/* eslint-disable no-console */ /* eslint-disable import/order */ import Web3 from 'web3' import { AbiCoder, concat } from 'ethers' import { ToastProgrammatic as Toast } from 'buefy' import networkConfig from '@/networkConfig' import GovernanceABI from '@/abis/Governance.abi.json' import AggregatorABI from '@/abis/Aggregator.abi.json' import { httpConfig } from '@/constants' const { numberToHex, toWei, fromWei, toBN, hexToNumber, hexToNumberString } = require('web3-utils') const defaultAbiCoder = AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder() const state = () => { return { approvalAmount: 'unlimited', lockedBalance: '0', isFetchingLockedBalance: false, currentDelegate: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', timestamp: 0, delegatedBalance: '0', isFetchingDelegatedBalance: false, delegators: [], latestProposalId: { value: null, status: null }, isFetchingProposals: true, isCastingVote: false, proposals: [], voterReceipts: [], hasActiveProposals: false, constants: { EXECUTION_DELAY: 172800, EXECUTION_EXPIRATION: 259200, PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD: '1000000000000000000000', QUORUM_VOTES: '100000000000000000000000', VOTING_PERIOD: 432000 } } } const getters = { getConfig: (state, getters, rootState) => ({ netId }) => { return networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] }, getWeb3: (state, getters, rootState) => ({ netId }) => { const { url } = rootState.settings[`netId${netId}`].rpc const httpProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(url, httpConfig) return new Web3(httpProvider) }, govContract: (state, getters, rootState) => ({ netId }) => { const config = getters.getConfig({ netId }) const address = config['governance.contract.tornadocash.eth'] if (address) { const web3 = getters.getWeb3({ netId }) const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(GovernanceABI, address) return contract } return null }, aggregatorContract: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const { aggregatorContract } = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'] const { url } = rootGetters['settings/currentRpc'] const web3 = new Web3(url) return new web3.eth.Contract(AggregatorABI, aggregatorContract) }, isFetchingProposals: ({ proposals, isFetchingProposals }) => { if (proposals && proposals.length && !isFetchingProposals) { return false } return isFetchingProposals }, votingPower: (state) => { return toBN(state.lockedBalance) .add(toBN(state.delegatedBalance)) .toString(10) }, quorumVotes: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { return rootGetters['token/toDecimals'](state.constants.QUORUM_VOTES, 18) }, votingPeriod: (state) => { return toBN(state.constants.VOTING_PERIOD) .divRound(toBN(24 * 60 * 60)) .toNumber() }, isEnabledGovernance: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { return Boolean(rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig']['governance.contract.tornadocash.eth']) }, constants: (state) => { return state.constants }, isFetchingBalances: (state) => { return state.isFetchingLockedBalance || state.isFetchingDelegatedBalance } } const mutations = { SET_APPROVAL_AMOUNT(state, { approvalAmount }) { state.approvalAmount = approvalAmount }, SAVE_FETCHING_PROPOSALS(state, status) { this._vm.$set(state, 'isFetchingProposals', status) }, SAVE_CASTING_VOTE(state, status) { this._vm.$set(state, 'isCastingVote', status) }, SAVE_LOCKED_BALANCE(state, { balance }) { this._vm.$set(state, 'lockedBalance', balance) }, SAVE_FETCHING_LOCKED_BALANCE(state, status) { this._vm.$set(state, 'isFetchingLockedBalance', status) }, SAVE_LOCKED_TIMESTAMP(state, { timestamp }) { this._vm.$set(state, 'timestamp', timestamp) }, SAVE_LATEST_PROPOSAL_ID(state, { id, status }) { this._vm.$set(state, 'latestProposalId', { value: id, status }) }, SAVE_DELEGATEE(state, { currentDelegate }) { this._vm.$set(state, 'currentDelegate', currentDelegate) }, SAVE_PROPOSALS(state, proposals) { this._vm.$set(state, 'proposals', proposals) }, SAVE_VOTER_RECEIPT(state, { hasVoted, support, balance, id }) { this._vm.$set(state.voterReceipts, id, { hasVoted, support, balance }) }, SAVE_DELEGATED_BALANCE(state, balance) { this._vm.$set(state, 'delegatedBalance', balance) }, SAVE_FETCHING_DELEGATED_BALANCE(state, status) { this._vm.$set(state, 'isFetchingDelegatedBalance', status) }, SAVE_DELEGATORS(state, uniq) { this._vm.$set(state, 'delegators', uniq) }, SET_HAS_ACTIVE_PROPOSALS(state, condition) { this._vm.$set(state, 'hasActiveProposals', condition) }, SAVE_CONSTANTS(state, constants) { this._vm.$set(state, 'constants', constants) } } // enum ProposalState { Pending, Active, Defeated, Timelocked, AwaitingExecution, Executed, Expired } const ProposalState = [ 'pending', 'active', 'defeated', 'timeLocked', 'awaitingExecution', 'executed', 'expired' ] const proposalIntervalConstants = [ // 'CLOSING_PERIOD', 'EXECUTION_DELAY', 'EXECUTION_EXPIRATION', // 'VOTE_EXTEND_TIME', // 'VOTING_DELAY', 'VOTING_PERIOD' ] const govConstants = ['PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD', 'QUORUM_VOTES'] const actions = { async createProposal( { getters, rootGetters, state, commit, rootState, dispatch }, { proposalAddress, title, description } ) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const { lockedBalance, constants, delegators } = state const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const proposalThreshold = toBN(constants.PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD) const proposeIndependently = toBN(lockedBalance).gte(proposalThreshold) const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const json = JSON.stringify({ title, description }) const delegatorAddress = delegators[delegators.length - 1] let data, gas if (proposeIndependently) { data = await govInstance.methods.propose(proposalAddress, json).encodeABI() gas = await govInstance.methods.propose(proposalAddress, json).estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) } else { data = await govInstance.methods .proposeByDelegate(delegatorAddress, proposalAddress, json) .encodeABI() gas = await govInstance.methods .proposeByDelegate(delegatorAddress, proposalAddress, json) .estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) } const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 100000), data }, watcherParams: { title: 'creatingProposal', successTitle: 'proposalCreated', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('torn/fetchTokenBalance', {}, { root: true }) } }, isSaving: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { txHash, storeType: 'govTxs', type: 'Proposal', netId }, { root: true } ) await dispatch('fetchProposals', { requestId: state.proposals.length }) this.$router.push('/governance') } catch (e) { console.error('createProposal', e.message) dispatch( 'notice/addNoticeWithInterval', { notice: { title: 'internalError', type: 'danger' }, interval: 3000 }, { root: true } ) } }, async lock({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const { deadline, v, r, s } = rootState.torn.signature const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const amount = toWei(rootState.torn.signature.amount.toString()) const gas = await govInstance.methods .lock(ethAccount, amount, deadline, v, r, s) .estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) const data = await govInstance.methods.lock(ethAccount, amount, deadline, v, r, s).encodeABI() const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 30000), data }, watcherParams: { title: 'locking', successTitle: 'lockedNotice', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('fetchBalances') dispatch('torn/fetchTokenBalance', {}, { root: true }) commit('torn/REMOVE_SIGNATURE', {}, { root: true }) } }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { txHash, storeType: 'govTxs', type: 'Lock', netId }, { root: true } ) } catch (e) { console.error('lock', e.message) dispatch( 'notice/addNoticeWithInterval', { notice: { title: 'internalError', type: 'danger' }, interval: 3000 }, { root: true } ) } }, async lockWithApproval({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }, { amount }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) amount = toWei(amount.toString()) const gas = await govInstance.methods .lockWithApproval(amount) .estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) const data = await govInstance.methods.lockWithApproval(amount).encodeABI() const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 100000), data }, watcherParams: { title: 'locking', successTitle: 'lockedNotice', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('fetchBalances') dispatch('torn/fetchTokenBalance', {}, { root: true }) dispatch('torn/fetchTokenAllowance', {}, { root: true }) } }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { txHash, storeType: 'govTxs', type: 'Lock', netId }, { root: true } ) } catch (e) { console.error('lockWithApproval', e.message) Toast.open({ message: this.app.i18n.t('internalError'), type: 'is-danger', duration: 3000 }) } }, async castVote(context, payload) { const { getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch, state } = context const { id, support, contact = '', message = '' } = payload commit('SAVE_CASTING_VOTE', true) try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const delegators = [...state.delegators] const web3 = getters.getWeb3({ netId }) if (toBN(state.lockedBalance).gt(toBN('0'))) { delegators.push(ethAccount) } const data = govInstance.methods.castDelegatedVote(delegators, id, support).encodeABI() let dataWithTail = data if (contact || message) { const value = JSON.stringify([contact, message]) const tail = defaultAbiCoder.encode(['string'], [value]) dataWithTail = concat([data, tail]) } const gas = await web3.eth.estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, to: govInstance._address, value: 0, data: dataWithTail }) const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 30000), data: dataWithTail }, watcherParams: { title: support ? 'votingFor' : 'votingAgainst', successTitle: support ? 'votedFor' : 'votedAgainst', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('fetchProposals', { requestId: id }) } }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { txHash, storeType: 'govTxs', type: 'CastVote', netId }, { root: true } ) } catch (e) { console.error('castVote', e.message) dispatch( 'notice/addNoticeWithInterval', { notice: { title: 'internalError', type: 'danger' }, interval: 3000 }, { root: true } ) } finally { dispatch('loading/disable', {}, { root: true }) commit('SAVE_CASTING_VOTE', false) } }, async executeProposal({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }, { id }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const gas = await govInstance.methods.execute(id).estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) const data = await govInstance.methods.execute(id).encodeABI() const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 100000), data }, watcherParams: { title: 'executingProposal', successTitle: 'proposalExecuted', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('fetchProposals', { requestId: id }) } }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { txHash, storeType: 'govTxs', type: 'ExecuteProposal', netId }, { root: true } ) } catch (e) { console.error('executeProposal', e.message) dispatch( 'notice/addNoticeWithInterval', { notice: { title: 'internalError', type: 'danger' }, interval: 3000 }, { root: true } ) } }, async unlock({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }, { amount }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) amount = toWei(amount.toString()) const gas = await govInstance.methods.unlock(amount).estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) const data = await govInstance.methods.unlock(amount).encodeABI() const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 100000), data }, watcherParams: { title: 'unlocking', successTitle: 'unlocked', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('fetchBalances') dispatch('torn/fetchTokenBalance', {}, { root: true }) commit('torn/REMOVE_SIGNATURE', {}, { root: true }) } }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { txHash, storeType: 'govTxs', type: 'Unlock', netId }, { root: true } ) } catch (e) { console.error('unlock', e.message) dispatch( 'notice/addNoticeWithInterval', { notice: { title: 'internalError', type: 'danger' }, interval: 3000 }, { root: true } ) } }, async delegate({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }, { delegatee }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const gas = await govInstance.methods.delegate(delegatee).estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) const data = await govInstance.methods.delegate(delegatee).encodeABI() const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 100000), data }, watcherParams: { title: 'delegating', successTitle: 'delegated', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('fetchDelegatee') } }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { storeType: 'govTxs', txHash, type: 'Delegate', netId }, { root: true } ) } catch (e) { console.error('delegate', e.message) dispatch( 'notice/addNoticeWithInterval', { notice: { title: 'internalError', type: 'danger' }, interval: 3000 }, { root: true } ) } }, async undelegate({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const gas = await govInstance.methods.undelegate().estimateGas({ from: ethAccount, value: 0 }) const data = await govInstance.methods.undelegate().encodeABI() const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: { to: govInstance._address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 100000), data }, watcherParams: { title: 'undelegating', successTitle: 'undelegated', storeType: 'govTxs', onSuccess: () => { dispatch('fetchDelegatee') } }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) commit( 'txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', { txHash, storeType: 'govTxs', type: 'Undelegate', netId }, { root: true } ) } catch (e) { console.error('undelegate', e.message) dispatch( 'notice/addNoticeWithInterval', { notice: { title: 'internalError', type: 'danger' }, interval: 3000 }, { root: true } ) } }, async fetchProposals({ rootGetters, getters, commit }, { requestId }) { let proposals = [] try { commit('SAVE_FETCHING_PROPOSALS', true) const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const aggregatorContract = getters.aggregatorContract const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const config = getters.getConfig({ netId }) if (!govInstance) { return } const [events, statuses] = await Promise.all([ govInstance.getPastEvents('ProposalCreated', { fromBlock: config.constants.GOVERNANCE_BLOCK, toBlock: 'latest' }), aggregatorContract.methods.getAllProposals(govInstance._address).call() ]) const parseDescription = ({ id, text }) => { if (netId === 1) { switch (id) { case 1: return { title: text, description: 'See: https://torn.community/t/proposal-1-enable-torn-transfers/38' } case 10: text = text.replace('\n', '\\n\\n') break case 11: text = text.replace('"description"', ',"description"') break case 13: text = text.replace(/\\\\n\\\\n(\s)?(\\n)?/g, '\\n') break // Fix invalid JSON in proposal 15: replace single quotes with double and add comma before description case 15: text = text.replaceAll(`'`, `"`) text = text.replace('"description"', ',"description"') break case 16: text = text.replace('#16: ', '') break // Add title to empty (without title and description) hacker proposal 21 case 21: return { title: 'Proposal #21: Restore Governance', description: '' } } } let title, description, rest try { ;({ title, description } = JSON.parse(text)) } catch { ;[title, ...rest] = text.split('\n', 2) description = rest.join('\n') } return { title, description } } proposals = events .map(({ returnValues, blockNumber }, index) => { const id = Number(returnValues.id) const { state, startTime, endTime, forVotes, againstVotes } = statuses[index] const { title, description } = parseDescription({ id, text: returnValues.description }) return { id, title, description, target: returnValues.target, proposer: returnValues.proposer, endTime: Number(endTime), startTime: Number(startTime), status: ProposalState[Number(state)], blockNumber, results: { for: fromWei(forVotes), against: fromWei(againstVotes) } } }) .sort((a, b) => { return a.id - b.id }) if (requestId) { return proposals[requestId] } } catch (e) { console.error('fetchProposals', e.message) } finally { commit('SAVE_PROPOSALS', proposals) commit('SAVE_FETCHING_PROPOSALS', false) } }, async fetchBalances({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState }) { try { commit('SAVE_FETCHING_LOCKED_BALANCE', true) const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask if (!ethAccount) { return } const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const balance = await govInstance.methods.lockedBalance(ethAccount).call() commit('SAVE_LOCKED_BALANCE', { balance }) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchBalances', e.message) } finally { commit('SAVE_FETCHING_LOCKED_BALANCE', false) } }, async fetchedLockedTimestamp({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask if (!ethAccount) { return } const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const timestamp = await govInstance.methods.canWithdrawAfter(ethAccount).call() commit('SAVE_LOCKED_TIMESTAMP', { timestamp }) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchedLockedTimestamp', e.message) } }, async fetchLatestProposalId({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, state }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask if (!ethAccount) { return } const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const id = await govInstance.methods.latestProposalIds(ethAccount).call() let status = null if (Number(id)) { status = await govInstance.methods.state(id).call() status = Number(status) > 1 ? null : 'active' } commit('SAVE_LATEST_PROPOSAL_ID', { id, status }) console.log('status', state.latestProposalId) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchLatestProposalId', e.message) } }, async fetchDelegatedBalance({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }) { try { commit('SAVE_FETCHING_DELEGATED_BALANCE', true) const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask if (!ethAccount) { return } const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const config = getters.getConfig({ netId }) const aggregatorContract = getters.aggregatorContract const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) let delegatedAccs = await govInstance.getPastEvents('Delegated', { filter: { to: ethAccount }, fromBlock: config.constants.GOVERNANCE_BLOCK, toBlock: 'latest' }) let undelegatedAccs = await govInstance.getPastEvents('Undelegated', { filter: { from: ethAccount }, fromBlock: config.constants.GOVERNANCE_BLOCK, toBlock: 'latest' }) delegatedAccs = delegatedAccs.map((acc) => acc.returnValues.account) undelegatedAccs = undelegatedAccs.map((acc) => acc.returnValues.account) const uniq = delegatedAccs.filter((obj, index, self) => { const indexUndelegated = undelegatedAccs.indexOf(obj) if (indexUndelegated !== -1) { undelegatedAccs.splice(indexUndelegated, 1) return false } return true }) let balances = await aggregatorContract.methods.getGovernanceBalances(govInstance._address, uniq).call() balances = balances.reduce((acc, balance, i) => { acc = acc.add(toBN(balance)) return acc }, toBN('0')) commit('SAVE_DELEGATED_BALANCE', balances.toString(10)) commit('SAVE_DELEGATORS', uniq) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchDelegatedBalance', e.message) } finally { commit('SAVE_FETCHING_DELEGATED_BALANCE', false) } }, async fetchDelegatee({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask if (!ethAccount) { return } const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const currentDelegate = await govInstance.methods.delegatedTo(ethAccount).call() console.log('currentDelegate', currentDelegate) commit('SAVE_DELEGATEE', { currentDelegate }) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchDelegatee', e.message) } }, async fetchReceipt({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }, { id }) { try { const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] console.log('fetchReceipt', id) const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const [hasVoted, support, balance] = await govInstance.methods.getReceipt(id, ethAccount).call() console.log('fetchReceipt', hasVoted, support, balance) commit('SAVE_VOTER_RECEIPT', { hasVoted, support, balance, id }) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchReceipt', e.message) } }, async fetchUserData({ getters, rootGetters, commit, rootState, dispatch }) { try { commit('SAVE_FETCHING_LOCKED_BALANCE', true) const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask if (!ethAccount) { return } const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const aggregatorContract = getters.aggregatorContract const { balance, latestProposalId, timelock, delegatee, ...userdata } = await aggregatorContract.methods.getUserData(govInstance._address, ethAccount).call() commit('SAVE_DELEGATEE', { currentDelegate: delegatee }) const latestProposalIdState = ProposalState[Number(userdata.latestProposalIdState)] commit('SAVE_LATEST_PROPOSAL_ID', { id: Number(latestProposalId), status: latestProposalIdState }) commit('SAVE_LOCKED_TIMESTAMP', { timestamp: Number(timelock) }) commit('SAVE_LOCKED_BALANCE', { balance }) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchUserData', e.message) } finally { commit('SAVE_FETCHING_LOCKED_BALANCE', false) } }, async checkActiveProposals({ getters, rootGetters, commit }) { if (!getters.isEnabledGovernance) { return } const { 'governance.contract.tornadocash.eth': governanceAddress } = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'] const aggregatorContract = getters.aggregatorContract const statuses = await aggregatorContract.methods.getAllProposals(governanceAddress).call() let isActive = false if (statuses && Array.isArray(statuses)) { isActive = statuses.find((status) => Number(status.state) === 1) } commit('SET_HAS_ACTIVE_PROPOSALS', Boolean(isActive)) }, async fetchConstants({ commit, getters, dispatch, rootGetters }) { const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = getters.govContract({ netId }) const constants = [].concat(govConstants, proposalIntervalConstants) const params = constants.map((name) => { return { target: govInstance._address, callData: govInstance.methods[name]().encodeABI() } }) const multicallArray = await dispatch('application/aggregateMulticall', { params }, { root: true }) if (multicallArray) { const hexToNumberConverter = (acc, curr, index) => { const name = constants[index] const value = govConstants.includes(name) ? hexToNumberString(curr) : hexToNumber(curr) return { ...acc, [name]: value } } const result = multicallArray.reduce(hexToNumberConverter, {}) commit('SAVE_CONSTANTS', result) } } } export default { namespaced: true, state, getters, mutations, actions }