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2024-03-30 00:52:45 +03:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { SafeMath } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-v3/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { Initializable } from "../libraries/Initializable.sol";
import { Address } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-v3/utils/Address.sol";
import { TORN } from "../TORN/TORN.sol";
import { Delegation } from "./Delegation.sol";
import { Configuration } from "./Configuration.sol";
contract Governance is Initializable, Configuration, Delegation {
using SafeMath for uint256;
/// @notice Possible states that a proposal may be in
enum ProposalState {
struct Proposal {
// Creator of the proposal
address proposer;
// target addresses for the call to be made
address target;
// The block at which voting begins
uint256 startTime;
// The block at which voting ends: votes must be cast prior to this block
uint256 endTime;
// Current number of votes in favor of this proposal
uint256 forVotes;
// Current number of votes in opposition to this proposal
uint256 againstVotes;
// Flag marking whether the proposal has been executed
bool executed;
// Flag marking whether the proposal voting time has been extended
// Voting time can be extended once, if the proposal outcome has changed during CLOSING_PERIOD
bool extended;
// Receipts of ballots for the entire set of voters
mapping(address => Receipt) receipts;
/// @notice Ballot receipt record for a voter
struct Receipt {
// Whether or not a vote has been cast
bool hasVoted;
// Whether or not the voter supports the proposal
bool support;
// The number of votes the voter had, which were cast
uint256 votes;
/// @notice The official record of all proposals ever proposed
Proposal[] public proposals;
/// @notice The latest proposal for each proposer
mapping(address => uint256) public latestProposalIds;
/// @notice Timestamp when a user can withdraw tokens
mapping(address => uint256) public canWithdrawAfter;
TORN public torn;
/// @notice An event emitted when a new proposal is created
event ProposalCreated(
uint256 indexed id,
address indexed proposer,
address target,
uint256 startTime,
uint256 endTime,
string description
/// @notice An event emitted when a vote has been cast on a proposal
event Voted(uint256 indexed proposalId, address indexed voter, bool indexed support, uint256 votes);
/// @notice An event emitted when a proposal has been executed
event ProposalExecuted(uint256 indexed proposalId);
/// @notice Makes this instance inoperable to prevent selfdestruct attack
/// Proxy will still be able to properly initialize its storage
constructor() public initializer {
torn = TORN(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD);
function initialize(address _torn) external initializer {
torn = TORN(_torn);
// Create a dummy proposal so that indexes start from 1
proposer: address(this),
target: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD,
startTime: 0,
endTime: 0,
forVotes: 0,
againstVotes: 0,
executed: true,
extended: false
function lock(address owner, uint256 amount, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
torn.permit(owner, address(this), amount, deadline, v, r, s);
_transferTokens(owner, amount);
function lockWithApproval(uint256 amount) public virtual {
_transferTokens(msg.sender, amount);
function unlock(uint256 amount) public virtual {
require(getBlockTimestamp() > canWithdrawAfter[msg.sender], "Governance: tokens are locked");
lockedBalance[msg.sender] = lockedBalance[msg.sender].sub(amount, "Governance: insufficient balance");
require(torn.transfer(msg.sender, amount), "TORN: transfer failed");
function propose(address target, string memory description) external returns (uint256) {
return _propose(msg.sender, target, description);
* @notice Propose implementation
* @param proposer proposer address
* @param target smart contact address that will be executed as result of voting
* @param description description of the proposal
* @return the new proposal id
function _propose(address proposer, address target, string memory description)
returns (uint256)
uint256 votingPower = lockedBalance[proposer];
votingPower >= PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD, "Governance::propose: proposer votes below proposal threshold"
// target should be a contract
require(Address.isContract(target), "Governance::propose: not a contract");
uint256 latestProposalId = latestProposalIds[proposer];
if (latestProposalId != 0) {
ProposalState proposersLatestProposalState = state(latestProposalId);
proposersLatestProposalState != ProposalState.Active
&& proposersLatestProposalState != ProposalState.Pending,
"Governance::propose: one live proposal per proposer, found an already active proposal"
uint256 startTime = getBlockTimestamp().add(VOTING_DELAY);
uint256 endTime = startTime.add(VOTING_PERIOD);
Proposal memory newProposal = Proposal({
proposer: proposer,
target: target,
startTime: startTime,
endTime: endTime,
forVotes: 0,
againstVotes: 0,
executed: false,
extended: false
uint256 proposalId = proposalCount();
latestProposalIds[newProposal.proposer] = proposalId;
_lockTokens(proposer, endTime.add(VOTE_EXTEND_TIME).add(EXECUTION_EXPIRATION).add(EXECUTION_DELAY));
emit ProposalCreated(proposalId, proposer, target, startTime, endTime, description);
return proposalId;
function execute(uint256 proposalId) public payable virtual {
state(proposalId) == ProposalState.AwaitingExecution,
"Governance::execute: invalid proposal state"
Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
proposal.executed = true;
address target =;
require(Address.isContract(target), "Governance::execute: not a contract");
(bool success, bytes memory data) = target.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("executeProposal()"));
if (!success) {
if (data.length > 0) {
} else {
revert("Proposal execution failed");
emit ProposalExecuted(proposalId);
function castVote(uint256 proposalId, bool support) external virtual {
_castVote(msg.sender, proposalId, support);
function _castVote(address voter, uint256 proposalId, bool support) internal override(Delegation) {
require(state(proposalId) == ProposalState.Active, "Governance::_castVote: voting is closed");
Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
Receipt storage receipt = proposal.receipts[voter];
bool beforeVotingState = proposal.forVotes <= proposal.againstVotes;
uint256 votes = lockedBalance[voter];
require(votes > 0, "Governance: balance is 0");
if (receipt.hasVoted) {
if ( {
proposal.forVotes = proposal.forVotes.sub(receipt.votes);
} else {
proposal.againstVotes = proposal.againstVotes.sub(receipt.votes);
if (support) {
proposal.forVotes = proposal.forVotes.add(votes);
} else {
proposal.againstVotes = proposal.againstVotes.add(votes);
if (!proposal.extended && proposal.endTime.sub(getBlockTimestamp()) < CLOSING_PERIOD) {
bool afterVotingState = proposal.forVotes <= proposal.againstVotes;
if (beforeVotingState != afterVotingState) {
proposal.extended = true;
proposal.endTime = proposal.endTime.add(VOTE_EXTEND_TIME);
receipt.hasVoted = true; = support;
receipt.votes = votes;
emit Voted(proposalId, voter, support, votes);
function _lockTokens(address owner, uint256 timestamp) internal {
if (timestamp > canWithdrawAfter[owner]) {
canWithdrawAfter[owner] = timestamp;
function _transferTokens(address owner, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
require(torn.transferFrom(owner, address(this), amount), "TORN: transferFrom failed");
lockedBalance[owner] = lockedBalance[owner].add(amount);
function getReceipt(uint256 proposalId, address voter) public view returns (Receipt memory) {
return proposals[proposalId].receipts[voter];
function state(uint256 proposalId) public virtual view returns (ProposalState) {
require(proposalId <= proposalCount() && proposalId > 0, "Governance::state: invalid proposal id");
Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
if (getBlockTimestamp() <= proposal.startTime) {
return ProposalState.Pending;
} else if (getBlockTimestamp() <= proposal.endTime) {
return ProposalState.Active;
} else if (
proposal.forVotes <= proposal.againstVotes
|| proposal.forVotes + proposal.againstVotes < QUORUM_VOTES
) {
return ProposalState.Defeated;
} else if (proposal.executed) {
return ProposalState.Executed;
} else if (getBlockTimestamp() >= proposal.endTime.add(EXECUTION_DELAY).add(EXECUTION_EXPIRATION)) {
return ProposalState.Expired;
} else if (getBlockTimestamp() >= proposal.endTime.add(EXECUTION_DELAY)) {
return ProposalState.AwaitingExecution;
} else {
return ProposalState.Timelocked;
function proposalCount() public view returns (uint256) {
return proposals.length - 1;
function getBlockTimestamp() internal view virtual returns (uint256) {
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-block-members
return block.timestamp;