/* eslint-disable no-console */ /* eslint-disable import/order */ import { AbiCoder, dataLength, dataSlice } from 'ethers' import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy' import chunk from 'lodash/chunk' import { lookupAddresses, createBatchRequestCallback } from '@/services' import { CHUNK_COUNT_PER_BATCH_REQUEST } from '@/constants' const { toWei, fromWei, toBN } = require('web3-utils') const defaultAbiCoder = AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder() const CACHE_TX = {} const CACHE_BLOCK = {} const parseComment = (calldata, govInstance) => { const empty = { contact: '', message: '' } if (!calldata || !govInstance) return empty const methodLength = 4 // length of castDelegatedVote method const result = defaultAbiCoder.decode(['address[]', 'uint256', 'bool'], dataSlice(calldata, methodLength)) const data = govInstance.methods.castDelegatedVote(...result).encodeABI() const length = dataLength(data) try { const str = defaultAbiCoder.decode(['string'], dataSlice(calldata, length)) const [contact, message] = JSON.parse(str) return { contact, message } } catch { return empty } } const createProposalComment = (resultAll, votedEvent) => { const { transactionHash, returnValues, blockNumber } = votedEvent const { voter } = returnValues const comment = parseComment() const percentage = toBN(votedEvent.returnValues.votes) .mul(toBN(10000)) .divRound(resultAll) .toNumber() / 100 return { id: `${transactionHash}-${voter}`, percentage, ...returnValues, votes: fromWei(returnValues.votes), transactionHash, blockNumber, ...comment, ens: { delegator: null, voter: null }, delegator: null, timestamp: null } } const createFetchCommentWithMessage = (web3, batch, govInstance) => async (proposalComment) => { const { transactionHash, voter, blockNumber } = proposalComment if (!CACHE_TX[transactionHash]) { CACHE_TX[transactionHash] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const callback = createBatchRequestCallback(resolve, reject) batch.add(web3.eth.getTransaction.request(transactionHash, callback)) }) } if (!CACHE_BLOCK[blockNumber]) { CACHE_BLOCK[blockNumber] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const callback = createBatchRequestCallback(resolve, reject) batch.add(web3.eth.getBlock.request(blockNumber, callback)) }) } try { const [tx, blockInfo] = await Promise.all([CACHE_TX[transactionHash], CACHE_BLOCK[blockNumber]]) const isMaybeHasComment = voter === tx.from const comment = parseComment(isMaybeHasComment ? tx.input : null, govInstance) return { ...proposalComment, ...comment, delegator: voter === tx.from ? null : tx.from, timestamp: blockInfo.timestamp } } catch (error) { CACHE_TX[transactionHash] = null CACHE_BLOCK[blockNumber] = null return proposalComment } } const state = () => { return { isFetchingComments: false, isFetchingMessages: false, ensNames: {}, comments: [] } } const getters = { comments: (state) => { const { ensNames } = state let comments = state.comments.slice() comments.sort((a, b) => b.blockNumber - a.blockNumber) comments = uniqBy(comments, 'voter') comments.sort((a, b) => b.percentage - a.percentage) comments = comments.map((data) => ({ ...data, ens: { delegator: ensNames[data.delegator], voter: ensNames[data.voter] } })) return comments } } const mutations = { SAVE_FETCHING_COMMENTS(state, status) { state.isFetchingComments = status }, SAVE_FETCHING_MESSAGES(state, status) { state.isFetchingMessages = status }, SAVE_ENS_NAMES(state, ensNames) { state.ensNames = { ...state.ensNames, ...ensNames } }, SAVE_COMMENTS(state, comments) { state.comments = comments } } const actions = { async fetchComments(context, proposal) { const { commit, dispatch, state } = context let { comments } = state let newComments = [] if (comments[0]?.id !== proposal.id) { commit('SAVE_COMMENTS', []) comments = [] } commit('SAVE_FETCHING_COMMENTS', true) newComments = await dispatch('fetchVotedEvents', { proposal, comments }) commit('SAVE_FETCHING_COMMENTS', false) if (!newComments) return commit('SAVE_COMMENTS', newComments.concat(comments)) dispatch('fetchEnsNames', { comments: newComments }) commit('SAVE_FETCHING_MESSAGES', true) // TODO: TC-163 - add pagination newComments = await dispatch('fetchCommentsMessages', { comments: newComments }) commit('SAVE_FETCHING_MESSAGES', false) if (!newComments) return commit('SAVE_COMMENTS', newComments.concat(comments)) }, async fetchVotedEvents(context, { proposal, comments }) { const { rootGetters } = context let { blockNumber: fromBlock } = proposal const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = rootGetters['governance/gov/govContract']({ netId }) if (comments[0]?.id === proposal.id) { fromBlock = comments[0].blockNumber + 1 } try { let votedEvents = await govInstance.getPastEvents('Voted', { filter: { // support: [false], proposalId: proposal.id }, fromBlock, toBlock: 'latest' }) console.log('fetchVotedEvents', votedEvents.length) votedEvents = votedEvents.sort((a, b) => b.blockNumber - a.blockNumber) votedEvents = uniqBy(votedEvents, 'returnValues.voter') console.log('fetchVotedEvents uniq', votedEvents.length) const resultAll = toBN(toWei(proposal.results.for)).add(toBN(toWei(proposal.results.against))) let newComments = votedEvents.map((votedEvent) => createProposalComment(resultAll, votedEvent)) newComments = newComments.concat(comments) return newComments } catch (e) { console.error('fetchVotedEvents', e.message) return null } }, async fetchCommentsMessages(context, { comments }) { const { rootGetters } = context const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const govInstance = rootGetters['governance/gov/govContract']({ netId }) const web3 = rootGetters['governance/gov/getWeb3']({ netId }) const commentListChunks = chunk(comments, CHUNK_COUNT_PER_BATCH_REQUEST) let results = [] try { for await (const list of commentListChunks) { const batch = new web3.BatchRequest() const fetchCommentsWithMessages = createFetchCommentWithMessage(web3, batch, govInstance) const promises = list.map(fetchCommentsWithMessages) batch.execute() const result = await Promise.all(promises) results = results.concat(result) } return results } catch (e) { console.error('fetchCommentsMessages', e.message) } }, async fetchEnsNames(context, { comments }) { const { rootGetters, commit } = context const netId = rootGetters['metamask/netId'] const web3 = rootGetters['governance/gov/getWeb3']({ netId }) try { const addresses = comments .map((_) => _.voter) .flat() .filter(Boolean) console.log('fetchEnsNames', addresses.length) const ensNames = await lookupAddresses(addresses, web3) commit('SAVE_ENS_NAMES', ensNames) } catch (e) { console.error('fetchEnsNames', e.message) } } } export default { namespaced: true, state, getters, mutations, actions }