/* eslint-disable camelcase */ /* eslint-disable no-console, import/order */ import Web3 from 'web3' import networkConfig from '@/networkConfig' import { cachedEventsLength, eventsType, httpConfig } from '@/constants' import MulticallABI from '@/abis/Multicall.json' import InstanceABI from '@/abis/Instance.abi.json' import TornadoProxyABI from '@/abis/TornadoProxy.abi.json' import { graph, treesInterface, EventsFactory } from '@/services' import { randomBN, parseNote, toFixedHex, saveAsFile, isEmptyArray, parseHexNote, checkCommitments, buffPedersenHash } from '@/utils' import { buildGroth16, download, getTornadoKeys } from './snark' let groth16 const websnarkUtils = require('@tornado/websnark/src/utils') const { toWei, numberToHex, toBN, isAddress } = require('web3-utils') const getStatisticStore = (acc, { tokens }) => { Object.entries(tokens).forEach(([currency, { instanceAddress }]) => { acc[currency] = Object.assign({}, acc[currency]) Object.keys(instanceAddress).forEach((amount) => { if (!acc[currency][amount]) { acc[currency][amount] = { latestDeposits: [], nextDepositIndex: null, anonymitySet: null } } }) }) return acc } const defaultStatistics = Object.values(networkConfig).reduce(getStatisticStore, {}) const state = () => { return { note: null, commitment: null, prefix: null, notes: {}, statistic: defaultStatistics, ip: {}, selectedInstance: { currency: 'eth', amount: 0.1 }, selectedStatistic: { currency: 'eth', amount: 0.1 }, withdrawType: 'relayer', ethToReceive: '20000000000000000', defaultEthToReceive: '20000000000000000', withdrawNote: '' } } const mutations = { SAVE_DEPOSIT(state, { note, commitment, prefix }) { state.note = note state.commitment = commitment state.prefix = prefix }, SAVE_PROOF(state, { proof, args, note }) { this._vm.$set(state.notes, note, { proof, args }) }, REMOVE_PROOF(state, { note }) { this._vm.$delete(state.notes, note) }, SAVE_LAST_INDEX(state, { nextDepositIndex, anonymitySet, currency, amount }) { const currentState = state.statistic[currency][amount] this._vm.$set(state.statistic[currency], `${amount}`, { ...currentState, nextDepositIndex, anonymitySet }) }, SAVE_LAST_EVENTS(state, { latestDeposits, currency, amount }) { const currentState = state.statistic[currency][amount] this._vm.$set(state.statistic[currency], `${amount}`, { ...currentState, latestDeposits }) }, SET_SELECTED_INSTANCE(state, selectedInstance) { state.selectedInstance = selectedInstance }, SET_SELECTED_STATISTIC(state, selectedStatistic) { state.selectedStatistic = selectedStatistic }, SET_WITHDRAW_TYPE(state, { withdrawType }) { this._vm.$set(state, 'withdrawType', withdrawType) }, SAVE_ETH_TO_RECEIVE(state, { ethToReceive }) { this._vm.$set(state, 'ethToReceive', ethToReceive) }, SAVE_DEFAULT_ETH_TO_RECEIVE(state, { ethToReceive }) { this._vm.$set(state, 'defaultEthToReceive', ethToReceive) }, SET_WITHDRAW_NOTE(state, withdrawNote) { state.withdrawNote = withdrawNote } } const getters = { eventsInterface: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const { url } = rootState.settings[`netId${netId}`].rpc return new EventsFactory(url) }, instanceContract: (state, getters, rootState) => ({ currency, amount, netId }) => { const config = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const { url } = rootState.settings[`netId${netId}`].rpc const address = config.tokens[currency].instanceAddress[amount] const httpProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(url, httpConfig) const web3 = new Web3(httpProvider) return new web3.eth.Contract(InstanceABI, address) }, multicallContract: (state, getters, rootState) => ({ netId }) => { const config = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const { url } = rootState.settings[`netId${netId}`].rpc const web3 = new Web3(url) return new web3.eth.Contract(MulticallABI, config.multicall) }, tornadoProxyContract: (state, getters, rootState) => ({ netId }) => { const { 'tornado-proxy.contract.tornadocash.eth': tornadoProxy, 'tornado-router.contract.tornadocash.eth': tornadoRouter, 'tornado-proxy-light.contract.tornadocash.eth': tornadoProxyLight } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const proxyContract = tornadoRouter || tornadoProxy || tornadoProxyLight const { url } = rootState.settings[`netId${netId}`].rpc const web3 = new Web3(url) return new web3.eth.Contract(TornadoProxyABI, proxyContract) }, currentContract: (state, getters) => (params) => { return getters.tornadoProxyContract(params) }, relayerWithdrawalTxData: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => ({ proof, withdrawCallArgs, currency, amount }) => { const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const tornadoProxy = getters.tornadoProxyContract({ netId }) const tornadoInstance = getters.instanceContract({ currency, amount, netId }) const calldata = tornadoProxy.methods .withdraw(tornadoInstance._address, proof, ...withdrawCallArgs) .encodeABI() return { to: tornadoProxy._address, data: calldata, value: withdrawCallArgs[5] || 0 } }, ethToReceiveInToken: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const { currency } = rootState.application.selectedStatistic const { decimals } = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'].tokens[currency] const price = rootState.price.prices[currency] const ethToReceive = toBN(state.ethToReceive) return ethToReceive.mul(toBN(10 ** decimals)).div(toBN(price)) }, isNotEnoughTokens: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const { amount, currency } = rootState.application.selectedStatistic let total = toBN(rootGetters['token/fromDecimals'](amount.toString())) if (state.withdrawType === 'relayer') { const relayerFee = rootState.fees.withdrawalFeeViaRelayer const nativeCurrency = rootGetters['metamask/nativeCurrency'] if (currency === nativeCurrency) { total = total.sub(relayerFee) } else { const ethToReceiveInToken = getters.ethToReceiveInToken total = total.sub(relayerFee).sub(ethToReceiveInToken) } } return total.isNeg() }, maxEthToReceive: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const { currency, amount } = rootState.application.selectedStatistic const { decimals } = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'].tokens[currency] const total = toBN(rootGetters['token/fromDecimals'](amount.toString())) const price = rootState.price.prices[currency] return total .sub(rootState.fees.withdrawalFeeViaRelayer) .mul(toBN(price)) .div(toBN(10 ** decimals)) }, selectedCurrency: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const tokens = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'].tokens return tokens[state.selectedInstance.currency].symbol }, selectedStatisticCurrency: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const tokens = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'].tokens return tokens[state.selectedStatistic.currency].symbol }, lastEventIndex: (state) => ({ currency, amount }) => { return state.statistic[currency][amount].anonymitySet }, latestDeposits: (state) => { const { currency, amount } = state.selectedStatistic return state.statistic[currency][amount].latestDeposits }, hasEnabledLightProxy: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { return Boolean(rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig']['tornado-proxy-light.contract.tornadocash.eth']) }, isOptimismConnected: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] return Number(netId) === 10 }, isArbitrumConnected: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => { const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] return Number(netId) === 42161 } } const actions = { setAndUpdateStatistic({ dispatch, commit }, { currency, amount }) { commit('SET_SELECTED_STATISTIC', { currency, amount }) dispatch('updateSelectEvents') }, async updateSelectEvents({ dispatch, commit, state, rootGetters, getters }) { const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const { currency, amount } = state.selectedStatistic const eventService = getters.eventsInterface.getService({ netId, amount, currency }) const graphEvents = await eventService.getEventsFromGraph({ methodName: 'getStatistic' }) let statistic = graphEvents?.events const latestDeposits = [] if (!statistic || !statistic.length) { statistic = [] } const { nextDepositIndex, anonymitySet } = await dispatch('getLastDepositIndex', { currency, amount, netId }) statistic = statistic.sort((a, b) => a.leafIndex - b.leafIndex) for (const event of statistic.slice(-10)) { latestDeposits.unshift({ index: event.leafIndex, depositTime: this.$moment.unix(event.timestamp).fromNow() }) } commit('SAVE_LAST_EVENTS', { amount, currency, latestDeposits }) commit('SAVE_LAST_INDEX', { amount, currency, anonymitySet, nextDepositIndex }) }, async updateEvents({ getters, rootGetters }, payload) { try { const eventService = getters.eventsInterface.getService(payload) const freshEvents = await eventService.updateEvents(payload.type) return freshEvents } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method updateEvents has error: ${err.message}`) } }, async updateCurrentEvents({ dispatch, rootGetters }, { amount, currency, lastEvent, type, netId }) { let lastBlock = lastEvent const nativeCurrency = rootGetters['metamask/nativeCurrency'] const { deployedBlock } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] if (currency === nativeCurrency && !lastEvent) { lastBlock = await this.$indexedDB(netId).getFromIndex({ indexName: 'name', storeName: 'lastEvents', key: `${type}s_${netId}_${currency}_${amount}` }) } const params = { type, netId, amount, currency, fromBlock: lastBlock ? lastBlock.blockNumber + 1 : deployedBlock } const events = await dispatch('updateEvents', params) return events }, async getLastDepositIndex({ getters }, params) { try { const contractInstance = getters.instanceContract(params) const nextDepositIndex = await contractInstance.methods.nextIndex().call() return { nextDepositIndex, anonymitySet: toBN(nextDepositIndex) } } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method getLastDepositIndex has error: ${err.message}`) } }, async loadEncryptedEvents(_, { netId }) { try { const module = await download({ contentType: 'string', name: `events/encrypted_notes_${netId}.json.gz` }) if (module) { const events = JSON.parse(module) return { events, lastBlock: events[events.length - 1].blockNumber } } } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method loadCachedEvents has error: ${err.message}`) } }, prepareDeposit({ getters, dispatch, commit, rootGetters }, { prefix }) { try { const [, currency, amount, netId] = prefix.split('-') const contractInstance = getters.instanceContract({ currency, amount, netId }) const secret = randomBN(31) const nullifier = randomBN(31) const preimage = Buffer.concat([nullifier.toBuffer('le', 31), secret.toBuffer('le', 31)]) const commitment = buffPedersenHash(preimage) const commitmentHex = toFixedHex(commitment) const note = `0x${preimage.toString('hex')}` const isEnabled = rootGetters['encryptedNote/isEnabledSaveFile'] if (isEnabled) { setTimeout(() => { try { dispatch('saveFile', { prefix, note }) } catch (err) { console.warn('NoteAccount backup as a file is not supported on this device', err) } }, 1000) } commit('SAVE_DEPOSIT', { note, commitment: commitmentHex, prefix }) if (!contractInstance._address) { throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('networkIsNotSupported')) } } catch (e) { console.error('prepareDeposit', e) } }, saveFile(_, { prefix, note }) { try { const data = new Blob([`${prefix}-${note}`], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' }) saveAsFile(data, `backup-${prefix}-${note.slice(0, 10)}.txt`) } catch (err) { console.error('saveFile', err.message) } }, async getEncryptedEventsFromDb(_, { netId }) { try { const idb = this.$indexedDB(netId) if (idb.isBlocked) { return [] } const cachedEvents = await idb.getAll({ storeName: 'encrypted_events' }) return cachedEvents } catch (err) { console.warn(`Method getEventsFromDb has error: ${err.message}`) } }, async getEncryptedNotes({ rootState, rootGetters, dispatch, getters }) { try { const { netId } = rootState.metamask const rpc = rootGetters['settings/currentRpc'] let { ENCRYPTED_NOTES_BLOCK: deployedBlock } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`].constants const contractInstance = getters.tornadoProxyContract({ netId }) let cachedEvents = await dispatch('getEncryptedEventsFromDb', { netId }) const networksWithCache = { 1: cachedEventsLength.mainnet.ENCRYPTED_NOTES, 5: cachedEventsLength.goerli.ENCRYPTED_NOTES, 56: cachedEventsLength.bsc.ENCRYPTED_NOTES } const LENGTH_CACHE = networksWithCache[Number(netId)] if ( ((isEmptyArray(cachedEvents) || !cachedEvents) && networksWithCache[Number(netId)]) || cachedEvents.length < LENGTH_CACHE ) { ;({ events: cachedEvents } = await dispatch('loadEncryptedEvents', { netId })) } const hasCache = Boolean(cachedEvents && cachedEvents.length) if (hasCache) { const [lastEvent] = cachedEvents.sort((a, b) => a.blockNumber - b.blockNumber).slice(-1) deployedBlock = lastEvent.blockNumber + 1 } const web3 = this.$provider.getWeb3(rpc.url) const currentBlockNumber = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() let events = [] const { events: graphEvents, lastSyncBlock } = await graph.getAllEncryptedNotes({ netId, fromBlock: deployedBlock }) if (lastSyncBlock) { deployedBlock = lastSyncBlock } const blockDifference = Math.ceil(currentBlockNumber - deployedBlock) const divisor = hasCache ? 2 : 10 let blockRange = blockDifference > divisor ? blockDifference / divisor : blockDifference if (Number(netId) === 56) { blockRange = 4950 } let numberParts = blockDifference === 0 ? 1 : Math.ceil(blockDifference / blockRange) const part = Math.ceil(blockDifference / numberParts) let fromBlock = deployedBlock let toBlock = deployedBlock + part if (toBlock >= currentBlockNumber || toBlock === deployedBlock) { toBlock = 'latest' numberParts = 1 } for (let i = 0; i < numberParts; i++) { const partOfEvents = await contractInstance.getPastEvents('EncryptedNote', { toBlock, fromBlock }) if (partOfEvents) { events = events.concat(partOfEvents) } fromBlock = toBlock toBlock += part } if (events && events.length) { events = events .filter((i) => i.returnValues.encryptedNote) .map((e) => ({ txHash: e.transactionHash, transactionHash: e.transactionHash, blockNumber: Number(e.blockNumber), encryptedNote: e.returnValues.encryptedNote })) } const allEvents = [].concat(cachedEvents, graphEvents, events) await dispatch('saveEncryptedEventsToDB', { events: allEvents, netId }) return allEvents } catch (err) { console.log('getEncryptedNotes', err) } }, async saveEncryptedEventsToDB(_, { events, netId }) { const idb = this.$indexedDB(netId) if (!events || !events.length || idb.isBlocked) { return } await idb.createMultipleTransactions({ data: events, storeName: `encrypted_events` }) }, async sendDeposit({ state, rootState, getters, rootGetters, dispatch, commit }, { isEncrypted }) { try { const { commitment, note, prefix } = state // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let [, currency, amount, netId] = prefix.split('-') const config = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const contractInstance = getters.tornadoProxyContract({ netId }) if (!state.commitment) { throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('failToGenerateNote')) } const { nextDepositIndex: index } = await dispatch('getLastDepositIndex', { netId, currency, amount }) const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const nativeCurrency = rootGetters['metamask/nativeCurrency'] const isNative = currency === nativeCurrency const value = isNative ? toWei(amount, 'ether') : '0' const instance = config.tokens[currency].instanceAddress[amount] let params = [instance, commitment, []] if (isEncrypted) { const encryptedNote = await dispatch( 'encryptedNote/getEncryptedNote', { data: `${instance}-${note}` }, { root: true } ) params = [instance, commitment, encryptedNote] } const data = contractInstance.methods.deposit(...params).encodeABI() const incompletedTx = { from: ethAccount, to: contractInstance._address, value: numberToHex(value), data } const gasLimit = await rootGetters['fees/oracle'].getGasLimit(incompletedTx, 'other', 10) const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: Object.assign({ gas: numberToHex(gasLimit) }, incompletedTx), watcherParams: { title: { path: 'depositing', amount, currency }, successTitle: { path: 'depositedValue', amount, currency }, storeType: isEncrypted ? 'encryptedTxs' : 'txs' }, isAwait: false } const txHash = await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) // there may be a race condition, you need to request an index and a timestamp of the deposit after tx is mined const timestamp = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) const { nullifierHex, commitmentHex } = parseHexNote(state.note) const storeType = isEncrypted ? 'encryptedTxs' : 'txs' const accounts = rootGetters['encryptedNote/accounts'] const tx = { txHash, type: 'Deposit', note, amount, storeType, prefix, netId, timestamp, index, nullifierHex, commitmentHex, currency } console.log('tx', tx) if (isEncrypted) { tx.note = params[2] tx.owner = isAddress(accounts.encrypt) ? accounts.encrypt : '' tx.backupAccount = isAddress(accounts.backup) ? accounts.backup : '' } commit('txHashKeeper/SAVE_TX_HASH', tx, { root: true }) } catch (e) { console.error('sendDeposit', e) return false } }, async checkSpentEventFromNullifier({ getters, dispatch }, parsedNote) { try { const isSpent = await dispatch('loadEvent', { note: parsedNote, eventName: 'nullifierHash', type: eventsType.WITHDRAWAL, methodName: 'getAllWithdrawals', eventToFind: parsedNote.nullifierHex }) return Boolean(isSpent) } catch (err) { console.error(`Method checkSpentEventFromNullifier has error: ${err.message}`) } }, async checkRoot({ getters }, { root, parsedNote }) { const contractInstance = getters.instanceContract(parsedNote) const isKnownRoot = await contractInstance.methods.isKnownRoot(root).call() if (!isKnownRoot) { throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('invalidRoot')) } }, async buildTree({ dispatch }, { currency, amount, netId, commitmentHex }) { const treeInstanceName = `${netId}_${currency}_${amount}` const params = { netId, amount, currency } const treeService = treesInterface.getService({ ...params, commitment: commitmentHex, instanceName: treeInstanceName }) const [cachedTree, eventsData] = await Promise.all([ treeService.getTree(), dispatch('updateEvents', { ...params, type: eventsType.DEPOSIT }) ]) const commitments = eventsData.events.map((el) => el.commitment.toString(10)) let tree = cachedTree if (tree) { const newLeaves = commitments.slice(tree.elements.length) tree.bulkInsert(newLeaves) } else { console.log('events', eventsData) checkCommitments(eventsData.events) tree = treeService.createTree({ events: commitments }) } const root = toFixedHex(tree.root) await dispatch('checkRoot', { root, parsedNote: params }) await treeService.saveTree({ tree }) return { tree, root } }, async createSnarkProof( { rootGetters, rootState, state, getters, dispatch }, { root, note, tree, recipient, leafIndex } ) { const { pathElements, pathIndices } = tree.path(leafIndex) console.log('pathElements, pathIndices', pathElements, pathIndices) const nativeCurrency = rootGetters['metamask/nativeCurrency'] const withdrawType = state.withdrawType const relayer = BigInt(rootState.relayer.selectedRelayer.address) let fee = BigInt(0) let refund = BigInt(0) async function calculateSnarkProof() { const input = { // public fee, root, refund, relayer, recipient: BigInt(recipient), nullifierHash: note.nullifierHash, // private pathIndices, pathElements, secret: note.secret, nullifier: note.nullifier } const { circuit, provingKey } = await getTornadoKeys() if (!groth16) { groth16 = await buildGroth16() } console.log('Start generating SNARK proof', input) console.time('SNARK proof time') const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, provingKey) const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData) const args = [ toFixedHex(input.root), toFixedHex(input.nullifierHash), toFixedHex(input.recipient, 20), toFixedHex(input.relayer, 20), toFixedHex(input.fee), toFixedHex(input.refund) ] console.timeEnd('SNARK proof time') return { args, proof } } // Don't need to calculate or estimate relayer fee, so, return proof immediately if (withdrawType !== 'relayer') return calculateSnarkProof() fee = BigInt(rootState.fees.withdrawalFeeViaRelayer) const naiveProof = await calculateSnarkProof() if (Number(note.netId) === 1) return naiveProof // Don't need to smart-estimate fee if we use V4 withdrawal const { proof: dummyProof, args: dummyArgs } = naiveProof const withdrawalTx = getters.relayerWithdrawalTxData({ proof: dummyProof, withdrawCallArgs: dummyArgs, amount: note.amount, currency: note.currency }) if (note.currency !== nativeCurrency) refund = BigInt(state.ethToReceive.toString()) await dispatch('fees/calculateWithdrawalFeeViaRelayer', { tx: withdrawalTx }, { root: true }) fee = BigInt(rootState.fees.withdrawalFeeViaRelayer) // Recalculate proof with actual fee and refund return calculateSnarkProof() }, async prepareWithdraw({ dispatch, commit }, { note, recipient }) { commit('REMOVE_PROOF', { note }) try { const parsedNote = parseNote(note) const { tree, root } = await dispatch('buildTree', parsedNote) const isSpent = await dispatch('checkSpentEventFromNullifier', parsedNote) if (isSpent) { throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('noteHasBeenSpent')) } const { proof, args } = await dispatch('createSnarkProof', { root, tree, recipient, note: parsedNote, leafIndex: tree.indexOf(parsedNote.commitmentHex) }) commit('SAVE_PROOF', { proof, args, note }) } catch (e) { console.error('prepareWithdraw', e) throw new Error(e.message) } }, async withdraw({ state, rootState, rootGetters, dispatch, getters }, { note }) { try { const [, currency, amount, netId] = note.split('-') const config = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const { proof, args } = state.notes[note] const { ethAccount } = rootState.metamask const contractInstance = getters.tornadoProxyContract({ netId }) const instance = config.tokens[currency].instanceAddress[amount] const params = [instance, proof, ...args] const data = contractInstance.methods.withdraw(...params).encodeABI() const incompletedTx = { data, value: args[5], to: contractInstance._address, from: ethAccount } const gasLimit = await rootGetters['fees/oracle'].getGasLimit(incompletedTx, 'other', 20) const callParams = { method: 'eth_sendTransaction', params: Object.assign({ gas: numberToHex(gasLimit) }, incompletedTx), watcherParams: { title: { path: 'withdrawing', amount, currency }, successTitle: { amount, currency, path: 'withdrawnValue' }, onSuccess: (txHash) => { dispatch('txHashKeeper/updateDeposit', { amount, currency, netId, note, txHash }, { root: true }) } }, isAwait: false, isSaving: false } await dispatch('metamask/sendTransaction', callParams, { root: true }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) throw new Error(e.message) } }, loadAllNotesData({ dispatch, rootGetters }) { const { tokens } = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'] for (const [currency, { instanceAddress }] of Object.entries(tokens)) { for (const amount in instanceAddress) { if (instanceAddress[amount]) { dispatch('updateLastIndex', { currency, amount }) } } } }, async updateLastIndex({ dispatch, commit, rootState }, { currency, amount }) { const netId = rootState.metamask.netId const { nextDepositIndex, anonymitySet } = await dispatch('getLastDepositIndex', { currency, netId, amount }) commit('SAVE_LAST_INDEX', { amount, currency, anonymitySet, nextDepositIndex }) }, async loadEvent({ getters, rootGetters }, { note, type, eventName, eventToFind }) { try { const eventService = getters.eventsInterface.getService(note) const foundEvent = await eventService.findEvent({ eventName, eventToFind, type }) return foundEvent } catch (err) { console.error(`Method loadEvent has error: ${err.message}`) } }, async loadDepositEvent({ state, dispatch }, { withdrawNote }) { try { const note = parseNote(withdrawNote) const lastEvent = await dispatch('loadEvent', { note, eventName: 'commitment', type: eventsType.DEPOSIT, methodName: 'getAllDeposits', eventToFind: note.commitmentHex }) if (lastEvent) { const { nextDepositIndex } = state.statistic[note.currency][note.amount] const depositsPast = nextDepositIndex - lastEvent.leafIndex - 1 const isSpent = await dispatch('checkSpentEventFromNullifier', note) return { isSpent, depositsPast, timestamp: lastEvent.timestamp, leafIndex: lastEvent.leafIndex, txHash: lastEvent.transactionHash, depositBlock: lastEvent.blockNumber } } } catch (err) { console.error(`Method loadDepositEvent has error: ${err.message}`) } }, async loadWithdrawalEvent({ dispatch }, { withdrawNote }) { try { const note = parseNote(withdrawNote) const lastEvent = await dispatch('loadEvent', { note, eventName: 'nullifierHash', type: eventsType.WITHDRAWAL, methodName: 'getAllWithdrawals', eventToFind: note.nullifierHex }) if (lastEvent) { return { to: lastEvent.to, fee: lastEvent.fee, txHash: lastEvent.transactionHash, blockNumber: lastEvent.blockNumber } } } catch (err) { console.error(`Method loadWithdrawalEvent has error: ${err.message}`) } }, async loadWithdrawalData({ commit, dispatch, rootGetters }, { withdrawNote }) { try { const toDecimals = rootGetters['token/toDecimals'] const { currency, amount } = parseNote(withdrawNote) const { fee, txHash, blockNumber, to } = await dispatch('loadWithdrawalEvent', { withdrawNote }) const decimals = rootGetters['metamask/networkConfig'].tokens[currency].decimals const withdrawalAmount = toBN(rootGetters['token/fromDecimals'](amount.toString(), decimals)).sub( toBN(fee) ) return { to, txHash, withdrawalBlock: blockNumber, fee: toDecimals(fee, decimals, 4), amount: toDecimals(withdrawalAmount, decimals, 4) } } catch (e) { console.error(`Method loadWithdrawalData has error: ${e}`) } }, async setDefaultEthToReceive({ commit, rootGetters }, { currency }) { const ethToReceive = await rootGetters['fees/oracle'].calculateRefundInETH(currency.toLowerCase()) commit('SAVE_ETH_TO_RECEIVE', { ethToReceive }) commit('SAVE_DEFAULT_ETH_TO_RECEIVE', { ethToReceive }) }, setNativeCurrency({ commit }, { netId }) { const currency = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`].nativeCurrency const amounts = Object.keys(networkConfig[`netId${netId}`].tokens[currency].instanceAddress) const amount = Math.min(...amounts) commit('SET_SELECTED_INSTANCE', { currency, amount }) commit('SET_SELECTED_STATISTIC', { currency, amount }) }, async aggregateMulticall({ rootGetters, getters }, { params }) { try { const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const multicallContract = getters.multicallContract({ netId }) const result = await multicallContract.methods.aggregate(params).call() return result.returnData } catch (err) { console.log('err', err.message) } } } export default { namespaced: true, state, getters, mutations, actions }