2022-12-04 07:02:30 +01:00

759 lines
24 KiB

import { ActionTree, GetterTree, MutationTree } from 'vuex'
import { BigNumber, utils } from 'ethers'
import { ChainId, CheckIncomingUtxoInput, CheckUnspentUtxoInput, RootState, Transaction } from '@/types'
import { getBridgeHelper, getTornadoPool } from '@/contracts'
import { ens, Utxo, Keypair, toFixedHex, utxoFactory, eventService, privateStorage, createTransactionData } from '@/services'
import { UnspentUtxoData } from '@/services/utxoService/@types'
import {
} from '@/constants'
import { AccountState, AccountMutation } from '@/types/store/account'
import {
} from '@/utilities'
import { NullifierEvents } from '~/services/events/@types'
export const actions: ActionTree<AccountState, RootState> = {
async setAccountParams({ commit, dispatch, getters }, address) {
try {
const keypair = await dispatch('getKeypairFromStorage')
if (!keypair) {
await dispatch('generateKeypairFromSign', { address })
if (address !== getters.accountAddress || !getters.isRegisteredInPool) {
const ensName = await ens.getEnsName(address, ChainId.MAINNET)
commit(AccountMutation.SET_ENS_NAME, ensName)
commit(AccountMutation.SET_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS, address)
dispatch('checkRegisterInPool', address)
} else {
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
setIncomingTransaction({ state, getters, dispatch }, { incomingAmount, transactionHash }) {
try {
const isPendingTxExist = getters.dependencies.pendingTxs.find(
(pending: Transaction) => pending.transactionHash.toLowerCase() === transactionHash.toLowerCase(),
const isExistTx = isPendingTxExist || getters.dependencies.transactions(transactionHash.toLowerCase())
if (isExistTx) {
const transaction = {
from: '',
account: state.address,
confirmations: numbers.ONE,
status: txStatuses.SUCCESS,
amount: fromWei(incomingAmount),
recipient: getters.accountAddress,
type: transactionTitles.INCOMING_FUND,
chainId: getters.dependencies.l2ChainId,
dispatch('transaction/setTransaction', transaction, { root: true })
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Method updateAccountBalance has error: ${err.message}`)
async checkIncomingUtxo({ dispatch, getters }, { utxo, commitments }: CheckIncomingUtxoInput) {
try {
const utxoService = utxoFactory.getService(getters.dependencies.l2ChainId, getters.accountAddress)
const nullifiers: NullifierEvents = await utxoService.getNullifierEventsFromTxHash(utxo.transactionHash)
const senderNullifiers = nullifiers.filter((n) =>
commitments.find((c) => toFixedHex(c.nullifier) === toFixedHex(n.nullifier)),
if (!senderNullifiers?.length) {
await dispatch('setIncomingTransaction', {
incomingAmount: utxo.amount,
transactionHash: utxo.transactionHash,
} catch (err) {
console.error('Method checkIncomingUtxo for ', utxo.transactionHash, 'has error', err.message)
checkUnspentUtxo({ dispatch }, { unspentUtxo, decryptedEvents }: CheckUnspentUtxoInput) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line
unspentUtxo.forEach((utxo) => dispatch('checkIncomingUtxo', { utxo, commitments: decryptedEvents }))
} catch (err) {
console.error('Method checkUnspentUtxo has error', err.message)
async getUtxoFromKeypair({ dispatch, getters, commit }, { keypair, withCache }) {
try {
if (!getters.accountAddress) {
return { unspentUtxo: [], totalAmount: BG_ZERO }
const utxoService = utxoFactory.getService(getters.dependencies.l2ChainId, getters.accountAddress)
const { totalAmount, unspentUtxo, freshUnspentUtxo, freshDecryptedEvents } = await utxoService.fetchUnspentUtxo({
accountAddress: getters.accountAddress,
callbacks: {
update: (payload: UnspentUtxoData) => {
if (payload.accountAddress === getters.accountAddress) {
commit(AccountMutation.UPDATE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE, payload.totalAmount.toString())
set: (payload: UnspentUtxoData) => {
if (payload.accountAddress === getters.accountAddress) {
commit(AccountMutation.SET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE, payload.totalAmount.toString())
if (freshUnspentUtxo.length) {
dispatch('checkUnspentUtxo', { unspentUtxo: freshUnspentUtxo, decryptedEvents: freshDecryptedEvents })
return { unspentUtxo, totalAmount }
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Method getUtxoFromKeypair has error: ${err.message}`)
async accountBalanceWatcher({ getters, dispatch }) {
try {
const keypair = await dispatch('getKeypairFromStorage')
if (!keypair || getters.dependencies.isProcessingStarted) {
await dispatch('getUtxoFromKeypair', { keypair, withCache: false })
} finally {
setTimeout(() => {
async getAccountBalance({ commit, dispatch }) {
let error = ''
try {
commit(AccountMutation.SET_IS_BALANCE_FETCHING, true)
const keypair = await dispatch('getKeypairFromStorage')
if (!keypair) {
await dispatch('getUtxoFromKeypair', { keypair })
} catch (err) {
error = err.message
throw new Error(`Method getAccountBalance has error: ${error}`)
} finally {
if (!error || !error.includes('Account was changed')) {
commit(AccountMutation.SET_IS_BALANCE_FETCHING, false)
} else {
error = ''
async mergeInputs({ getters, dispatch }) {
try {
const senderKeyPair = await dispatch('getAccountKeypair')
const { unspentUtxo } = await dispatch('getUtxoFromKeypair', { keypair: senderKeyPair })
const inputs = unspentUtxo.slice(numbers.ZERO, numbers.INPUT_LENGTH_16)
// @ts-expect-error TODO type
const amount = inputs.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.add(curr.amount), BG_ZERO)
await dispatch('createTransfer', { address: getters.accountAddress, amount: fromWei(amount) })
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async getUserAccountInfo({ dispatch }, { amount }) {
try {
const senderKeyPair = await dispatch('getAccountKeypair')
const { unspentUtxo } = await dispatch('getUtxoFromKeypair', { keypair: senderKeyPair })
const result = []
let requiredAmount = BG_ZERO
for (const utxo of unspentUtxo) {
if ( && result.length < numbers.INPUT_LENGTH_16) {
requiredAmount = requiredAmount.add(utxo.amount)
} else if (
requiredAmount.gte(amount) &&
result.length > numbers.INPUT_LENGTH_2 &&
result.length < numbers.INPUT_LENGTH_16
) {
requiredAmount = requiredAmount.add(utxo.amount)
} else {
if (unspentUtxo.length !== result.length && result.length === numbers.INPUT_LENGTH_16 && {
const utxo = unspentUtxo.slice(numbers.ZERO, numbers.INPUT_LENGTH_16 * numbers.TWO - numbers.ONE)
// @ts-expect-error TODO type
const availableBalanceAfterMerge = utxo.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.add(curr.amount), BG_ZERO)
throw new Error(
`${errors.validation.INSUFFICIENT_INPUTS} ${fromWei(requiredAmount)}:${fromWei(availableBalanceAfterMerge)}`,
return {
isNeedMerged: false,
unspentUtxo: result,
totalAmount: requiredAmount,
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async getAccountKeypair({ dispatch, getters }) {
try {
const storageKeypair = await dispatch('getKeypairFromStorage')
if (storageKeypair) {
return storageKeypair
// TODO how to check the user has to account
const poolAddress = await eventService.getAccountAddress(getters.dependencies.walletAddress)
console.log('getAccountKeypair', poolAddress)
if (!poolAddress) {
return undefined
const keypair = await dispatch('generateKeypairFromSign', { address: getters.dependencies.walletAddress })
if (keypair.address() !== poolAddress) {
throw new Error('different addresses and private key')
return keypair
} catch (err) {
return undefined
async generateKeypairFromSign({ dispatch, getters }, { address }) {
const signedMessage = await dispatch('wallet/signStartMessage', { signingAddress: address }, { root: true })
const { walletAddress } = getters.dependencies
const addressFromSign = utils.verifyMessage(SIGN_MESSAGE, signedMessage)
if (walletAddress !== addressFromSign) {
throw new Error(errors.validation.INVALID_SIGNATURE)
const privateKey = generatePrivateKeyFromEntropy(signedMessage)
privateStorage.set(SESSION_STORAGE_KEY, privateKey)
const keypair = new Keypair(privateKey)
console.log('generateKeypairFromSign', keypair.address())
return keypair
getKeypairFromStorage() {
const session = privateStorage.get(SESSION_STORAGE_KEY)
if (session?.data) {
return new Keypair(
return undefined
async getIsRegisterInPool({ dispatch }, address) {
try {
const poolAddress = await eventService.getAccountAddress(address)
console.log('Metamask', address)
console.log('getIsRegisterInPool NOVA address', poolAddress)
return Boolean(poolAddress)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async checkRegisterInPool({ dispatch, commit }, address) {
try {
if (!address) {
throw new Error('Connect wallet and try again')
commit(AccountMutation.SET_REGISTERED_IN_POOL_STATUS, registerStatuses.NOT_CHECKED)
const isRegisteredInPool = await dispatch('getIsRegisterInPool', address)
const status = isRegisteredInPool ? registerStatuses.REGISTERED : registerStatuses.NOT_REGISTERED
commit(AccountMutation.SET_REGISTERED_IN_POOL_STATUS, status)
if (isRegisteredInPool) {
await dispatch('getAccountBalance')
} else {
commit(AccountMutation.SET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE, String(numbers.ZERO))
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async setupAccount({ dispatch, commit, getters }) {
try {
const { walletAddress, network, transactions } = getters.dependencies
const keypair = await dispatch('getKeypairFromStorage')
const poolAddress = await eventService.getAccountAddress(walletAddress)
if (poolAddress) {
throw new Error(errors.validation.ALREADY_REGISTERED_IN_POOL)
await dispatch('application/getBackUpShieldedKey', { privateKey: keypair.privkey }, { root: true })
await dispatch('application/checkWalletParams', { isRelayerPossible: false, walletAddress, network }, { root: true })
const output = new Utxo({ keypair })
const txHash = await dispatch('registerInPool', { poolAddress: output.keypair.address() })
const transaction = transactions(txHash)
const status = BigNumber.from(txStatuses.SUCCESS).eq(transaction.status)
? registerStatuses.REGISTERED
: registerStatuses.NOT_REGISTERED
commit(AccountMutation.SET_REGISTERED_IN_POOL_STATUS, status)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async checkSession({ commit, getters, dispatch }) {
try {
const session = privateStorage.get(SESSION_STORAGE_KEY)
if (session?.data) {
await dispatch('setBackupedAddressFromPublicKey', { privateKey: })
// TODO: refactor
if (getters.accountAddress) {
await dispatch('checkRegisterInPool', getters.accountAddress)
} else {
commit(AccountMutation.SET_REGISTERED_IN_POOL_STATUS, registerStatuses.NOT_REGISTERED)
} else {
if (getters.dependencies.walletAddress) {
dispatch('checkRegisterInPool', getters.dependencies.walletAddress)
} catch (err) {
const errorText = await dispatch(
{ errorMessage: err.message, title: 'Check session error' },
{ root: true },
throw new Error(errorText)
async setBackupedAddressFromPublicKey({ commit }, { privateKey }) {
try {
const address = new Keypair(privateKey).address()
console.log('setBackupedAddressFromPublicKey', address)
const ownerAddress = await eventService.getBackupedAddressFromPublicKey(address)
console.log('Metamask address', ownerAddress)
if (ownerAddress) {
const ensName = await ens.getEnsName(address, ChainId.MAINNET)
commit(AccountMutation.SET_ENS_NAME, ensName)
commit(AccountMutation.SET_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS, ownerAddress)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async registerInPool({ dispatch, getters, state }, { poolAddress }) {
try {
const contract = getBridgeHelper(getters.dependencies.l1ChainId)
const params = {
publicKey: poolAddress,
owner: getters.dependencies.walletAddress,
const data = contract.interface.encodeFunctionData('register', [params])
return await dispatch(
calldata: data,
to: contract.address,
transactionInfo: {
amount: numbers.ZERO,
account: state.address,
type: transactionTitles.SETUP,
method: transactionMethods.SETUP,
{ root: true },
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Method register has error: ${err.message}`)
async prepareDeposit({ getters }, { amount, address }) {
const recipientAddress = await eventService.getAccountAddress(address)
if (!recipientAddress) {
throw new Error(`Address ${address} is not registered in pool`)
const keypair = Keypair.fromString(recipientAddress)
const output = new Utxo({ amount: toWei(amount), keypair })
const { extData, args } = await createTransactionData({ outputs: [output] }, keypair)
return encodeWrapAndRelayData({
chainId: getters.dependencies.l1ChainId,
address: POOL_CONTRACT[getters.dependencies.l2ChainId],
data: encodeTransactData({ args, extData }),
async prepareDepositWithRegister({ getters, dispatch }, { amount }) {
const poolAddress = await eventService.getAccountAddress(getters.dependencies.walletAddress)
console.log('prepareDepositWithRegister', poolAddress)
if (poolAddress) {
throw new Error(errors.validation.ALREADY_REGISTERED_IN_POOL)
const keypair = await dispatch('getAccountKeypair')
const output = new Utxo({ amount: toWei(amount), keypair })
const { extData, args } = await createTransactionData({ outputs: [output] }, keypair)
return encodeWrapAndRelayData({
chainId: getters.dependencies.l1ChainId,
address: POOL_CONTRACT[ChainId.XDAI],
data: encodeTransactData({ args, extData }),
account: { owner: getters.dependencies.walletAddress, publicKey: output.keypair.address() },
async prepareTransfer({ dispatch }, { amount, address }) {
try {
const etherAmount = toWei(amount)
const recipientAddress = await eventService.getAccountAddress(address)
if (!recipientAddress) {
throw new Error(errors.validation.NOT_REGISTERED_IN_POOL)
const recipientUtxo = new Utxo({
amount: etherAmount,
keypair: Keypair.fromString(recipientAddress),
const { unspentUtxo, totalAmount, senderKeyPair } = await dispatch('getUserAccountInfo', { amount: etherAmount })
if ( {
throw new Error(`${errors.validation.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS} ${fromWei(totalAmount)}`)
const senderChangeUtxo = new Utxo({
keypair: senderKeyPair,
amount: totalAmount.sub(etherAmount).toString(),
const outputs = totalAmount.sub(etherAmount).eq(numbers.ZERO) ? [recipientUtxo] : [recipientUtxo, senderChangeUtxo]
const { extData, args } = await createTransactionData({ outputs, inputs: unspentUtxo }, senderKeyPair)
return { args, extData }
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async submitAction({ dispatch, getters }, { args, extData, transactionInfo }) {
try {
const contract = getTornadoPool(getters.dependencies.l2ChainId)
const calldata = contract.interface.encodeFunctionData('transact', [args, extData])
return await dispatch(
to: POOL_CONTRACT[getters.dependencies.l2ChainId],
{ root: true },
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async createTransfer({ state, dispatch, getters }, { amount, address }) {
try {
const { args, extData } = await dispatch('prepareTransfer', { amount, address })
const contract = getTornadoPool(getters.dependencies.l2ChainId)
const calldata = contract.interface.encodeFunctionData('transact', [args, extData])
return await dispatch(
transactionInfo: {
account: state.address,
type: transactionTitles.TRANSFER,
method: transactionMethods.TRANSFER,
to: POOL_CONTRACT[getters.dependencies.l2ChainId],
{ root: true },
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async prepareWithdrawal({ dispatch, getters }, { amount, address, l1Fee, isL1Withdrawal = true }) {
try {
const etherAmount = toWei(amount)
const amountWithFee = etherAmount.add(l1Fee)
const { unspentUtxo, totalAmount, senderKeyPair } = await dispatch('getUserAccountInfo', { amount: amountWithFee })
if ( {
throw new Error(`${errors.validation.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS} ${fromWei(totalAmount)}`)
const outputs = [new Utxo({ amount: totalAmount.sub(amountWithFee), keypair: senderKeyPair })]
const { extData, args } = await createTransactionData(
inputs: unspentUtxo,
recipient: toChecksumAddress(address),
return { extData, args }
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
async createWithdrawal({ dispatch, getters, state }, { amount, address, isL1Withdrawal = true }) {
try {
const { extData, args } = await dispatch('prepareWithdrawal', { amount, address, isL1Withdrawal })
const contract = getTornadoPool(getters.dependencies.l2ChainId)
const calldata = contract.interface.encodeFunctionData('transact', [args, extData])
return await dispatch(
transactionInfo: {
account: state.address,
amount: fromWei(amount._hex),
type: transactionTitles.WITHDRAW,
method: transactionMethods.WITHDRAW,
amount: amount._hex,
to: POOL_CONTRACT[getters.dependencies.l2ChainId],
{ root: true },
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
export const getters: GetterTree<AccountState, RootState> = {
accountAddress: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.address
accountEnsName: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.ensName
accountBalance: (state: AccountState) => {
try {
return BigNumber.from(state.balance)
} catch {
return '0'
isRegisteredInPoolNotChecked: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.registeredInPoolStatus === registerStatuses.NOT_CHECKED
isRegisteredInPool: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.registeredInPoolStatus === registerStatuses.REGISTERED
isNotRegisteredInPool: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.registeredInPoolStatus !== registerStatuses.REGISTERED
isRegisterProcessing: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.registeredInPoolStatus === registerStatuses.PROCESSING
// settings
shouldShowPoolTransferAlert: (state) => {
return state.settings.shouldShowPoolTransferAlert
shouldShowConfirmModal: (state) => {
return state.settings.shouldShowConfirmModal
shouldShowRiskAlert: (state) => {
return state.settings.shouldShowRiskAlert
shouldShowEthLinkAlert: (state) => {
return state.settings.shouldShowEthLinkAlert
shouldShowPrivacyAlert: (state) => {
return state.settings.shouldShowPrivacyAlert
transferMethod: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.settings.transferMethod
isRelayer: (state: AccountState) => {
return state.settings.transferMethod === transferMethods.RELAYER
// another module dependencies
dependencies: (state: AccountState, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => {
return {
// application
l1Fee: rootGetters['application/l1Fee'],
isProcessingStarted: rootGetters['application/isProcessingStarted'],
// wallet
network: rootGetters['wallet/chainId'],
l1ChainId: rootGetters['wallet/l1ChainId'],
l2ChainId: rootGetters['wallet/l2ChainId'],
walletAddress: rootGetters['wallet/walletAddress'],
// transactions
pendingTxs: rootGetters['transaction/pendingTxs'],
transactions: rootGetters['transaction/currentTransaction'],
export const mutations: MutationTree<AccountState> = {
[AccountMutation.SET_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS](state, payload) {
state.address = toChecksumAddress(payload)
[AccountMutation.SET_ENS_NAME](state, payload) {
state.ensName = payload
[AccountMutation.SET_ACCOUNT_BALANCE](state, payload) {
state.balance = state.address ? payload : ''
[AccountMutation.UPDATE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE](state, payload) {
state.balance = state.address ? BigNumber.from(state.balance).add(payload).toString() : ''
[AccountMutation.SET_IS_BALANCE_FETCHING](state, payload) {
state.isBalanceFetching = payload
[AccountMutation.SET_REGISTERED_IN_POOL_STATUS](state, payload) {
state.registeredInPoolStatus = payload
[AccountMutation.SET_TRANSFER_METHOD](state, payload) {
// @ts-expect-error
this._vm.$set(state.settings, 'transferMethod', payload)
[AccountMutation.SET_SHOULD_SHOW_POOL_TRANSFER_ALERT](state, shouldShow) {
state.settings.shouldShowPoolTransferAlert = shouldShow
[AccountMutation.SET_SHOULD_SHOW_CONFIRM_MODAL](state, shouldShow) {
state.settings.shouldShowConfirmModal = shouldShow
[AccountMutation.SET_SHOULD_SHOW_RISK_ALERT](state, shouldShow) {
state.settings.shouldShowRiskAlert = shouldShow
[AccountMutation.SET_SHOULD_SHOW_ETH_LINK_ALERT](state, shouldShow) {
state.settings.shouldShowEthLinkAlert = shouldShow
[AccountMutation.SET_SHOULD_PRIVACY_ALERT](state, shouldShow) {
state.settings.shouldShowPrivacyAlert = shouldShow
[AccountMutation.CLEAR_ACCOUNT](state) {
state.address = ''
state.balance = '0'
state.registeredInPoolStatus = registerStatuses.NOT_CHECKED
state.settings = {
shouldShowConfirmModal: true,
shouldShowPrivacyAlert: true,
shouldShowPoolTransferAlert: true,
transferMethod: transferMethods.RELAYER,
shouldShowRiskAlert: state.settings.shouldShowRiskAlert,
shouldShowEthLinkAlert: state.settings.shouldShowEthLinkAlert,
export const state = () => {
return {
ensName: '',
address: '',
balance: '0',
isBalanceFetching: false,
registeredInPoolStatus: registerStatuses.NOT_CHECKED,
settings: {
shouldShowRiskAlert: true,
shouldShowEthLinkAlert: true,
shouldShowConfirmModal: true,
shouldShowPrivacyAlert: true,
shouldShowPoolTransferAlert: true,
transferMethod: transferMethods.RELAYER,