({ c0, c1 }): Fp12 => {
const { c0: c0c0, c1: c0c1, c2: c0c2 } = c0;
const { c0: c1c0, c1: c1c1, c2: c1c2 } = c1;
const { first: t3, second: t4 } = Fp4Square(c0c0, c1c1);
const { first: t5, second: t6 } = Fp4Square(c1c0, c0c2);
const { first: t7, second: t8 } = Fp4Square(c0c1, c1c2);
let t9 = Fp2.mulByNonresidue(t8); // T8 * (u + 1)
return {
c0: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t3, c0c0), 2n), t3), // 2 * (T3 - c0c0) + T3
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t5, c0c1), 2n), t5), // 2 * (T5 - c0c1) + T5
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.sub(t7, c0c2), 2n), t7),
}), // 2 * (T7 - c0c2) + T7
c1: Fp6.create({
c0: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t9, c1c0), 2n), t9), // 2 * (T9 + c1c0) + T9
c1: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t4, c1c1), 2n), t4), // 2 * (T4 + c1c1) + T4
c2: Fp2.add(Fp2.mul(Fp2.add(t6, c1c2), 2n), t6),
}; // 2 * (T6 + c1c2) + T6
_cyclotomicExp(num, n) {
let z = Fp12.ONE;
for (let i = BLS_X_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
z = Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(z);
if (bitGet(n, i)) z = Fp12.mul(z, num);
return z;
finalExponentiate: (num) => {
const x = BLS_X;
// this^(q⁶) / this
const t0 = Fp12.div(Fp12.frobeniusMap(num, 6), num);
// t0^(q²) * t0
const t1 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(t0, 2), t0);
const t2 = Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(t1, x));
const t3 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(t1)), t2);
const t4 = Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(t3, x));
const t5 = Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(t4, x));
const t6 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(t5, x)), Fp12._cyclotomicSquare(t2));
const t7 = Fp12.conjugate(Fp12._cyclotomicExp(t6, x));
const t2_t5_pow_q2 = Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.mul(t2, t5), 2);
const t4_t1_pow_q3 = Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.mul(t4, t1), 3);
const t6_t1c_pow_q1 = Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.mul(t6, Fp12.conjugate(t1)), 1);
const t7_t3c_t1 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(t7, Fp12.conjugate(t3)), t1);
// (t2 * t5)^(q²) * (t4 * t1)^(q³) * (t6 * t1.conj)^(q^1) * t7 * t3.conj * t1
return Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(Fp12.mul(t2_t5_pow_q2, t4_t1_pow_q3), t6_t1c_pow_q1), t7_t3c_t1);
[0x1n, 0x0n],
].map((n) => Fp2.fromBigTuple(n));
// HashToCurve
// 3-isogeny map from E' to E
const isogenyMapG2 = isogenyMap(
// xNum
// xDen
['0x1', '0x0'], // LAST 1
// yNum
// yDen
['0x1', '0x0'], // LAST 1
].map((i) => => Fp2.fromBigTuple( as [Fp2[], Fp2[], Fp2[], Fp2[]]
// 11-isogeny map from E' to E
const isogenyMapG1 = isogenyMap(
// xNum
// xDen
'0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', // LAST 1
// yNum
// yDen
'0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', // LAST 1
].map((i) => => BigInt(j))) as [Fp[], Fp[], Fp[], Fp[]]
// SWU Map - Fp2 to G2': y² = x³ + 240i * x + 1012 + 1012i
const G2_SWU = mapToCurveSimpleSWU(Fp2, {
A: Fp2.create({ c0: Fp.create(0n), c1: Fp.create(240n) }), // A' = 240 * I
B: Fp2.create({ c0: Fp.create(1012n), c1: Fp.create(1012n) }), // B' = 1012 * (1 + I)
Z: Fp2.create({ c0: Fp.create(-2n), c1: Fp.create(-1n) }), // Z: -(2 + I)
// Optimized SWU Map - Fp to G1
const G1_SWU = mapToCurveSimpleSWU(Fp, {
A: Fp.create(
B: Fp.create(
Z: Fp.create(11n),
// Endomorphisms (for fast cofactor clearing)
// Ψ(P) endomorphism
const ut_root = Fp6.create({ c0: Fp2.ZERO, c1: Fp2.ONE, c2: Fp2.ZERO });
const wsq = Fp12.create({ c0: ut_root, c1: Fp6.ZERO });
const wcu = Fp12.create({ c0: Fp6.ZERO, c1: ut_root });
const [wsq_inv, wcu_inv] = Fp12.invertBatch([wsq, wcu]);
function psi(x: Fp2, y: Fp2): [Fp2, Fp2] {
// Untwist Fp2->Fp12 && frobenius(1) && twist back
const x2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wsq_inv, x), 1), wsq).c0.c0;
const y2 = Fp12.mul(Fp12.frobeniusMap(Fp12.multiplyByFp2(wcu_inv, y), 1), wcu).c0.c0;
return [x2, y2];
// Ψ endomorphism
function G2psi(c: ProjectiveConstructor<Fp2>, P: ProjectivePointType<Fp2>) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
// Ψ²(P) endomorphism
// 1 / F2(2)^((p-1)/3) in GF(p²)
const PSI2_C1 =
function psi2(x: Fp2, y: Fp2): [Fp2, Fp2] {
return [Fp2.mul(x, PSI2_C1), Fp2.negate(y)];
function G2psi2(c: ProjectiveConstructor<Fp2>, P: ProjectivePointType<Fp2>) {
const affine = P.toAffine();
const p = psi2(affine.x, affine.y);
return new c(p[0], p[1], Fp2.ONE);
// Default hash_to_field options are for hash to G2.
// Parameter definitions are in section 5.3 of the spec unless otherwise noted.
// Parameter values come from section 8.8.2 of the spec.
// Base field F is GF(p^m)
// p = 0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab
// m = 2 (or 1 for G1 see section 8.8.1)
// k = 128
const htfDefaults = {
// DST: a domain separation tag
// defined in section 2.2.5
// Use utils.getDSTLabel(), utils.setDSTLabel(value)
// p: the characteristic of F
// where F is a finite field of characteristic p and order q = p^m
p: Fp.ORDER,
// m: the extension degree of F, m >= 1
// where F is a finite field of characteristic p and order q = p^m
m: 2,
// k: the target security level for the suite in bits
// defined in section 5.1
k: 128,
// option to use a message that has already been processed by
// expand_message_xmd
expand: 'xmd',
// Hash functions for: expand_message_xmd is appropriate for use with a
// wide range of hash functions, including SHA-2, SHA-3, BLAKE2, and others.
// BBS+ uses blake2:
hash: sha256,
} as const;
// Encoding utils
// Point on G1 curve: (x, y)
const C_BIT_POS = Fp.BITS; // C_bit, compression bit for serialization flag
const I_BIT_POS = Fp.BITS + 1; // I_bit, point-at-infinity bit for serialization flag
const S_BIT_POS = Fp.BITS + 2; // S_bit, sign bit for serialization flag
// Compressed point of infinity
const COMPRESSED_ZERO = Fp.toBytes(bitSet(bitSet(0n, I_BIT_POS, true), S_BIT_POS, true)); // set compressed & point-at-infinity bits
// To verify curve parameters, see pairing-friendly-curves spec:
// Basic math is done over finite fields over p.
// More complicated math is done over polynominal extension fields.
// To simplify calculations in Fp12, we construct extension tower:
// Fp₁₂ = Fp₆² => Fp₂³
// Fp(u) / (u² - β) where β = -1
// Fp₂(v) / (v³ - ξ) where ξ = u + 1
// Fp₆(w) / (w² - γ) where γ = v
// Here goes constants && point encoding format
export const bls12_381: CurveFn<Fp, Fp2, Fp6, Fp12> = bls({
// Fields
// order; z⁴ z² + 1
r: Fr.ORDER, // Same as N in other curves
// G1 is the order-q subgroup of E1(Fp) : y² = x³ + 4, #E1(Fp) = h1q, where
// characteristic; z + (z⁴ - z² + 1)(z - 1)²/3
G1: {
// cofactor; (z - 1)²/3
h: 0x396c8c005555e1568c00aaab0000aaabn,
// generator's coordinates
// x = 3685416753713387016781088315183077757961620795782546409894578378688607592378376318836054947676345821548104185464507
// y = 1339506544944476473020471379941921221584933875938349620426543736416511423956333506472724655353366534992391756441569
Gx: 0x17f1d3a73197d7942695638c4fa9ac0fc3688c4f9774b905a14e3a3f171bac586c55e83ff97a1aeffb3af00adb22c6bbn,
Gy: 0x08b3f481e3aaa0f1a09e30ed741d8ae4fcf5e095d5d00af600db18cb2c04b3edd03cc744a2888ae40caa232946c5e7e1n,
a: Fp.ZERO,
b: 4n,
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults, m: 1 },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
// Checks is the point resides in prime-order subgroup.
// point.isTorsionFree() should return true for valid points
// It returns false for shitty points.
isTorsionFree: (c, point): boolean => {
// φ endomorphism
const cubicRootOfUnityModP =
const phi = new c(Fp.mul(point.x, cubicRootOfUnityModP), point.y, point.z);
// todo: unroll
const xP = point.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.CURVE.x).negate(); // [x]P
const u2P = xP.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.CURVE.x); // [u2]P
return u2P.equals(phi);
// (z² 1)/3
// const c1 = 0x396c8c005555e1560000000055555555n;
// const P = this;
// const S = P.sigma();
// const Q = S.double();
// const S2 = S.sigma();
// // [(z² 1)/3](2σ(P) P σ²(P)) σ²(P) = O
// const left = Q.subtract(P).subtract(S2).multiplyUnsafe(c1);
// const C = left.subtract(S2);
// return C.isZero();
// Clear cofactor of G1
clearCofactor: (c, point) => {
// return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.h);
return point.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.CURVE.x).add(point); // x*P + P
mapToCurve: (scalars: bigint[]) => {
const { x, y } = G1_SWU(Fp.create(scalars[0]));
return isogenyMapG1(x, y);
fromBytes: (bytes: Uint8Array): { x: Fp; y: Fp } => {
if (bytes.length === 48) {
const P = Fp.ORDER;
const compressedValue = bytesToNumberBE(bytes);
const bflag = bitGet(compressedValue, I_BIT_POS);
// Zero
if (bflag === 1n) return { x: 0n, y: 0n };
const x = Fp.create(compressedValue & Fp.MASK);
const right = Fp.add(Fp.pow(x, 3n), Fp.create(bls12_381.CURVE.G1.b)); // y² = x³ + b
let y = Fp.sqrt(right);
if (!y) throw new Error('Invalid compressed G1 point');
const aflag = bitGet(compressedValue, C_BIT_POS);
if ((y * 2n) / P !== aflag) y = Fp.negate(y);
return { x: Fp.create(x), y: Fp.create(y) };
} else if (bytes.length === 96) {
// Check if the infinity flag is set
if ((bytes[0] & (1 << 6)) !== 0) return bls12_381.G1.Point.ZERO;
const x = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(0, Fp.BYTES));
const y = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(Fp.BYTES));
return { x: Fp.create(x), y: Fp.create(y) };
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid point G1, expected 48/96 bytes');
toBytes: (c, point, isCompressed) => {
const isZero = point.equals(c.ZERO);
const { x, y } = point;
if (isCompressed) {
if (isZero) return COMPRESSED_ZERO.slice();
const P = Fp.ORDER;
let num;
num = bitSet(x, C_BIT_POS, Boolean((y * 2n) / P)); // set aflag
num = bitSet(num, S_BIT_POS, true);
return numberToBytesBE(num, Fp.BYTES);
} else {
if (isZero) {
const x = concatBytes(new Uint8Array([0x40]), new Uint8Array(2 * Fp.BYTES - 1));
return x;
} else {
return concatBytes(numberToBytesBE(x, Fp.BYTES), numberToBytesBE(y, Fp.BYTES));
// G2 is the order-q subgroup of E2(Fp²) : y² = x³+4(1+√1),
// where Fp2 is Fp[√1]/(x2+1). #E2(Fp2 ) = h2q, where
// G² - 1
// h2q
G2: {
Fp: Fp2,
// cofactor
h: 0x5d543a95414e7f1091d50792876a202cd91de4547085abaa68a205b2e5a7ddfa628f1cb4d9e82ef21537e293a6691ae1616ec6e786f0c70cf1c38e31c7238e5n,
Gx: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
// y =
// 927553665492332455747201965776037880757740193453592970025027978793976877002675564980949289727957565575433344219582,
// 1985150602287291935568054521177171638300868978215655730859378665066344726373823718423869104263333984641494340347905
Gy: Fp2.fromBigTuple([
a: Fp2.ZERO,
b: Fp2.fromBigTuple([4n, 4n]),
hEff: 0xbc69f08f2ee75b3584c6a0ea91b352888e2a8e9145ad7689986ff031508ffe1329c2f178731db956d82bf015d1212b02ec0ec69d7477c1ae954cbc06689f6a359894c0adebbf6b4e8020005aaa95551n,
htfDefaults: { ...htfDefaults },
wrapPrivateKey: true,
allowInfinityPoint: true,
mapToCurve: (scalars: bigint[]) => {
const { x, y } = G2_SWU(Fp2.fromBigTuple(scalars));
return isogenyMapG2(x, y);
// Checks is the point resides in prime-order subgroup.
// point.isTorsionFree() should return true for valid points
// It returns false for shitty points.
isTorsionFree: (c, P): boolean => {
return P.multiplyUnsafe(bls12_381.CURVE.x).negate().equals(G2psi(c, P)); // ψ(P) == [u](P)
// Older version:
// Ψ²(P) => Ψ³(P) => [z]Ψ³(P) where z = -x => [z]Ψ³(P) - Ψ²(P) + P == O
// return P.psi2().psi().mulNegX().subtract(psi2).add(P).isZero();
// Maps the point into the prime-order subgroup G2.
// clear_cofactor_bls12381_g2 from cfrg-hash-to-curve-11
// prettier-ignore
clearCofactor: (c, P) => {
const { x } = bls12_381.CURVE;
let t1 = P.multiplyUnsafe(x).negate(); // [-x]P
let t2 = G2psi(c, P); // Ψ(P)
let t3 = P.double(); // 2P
t3 = G2psi2(c, t3); // Ψ²(2P)
t3 = t3.subtract(t2); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P)
t2 = t1.add(t2); // [-x]P + Ψ(P)
t2 = t2.multiplyUnsafe(x).negate(); // [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P)
t3 = t3.add(t2); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P) + [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P)
t3 = t3.subtract(t1); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P) + [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P) + [x]P
const Q = t3.subtract(P); // Ψ²(2P) - Ψ(P) + [x²]P - [x]Ψ(P) + [x]P - 1P
return Q; // [x²-x-1]P + [x-1]Ψ(P) + Ψ²(2P)
fromBytes: (bytes: Uint8Array): { x: Fp2; y: Fp2 } => {
const m_byte = bytes[0] & 0xe0;
if (m_byte === 0x20 || m_byte === 0x60 || m_byte === 0xe0) {
throw new Error('Invalid encoding flag: ' + m_byte);
const bitC = m_byte & 0x80; // compression bit
const bitI = m_byte & 0x40; // point at infinity bit
const bitS = m_byte & 0x20; // sign bit
if (bytes.length === 96 && bitC) {
const { b } = bls12_381.CURVE.G2;
const P = Fp.ORDER;
bytes[0] = bytes[0] & 0x1f; // clear flags
if (bitI) {
// check that all bytes are 0
if (bytes.reduce((p, c) => (p !== 0 ? c + 1 : c), 0) > 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid compressed G2 point');
return { x: Fp2.ZERO, y: Fp2.ZERO };
const x_1 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(0, Fp.BYTES));
const x_0 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(Fp.BYTES));
const x = Fp2.create({ c0: Fp.create(x_0), c1: Fp.create(x_1) });
const right = Fp2.add(Fp2.pow(x, 3n), b); // y² = x³ + 4 * (u+1) = x³ + b
let y = Fp2.sqrt(right);
const Y_bit = y.c1 === 0n ? (y.c0 * 2n) / P : (y.c1 * 2n) / P ? 1n : 0n;
y = bitS > 0 && Y_bit > 0 ? y : Fp2.negate(y);
return { x, y };
} else if (bytes.length === 192 && !bitC) {
// Check if the infinity flag is set
if ((bytes[0] & (1 << 6)) !== 0) {
return { x: Fp2.ZERO, y: Fp2.ZERO };
const x1 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(0, Fp.BYTES));
const x0 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(Fp.BYTES, 2 * Fp.BYTES));
const y1 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(2 * Fp.BYTES, 3 * Fp.BYTES));
const y0 = bytesToNumberBE(bytes.slice(3 * Fp.BYTES));
return { x: Fp2.fromBigTuple([x0, x1]), y: Fp2.fromBigTuple([y0, y1]) };
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid point G2, expected 96/192 bytes');
toBytes: (c, point, isCompressed) => {
const isZero = point.equals(c.ZERO);
const { x, y } = point;
if (isCompressed) {
const P = Fp.ORDER;
if (isZero) return concatBytes(COMPRESSED_ZERO, numberToBytesBE(0n, Fp.BYTES));
const flag = Boolean(y.c1 === 0n ? (y.c0 * 2n) / P : (y.c1 * 2n) / P);
// set compressed & sign bits (looks like different offsets than for G1/Fp?)
let x_1 = bitSet(x.c1, C_BIT_POS, flag);
x_1 = bitSet(x_1, S_BIT_POS, true);
return concatBytes(numberToBytesBE(x_1, Fp.BYTES), numberToBytesBE(x.c0, Fp.BYTES));
} else {
if (isZero) return concatBytes(new Uint8Array([0x40]), new Uint8Array(4 * Fp.BYTES - 1)); // bytes[0] |= 1 << 6;
const { re: x0, im: x1 } = Fp2.reim(x);
const { re: y0, im: y1 } = Fp2.reim(y);
return concatBytes(
numberToBytesBE(x1, Fp.BYTES),
numberToBytesBE(x0, Fp.BYTES),
numberToBytesBE(y1, Fp.BYTES),
numberToBytesBE(y0, Fp.BYTES)
Signature: {
// TODO: Optimize, it's very slow because of sqrt.
decode(hex: Hex): PointType<Fp2> {
hex = ensureBytes(hex);
const P = Fp.ORDER;
const half = hex.length / 2;
if (half !== 48 && half !== 96)
throw new Error('Invalid compressed signature length, must be 96 or 192');
const z1 = bytesToNumberBE(hex.slice(0, half));
const z2 = bytesToNumberBE(hex.slice(half));
// Indicates the infinity point
const bflag1 = bitGet(z1, I_BIT_POS);
if (bflag1 === 1n) return bls12_381.G2.Point.ZERO;
const x1 = Fp.create(z1 & Fp.MASK);
const x2 = Fp.create(z2);
const x = Fp2.create({ c0: x2, c1: x1 });
const y2 = Fp2.add(Fp2.pow(x, 3n), bls12_381.CURVE.G2.b); // y² = x³ + 4
// The slow part
let y = Fp2.sqrt(y2);
if (!y) throw new Error('Failed to find a square root');
// Choose the y whose leftmost bit of the imaginary part is equal to the a_flag1
// If y1 happens to be zero, then use the bit of y0
const { re: y0, im: y1 } = Fp2.reim(y);
const aflag1 = bitGet(z1, 381);
const isGreater = y1 > 0n && (y1 * 2n) / P !== aflag1;
const isZero = y1 === 0n && (y0 * 2n) / P !== aflag1;
if (isGreater || isZero) y = Fp2.negate(y);
const point = new bls12_381.G2.Point(x, y);
return point;
encode(point: PointType<Fp2>) {
// NOTE: by some reasons it was missed in bls12-381, looks like bug
if (point.equals(bls12_381.G2.Point.ZERO))
return concatBytes(COMPRESSED_ZERO, numberToBytesBE(0n, Fp.BYTES));
const { re: x0, im: x1 } = Fp2.reim(point.x);
const { re: y0, im: y1 } = Fp2.reim(point.y);
const tmp = y1 > 0n ? y1 * 2n : y0 * 2n;
const aflag1 = Boolean((tmp / Fp.ORDER) & 1n);
const z1 = bitSet(bitSet(x1, 381, aflag1), S_BIT_POS, true);
const z2 = x0;
return concatBytes(numberToBytesBE(z1, Fp.BYTES), numberToBytesBE(z2, Fp.BYTES));
// The BLS parameter x for BLS12-381
x: BLS_X,
hash: sha256,