powersof taw new export and contribute

This commit is contained in:
Jordi Baylina 2020-05-09 15:05:45 +02:00
parent 65b722b9af
commit 6598f9df4a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 7480C80C1BE43112
16 changed files with 2377 additions and 438 deletions


@ -30,271 +30,161 @@ const {stringifyBigInts, unstringifyBigInts} = require("ffjavascript").utils;
const loadR1cs = require("r1csfile").load;
const WitnessCalculatorBuilder = require("circom_runtime").WitnessCalculatorBuilder;
const version = require("./package").version;
const zkeyFile = require("./src/zkeyfile");
const wtnsFile = require("./src/wtnsfile");
const loadSyms = require("./src/loadsyms");
const printR1cs = require("./src/printr1cs");
const argv = require("yargs")
.usage(`snarkjs <command> <options>
const clProcessor = require("./src/clprocessor");
setup command
const powersOfTaw = require("./src/powersoftaw");
const bn128 = require("ffjavascript").bn128;
const commands = [
cmd: "r1cs info [circuit.r1cs]",
description: "Print statistiscs of a circuit",
alias: ["ri", "info -r|r1cs:circuit.r1cs"],
action: r1csInfo
cmd: "r1cs print [circuit.r1cs] [circuit.sym]",
description: "Print the constraints of a circuit",
alias: ["rp", "print -r|r1cs:circuit.r1cs -s|sym"],
action: r1csPrint
cmd: "witness calculate [circuit.wasm] [input.json] [witness.wtns]",
description: "Caclculate specific witness of a circuit given an input",
alias: ["wc", "calculatewitness -ws|wasm:circuit.wasm -i|input:input.json -wt|witness:witness.wtns"],
action: witnessCalculate
cmd: "witness debug [circuit.wasm] [input.json] [witness.wtns] [circuit.sym]",
description: "Calculate the witness with debug info.",
longDescription: "Calculate the witness with debug info. \nOptions:\n-g or --g : Log signal gets\n-s or --s : Log signal sets\n-t or --trigger : Log triggers ",
options: "-get|g -set|s -trigger|t",
alias: ["wd"],
action: witnessDebug
cmd: "zksnark setup [circuit.r1cs] [circuit.zkey] [verification_key.json]",
description: "Run a simple setup for a circuit generating the proving key.",
alias: ["zs", "setup -r1cs|r -provingkey|pk -verificationkey|vk"],
options: "-verbose|v -protocol",
action: zksnarkSetup
cmd: "zksnark prove [circuit.zkey] [witness.wtns] [proof.json] [public.json]",
description: "Generates a zk Proof",
alias: ["zp", "zksnark proof", "proof -pk|provingkey -wt|witness -p|proof -pub|public"],
options: "-verbose|v -protocol",
action: zksnarkProve
cmd: "zksnark verify [verification_key.json] [public.json] [proof.json]",
description: "Verify a zk Proof",
alias: ["zv", "verify -vk|verificationkey -pub|public -p|proof"],
action: zksnarkVerify
cmd: "solidity genverifier <verificationKey.json> <verifier.sol>",
description: "Creates a verifier in solidity",
alias: ["ks", "generateverifier -vk|verificationkey -v|verifier"],
action: solidityGenVerifier
cmd: "solidity gencall <public.json> <proof.json>",
description: "Generates call parameters ready to be called.",
alias: ["pc", "generatecall -pub|public -p|proof"],
action: solidityGenCall
cmd: "powersoftaw new <power> [powersoftaw_0000.ptaw]",
description: "Starts a powers of taw ceremony",
alias: ["ptn"],
options: "-verbose|v",
action: powersOfTawNew
cmd: "powersoftaw export challange <powersoftaw_0000.ptaw> [challange]",
description: "Creates a challange",
alias: ["pte"],
options: "-verbose|v",
action: powersOfTawExportChallange
cmd: "powersoftaw contribute <challange> [response]",
description: "Contribute to a challange",
alias: ["ptc"],
options: "-verbose|v -entropy|e",
action: powersOfTawContribute
clProcessor(commands).then( (res) => {
}, (err) => {
console.log("ERROR: " + err);
snarkjs setup <option>
cmd: "r1cs export circomJSON [circuit.r1cs] [circuit.json]",
description: "Exports a R1CS to JSON file.",
alias: ["rj"],
action: r1csExportCircomJSON
cmd: "witness export json <witness.wtns> <witness.json>",
description: "Export witness file to json",
alias: ["wj"],
action: witnessExportJson
cmd: "zkey export vkey <circuit.zkey> <verification_key.json>",
description: "Exports a verification key to JSON",
alias: ["kv"],
action: zKeySolidity
cmd: "witness verify <circuit.r1cs> <witness.wtns>",
description: "Verify a witness agains a r1cs",
alias: ["wv"],
action: witnessVerify
ptau new Starts a ceremony with a new challange for the powes of Tau ceremony
ptau contribute Contribute in the ceremony of powers of tau
ptau beacon Apply a beacon random to the ceremony
ptau verify Verify the powers of tau ceremony
ptau preparePhase2 Prepare Powers of Taus for a phase 2
phase2 new Starts a second phase ceremony for a given circuit with a first challange and a reference Hash.
phase2 constribute Contribute in the seconf phase ceremony
phase2 beacon Contribute in the seconf phase ceremony with a Powers of Tau
phase2 verify Verify the Powers of tau
zksnark setup s Run a simple setup for a circuit generating the proving key.
zksnark prove p Generates a zk Proof
zksnark verify v Verify a zk Proof
zkey export pkJSON pkjson Exports a proving key to JSON
zkey export vkJSON vkjson Exports a verification key to JSON
zkey export vkSolidity vksol Creates a verifier in solidity
proof callParameters cp Generates call parameters ready to be called.
Runs a setup for a circuit generating the proving and the verification key.
-r or --r1cs <r1csFile>
Filename of the compiled circuit file generated by circom.
Default: circuit.r1cs
--pk or --provingkey <provingKeyFile>
Output filename where the proving key will be stored.
Default: proving_key.json
--vk or --verificationkey <verificationKeyFile>
Output filename where the verification key will be stored.
Default: verification_key.json
--protocol [original|groth|kimleeoh]
Defines which variant of the zk-SNARK protocol you want to use.
Default: groth
Print verbose to screen
calculate witness command
snarkjs calculatewitness <options>
Calculate the witness of a circuit given an input.
--ws --wasm <wasmFile>
Filename of the compiled circuit file generated by circom.
Default: circuit.r1cs
-i or --input <inputFile>
JSON file with the inputs of the circuit.
Default: input.json
Example of a circuit with two inputs a and b:
{"a": "22", "b": "33"}
--wt --witness
Output filename with the generated witness.
Default: witness.json
--lg or --logget
Output GET access to the signals.
--ls or --logset
Output SET access to the signal.
--lt or --logtrigger
Output when a subcomponent is triggered and when finished.
--s or --sanitycheck
-s or --sym <symFile>
Filename of the debuging symbols file generated by circom.
Default: circuit.sym
generate a proof command
snarkjs proof <options>
--wt or --witness
Input filename used to calculate the proof.
Default: witness.json
--pk or --provingkey <provingKeyFile>
Input filename with the proving key (generated during the setup).
Default: proving_key.json
-p or --proof
Output filename with the zero-knowledge proof.
Default: proof.json
--pub or --public <publicFilename>
Output filename with the value of the public wires/signals.
This info will be needed to verify the proof.
Default: public.json
Print verbose to screen
verify command
snarkjs verify <options>
The command returns "OK" if the proof is valid
and "INVALID" in case it is not a valid proof.
--vk or --verificationkey <verificationKeyFile>
Input filename with the verification key (generated during the setup).
Default: verification_key.json
-p or --proof
Input filename with the zero-knowledge proof you want to verify.
Default: proof.json
--pub or --public <publicFilename>
Input filename with the public wires/signals.
Default: public.json
generate solidity verifier command
snarkjs generateverifier <options>
Generates a solidity smart contract that verifies the zero-knowledge proof.
--vk or --verificationkey <verificationKeyFile>
Input filename with the verification key (generated during the setup).
Default: verification_key.json
-v or --verifier
Output file with a solidity smart contract that verifies a zero-knowledge proof.
Default: verifier.sol
generate call parameters
snarkjs generatecall <options>
Outputs into the console the raw parameters to be used in 'verifyProof'
method of the solidity verifier function.
-p or --proof
Input filename with the zero-knowledge proof you want to use.
Default: proof.json
--pub or --public <publicFilename>
Input filename with the public wires/signals.
Default: public.json
circuit info
snarkjs info <options>
Print statistics of a circuit.
-r or --r1cs <r1csFile>
Filename of the compiled circuit file generated by circom.
Default: circuit.r1cs
print constraints
snarkjs printconstraints <options>
Print all the constraints of a given circuit.
-r or --r1cs <r1csFile>
Filename of the compiled circuit file generated by circom.
Default: circuit.r1cs
-s or --sym <symFile>
Filename of the debuging symbols file generated by circom.
Default: circuit.sym
.alias("r", "r1cs")
.alias("s", "sym")
.alias("pk", "provingkey")
.alias("vk", "verificationkey")
.alias("wt", "witness")
.alias("ws", "wasm")
.alias("p", "proof")
.alias("i", "input")
.alias("pub", "public")
.alias("v", "verifier")
.alias("lo", "logoutput")
.alias("lg", "logget")
.alias("ls", "logset")
.alias("lt", "logtrigger")
.alias("h", "help")
.epilogue(`Copyright (C) 2018 0kims association
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the COPYING file in the official
repo directory at https://github.com/iden3/circom `)
const r1csName = (argv.r1cs) ? argv.r1cs : "circuit.r1cs";
const symName = (argv.sym) ? argv.sym : "circuit.sym";
const provingKeyName = (argv.provingkey) ? argv.provingkey : "proving_key.json";
const verificationKeyName = (argv.verificationkey) ? argv.verificationkey : "verification_key.json";
const inputName = (argv.input) ? argv.input : "input.json";
const wasmName = (argv.wasm) ? argv.wasm : "circuit.wasm";
const witnessName = (argv.witness) ? argv.witness : "witness.json";
const proofName = (argv.proof) ? argv.proof : "proof.json";
const publicName = (argv.public) ? argv.public : "public.json";
const verifierName = (argv.verifier) ? argv.verifier : "verifier.sol";
const protocol = (argv.protocol) ? argv.protocol : "groth";
run().then(() => {
function p256(n) {
let nstr = n.toString(16);
@ -303,9 +193,20 @@ function p256(n) {
return nstr;
async function run() {
try {
if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "INFO") {
function changeExt(fileName, newExt) {
let S = fileName;
while ((S.length>0) && (S[S.length-1] != ".")) S = S.slice(0, S.length-1);
if (S.length>0) {
return S + newExt;
} else {
return fileName+"."+newExt;
// r1cs export circomJSON [circuit.r1cs] [circuit.json]
async function r1csInfo(params, options) {
const r1csName = params[0] || "circuit.r1cs";
const cir = await loadR1cs(r1csName);
console.log(`# Wires: ${cir.nVars}`);
@ -314,96 +215,192 @@ async function run() {
console.log(`# Public Inputs: ${cir.nPubInputs}`);
console.log(`# Outputs: ${cir.nOutputs}`);
} else if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "PRINTCONSTRAINTS") {
return 0;
// r1cs print [circuit.r1cs] [circuit.sym]
async function r1csPrint(params, options) {
const r1csName = params[0] || "circuit.r1cs";
const symName = params[2] || changeExt(r1csName, "sym");
const cir = await loadR1cs(r1csName, true, true);
const sym = await loadSyms(symName);
printR1cs(cir, sym);
} else if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "SETUP") {
const cir = await loadR1cs(r1csName, true);
if (!zkSnark[protocol]) throw new Error("Invalid protocol");
const setup = zkSnark[protocol].setup(cir, argv.verbose);
return 0;
// witness calculate <circuit.wasm> <input.json> <witness.wtns>
async function witnessCalculate(params, options) {
const wasmName = params[0] || "circuit.wasm";
const inputName = params[1] || "input.json";
const witnessName = params[2] || "witness.wtns";
await fs.promises.writeFile(provingKeyName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_proof), null, 1), "utf-8");
await fs.promises.writeFile(verificationKeyName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_verifier), null, 1), "utf-8");
} else if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "CALCULATEWITNESS") {
const wasm = await fs.promises.readFile(wasmName);
const input = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(inputName, "utf8")));
const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, options);
let options;
let sym;
if (argv.logset || argv.logget || argv.logtrigger || argv.sanitycheck) {
options = {
const w = await wc.calculateBinWitness(input);
await wtnsFile.writeBin(witnessName, w, wc.prime);
const w = await wc.calculateWitness(input);
await wtnsFile.write(witnessName, w, wc.prime);
// fs.promises.writeFile(witnessName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(w), null, 1));
return 0;
// witness debug <circuit.wasm> <input.json> <witness.wtns> <circuit.sym>
// -get|g -set|s -trigger|t
async function witnessDebug(params, options) {
const wasmName = params[0] || "circuit.wasm";
const inputName = params[1] || "input.json";
const witnessName = params[2] || "witness.wtns";
const symName = params[3] || changeExt(wasmName, "sym");
const wasm = await fs.promises.readFile(wasmName);
const input = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(inputName, "utf8")));
let wcOps = {
sanityCheck: true
if (argv.logset) {
let sym = await loadSyms(symName);
if (options.set) {
if (!sym) sym = await loadSyms(symName);
options.logSetSignal= function(labelIdx, value) {
wcOps.logSetSignal= function(labelIdx, value) {
console.log("SET " + sym.labelIdx2Name[labelIdx] + " <-- " + value.toString());
if (argv.logget) {
if (options.get) {
if (!sym) sym = await loadSyms(symName);
options.logGetSignal= function(varIdx, value) {
wcOps.logGetSignal= function(varIdx, value) {
console.log("GET " + sym.labelIdx2Name[varIdx] + " --> " + value.toString());
if (argv.logtrigger) {
if (options.trigger) {
if (!sym) sym = await loadSyms(symName);
options.logStartComponent= function(cIdx) {
wcOps.logStartComponent= function(cIdx) {
console.log("START: " + sym.componentIdx2Name[cIdx]);
options.logFinishComponent= function(cIdx) {
wcOps.logFinishComponent= function(cIdx) {
console.log("FINISH: " + sym.componentIdx2Name[cIdx]);
const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, options);
const wc = await WitnessCalculatorBuilder(wasm, wcOps);
const w = await wc.calculateWitness(input);
await fs.promises.writeFile(witnessName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(w), null, 1));
await wtnsFile.write(witnessName, w);
} else if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "PROOF") {
const witness = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(witnessName, "utf8")));
const provingKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(provingKeyName, "utf8")));
// await fs.promises.writeFile(witnessName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(w), null, 1));
return 0;
// zksnark setup [circuit.r1cs] [circuit.zkey] [verification_key.json]
async function zksnarkSetup(params, options) {
const r1csName = params[0] || "circuit.r1cs";
const zkeyName = params[1] || changeExt(r1csName, "zkey");
const verificationKeyName = params[2] || "verification_key.json";
const protocol = options.protocol || "groth16";
const cir = await loadR1cs(r1csName, true);
if (!zkSnark[protocol]) throw new Error("Invalid protocol");
const setup = zkSnark[protocol].setup(cir, options.verbose);
await zkeyFile.write(zkeyName, setup.vk_proof);
// await fs.promises.writeFile(provingKeyName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_proof), null, 1), "utf-8");
await fs.promises.writeFile(verificationKeyName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_verifier), null, 1), "utf-8");
return 0;
// zksnark prove [circuit.zkey] [witness.wtns] [proof.json] [public.json]
async function zksnarkProve(params, options) {
const zkeyName = params[0] || "circuit.zkey";
const witnessName = params[1] || "witness.wtns";
const proofName = params[2] || "proof.json";
const publicName = params[3] || "public.json";
const witness = await wtnsFile.read(witnessName);
// const witness = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(witnessName, "utf8")));
const provingKey = await zkeyFile.read(zkeyName);
// const provingKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(provingKeyName, "utf8")));
const protocol = provingKey.protocol;
if (!zkSnark[protocol]) throw new Error("Invalid protocol");
const {proof, publicSignals} = zkSnark[protocol].genProof(provingKey, witness, argv.verbose);
const {proof, publicSignals} = zkSnark[protocol].genProof(provingKey, witness, options.verbose);
await fs.promises.writeFile(proofName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(proof), null, 1), "utf-8");
await fs.promises.writeFile(publicName, JSON.stringify(stringifyBigInts(publicSignals), null, 1), "utf-8");
} else if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "VERIFY") {
const public = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(publicName, "utf8")));
return 0;
// zksnark verify [verification_key.json] [public.json] [proof.json]
async function zksnarkVerify(params, options) {
const verificationKeyName = params[0] || "verification_key.json";
const publicName = params[0] || "public.json";
const proofName = params[0] || "proof.json";
const verificationKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(verificationKeyName, "utf8")));
const pub = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(publicName, "utf8")));
const proof = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(proofName, "utf8")));
const protocol = verificationKey.protocol;
if (!zkSnark[protocol]) throw new Error("Invalid protocol");
const isValid = zkSnark[protocol].isValid(verificationKey, proof, public);
const isValid = zkSnark[protocol].isValid(verificationKey, proof, pub);
if (isValid) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
// solidity genverifier <verificationKey.json> <verifier.sol>
async function solidityGenVerifier(params, options) {
let verificationKeyName;
let verifierName;
if (params.length < 1) {
verificationKeyName = "verification_key.json";
} else {
verificationKeyName = params[0];
if (params.length < 2) {
verifierName = "verifier.sol";
} else {
verifierName = params[1];
} else if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "GENERATEVERIFIER") {
const verificationKey = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(verificationKeyName, "utf8")));
let verifierCode;
if (verificationKey.protocol == "original") {
verifierCode = generateVerifier_original(verificationKey);
} else if (verificationKey.protocol == "groth") {
verifierCode = generateVerifier_groth(verificationKey);
} else if (verificationKey.protocol == "groth16") {
verifierCode = generateVerifier_groth16(verificationKey);
} else if (verificationKey.protocol == "kimleeoh") {
verifierCode = generateVerifier_kimleeoh(verificationKey);
} else {
@ -411,9 +408,28 @@ async function run() {
fs.writeFileSync(verifierName, verifierCode, "utf-8");
} else if (argv._[0].toUpperCase() == "GENERATECALL") {
return 0;
// solidity gencall <public.json> <proof.json>
async function solidityGenCall(params, options) {
let publicName;
let proofName;
if (params.length < 1) {
publicName = "public.json";
} else {
publicName = params[0];
if (params.length < 2) {
proofName = "proof.json";
} else {
proofName = params[1];
const public = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(publicName, "utf8")));
const proof = unstringifyBigInts(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(proofName, "utf8")));
@ -435,7 +451,7 @@ async function run() {
`[${p256(proof.pi_h[0])}, ${p256(proof.pi_h[1])}],` +
`[${p256(proof.pi_kp[0])}, ${p256(proof.pi_kp[1])}],` +
} else if ((proof.protocol == "groth")||(proof.protocol == "kimleeoh")) {
} else if ((proof.protocol == "groth16")||(proof.protocol == "kimleeoh")) {
S=`[${p256(proof.pi_a[0])}, ${p256(proof.pi_a[1])}],` +
`[[${p256(proof.pi_b[0][1])}, ${p256(proof.pi_b[0][0])}],[${p256(proof.pi_b[1][1])}, ${p256(proof.pi_b[1][0])}]],` +
`[${p256(proof.pi_c[0])}, ${p256(proof.pi_c[1])}],` +
@ -445,15 +461,57 @@ async function run() {
return 0;
async function powersOfTawNew(params, options) {
let power;
let ptawName;
power = parseInt(params[0]);
if ((power<1) || (power>27)) {
throw new Error("Power must be between 1 and 27");
if (params.length < 2) {
ptawName = "powersOfTaw" + power + "_0000.ptaw";
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid Command");
ptawName = params[1];
} catch(err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + err);
return await powersOfTaw.newAccumulator(bn128, power, ptawName, options.verbose);
async function powersOfTawExportChallange(params, options) {
let ptawName;
let challangeName;
ptawName = params[0];
if (params.length < 2) {
challangeName = "challange";
} else {
challangeName = params[1];
return await powersOfTaw.exportChallange(ptawName, challangeName, options.verbose);
async function powersOfTawContribute(params, options) {
let challangeName;
let responseName;
challangeName = params[0];
if (params.length < 2) {
responseName = changeExt(challangeName, "response");
} else {
responseName = params[1];
return await powersOfTaw.contribute(bn128, challangeName, responseName, options.entropy, options.verbose);
@ -514,8 +572,8 @@ function generateVerifier_original(verificationKey) {
function generateVerifier_groth(verificationKey) {
let template = fs.readFileSync(path.join( __dirname, "templates", "verifier_groth.sol"), "utf-8");
function generateVerifier_groth16(verificationKey) {
let template = fs.readFileSync(path.join( __dirname, "templates", "verifier_groth16.sol"), "utf-8");
const vkalfa1_str = `${verificationKey.vk_alfa_1[0].toString()},`+
@ -556,7 +614,9 @@ function generateVerifier_groth(verificationKey) {
function generateVerifier_kimleeoh(verificationKey) {
let template = fs.readFileSync(path.join( __dirname, "templates", "verifier_groth.sol"), "utf-8");
assert(false); // Not implemented yet because it requires G2 exponentiation onchain.
let template = fs.readFileSync(path.join( __dirname, "templates", "verifier_groth16.sol"), "utf-8");
const vkalfa1_str = `${verificationKey.vk_alfa_1[0].toString()},`+

@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ exports.original = {
genProof: require("./src/prover_original.js"),
isValid: require("./src/verifier_original.js")
exports.groth = {
setup: require("./src/setup_groth.js"),
genProof: require("./src/prover_groth.js"),
isValid: require("./src/verifier_groth.js")
exports.groth16 = {
setup: require("./src/setup_groth16.js"),
genProof: require("./src/prover_groth16.js"),
isValid: require("./src/verifier_groth16.js")
exports.kimleeoh = {
setup: require("./src/setup_kimleeoh.js"),

package-lock.json generated

@ -144,6 +144,23 @@
"integrity": "sha512-Phlt0plgpIIBOGTT/ehfFnbNlfsDEiqmzE2KRXoX1bLIlir4X/MR+zSyBEkL05ffWgnRSf/DXv+WrUAVr93/ow==",
"dev": true
"blake2b": {
"version": "2.1.3",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/blake2b/-/blake2b-2.1.3.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-pkDss4xFVbMb4270aCyGD3qLv92314Et+FsKzilCLxDz5DuZ2/1g3w4nmBbu6nKApPspnjG7JcwTjGZnduB1yg==",
"requires": {
"blake2b-wasm": "^1.1.0",
"nanoassert": "^1.0.0"
"blake2b-wasm": {
"version": "1.1.7",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/blake2b-wasm/-/blake2b-wasm-1.1.7.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-oFIHvXhlz/DUgF0kq5B1CqxIDjIJwh9iDeUUGQUcvgiGz7Wdw03McEO7CfLBy7QKGdsydcMCgO9jFNBAFCtFcA==",
"requires": {
"nanoassert": "^1.0.0"
"brace-expansion": {
"version": "1.1.11",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/brace-expansion/-/brace-expansion-1.1.11.tgz",
@ -285,6 +302,11 @@
"integrity": "sha1-p9BVi9icQveV3UIyj3QIMcpTvCU=",
"dev": true
"commander": {
"version": "5.1.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/commander/-/commander-5.1.0.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-P0CysNDQ7rtVw4QIQtm+MRxV66vKFSvlsQvGYXZWR3qFU0jlMKHZZZgw8e+8DSah4UDKMqnknRDQz+xuQXQ/Zg=="
"concat-map": {
"version": "0.0.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/concat-map/-/concat-map-0.0.1.tgz",
@ -1345,6 +1367,11 @@
"integrity": "sha512-nnbWWOkoWyUsTjKrhgD0dcz22mdkSnpYqbEjIm2nhwhuxlSkpywJmBo8h0ZqJdkp73mb90SssHkN4rsRaBAfAA==",
"dev": true
"nanoassert": {
"version": "1.1.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/nanoassert/-/nanoassert-1.1.0.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-TzFS4JVA/eKMdvRLGbvNHVpCR40="
"natural-compare": {
"version": "1.4.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/natural-compare/-/natural-compare-1.4.0.tgz",

@ -28,8 +28,10 @@
"url": "https://github.com/iden3/snarkjs.git"
"dependencies": {
"blake2b": "^2.1.3",
"chai": "^4.2.0",
"circom_runtime": "0.0.6",
"commander": "^5.1.0",
"escape-string-regexp": "^1.0.5",
"ffjavascript": "0.1.0",
"keccak": "^3.0.0",

src/clprocessor.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
const version = require("../package").version;
let selectedCommand = null;
module.exports = async function clProcessor(commands) {
const cl = [];
const argv = {};
for (let i=2; i<process.argv.length; i++) {
if (process.argv[i][0] == "-") {
let S = process.argv[i];
while (S[0] == "-") S = S.slice(1);
const arr = S.split("=")
if (arr.length > 1) {
argv[arr[0]] = arr.slice(1).join("=");
} else {
argv[arr[0]] = true;
} else {
for (let i=0; i<commands.length; i++) {
const cmd = commands[i];
const m = calculateMatch(commands[i], cl);
if (m) {
if ((argv.h) || (argv.help)) {
if (areParamsValid(cmd.cmd, m)) {
if (cmd.options) {
const options = getOptions(cmd.options);
await cmd.action(m, options);
} else {
await cmd.action(m);
} else {
if (m.length>0) console.log("Invalid number of parameters");
if (cl.length>0) console.log("Invalid command");
function calculateMatch(cmd, cl) {
const alias = [];
if (cmd.alias) {
if (Array.isArray(cmd.alias)) {
for (let i=0; i<cmd.alias.length; i++) {
} else {
for (let i=0; i<cl.length; i++) {
for (let j=0; j<alias.length; j++) {
const w = alias[j].cmd.shift();
if (cl[i].toUpperCase() == w.toUpperCase()) {
if (alias[j].cmd.length == 0) {
return buildRemaining(alias[j].params, cl.slice(i+1));
} else {
alias.splice(j, 1);
return null;
function buildRemaining(defParams, cl) {
const res = [];
let p=0;
for (let i=0; i<defParams.length; i++) {
if (defParams[i][0]=="-") {
} else {
if (p<cl.length) {
} else {
while (p<cl.length) {
return res;
function parseLine(l) {
const words = l.match(/(\S+)/g);
for (let i=0; i<words.length; i++) {
if ( (words[i][0] == "<")
|| (words[i][0] == "[")
|| (words[i][0] == "-"))
return {
cmd: words.slice(0,i),
params: words.slice(i)
return {
cmd: words,
params: []
function getOption(o) {
const arr1 = o.slice(1).split(":");
const arr2 = arr1[0].split("|");
for (let i = 0; i<arr2.length; i++) {
if (argv[arr2[i]]) return {
key: arr2[0],
val: argv[arr2[i]]
return {
key: arr2[0],
val: (arr1.length >1) ? arr1[1] : null
function areParamsValid(cmd, params) {
const pl = parseLine(cmd);
if (params.length > pl.params.length) return false;
let minParams = pl.params.length;
while ((minParams>0)&&(pl.params[minParams-1][0] == "[")) minParams --;
if (params.length < minParams) return false;
for (let i=0; (i< pl.params.length)&&(pl.params[i][0]=="<"); i++) {
if (typeof params[i] == "undefined") return false;
return true;
function getOptions(options) {
const res = {};
const opts = options.match(/(\S+)/g);
for (let i=0; i<opts.length; i++) {
const o = getOption(opts[i]);
res[o.key] = o.val;
return res;
function printVersion() {
function epilog() {
console.log(` Copyright (C) 2018 0kims association
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the COPYING file in the official
repo directory at https://github.com/iden3/snarkjs `);
function helpAll() {
console.log(" snarkjs <full command> ... <options>");
console.log(" or snarkjs <shorcut> ... <options>");
console.log("Type snarkjs <command> --help to get more information for that command");
console.log("Full Command Description");
console.log("============ =================");
for (let i=0; i<commands.length; i++) {
const cmd = commands[i];
let S = "";
const pl = parseLine(cmd.cmd);
S += pl.cmd.join(" ");
while (S.length<30) S = S+" ";
S += cmd.description;
S = " Usage: snarkjs ";
if (cmd.alias) {
if (Array.isArray(cmd.alias)) {
S += cmd.alias[0];
} else {
S += cmd.alias;
} else {
S += pl.cmd.join(" ");
S += " " + pl.params.join(" ");
// console.log("");
function helpCmd(cmd) {
if (typeof cmd == "undefined") cmd = selectedCommand;
if (typeof cmd == "undefined") return helpAll();
if (cmd.longDescription) {
} else {
console.log("Usage: ");
console.log(" snarkjs "+ cmd.cmd);
const pl = parseLine(cmd.cmd);
let S = " or snarkjs ";
if (cmd.alias) {
if (Array.isArray(cmd.alias)) {
S += cmd.alias[0];
} else {
S += cmd.alias;
} else {
S += pl.cmd.join(" ");
S += " " + pl.params.join(" ");

src/keypair.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
const bn128 = require("ffjavascript").bn128;
const utils = require("ffjavascript").utils;
const blake2b = require("blake2b");
const ChaCha = require("ffjavascript").ChaCha;
function getG2sp(persinalization, challange, g1s, g1sx) {
const h = blake2b(64);
h.update( utils.beInt2Buff(g1s[0],32));
h.update( utils.beInt2Buff(g1s[1],32));
h.update( utils.beInt2Buff(g1sx[0],32));
h.update( utils.beInt2Buff(g1sx[1],32));
const hash = Buffer.from(h.digest());
const seed = [];
for (let i=0; i<8; i++) {
seed[i] = hash.readUInt32BE(i*4);
const rng = new ChaCha(seed);
const g2_sp = bn128.G2.fromRng(rng);
return g2_sp;
function createKeyPair(curve, personalization, challangeHash, rng ) {
const k = {};
k.prvKey= curve.Fr.fromRng(rng);
k.g1_s = curve.G1.affine(curve.G1.fromRng(rng));
k.g1_sx = curve.G1.affine(curve.G1.mulScalar(k.g1_s, k.prvKey));
k.g2_sp = curve.G2.affine(getG2sp(personalization, challangeHash, k.g1_s, k.g1_sx));
k.g2_spx = curve.G2.affine(curve.G2.mulScalar(k.g2_sp, k.prvKey));
return k;
module.exports.create = createKeyPair;
module.exports.getG2sp = getG2sp;

src/powersoftaw.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
[(1<<power)*2-1] G1
[1<<power] G2
[1<<power] G1
[1<<power] G1
[1] G2
const fastFile = require("fastfile");
const Scalar = require("ffjavascript").Scalar;
const assert = require("assert");
const bn128 = require("ffjavascript").bn128;
const blake2b = require("blake2b");
const readline = require("readline");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const ChaCha = require("ffjavascript").ChaCha;
const fs = require("fs");
const buildTaskManager = require("./taskmanager");
const keyPair = require("./keypair");
async function newAccumulator(curve, power, fileName, verbose) {
const fd = await fastFile.createOverride(fileName);
await fd.write(Buffer.from("ptau"), 0); // Magic "r1cs"
await fd.writeULE32(1); // Version
await fd.writeULE32(7); // Number of Sections
// Write the header
await fd.writeULE32(1); // Header type
const pHeaderSize = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
const primeQ = curve.q;
await fd.writeULE32(curve.F1.n64*8);
await fd.write(Scalar.toRprLE(primeQ, curve.F1.n64*8));
await fd.writeULE32(power); // power
await fd.writeULE32(0); // Total number of public contributions
const headerSize = fd.pos - pHeaderSize - 8;
// Write tauG1
await fd.writeULE32(2); // tauG1
const pTauG1 = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
const nTauG1 = (1 << power) * 2 -1;
for (let i=0; i< nTauG1; i++) {
await fd.write(curve.G1.toRprLEM(curve.G1.g));
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("tauG1: " + i);
const tauG1Size = fd.pos - pTauG1 -8;
// Write tauG2
await fd.writeULE32(3); // tauG2
const pTauG2 = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
const nTauG2 = (1 << power);
for (let i=0; i< nTauG2; i++) {
await fd.write(curve.G2.toRprLEM(curve.G2.g));
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("tauG2: " + i);
const tauG2Size = fd.pos - pTauG2 -8;
// Write alfaTauG1
await fd.writeULE32(4); // alfaTauG1
const pAlfaTauG1 = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
const nAlfaTauG1 = (1 << power);
for (let i=0; i< nAlfaTauG1; i++) {
await fd.write(curve.G1.toRprLEM(curve.G1.g));
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("alfaTauG1: " + i);
const alfaTauG1Size = fd.pos - pAlfaTauG1 -8;
// Write betaTauG1
await fd.writeULE32(5); // betaTauG1
const pBetaTauG1 = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
const nBetaTauG1 = (1 << power);
for (let i=0; i< nBetaTauG1; i++) {
await fd.write(curve.G1.toRprLEM(curve.G1.g));
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("betaTauG1: " + i);
const betaTauG1Size = fd.pos - pBetaTauG1 -8;
// Write betaG2
await fd.writeULE32(6); // betaG2
const pBetaG2 = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
await fd.write(curve.G2.toRprLEM(curve.G2.g));
const betaG2Size = fd.pos - pBetaG2 -8;
// Contributions
await fd.writeULE32(7); // betaG2
const pContributions = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
const contributionsSize = fd.pos - pContributions -8;
// Write sizes
await fd.writeULE64(headerSize, pHeaderSize);
await fd.writeULE64(tauG1Size, pTauG1);
await fd.writeULE64(tauG2Size, pTauG2);
await fd.writeULE64(alfaTauG1Size, pAlfaTauG1);
await fd.writeULE64(betaTauG1Size, pBetaTauG1);
await fd.writeULE64(betaG2Size, pBetaG2);
await fd.writeULE64(contributionsSize, pContributions);
await fd.close();
async function exportChallange(pTauFilename, challangeFilename, verbose) {
const fdFrom = await fastFile.readExisting(pTauFilename);
const b = await fdFrom.read(4);
if (b.toString() != "ptau") assert(false, "Invalid File format");
let v = await fdFrom.readULE32();
if (v>1) assert(false, "Version not supported");
const nSections = await fdFrom.readULE32();
// Scan sections
let sections = [];
for (let i=0; i<nSections; i++) {
let ht = await fdFrom.readULE32();
let hl = await fdFrom.readULE64();
if (typeof sections[ht] == "undefined") sections[ht] = [];
p: fdFrom.pos,
size: hl
fdFrom.pos += hl;
if (!sections[1]) assert(false, "File has no header");
if (sections[1].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one header");
fdFrom.pos = sections[1][0].p;
const n8 = await fdFrom.readULE32();
const qBuff = await fdFrom.read(n8);
const q = Scalar.fromRprLE(qBuff);
let curve;
if (Scalar.eq(q, bn128.q)) {
curve = bn128;
} else {
assert(false, "Curve not supported");
assert(curve.F1.n64*8 == n8, "Invalid size");
const power = await fdFrom.readULE32();
const nContributions = await fdFrom.readULE32();
let challangeHash;
if (nContributions == 0) {
challangeHash = Buffer.from(blake2b(64).digest());
} else {
assert(false, "Not implemented");
const fdTo = await fastFile.createOverride(challangeFilename);
const toHash = blake2b(64);
// Process tauG1
if (!sections[2]) assert(false, "File has no tauG1 section");
if (sections[2].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one tauG1 section");
fdFrom.pos = sections[2][0].p;
const nTauG1 = (1 << power) * 2 -1;
for (let i=0; i< nTauG1; i++) {
const p = await readG1();
await writeG1(p);
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("tauG1: " + i);
if (fdFrom.pos != sections[2][0].p + sections[2][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid tauG1 section size");
// Process tauG2
if (!sections[3]) assert(false, "File has no tauG2 section");
if (sections[3].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one tauG2 section");
fdFrom.pos = sections[3][0].p;
const nTauG2 = 1 << power ;
for (let i=0; i< nTauG2; i++) {
const p = await readG2();
await writeG2(p);
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("tauG2: " + i);
if (fdFrom.pos != sections[3][0].p + sections[3][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid tauG2 section size");
// Process alphaTauG1
if (!sections[4]) assert(false, "File has no alphaTauG1 section");
if (sections[4].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one alphaTauG1 section");
fdFrom.pos = sections[4][0].p;
const nAlphaTauG1 = 1 << power ;
for (let i=0; i< nAlphaTauG1; i++) {
const p = await readG1();
await writeG1(p);
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("alphaTauG1: " + i);
if (fdFrom.pos != sections[4][0].p + sections[4][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid alphaTauG1 section size");
// Process betaTauG1
if (!sections[5]) assert(false, "File has no betaTauG1 section");
if (sections[5].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one betaTauG1 section");
fdFrom.pos = sections[5][0].p;
const nBetaTauG1 = 1 << power ;
for (let i=0; i< nBetaTauG1; i++) {
const p = await readG1();
await writeG1(p);
if ((verbose)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) console.log("betaTauG1: " + i);
if (fdFrom.pos != sections[5][0].p + sections[5][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid betaTauG1 section size");
// Process betaG2
if (!sections[6]) assert(false, "File has no betaG2 section");
if (sections[6].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one betaG2 section");
fdFrom.pos = sections[6][0].p;
const betaG2 = await readG2();
await writeG2(betaG2);
if (fdFrom.pos != sections[6][0].p + sections[6][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid betaG2 section size");
await fdFrom.close();
await fdTo.close();
const newChallangeHash = toHash.digest("hex");
console.log("Challange Hash: " +newChallangeHash);
async function readG1() {
const pBuff = await fdFrom.read(curve.F1.n64*8*2);
return curve.G1.fromRprLEM( pBuff );
async function readG2() {
const pBuff = await fdFrom.read(curve.F1.n64*8*2*2);
return curve.G2.fromRprLEM( pBuff );
async function writeG1(p) {
const rpr = curve.G1.toRprBE(p);
await fdTo.write(rpr);
async function writeG2(p) {
const rpr = curve.G2.toRprBE(p);
await fdTo.write(rpr);
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
function askEntropy() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
rl.question("Enter a random text. (Entropy): ", (input) => resolve(input) );
async function contribute(curve, challangeFilename, responesFileName, entropy, verbose) {
const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
let stats = await fs.promises.stat(challangeFilename);
const sG1 = curve.F1.n64*8*2;
const scG1 = curve.F1.n64*8; // Compresed size
const sG2 = curve.F2.n64*8*2;
const scG2 = curve.F2.n64*8; // Compresed size
const domainSize = (stats.size + sG1 - 64 - sG2) / (4*sG1 + sG2);
let e = domainSize;
let power = 0;
while (e>1) {
e = e /2;
power += 1;
assert(1<<power == domainSize, "Invalid file size");
const fdFrom = await fastFile.readExisting(challangeFilename);
const fdTo = await fastFile.createOverride(responesFileName);
let writePointer = 0;
while (!entropy) {
entropy = await askEntropy();
// Calculate the hash
console.log("Hashing challange");
const challangeHasher = blake2b(64);
for (let i=0; i<stats.size; i+= fdFrom.pageSize) {
const s = Math.min(stats.size - i, fdFrom.pageSize);
const buff = await fdFrom.read(s);
const challangeHash = Buffer.from(challangeHasher.digest());
console.log("Challange Hash: " + challangeHash.toString("hex"));
const claimedHash = await fdFrom.read(64, 0);
console.log("Claimed Hash: " + claimedHash.toString("hex"));
const hasher = blake2b(64);
const hash = Buffer.from(hasher.digest());
const seed = [];
for (let i=0;i<8;i++) {
seed[i] = hash.readUInt32BE(i*4);
// const rng = new ChaCha(seed);
const rng = new ChaCha();
const kTau = keyPair.create(curve, 0, challangeHash, rng);
const kAlpha = keyPair.create(curve, 1, challangeHash, rng);
const kBeta = keyPair.create(curve, 2, challangeHash, rng);
if (verbose) {
console.log("kTau.g1_s_x: " + kTau.g1_s[0].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g1_s_y: " + kTau.g1_s[1].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g1_sx_x: " + kTau.g1_sx[0].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g1_sx_y: " + kTau.g1_sx[1].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_sp_x_c0: " + kTau.g2_sp[0][0].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_sp_x_c1: " + kTau.g2_sp[0][1].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_sp_y_c0: " + kTau.g2_sp[1][0].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_sp_y_c1: " + kTau.g2_sp[1][1].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_spx_x_c0: " + kTau.g2_spx[0][0].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_spx_x_c1: " + kTau.g2_spx[0][1].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_spx_y_c0: " + kTau.g2_spx[1][0].toString(16));
console.log("kTau.g2_spx_y_c1: " + kTau.g2_spx[1][1].toString(16));
await fdTo.write(challangeHash);
writePointer += 64;
const taskManager = await buildTaskManager(contributeThread, {
ffjavascript: "ffjavascript"
curve: curve.name
// TauG1
let t = curve.Fr.e(1);
for (let i=0; i<domainSize*2-1; i += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
if ((verbose)&&i) console.log("TauG1: " + i);
const n = Math.min(domainSize*2-1 - i, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
const buff = await fdFrom.read(n*sG1);
await taskManager.addTask({
cmd: "MULG1",
first: t,
inc: kTau.prvKey.toString(),
buff: buff,
n: n,
writePos: writePointer
}, async function(r) {
return await fdTo.write(r.buff, r.writePos);
t = curve.Fr.mul(t, curve.Fr.pow(kTau.prvKey, n));
writePointer += n*scG1;
// TauG2
t = curve.Fr.e(1);
for (let i=0; i<domainSize; i += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
if ((verbose)&&i) console.log("TauG2: " + i);
const n = Math.min(domainSize - i, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
const buff = await fdFrom.read(n*sG2);
await taskManager.addTask({
cmd: "MULG2",
first: t,
inc: kTau.prvKey.toString(),
buff: buff,
n: n,
writePos: writePointer
}, async function(r) {
return await fdTo.write(r.buff, r.writePos);
t = curve.Fr.mul(t, curve.Fr.pow(kTau.prvKey, n));
writePointer += n*scG2;
// AlphaTauG1
t = curve.Fr.e(kAlpha.prvKey);
for (let i=0; i<domainSize; i += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
if ((verbose)&&i) console.log("AlfaTauG1: " + i);
const n = Math.min(domainSize - i, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
const buff = await fdFrom.read(n*sG1);
await taskManager.addTask({
cmd: "MULG1",
first: t,
inc: kTau.prvKey.toString(),
buff: buff,
n: n,
writePos: writePointer
}, async function(r) {
return await fdTo.write(r.buff, r.writePos);
t = curve.Fr.mul(t, curve.Fr.pow(kTau.prvKey, n));
writePointer += n*scG1;
// BetaTauG1
t = curve.Fr.e(kBeta.prvKey);
for (let i=0; i<domainSize; i += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
if ((verbose)&&i) console.log("BetaTauG1: " + i);
const n = Math.min(domainSize - i, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
const buff = await fdFrom.read(n*sG1);
await taskManager.addTask({
cmd: "MULG1",
first: t,
inc: kTau.prvKey.toString(),
buff: buff,
n: n,
writePos: writePointer
}, async function(r) {
return await fdTo.write(r.buff, r.writePos);
t = curve.Fr.mul(t, curve.Fr.pow(kTau.prvKey, n));
writePointer += n*scG1;
// BetaG2
const buffOldBeta = await fdFrom.read(sG2);
const oldBeta = curve.G2.fromRprBE(buffOldBeta);
const newBeta = curve.G2.mulScalar(oldBeta, kBeta.prvKey);
const buffNewBeta = curve.G2.toRprCompressed(newBeta);
await fdTo.write(buffNewBeta, writePointer);
writePointer += scG2;
//Write Key
await fdTo.write(curve.G1.toRprBE(kTau.g1_s), writePointer);
writePointer += sG1;
await fdTo.write(curve.G1.toRprBE(kTau.g1_sx), writePointer);
writePointer += sG1;
await fdTo.write(curve.G1.toRprBE(kAlpha.g1_s), writePointer);
writePointer += sG1;
await fdTo.write(curve.G1.toRprBE(kAlpha.g1_sx), writePointer);
writePointer += sG1;
await fdTo.write(curve.G1.toRprBE(kBeta.g1_s), writePointer);
writePointer += sG1;
await fdTo.write(curve.G1.toRprBE(kBeta.g1_sx), writePointer);
writePointer += sG1;
await fdTo.write(curve.G2.toRprBE(kTau.g2_spx), writePointer);
writePointer += sG2;
await fdTo.write(curve.G2.toRprBE(kAlpha.g2_spx), writePointer);
writePointer += sG2;
await fdTo.write(curve.G2.toRprBE(kBeta.g2_spx), writePointer);
writePointer += sG2;
await taskManager.finish();
await fdTo.close();
await fdFrom.close();
function contributeThread(ctx, task) {
if (task.cmd == "INIT") {
ctx.assert = ctx.modules.assert;
if (task.curve == "bn128") {
ctx.curve = ctx.modules.ffjavascript.bn128;
} else {
ctx.assert(false, "curve not defined");
return {};
} else if (task.cmd == "MULG1") {
// console.log("StartMULG1 "+ ctx.processId);
const sG1 = ctx.curve.F1.n64*8*2;
const scG1 = ctx.curve.F1.n64*8; // Compresed size
const buffDest = Buffer.allocUnsafe(scG1*task.n);
let t = ctx.curve.Fr.e(task.first);
let inc = ctx.curve.Fr.e(task.inc);
for (let i=0; i<task.n; i++) {
const slice = task.buff.slice(i*sG1, (i+1)*sG1);
const b = Buffer.from(slice);
const P = ctx.curve.G1.fromRprBE(b);
const R = ctx.curve.G1.mulScalar(P, t);
const bR = ctx.curve.G1.toRprCompressed(R);
bR.copy(buffDest, i*scG1);
t = ctx.curve.Fr.mul(t, inc);
// console.log("EndMulG1 "+ ctx.processId);
return {
buff: buffDest,
writePos: task.writePos
} else if (task.cmd == "MULG2") {
// console.log("StartMULG2 "+ ctx.processId);
const sG2 = ctx.curve.F2.n64*8*2;
const scG2 = ctx.curve.F2.n64*8; // Compresed size
const buffDest = Buffer.allocUnsafe(scG2*task.n);
let t = ctx.curve.Fr.e(task.first);
let inc = ctx.curve.Fr.e(task.inc);
for (let i=0; i<task.n; i++) {
const slice = task.buff.slice(i*sG2, (i+1)*sG2);
const b = Buffer.from(slice);
const P = ctx.curve.G2.fromRprBE(b);
const R = ctx.curve.G2.mulScalar(P, t);
const bR = ctx.curve.G2.toRprCompressed(R);
bR.copy(buffDest, i*scG2);
t = ctx.curve.Fr.mul(t, inc);
// console.log("EndMulG2 "+ ctx.processId);
return {
buff: buffDest,
writePos: task.writePos
} else {
ctx.assert(false, "Op not implemented");
module.exports.newAccumulator = newAccumulator;
module.exports.exportChallange = exportChallange;
module.exports.contribute = contribute;

@ -158,6 +158,16 @@ function calculateH(vk_proof, witness) {
const polA_T = new Array(m).fill(PolF.F.zero);
const polB_T = new Array(m).fill(PolF.F.zero);
for (let i=0; i<vk_proof.ccoefs.length; i++) {
const coef = vk_proof.ccoefs[i];
if (coef.matrix == 0) {
polA_T[coef.constraint] = F.add( polA_T[coef.constraint], F.mul(witness[ coef.signal ], coef.value) );
} else if (coef.matrix == 1) {
polB_T[coef.constraint] = F.add( polB_T[coef.constraint], F.mul(witness[ coef.signal ], coef.value) );
for (let s=0; s<vk_proof.nVars; s++) {
for (let c in vk_proof.polsA[s]) {
polA_T[c] = F.add(polA_T[c], F.mul(witness[s], vk_proof.polsA[s][c]));
@ -166,6 +176,8 @@ function calculateH(vk_proof, witness) {
polB_T[c] = F.add(polB_T[c], F.mul(witness[s], vk_proof.polsB[s][c]));
const polA_S = PolF.ifft(polA_T);
const polB_S = PolF.ifft(polB_T);

@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
/* Implementation of this paper: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/260.pdf */
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const bn128 = require("ffjavascript").bn128;
const PolField = require("ffjavascript").PolField;
const ZqField = require("ffjavascript").ZqField;
@ -33,18 +31,15 @@ const F = new ZqField(bn128.r);
module.exports = function setup(circuit, verbose) {
const setup = {
vk_proof : {
protocol: "groth",
protocol: "groth16",
nVars: circuit.nVars,
nPublic: circuit.nPubInputs + circuit.nOutputs
vk_verifier: {
protocol: "groth",
nPublic: circuit.nPubInputs + circuit.nOutputs
toxic: {}
setup.vk_proof.q = bn128.q;
setup.vk_proof.r = bn128.r;
setup.vk_proof.domainBits = PolF.log2(circuit.nConstraints + circuit.nPubInputs + circuit.nOutputs +1 -1) +1;
setup.vk_proof.domainSize = 1 << setup.vk_proof.domainBits;
@ -52,6 +47,21 @@ module.exports = function setup(circuit, verbose) {
setup.toxic.t = F.random();
calculateEncriptedValuesAtT(setup, circuit, verbose);
setup.vk_verifier = {
protocol: setup.vk_proof.protocol,
nPublic: setup.vk_proof.nPublic,
IC: setup.vk_proof.IC,
vk_alfa_1: setup.vk_proof.vk_alfa_1,
vk_beta_2: setup.vk_proof.vk_beta_2,
vk_gamma_2: setup.vk_proof.vk_gamma_2,
vk_delta_2: setup.vk_proof.vk_delta_2,
vk_alfabeta_12: bn128.pairing( setup.vk_proof.vk_alfa_1 , setup.vk_proof.vk_beta_2 )
return setup;
@ -66,8 +76,22 @@ function calculatePolinomials(setup, circuit) {
setup.vk_proof.polsB[i] = {};
setup.vk_proof.polsC[i] = {};
for (let c=0; c<circuit.nConstraints; c++) {
setup.vk_proof.ccoefs = [];
for (let m=0; m<2; m++) {
for (let c=0; c<circuit.nConstraints; c++) {
for (let s in circuit.constraints[c][m]) {
matrix: m,
constraint: c,
signal: s,
value: circuit.constraints[c][m][s]
for (let c=0; c<circuit.nConstraints; c++) {
for (let s in circuit.constraints[c][0]) {
setup.vk_proof.polsA[s][c] = circuit.constraints[c][0][s];
@ -87,6 +111,12 @@ function calculatePolinomials(setup, circuit) {
for (let i = 0; i < circuit.nPubInputs + circuit.nOutputs + 1; ++i)
setup.vk_proof.polsA[i][circuit.nConstraints + i] = F.one;
matrix: 0,
constraint: circuit.nConstraints + i,
signal: i,
value: F.one
@ -125,7 +155,7 @@ function calculateEncriptedValuesAtT(setup, circuit, verbose) {
setup.vk_proof.B1 = new Array(circuit.nVars);
setup.vk_proof.B2 = new Array(circuit.nVars);
setup.vk_proof.C = new Array(circuit.nVars);
setup.vk_verifier.IC = new Array(circuit.nPubInputs + circuit.nOutputs + 1);
setup.vk_proof.IC = new Array(circuit.nPubInputs + circuit.nOutputs + 1);
setup.toxic.kalfa = F.random();
setup.toxic.kbeta = F.random();
@ -141,16 +171,9 @@ function calculateEncriptedValuesAtT(setup, circuit, verbose) {
setup.vk_proof.vk_beta_2 = G2.affine(G2.mulScalar( G2.g, setup.toxic.kbeta));
setup.vk_proof.vk_delta_2 = G2.affine(G2.mulScalar( G2.g, setup.toxic.kdelta));
setup.vk_proof.vk_gamma_2 = G2.affine(G2.mulScalar( G2.g, setup.toxic.kgamma));
setup.vk_verifier.vk_alfa_1 = G1.affine(G1.mulScalar( G1.g, setup.toxic.kalfa));
setup.vk_verifier.vk_beta_2 = G2.affine(G2.mulScalar( G2.g, setup.toxic.kbeta));
setup.vk_verifier.vk_gamma_2 = G2.affine(G2.mulScalar( G2.g, setup.toxic.kgamma));
setup.vk_verifier.vk_delta_2 = G2.affine(G2.mulScalar( G2.g, setup.toxic.kdelta));
setup.vk_verifier.vk_alfabeta_12 = bn128.pairing( setup.vk_verifier.vk_alfa_1 , setup.vk_verifier.vk_beta_2 );
for (let s=0; s<circuit.nVars; s++) {
const A = G1.mulScalar(G1.g, v.a_t[s]);
@ -180,7 +203,7 @@ function calculateEncriptedValuesAtT(setup, circuit, verbose) {
const IC = G1.mulScalar(G1.g, ps);
for (let s=setup.vk_proof.nPublic+1; s<circuit.nVars; s++) {
@ -222,8 +245,7 @@ function calculateEncriptedValuesAtT(setup, circuit, verbose) {

@ -17,11 +17,9 @@
snarkjs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
const bn128 = require("ffjavascript").bn128;
const PolField = require("ffjavascript").PolField;
const ZqField = require("ffjavascript").ZqField;
const ZqField = require("ffjavascript").F1Field;
const G1 = bn128.G1;
const G2 = bn128.G2;

src/taskmanager.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
const assert = require("assert");
const inBrowser = (typeof window !== "undefined");
let NodeWorker;
if (!inBrowser) {
NodeWorker = require("worker_threads").Worker;
class Deferred {
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
this.reject = reject;
this.resolve = resolve;
function thread(self, fn, modules) {
const ctx = {
modules: modules
self.onmessage = function(e) {
let data;
if (e.data) {
data = e.data;
} else {
data = e;
if (data.cmd == "INIT") {
ctx.processId = data.processId;
if (data.cmd == "TERMINATE") {
self.postMessage({cmd: "TERMINATE"});
let res = fn(ctx, data);
res = res || {};
res.cmd = data.cmd;
if (res) {
if (res.buff) {
res.buff = new Uint8Array(res.buff);
self.postMessage(res, [res.buff.buffer]);
} else {
async function buildTaskManager(fn, mods, initTask) {
let concurrency;
if ((typeof(navigator) === "object") && navigator.hardwareConcurrency) {
concurrency = navigator.hardwareConcurrency;
} else {
const os = require("os");
concurrency = os.cpus().length;
const tm = {
workers: []
let S = "{";
const keys = Object.keys(mods);
for (let i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
const key= keys[i];
S += `${key}: require('${mods[key]}'), `;
S += "}";
function getOnMsg(i) {
return function(e) {
function finishTask() {
// It can not be a waiting task and it's terminating
assert( !(tm.waitingTask && tm.terminateDeferred));
if (tm.terminateDeferred) {
tm.workers[i].worker.postMessage({cmd: "TERMINATE"});
tm.workers[i].state = "READY";
if (tm.waitingTask) {
processTask(i, tm.waitingTask.task, tm.waitingTask.asyncCb);
const d = tm.waitingTask.deferral;
tm.waitingTask = null;
let data;
if ((e)&&(e.data)) {
data = e.data;
} else {
data = e;
if (data.cmd == "TERMINATE") {
tm.workers[i].state = "TERMINATED";
if (data.buff) {
data.buff = Buffer.from(data.buff);
if (tm.workers[i].asyncCb) {
tm.workers[i].asyncCb(data).then(()=> {
} else {
function processTask(i, task, asyncCb) {
assert(tm.workers[i].state == "READY");
tm.workers[i].asyncCb = asyncCb;
tm.workers[i].state = "WORKING";
if (task.buff) {
task.buff = new Uint8Array(task.buff);
tm.workers[i].worker.postMessage(task, [task.buff.buffer]);
} else {
for (let i=0; i<concurrency; i++) {
const worker = new NodeWorker(`(${thread.toString()})(require('worker_threads').parentPort, ${fn.toString()},${S});`, {eval: true});
worker.on("message", getOnMsg(i));
tm.workers[i] = {
state: "READY",
worker: worker,
taskPromise: null
for (let i=0; i<concurrency; i++) {
initTask.cmd = "INIT";
initTask.processId = i;
processTask(i, initTask);
tm.finish = function() {
const self = this;
assert (self.terminatePromise == null);
self.terminateDeferred = new Deferred();
for (let i=0; i<concurrency; i++) {
if (self.workers[i].state == "READY") {
self.workers[i].worker.postMessage({cmd: "TERMINATE"});
return self.terminateDeferred.promise;
tm.addTask = function (task, asyncCb) {
const self = this;
assert (!self.waitingTask);
const deferral = new Deferred();
let i;
for (i=0; i<tm.workers.length; i++) {
if (self.workers[i].state == "READY") break;
if (i<tm.workers.length) {
processTask(i, task, asyncCb);
} else {
self.waitingTask = {
task: task,
deferral: deferral,
asyncCb: asyncCb
return deferral.promise;
tm.tryTerminate = function() {
const self = this;
if (!self.terminateDeferred) return;
for (let i=0; i<concurrency; i++) {
if (self.workers[i].state != "TERMINATED") return;
return tm;
module.exports = buildTaskManager;

src/wtnsfile.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
const Scalar = require("ffjavascript").Scalar;
const fastFile = require("fastfile");
const assert = require("assert");
module.exports.write = async function writeZKey(fileName, witness, prime) {
const fd = await fastFile.createOverride(fileName);
await fd.write(Buffer.from("wtns"), 0); // Magic "r1cs"
let p = 4;
await writeU32(1); // Version
const n8 = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(prime) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
await writeU32(n8);
await writeBigInt(prime);
await writeU32(witness.length);
for (let i=0; i<witness.length; i++) {
await writeBigInt(witness[i]);
await fd.close();
async function writeU32(v, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
await fd.write(b, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += 4;
async function writeBigInt(n, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const s = n.toString(16);
const b = Buffer.from(s.padStart(n8*2, "0"), "hex");
const buff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(b.length);
for (let i=0; i<b.length; i++) buff[i] = b[b.length-1-i];
await fd.write(buff, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += n8;
module.exports.writeBin = async function writeZKey(fileName, witnessBin, prime) {
witnessBin = Buffer.from(witnessBin);
const fd = await fastFile.createOverride(fileName);
await fd.write(Buffer.from("wtns"), 0); // Magic "r1cs"
let p = 4;
await writeU32(1); // Version
const n8 = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(prime) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
await writeU32(n8);
await writeBigInt(prime);
assert(witnessBin.length % n8 == 0);
await writeU32(witnessBin.length / n8);
await fd.write(witnessBin, p);
await fd.close();
async function writeU32(v, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
await fd.write(b, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += 4;
async function writeBigInt(n, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const s = n.toString(16);
const b = Buffer.from(s.padStart(n8*2, "0"), "hex");
const buff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(b.length);
for (let i=0; i<b.length; i++) buff[i] = b[b.length-1-i];
await fd.write(buff, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += n8;
module.exports.read = async function writeZKey(fileName) {
const res = [];
const fd = await fastFile.readExisting(fileName);
const b = await fd.read(0, 4);
if (b.toString() != "wtns") assert(false, "Invalid File format");
let p=4;
let v = await readU32();
if (v>1) assert(false, "Version not supported");
const n8 = await readU32();
await readBigInt();
const nWitness = await readU32();
for (let i=0; i<nWitness; i++) {
const v = await readBigInt();
return res;
async function readU32() {
const b = await fd.read(p, 4);
return b.readUInt32LE(0);
async function readBigInt() {
const buff = await fd.read(p, n8);
assert(buff.length == n8);
const buffR = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n8);
for (let i=0; i<n8; i++) buffR[i] = buff[n8-1-i];
p += n8;
return Scalar.fromString(buffR.toString("hex"), 16);

src/zkeyfile.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
// Format
// ======
// Header
// Prover Type 1 Groth
// HeaderGroth
// n8q
// q
// n8r
// r
// NVars
// NPub
// DomainSize (multiple of 2
// alfa1
// beta1
// delta1
// beta2
// gamma2
// delta2
// IC
// PolA
// PolB
// PointsA
// PointsB1
// PointsB2
// PointsC
// PointsH
// Contributions
const Scalar = require("ffjavascript").Scalar;
const F1Field = require("ffjavascript").F1Field;
const fastFile = require("fastfile");
const assert = require("assert");
module.exports.write = async function writeZKey(fileName, zkey) {
const fd = await fastFile.createOverride(fileName);
await fd.write(Buffer.from("zkey"), 0); // Magic "r1cs"
let p = 4;
await writeU32(1); // Version
await writeU32(6); // Number of Sections
// Write the header
await writeU32(1); // Header type
const pHeaderSize = p;
await writeU64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
await writeU32(1); // Groth
const headerSize = p - pHeaderSize - 8;
// Write the Groth header section
const primeQ = zkey.q;
const Fq = new F1Field(zkey.q);
const n8q = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeQ) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
const Rq = Scalar.mod(Scalar.shl(1, n8q*8), primeQ);
const primeR = zkey.r;
const Fr = new F1Field(zkey.r);
const n8r = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeR) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
const Rr = Scalar.mod(Scalar.shl(1, n8r*8), primeR);
const R2r = Scalar.mod(Scalar.mul(Rr,Rr), primeR);
// Field Def
await writeU32(2); // Constraints type
const pGrothHeader = p;
await writeU64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
await writeU32(n8q);
await writeBigIntQ(primeQ);
await writeU32(n8r);
await writeBigIntR(primeR);
await writeU32(zkey.nVars); // Total number of bars
await writeU32(zkey.nPublic); // Total number of public vars (not including ONE)
await writeU32(zkey.domainSize); // domainSize
await writePointG1(zkey.vk_alfa_1);
await writePointG1(zkey.vk_beta_1);
await writePointG1(zkey.vk_delta_1);
await writePointG2(zkey.vk_beta_2);
await writePointG2(zkey.vk_gamma_2);
await writePointG2(zkey.vk_delta_2);
const grothHeaderSize = p - pGrothHeader - 8;
// Write IC Section
await writeU32(3); // IC
const pIc = p;
await writeU64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
for (let i=0; i<= zkey.nPublic; i++) {
await writePointG1(zkey.IC[i] );
const icSize = p - pIc -8;
// Write Pol A
await writeU32(4); // A Pols
const pCoefs = p;
await writeU64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
await writeU32(zkey.ccoefs.length);
for (let i=0; i<zkey.ccoefs.length; i++) {
const coef = zkey.ccoefs[i];
await writeU32(coef.matrix);
await writeU32(coef.constraint);
await writeU32(coef.signal);
await writeFr2(coef.value);
const coefsSize = p - pCoefs -8;
// Write A B1 B2 C points
await writeU32(5); // A B1 B2 C points
const pPointsAB1B2C = p;
await writeU64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
for (let i=0; i<zkey.nVars; i++) {
await writePointG1(zkey.A[i]);
await writePointG1(zkey.B1[i]);
await writePointG2(zkey.B2[i]);
if (i<=zkey.nPublic) {
await writePointG1_zero();
} else {
await writePointG1(zkey.C[i]);
const pointsAB1B2CSize = p - pPointsAB1B2C - 8;
// Write H points
await writeU32(6); // H Points
const pPointsH = p;
await writeU64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
for (let i=0; i<zkey.domainSize; i++) {
await writePointG1(zkey.hExps[i]);
const pointsHsize = p - pPointsH -8;
// Write sizes
await writeU64(headerSize, pHeaderSize);
await writeU64(grothHeaderSize, pGrothHeader);
await writeU64(icSize, pIc);
await writeU64(coefsSize, pCoefs);
await writeU64(pointsAB1B2CSize, pPointsAB1B2C);
await writeU64(pointsHsize, pPointsH);
await fd.close();
async function writeU32(v, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
await fd.write(b, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += 4;
async function writeU64(v, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
const LSB = v & 0xFFFFFFFF;
const MSB = Math.floor(v / 0x100000000);
b.writeInt32LE(LSB, 0);
b.writeInt32LE(MSB, 4);
await fd.write(b, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += 8;
async function writeBigIntQ(n, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const s = n.toString(16);
const b = Buffer.from(s.padStart(n8q*2, "0"), "hex");
const buff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(b.length);
for (let i=0; i<b.length; i++) buff[i] = b[b.length-1-i];
await fd.write(buff, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += n8q;
async function writeBigIntR(n, pos) {
let o = (typeof pos == "undefined") ? p : pos;
const s = n.toString(16);
const b = Buffer.from(s.padStart(n8r*2, "0"), "hex");
const buff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(b.length);
for (let i=0; i<b.length; i++) buff[i] = b[b.length-1-i];
await fd.write(buff, o);
if (typeof(pos) == "undefined") p += n8r;
async function writeFr2(n) {
// Convert to montgomery
n = Scalar.mod( Scalar.mul(n, R2r), primeR);
await writeBigIntR(n);
async function writeFq(n) {
// Convert to montgomery
n = Scalar.mod( Scalar.mul(n, Rq), primeQ);
await writeBigIntQ(n);
async function writePointG1(p) {
if (Fq.isZero(p[2])) {
await writeFq(0);
await writeFq(0);
} else {
await writeFq(p[0]);
await writeFq(p[1]);
async function writePointG1_zero() {
await writeFq(0);
await writeFq(0);
async function writePointG2(p) {
if (Fq.isZero(p[2][0]) && Fq.isZero(p[2][1])) {
await writeFq(Fq.e(0));
await writeFq(Fq.e(0));
await writeFq(Fq.e(0));
await writeFq(Fq.e(0));
} else {
await writeFq(p[0][0]);
await writeFq(p[0][1]);
await writeFq(p[1][0]);
await writeFq(p[1][1]);
module.exports.read = async function readZKey(fileName) {
const zkey = {};
const fd = await fastFile.readExisting(fileName);
const b = await fd.read(0, 4);
if (b.toString() != "zkey") assert(false, "Invalid File format");
let p=4;
let v = await readU32();
if (v>1) assert(false, "Version not supported");
const nSections = await readU32();
// Scan sections
let sections = [];
for (let i=0; i<nSections; i++) {
let ht = await readU32();
let hl = await readU64();
if (typeof sections[ht] == "undefined") sections[ht] = [];
p: p,
size: hl
p += hl;
// Read Header
if (sections[1].length==0) assert(false, "File has no header");
if (sections[1].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one header");
p = sections[1][0].p;
const protocol = await readU32();
if (protocol != 1) assert("File is not groth");
if (p != sections[1][0].p + sections[1][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid header section size");
// Read Groth Header
if (sections[2].length==0) assert(false, "File has no groth header");
if (sections[2].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one groth header");
zkey.protocol = "groth16";
p = sections[2][0].p;
const n8q = await readU32();
zkey.q = await readBigIntQ();
const Fq = new F1Field(zkey.q);
const Rq = Scalar.mod(Scalar.shl(1, n8q*8), zkey.q);
const Rqi = Fq.inv(Rq);
const n8r = await readU32();
zkey.r = await readBigIntR();
const Fr = new F1Field(zkey.r);
const Rr = Scalar.mod(Scalar.shl(1, n8q*8), zkey.r);
const Rri = Fr.inv(Rr);
const Rri2 = Fr.mul(Rri, Rri);
zkey.nVars = await readU32();
zkey.nPublic = await readU32();
zkey.domainSize = await readU32();
zkey.vk_alfa_1 = await readG1();
zkey.vk_beta_1 = await readG1();
zkey.vk_delta_1 = await readG1();
zkey.vk_beta_2 = await readG2();
zkey.vk_gamma_2 = await readG2();
zkey.vk_delta_2 = await readG2();
if (p != sections[2][0].p + sections[2][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid groth header section size");
// Read IC Section
if (sections[3].length==0) assert(false, "File has no IC section");
if (sections[3].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one IC section");
p = sections[3][0].p;
zkey.IC = [];
for (let i=0; i<= zkey.nPublic; i++) {
const P = await readG1();
if (p != sections[3][0].p + sections[3][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid IC section size");
// Read Coefs
if (sections[4].length==0) assert(false, "File has no PolA section");
if (sections[4].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one PolA section");
p = sections[4][0].p;
const nCCoefs = await readU32();
zkey.ccoefs = [];
for (let i=0; i<nCCoefs; i++) {
const m = await readU32();
const c = await readU32();
const s = await readU32();
const v = await readFr2();
matrix: m,
constraint: c,
signal: s,
value: v
if (p != sections[4][0].p + sections[4][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid PolsA section size");
// Read A B1 B2 C points
if (sections[5].length==0) assert(false, "File has no AB1B2C section");
if (sections[5].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one AB1B2C section");
p = sections[5][0].p;
zkey.A = [];
zkey.B1 = [];
zkey.B2 = [];
zkey.C = [];
for (let i=0; i<zkey.nVars; i++) {
const A = await readG1();
const B1 = await readG1();
const B2 = await readG2();
const C = await readG1();
if (i<= zkey.nPublic) {
assert(Fr.isZero(C[2]), "C value for public is not zero");
if (p != sections[5][0].p + sections[5][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid AB1B2C section size");
// Read H points
if (sections[6].length==0) assert(false, "File has no H section");
if (sections[6].length>1) assert(false, "File has more than one H section");
p = sections[6][0].p;
zkey.hExps = [];
for (let i=0; i<zkey.domainSize; i++) {
const H = await readG1();
if (p != sections[6][0].p + sections[6][0].size) assert(false, "Invalid H section size");
await fd.close();
return zkey;
async function readU32() {
const b = await fd.read(p, 4);
return b.readUInt32LE(0);
async function readU64() {
const b = await fd.read(p, 8);
const LS = b.readUInt32LE(0);
const MS = b.readUInt32LE(4);
return MS * 0x100000000 + LS;
async function readBigIntQ() {
const buff = await fd.read(p, n8q);
assert(buff.length == n8q);
const buffR = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n8q);
for (let i=0; i<n8q; i++) buffR[i] = buff[n8q-1-i];
p += n8q;
return Scalar.fromString(buffR.toString("hex"), 16);
async function readBigIntR() {
const buff = await fd.read(p, n8r);
assert(buff.length == n8r);
const buffR = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n8r);
for (let i=0; i<n8r; i++) buffR[i] = buff[n8r-1-i];
p += n8r;
return Scalar.fromString(buffR.toString("hex"), 16);
async function readFq() {
const n = await readBigIntQ();
return Fq.mul(n, Rqi);
async function readFr2() {
const n = await readBigIntR();
return Fr.mul(n, Rri2);
async function readG1() {
const x = await readFq();
const y = await readFq();
if (Fq.isZero(x) && Fq.isZero(y)) {
return [Fq.e(0), Fq.e(1), Fq.e(0)];
} else {
return [x , y, Fq.e(1)];
async function readG2() {
const xa = await readFq();
const xb = await readFq();
const ya = await readFq();
const yb = await readFq();
if (Fq.isZero(xa) && Fq.isZero(xb) && Fq.isZero(ya) && Fq.isZero(yb)) {
return [[Fq.e(0),Fq.e(0)],[Fq.e(1),Fq.e(0)], [Fq.e(0),Fq.e(0)]];
} else {
return [[xa, xb],[ya, yb], [Fq.e(1),Fq.e(0)]];

test/keypar_test.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
const assert = require("assert");
const bn128 = require("ffjavascript").bn128;
const Fq = bn128.F1;
const getG2sp = require("../src/keypair").getG2sp;
const pubKey = {
tau_g1_s: [
tau_g1_sx: [
alpha_g1_sx: [
beta_g1_s: [
beta_g1_sx: [
tau_g2_spx: [
alpha_g2_spx: [
beta_g2_spx: [
const challange = Buffer.from(
"ca84f1a9f90b5333560c8af59b9209f4", "hex");
describe("keypair", () => {
it("It should calculate the right g2_s for the test vectors", async () => {
const tau_g2_sp = getG2sp(0, challange, pubKey.tau_g1_s, pubKey.tau_g1_sx);
bn128.pairing(pubKey.tau_g1_s, pubKey.tau_g2_spx)));
const alpha_g2_sp = getG2sp(1, challange, pubKey.alpha_g1_s, pubKey.alpha_g1_sx);
bn128.pairing(pubKey.alpha_g1_sx, alpha_g2_sp),
bn128.pairing(pubKey.alpha_g1_s , pubKey.alpha_g2_spx)));
const beta_g2_sp = getG2sp(2, challange, pubKey.beta_g1_s, pubKey.beta_g1_sx);
bn128.pairing(pubKey.beta_g1_sx, beta_g2_sp),
bn128.pairing(pubKey.beta_g1_s , pubKey.beta_g2_spx)));