#PR1: classic-ui: Prefix static caches with network id and code quality #25
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export async function _encryptFormatTx({ dispatch, getters, rootGetters }, { eve
if (!instance) {
return acc
const name = `${instance.amount}${instance.currency}`
const name = `${netId}${instance.amount}${instance.currency}`
if (!acc[name]) {
const service = eventsInterface.getService({ netId, ...instance })
acc[name] = { ...instance, service }
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export async function _encryptFormatTx({ dispatch, getters, rootGetters }, { eve
if (!instance) {
const { service } = instances[`${instance.amount}${instance.currency}`]
const { service } = instances[`${netId}${instance.amount}${instance.currency}`]
return getDeposit({ event, netId, service, instance })
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
export const enabledChains = ['1', '10', '56', '100', '137', '42161']
export const chainsWithEncryptedNotes = ['1', '5', '56', '100', '137']
export default {
netId1: {
rpcCallRetryAttempt: 15,
@ -26,9 +28,14 @@ export default {
mevblockerRPC: {
name: 'MevblockerRPC',
url: 'https://rpc.mevblocker.io'
llamaRPC: {
name: 'llamarpc',
url: 'https://eth.llamarpc.com'
multicall: '0xeefba1e63905ef1d7acba5a8513c70307c1ce441',
routerContract: '0xd90e2f925DA726b50C4Ed8D0Fb90Ad053324F31b',
registryContract: '0x58E8dCC13BE9780fC42E8723D8EaD4CF46943dF2',
echoContractAccount: '0x9B27DD5Bb15d42DC224FCD0B7caEbBe16161Df42',
aggregatorContract: '0xE8F47A78A6D52D317D0D2FFFac56739fE14D1b49',
@ -297,6 +304,10 @@ export default {
name: 'Tornado RPC',
url: 'https://arbitrum-one.chainnodes.org/d692ae63-0a7e-43e0-9da9-fe4f4cc6c607'
oneRpc: {
name: '1rpc',
url: 'https://1rpc.io/arb'
Arbitrum: {
name: 'Arbitrum RPC',
url: 'https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc'
@ -264,24 +264,24 @@ export default async (ctx, inject) => {
Object.keys(tokens[token].instanceAddress).forEach((amount) => {
if (nativeCurrency === token && netId === 1) {
name: `stringify_bloom_${token}_${amount}`,
name: `stringify_bloom_${netId}_${token}_${amount}`,
keyPath: 'hashBloom'
name: `deposits_${token}_${amount}`,
name: `deposits_${netId}_${token}_${amount}`,
keyPath: 'leafIndex', // the key by which it refers to the object must be in all instances of the storage
name: `withdrawals_${token}_${amount}`,
name: `withdrawals_${netId}_${token}_${amount}`,
keyPath: 'blockNumber',
name: `stringify_tree_${token}_${amount}`,
name: `stringify_tree_${netId}_${token}_${amount}`,
keyPath: 'hashTree'
@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
import networkConfig from '../networkConfig'
import ABI from '../abis/Instance.abi.json'
import { loadCachedEvents, getPastEvents } from './helpers'
import networkConfig, { enabledChains } from '../networkConfig'
import { loadCachedEvents } from './helpers'
const EVENTS_PATH = './static/events/'
const enabledChains = ['1', '56', '100', '137' ]
async function main() {
for (let network in enabledChains) {
const netId = enabledChains[network]
function main() {
for (const netId of enabledChains) {
const config = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]
const { constants, tokens, nativeCurrency, deployedBlock } = config
const CONTRACTS = tokens[nativeCurrency].instanceAddress
console.log(`\n ::: ${netId} [${nativeCurrency.toUpperCase()}] :::`)
for (const [instance, _contract] of Object.entries(CONTRACTS)) {
for (const [instance] of Object.entries(CONTRACTS)) {
console.log(`\n instanceDenomation - ${instance}`)
const withdrawalCachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({
name: `withdrawals_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`,
const withdrawalCachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({
name: `withdrawals_${netId}_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`,
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
@ -27,8 +24,8 @@ async function main() {
console.log('cachedEvents count - ', withdrawalCachedEvents.events.length)
console.log('lastBlock - ', withdrawalCachedEvents.lastBlock)
const depositCachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({
name: `withdrawals_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`,
const depositCachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({
name: `deposits_${netId}_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`,
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
@ -37,7 +34,7 @@ async function main() {
console.log('cachedEvents count - ', depositCachedEvents.events.length)
console.log('lastBlock - ', depositCachedEvents.lastBlock)
const notesCachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({
const notesCachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({
name: `encrypted_notes_${netId}.json`,
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
deployedBlock: constants.ENCRYPTED_NOTES_BLOCK
@ -46,7 +43,6 @@ async function main() {
console.log('- Notes')
console.log('cachedEvents count - ', notesCachedEvents.events.length)
console.log('lastBlock - ', notesCachedEvents.lastBlock)
@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ import Web3 from 'web3'
import networkConfig from '../../networkConfig'
export async function download({ name, directory, contentType }) {
export function download({ name, directory }) {
const path = `${directory}${name}.gz`.toLowerCase()
const data = fs.readFileSync(path)
const data = fs.readFileSync(path, { flag: 'as+' })
const content = zlib.inflateSync(data)
return content
export async function loadCachedEvents({ name, directory, deployedBlock }) {
export function loadCachedEvents({ name, directory, deployedBlock }) {
try {
const module = await download({ contentType: 'string', directory, name })
const module = download({ contentType: 'string', directory, name })
if (module) {
const events = JSON.parse(module)
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ export async function getPastEvents({ type, fromBlock, netId, events, contractAt
console.log(`Fetching ${type}, chainId - ${netId}`, `chunksCount - ${chunksCount}`)
for (let i = 0; i < chunksCount; i++)
try {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200))
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
import fs from 'fs'
import zlib from 'zlib'
export async function save(filePath) {
const directories = filePath.split('/')
const fileName = directories[directories.length - 1]
export function save(filePath) {
try {
const data = fs.readFileSync(`${filePath}`)
const payload = await zlib.deflateSync(data, {
const payload = zlib.deflateSync(data, {
level: zlib.constants.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION,
strategy: zlib.constants.Z_FILTERED
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import 'dotenv/config'
import fs from 'fs'
import { uniqBy } from 'lodash'
import networkConfig from '../networkConfig'
import networkConfig, { enabledChains } from '../networkConfig'
import ABI from '../abis/TornadoProxy.abi.json'
import { getPastEvents, loadCachedEvents } from './helpers'
const EVENTS_PATH = './static/events/'
const enabledChains = ['1', '5', '56', '100', '137']
async function saveEncryptedNote(netId) {
const {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ async function saveEncryptedNote(netId) {
let encryptedEvents = []
const name = `encrypted_notes_${netId}.json`
const cachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({
const cachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
deployedBlock: constants.ENCRYPTED_NOTES_BLOCK
@ -57,11 +57,13 @@ async function saveEncryptedNote(netId) {
freshEvents = uniqBy(freshEvents, 'encryptedNote').sort((a, b) => b.blockNumber - a.blockNumber)
const eventsJson = JSON.stringify(freshEvents, null, 2) + '\n'
fs.writeFileSync(`${EVENTS_PATH}${name}`, eventsJson)
async function main() {
const [, , , chain] = process.argv
if (!enabledChains.includes(chain)) {
throw new Error(`Supported chain ids ${enabledChains.join(', ')}`)
@ -3,41 +3,25 @@ import 'dotenv/config'
import fs from 'fs'
import { uniqBy } from 'lodash'
import networkConfig from '../networkConfig'
import networkConfig, { enabledChains } from '../networkConfig'
import ABI from '../abis/Instance.abi.json'
import { loadCachedEvents, getPastEvents } from './helpers'
const EVENTS_PATH = './static/events/'
const EVENTS = ['Deposit', 'Withdrawal']
const enabledChains = ['1', '56', '100', '137']
async function main(type, netId) {
const { tokens, nativeCurrency, deployedBlock } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]
const CONTRACTS = tokens[nativeCurrency].instanceAddress
function parseArg(netId, tokenOrEvent) {
const { tokens } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]
const keys = Object.keys(tokens)
if (tokenOrEvent !== undefined) {
const lower = tokenOrEvent.toLowerCase()
return keys.includes(lower)
? { token: lower }
: { event: lower[0].toUpperCase() + lower.slice(1).toLowerCase() }
} else return undefined
for (const [instance, _contract] of Object.entries(CONTRACTS)) {
const cachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({
name: `${type.toLowerCase()}s_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`,
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
console.log('Update events for', instance, nativeCurrency.toUpperCase(), `${type.toLowerCase()}s`)
console.log('cachedEvents count - ', cachedEvents.events.length)
console.log('lastBlock - ', cachedEvents.lastBlock)
let events = []
events = await getPastEvents({
contractAttrs: [ABI, _contract],
fromBlock: cachedEvents.lastBlock + 1
if (type === 'Deposit') {
events = events.map(({ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
function parseDepositEvent({ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) {
const { commitment, leafIndex, timestamp } = returnValues
return {
@ -46,11 +30,9 @@ async function main(type, netId) {
leafIndex: Number(leafIndex)
if (type === 'Withdrawal') {
events = events.map(({ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
function parseWithdrawalEvent({ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) {
const { nullifierHash, to, fee } = returnValues
return {
@ -59,31 +41,82 @@ async function main(type, netId) {
function filterWithdrawalEvents(events) {
return uniqBy(events, 'nullifierHash').sort((a, b) => a.blockNumber - b.blockNumber)
function filterDepositEvents(events) {
return events.filter((e, index) => Number(e.leafIndex) === index)
async function main(netId, chosenToken, chosenEvent) {
const { tokens, deployedBlock } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]
const tokenSymbols = chosenToken !== undefined ? [chosenToken] : Object.keys(tokens)
const eventNames = chosenEvent !== undefined ? [chosenEvent] : ['Deposit', 'Withdrawal']
for (const eventName of eventNames) {
// Get the parser that we need
const parser = eventName === 'Deposit' ? parseDepositEvent : parseWithdrawalEvent
// Get the parser that we need
const filter = eventName === 'Deposit' ? filterDepositEvents : filterWithdrawalEvents
for (const tokenSymbol of tokenSymbols) {
// Now load the denominations and address
const instanceData = Object.entries(tokens[tokenSymbol].instanceAddress)
// And now sync
for (const data of instanceData) {
const denom = data[0]
const address = data[1]
// Now load cached events
const cachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({
name: `${eventName.toLowerCase()}s_${netId}_${tokenSymbol}_${denom}.json`,
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
console.log('Update events for', denom, tokenSymbol.toUpperCase(), `${eventName.toLowerCase()}s`)
console.log('cachedEvents count - ', cachedEvents.events.length)
console.log('lastBlock - ', cachedEvents.lastBlock)
let events = await getPastEvents({
type: eventName,
fromBlock: cachedEvents.lastBlock + 1,
netId: netId,
events: [],
contractAttrs: [ABI, address]
events = filter(cachedEvents.events.concat(events.map(parser)))
JSON.stringify(events, null, 2) + '\n'
let freshEvents = cachedEvents.events.concat(events)
if (type === 'Withdrawal') {
freshEvents = uniqBy(freshEvents, 'nullifierHash').sort((a, b) => a.blockNumber - b.blockNumber)
} else {
freshEvents = freshEvents.filter((e, index) => Number(e.leafIndex) === index)
const eventsJson = JSON.stringify(freshEvents, null, 2) + '\n'
fs.writeFileSync(`${EVENTS_PATH}${type.toLowerCase()}s_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`, eventsJson)
* @param netId ID of the network for which event(s) should be synced.
* @param tokenOrEvent Optional token or event.
* @param eventOrToken Optional token or event. Overwrites the former option.
async function start() {
const [, , , chain] = process.argv
if (!enabledChains.includes(chain)) {
const [, , , netId, tokenOrEvent, eventOrToken] = process.argv
const args = { ...parseArg(netId, tokenOrEvent), ...parseArg(netId, eventOrToken) }
if (!enabledChains.includes(netId)) {
throw new Error(`Supported chain ids ${enabledChains.join(', ')}`)
for await (const event of EVENTS) {
await main(event, chain)
await main(netId, args.token, args.event)
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import 'dotenv/config'
import fs from 'fs'
import BloomFilter from 'bloomfilter.js'
import { MerkleTree } from 'fixed-merkle-tree'
import { buildMimcSponge } from 'circomlibjs'
import networkConfig from '../networkConfig'
import networkConfig, { enabledChains } from '../networkConfig'
import { loadCachedEvents, save } from './helpers'
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ const TREES_PATH = './static/trees/'
const EVENTS_PATH = './static/events/'
const EVENTS = ['deposit']
const enabledChains = ['1', '56', '100', '137' ]
let mimcHash
const trees = {
@ -22,8 +23,8 @@ const trees = {
LEVELS: 20 // const from contract
function getName({ path, type, instance, format = '.json', currName = 'eth' }) {
return `${path}${type.toLowerCase()}s_${currName}_${instance}${format}`
function getName({ path, type, netId, instance, format = '.json', currName = 'eth' }) {
return `${path}${type.toLowerCase()}s_${netId}_${currName}_${instance}${format}`
function createTreeZip(netId) {
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ function createTreeZip(netId) {
const baseFilename = getName({
format: '',
currName: currencyName.toLowerCase()
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ function createTreeZip(netId) {
treesFolder.forEach((fileName) => {
fileName = `${TREES_PATH}${fileName}`
const isInstanceFile = !fileName.includes('.gz') && fileName.includes(baseFilename)
if (isInstanceFile) {
@ -67,6 +70,7 @@ async function createTree(netId) {
const filePath = getName({
format: '',
currName: currencyName.toLowerCase()
@ -74,8 +78,8 @@ async function createTree(netId) {
console.log('createTree', { type, instance })
const { events } = await loadCachedEvents({
name: `${type}s_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`,
const { events } = loadCachedEvents({
name: `${type}s_${netId}_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`,
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
@ -118,10 +122,12 @@ async function createTree(netId) {
}, [])
const sliceJson = JSON.stringify(slice, null, 2) + '\n'
fs.writeFileSync(`${filePath}_slice${index + 1}.json`, sliceJson)
const bloomCache = bloom.serialize()
fs.writeFileSync(`${filePath}_bloom.json`, bloomCache)
@ -137,13 +143,16 @@ async function initMimc() {
async function main() {
const [, , , chain] = process.argv
if (!enabledChains.includes(chain)) {
throw new Error(`Supported chain ids ${enabledChains.join(', ')}`)
await initMimc()
await createTree(chain)
await createTreeZip(chain)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { uniqBy } from 'lodash'
import networkConfig from '../networkConfig'
import networkConfig, { enabledChains, chainsWithEncryptedNotes } from '../networkConfig'
import { loadCachedEvents, save } from './helpers'
const EVENTS_PATH = './static/events/'
@ -9,22 +10,26 @@ const EVENTS = ['Deposit', 'Withdrawal']
function updateEncrypted(netId) {
try {
const file = `${EVENTS_PATH}encrypted_notes_${netId}.json`
} catch {}
async function updateCommon(netId) {
const { nativeCurrency, tokens } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]
for await (const type of EVENTS) {
for await (const instance of Object.keys(tokens[nativeCurrency].instanceAddress)) {
console.warn('instance', instance)
const filename = `${type.toLowerCase()}s_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`
const filename = `${type.toLowerCase()}s_${netId}_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`
const isSaved = save(`${EVENTS_PATH}${filename}`)
if (isSaved) {
try {
await testCommon(netId, type, filename)
testCommon(netId, type, filename)
} catch (err) {
@ -33,10 +38,10 @@ async function updateCommon(netId) {
async function testCommon(netId, type, filename) {
function testCommon(netId, type, filename) {
const { deployedBlock } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]
const cachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({
const cachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({
name: filename,
directory: EVENTS_PATH,
@ -45,11 +50,13 @@ async function testCommon(netId, type, filename) {
console.log('cachedEvents', cachedEvents.events.length, type)
let events = cachedEvents.events
if (type === 'Withdrawal') {
events = uniqBy(cachedEvents.events, 'nullifierHash')
} else if (type === 'Deposit') {
events = cachedEvents.events.filter((e, index) => Number(e.leafIndex) === index)
if (events.length !== cachedEvents.events.length) {
console.error('events.length', events.length)
console.error('cachedEvents.events.length', cachedEvents.events.length)
@ -58,10 +65,11 @@ async function testCommon(netId, type, filename) {
async function main() {
const NETWORKS = [1, 5, 56, 100, 137 ]
for (let i = 0; i < enabledChains.length; i++) {
const netId = enabledChains[i]
if (netId === chainsWithEncryptedNotes[i]) updateEncrypted(netId)
for await (const netId of NETWORKS) {
await updateCommon(netId)
@ -2,13 +2,11 @@ import Web3 from 'web3'
import graph from '@/services/graph'
import { download } from '@/store/snark'
import networkConfig from '@/networkConfig'
import networkConfig, { enabledChains } from '@/networkConfig'
import InstanceABI from '@/abis/Instance.abi.json'
import { CONTRACT_INSTANCES, eventsType, httpConfig } from '@/constants'
import { sleep, flattenNArray, formatEvents, capitalizeFirstLetter } from '@/utils'
const supportedCaches = ['1', '56', '100', '137']
let store
if (process.browser) {
window.onNuxtReady(({ $store }) => {
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ class EventService {
this.idb = window.$nuxt.$indexedDB(netId)
const { nativeCurrency } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]
const hasCache = supportedCaches.includes(netId.toString())
const hasCache = enabledChains.includes(netId.toString())
this.netId = netId
this.amount = amount
@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ class EventService {
getInstanceName(type) {
return `${type}s_${this.currency}_${this.amount}`
return `${type}s_${this.netId}_${this.currency}_${this.amount}`
updateEventProgress(percentage, type) {
@ -466,7 +464,7 @@ class EventsFactory {
getService = (payload) => {
const instanceName = `${payload.currency}_${payload.amount}`
const instanceName = `${payload.netId}_${payload.currency}_${payload.amount}`
if (this.instances.has(instanceName)) {
return this.instances.get(instanceName)
@ -16,18 +16,19 @@ class MerkleTreeService {
this.instanceName = instanceName
this.idb = window.$nuxt.$indexedDB(netId)
this.bloomService = bloomService({
fileFolder: 'trees',
fileName: `deposits_${currency}_${amount}_bloom.json.gz`
fileName: `deposits_${netId}_${currency}_${amount}_bloom.json.gz`
getFileName(partNumber = trees.PARTS_COUNT) {
return `trees/deposits_${this.currency}_${this.amount}_slice${partNumber}.json.gz`
return `trees/deposits_${this.netId}_${this.currency}_${this.amount}_slice${partNumber}.json.gz`
createTree({ events }) {
@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ class TreesFactory {
instances = new Map()
getService = (payload) => {
const instanceName = `${payload.currency}_${payload.amount}`
const instanceName = `${payload.netId}_${payload.currency}_${payload.amount}`
if (this.instances.has(instanceName)) {
return this.instances.get(instanceName)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user