import { Provider, Contract, EventLog } from "ethers"; import { sleep, getBatches } from "@/utilities"; export interface BatchEventServiceConstructor { provider: Provider; contract: Contract; concurrencySize?: number; blocksPerRequest?: number; shouldRetry?: boolean; retryMax?: number; retryOn?: number; } export type EventInput = { fromBlock: number; toBlock: number; type: string; }; export class BatchEventsService { provider: Provider; contract: Contract; concurrencySize: number; blocksPerRequest: number; shouldRetry: boolean; retryMax: number; retryOn: number; constructor({ provider, contract, concurrencySize = 10, blocksPerRequest = 2000, shouldRetry = true, retryMax = 5, retryOn = 500, }: BatchEventServiceConstructor) { this.provider = provider; this.contract = contract; this.concurrencySize = concurrencySize; this.blocksPerRequest = blocksPerRequest; this.shouldRetry = shouldRetry; this.retryMax = retryMax; this.retryOn = retryOn; } async getPastEvents({ fromBlock, toBlock, type }: EventInput): Promise { let err; let retries = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unmodified-loop-condition while ((!this.shouldRetry && retries === 0) || (this.shouldRetry && retries < this.retryMax)) { try { return (await this.contract.queryFilter(type, fromBlock, toBlock)) as EventLog[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (e: any) { err = e; retries++; // If provider.getBlockNumber returned last block that isn't accepted (happened on Avalanche/Gnosis), // get events to last accepted block if (e.message.includes('after last accepted block')) { const acceptedBlock = parseInt(e.message.split('after last accepted block ')[1]); toBlock = acceptedBlock; } // retry on 0.5 seconds await sleep(this.retryOn); } } throw err; } createBatchRequest(batchArray: EventInput[]): Promise[] { return (event: EventInput, index: number) => { await sleep(20 * index); return this.getPastEvents(event); }); } async getBatchEvents({ fromBlock, toBlock, type = '*' }: EventInput): Promise { if (!toBlock) { toBlock = await this.provider.getBlockNumber(); } const eventsToSync: EventInput[] = []; for (let i = fromBlock; i < toBlock; i += this.blocksPerRequest) { const j = i + this.blocksPerRequest - 1 > toBlock ? toBlock : i + this.blocksPerRequest - 1; eventsToSync.push({ fromBlock: i, toBlock: j, type } as EventInput); } const events = []; const eventChunk = getBatches(eventsToSync, this.concurrencySize); let chunkCount = 0; for (const chunk of eventChunk) { chunkCount++; const fetchedEvents = (await Promise.all(this.createBatchRequest(chunk))).flat(); events.push(...fetchedEvents); } return events; } }