import 'dotenv/config' import fs from 'fs' import { uniqBy } from 'lodash' import networkConfig from '../networkConfig' import ABI from '../abis/Instance.abi.json' import { loadCachedEvents, getPastEvents } from './helpers' const EVENTS_PATH = './static/events/' const EVENTS = ['Deposit', 'Withdrawal'] const enabledChains = ['1', '56', '5', '100', '137'] async function main(type, netId) { const { tokens, nativeCurrency, deployedBlock } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const CONTRACTS = tokens[nativeCurrency].instanceAddress for (const [instance, _contract] of Object.entries(CONTRACTS)) { const cachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({ name: `${type.toLowerCase()}s_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`, directory: EVENTS_PATH, deployedBlock }) console.log('cachedEvents count - ', console.log('lastBlock - ', cachedEvents.lastBlock) let events = [] events = await getPastEvents({ type, netId, events, contractAttrs: [ABI, _contract], fromBlock: cachedEvents.lastBlock + 1 }) if (type === 'Deposit') { events ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => { const { commitment, leafIndex, timestamp } = returnValues return { timestamp, commitment, blockNumber, transactionHash, leafIndex: Number(leafIndex) } }) } if (type === 'Withdrawal') { events ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => { const { nullifierHash, to, fee } = returnValues return { to, fee, blockNumber, nullifierHash, transactionHash } }) } let freshEvents = if (type === 'Withdrawal') { freshEvents = uniqBy(freshEvents, 'nullifierHash').sort((a, b) => a.blockNumber - b.blockNumber) } else { freshEvents = freshEvents.filter((e, index) => Number(e.leafIndex) === index) } const eventsJson = JSON.stringify(freshEvents, null, 2) + '\n' fs.writeFileSync(`${EVENTS_PATH}${type.toLowerCase()}s_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`, eventsJson) } } async function start() { const [, , , chain] = process.argv if (!enabledChains.includes(chain)) { throw new Error(`Supported chain ids ${enabledChains.join(', ')}`) } for await (const event of EVENTS) { await main(event, chain) } } start()