import { numbers } from '@/constants' import { Plugin } from '@nuxt/types' function main() { const id = = id window.localStorage.setItem('firstTab', id) const onLocalStorageEvent = function (e: StorageEvent) { // the second tab will write its id to this key. The first one will notice it if (e.key === 'firstTab') { const newID = console.warn('Another tab detected. Setting the new page id', newID) setTimeout(() => { window.localStorage.secondTab = newID // this is going to be a message for the second tab }, numbers.ONE_HUNDRED * numbers.TWO) } // the second tab processes the message if (e.key === 'secondTab' && === window.localStorage.firstTab) { console.warn('There is another tab that already opened. We will close this one') window.onbeforeunload = null window.alert(`Multiple tabs opened. Your page will be closed. Please only use single instance of ${window.location.origin}`) window.location.href = '' } } // this event will only trigger when a window other than itself makes changes to local storage. setTimeout(() => { window.addEventListener('storage', onLocalStorageEvent, false) }, numbers.ONE_HUNDRED) } const preventMultitabs: Plugin = (_, inject) => { inject('preventMultitabs', main) } export default preventMultitabs