depreciate browser support

This commit is contained in:
gozzy 2023-03-23 03:47:37 +00:00
parent f3ff636840
commit 4b4364e2fe

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Works both in browser and node.js
const fs = require('fs');
@ -25,8 +24,6 @@ const is_ip_private = require('private-ip');
let web3, torPort, tornado, tornadoContract, tornadoInstance, circuit, proving_key, groth16, erc20, senderAccount, netId, netName, netSymbol, doNotSubmitTx, multiCall, privateRpc, subgraph;
/** Whether we are in a browser or node.js */
const inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
let isTestRPC = false;
/** Generate random number of specified byte length */
@ -1186,89 +1183,78 @@ async function loadWithdrawalData({ amount, currency, deposit }) {
async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', balanceCheck, localMode }) {
let contractJson, instanceJson, erc20ContractJson, erc20tornadoJson, tornadoAddress, tokenAddress;
// TODO do we need this? should it work in browser really?
if (inBrowser) {
// Initialize using injected web3 (Metamask)
// To assemble web version run `npm run browserify`
web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider, null, {
transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1
contractJson = await (await fetch('build/contracts/TornadoProxy.abi.json')).json();
instanceJson = await (await fetch('build/contracts/Instance.abi.json')).json();
circuit = await (await fetch('build/circuits/tornado.json')).json();
proving_key = await (await fetch('build/circuits/tornadoProvingKey.bin')).arrayBuffer();
ETH_AMOUNT = 1e18;
senderAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
let ipOptions = {};
if (torPort && rpc.includes("https")) {
console.log("Using tor network");
web3Options = { agent: { https: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort) }, timeout: 60000 };
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } };
} else if (torPort && rpc.includes("http")) {
console.log("Using tor network");
web3Options = { agent: { http: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort) }, timeout: 60000 };
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } };
} else if (rpc.includes("ipc")) {
console.log("Using ipc connection");
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.IpcProvider(rpc, net), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
} else if (rpc.includes("ws") || rpc.includes("wss")) {
console.log("Using websocket connection (Note: Tor is not supported for Websocket providers)");
web3Options = { clientConfig: { keepalive: true, keepaliveInterval: -1 }, reconnect: { auto: true, delay: 1000, maxAttempts: 10, onTimeout: false } };
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(rpc, web3Options), net, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
} else {
let ipOptions = {};
if (torPort && rpc.includes("https")) {
console.log("Using tor network");
web3Options = { agent: { https: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort) }, timeout: 60000 };
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } };
} else if (torPort && rpc.includes("http")) {
console.log("Using tor network");
web3Options = { agent: { http: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort) }, timeout: 60000 };
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } };
} else if (rpc.includes("ipc")) {
console.log("Using ipc connection");
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.IpcProvider(rpc, net), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
} else if (rpc.includes("ws") || rpc.includes("wss")) {
console.log("Using websocket connection (Note: Tor is not supported for Websocket providers)");
web3Options = { clientConfig: { keepalive: true, keepaliveInterval: -1 }, reconnect: { auto: true, delay: 1000, maxAttempts: 10, onTimeout: false } };
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(rpc, web3Options), net, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
} else {
console.log("Connecting to remote node");
web3 = new Web3(rpc, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
const rpcHost = new URL(rpc).hostname;
const isIpPrivate = is_ip_private(rpcHost);
if (!isIpPrivate && !rpc.includes("localhost") && !privateRpc) {
try {
const fetchRemoteIP = await axios.get('', ipOptions);
const { country, ip } =;
console.log('Your remote IP address is', ip, 'from', country + '.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Could not fetch remote IP from, use VPN if the problem repeats.');
} else if (isIpPrivate || rpc.includes("localhost")) {
console.log('Local RPC detected');
privateRpc = true;
contractJson = require('./build/contracts/TornadoProxy.abi.json');
instanceJson = require('./build/contracts/Instance.abi.json');
circuit = require('./build/circuits/tornado.json');
proving_key = fs.readFileSync('build/circuits/tornadoProvingKey.bin').buffer;
ETH_AMOUNT = process.env.ETH_AMOUNT;
const privKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
if (privKey) {
if (privKey.includes("0x")) {
PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY.substring(2);
} else {
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + PRIVATE_KEY);
web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add('0x' + PRIVATE_KEY);
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address;
senderAccount = account.address;
erc20ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Mock.json');
erc20tornadoJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Tornado.json');
console.log("Connecting to remote node");
web3 = new Web3(rpc, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
const rpcHost = new URL(rpc).hostname;
const isIpPrivate = is_ip_private(rpcHost);
if (!isIpPrivate && !rpc.includes("localhost") && !privateRpc) {
try {
const fetchRemoteIP = await axios.get('', ipOptions);
const { country, ip } =;
console.log('Your remote IP address is', ip, 'from', country + '.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Could not fetch remote IP from, use VPN if the problem repeats.');
} else if (isIpPrivate || rpc.includes("localhost")) {
console.log('Local RPC detected');
privateRpc = true;
contractJson = require('./build/contracts/TornadoProxy.abi.json');
instanceJson = require('./build/contracts/Instance.abi.json');
circuit = require('./build/circuits/tornado.json');
proving_key = fs.readFileSync('build/circuits/tornadoProvingKey.bin').buffer;
ETH_AMOUNT = process.env.ETH_AMOUNT;
const privKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
if (privKey) {
if (privKey.includes("0x")) {
PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY.substring(2);
} else {
} if (PRIVATE_KEY) {
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + PRIVATE_KEY);
web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add('0x' + PRIVATE_KEY);
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address;
senderAccount = account.address;
erc20ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Mock.json');
erc20tornadoJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Tornado.json');
// groth16 initialises a lot of Promises that will never be resolved, that's why we need to use process.exit to terminate the CLI
groth16 = await buildGroth16();
netId = await;
netName = getCurrentNetworkName();
netSymbol = getCurrentNetworkSymbol();
if (noteNetId && Number(noteNetId) !== netId) {
throw new Error('This note is for a different network. Specify the --rpc option explicitly');
@ -1314,237 +1300,220 @@ async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', balanceC
async function main() {
if (inBrowser) {
const instance = { currency: 'eth', amount: '0.1' };
await init(instance);
window.deposit = async () => {
await deposit(instance);
window.withdraw = async () => {
const noteString = prompt('Enter the note to withdraw');
const recipient = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString);
await init({ noteNetId: netId, currency, amount });
await withdraw({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient });
} else {
.option('-r, --rpc <URL>', 'The RPC that CLI should interact with', 'http://localhost:8545')
.option('-R, --relayer <URL>', 'Withdraw via relayer')
.option('-T, --tor <PORT>', 'Optional tor port')
.option('-L, --local', 'Local Node - Does not submit signed transaction to the node')
.option('-o, --onlyrpc', 'Only rpc mode - Does not enable thegraph api nor remote ip detection');
.command('createNote <currency> <amount> <chainId>')
'Create deposit note and invoice, allows generating private key like deposit notes from secure, offline environment. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount, chainId) => {
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
await createInvoice({ currency, amount, chainId });
.command('depositInvoice <invoice>')
'Submit a deposit of invoice from default eth account and return the resulting note.'
.action(async (invoice) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
const { currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote } = parseInvoice(invoice);
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
console.log("Creating", currency.toUpperCase(), amount, "deposit for", netName, "Tornado Cash Instance");
await deposit({ currency, amount, commitmentNote });
.command('deposit <currency> <amount>')
'Submit a deposit of specified currency and amount from default eth account and return the resulting note. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
await deposit({ currency, amount });
.command('withdraw <note> <recipient> [ETH_purchase]')
'Withdraw a note to a recipient account using relayer or specified private key. You can exchange some of your deposit`s tokens to ETH during the withdrawal by specifing ETH_purchase (e.g. 0.01) to pay for gas in future transactions. Also see the --relayer option.'
.action(async (noteString, recipient, refund) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString);
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
await withdraw({
relayerURL: program.relayer
.command('balance [address] [token_address]')
.description('Check ETH and ERC20 balance')
.action(async (address, tokenAddress) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true });
if (!address && senderAccount) {
console.log("Using address", senderAccount, "from private key");
address = senderAccount;
await printETHBalance({ address, name: 'Account' });
if (tokenAddress) {
await printERC20Balance({ address, name: 'Account', tokenAddress });
.command('send <address> [amount] [token_address]')
.description('Send ETH or ERC to address')
.action(async (address, amount, tokenAddress) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true, localMode: program.local });
await send({ address, amount, tokenAddress });
.command('broadcast <signedTX>')
.description('Submit signed TX to the remote node')
.action(async (signedTX) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true });
await submitTransaction(signedTX);
.command('compliance <note>')
'Shows the deposit and withdrawal of the provided note. This might be necessary to show the origin of assets held in your withdrawal address.'
.action(async (noteString) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString);
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount });
const depositInfo = await loadDepositData({ amount, currency, deposit });
const depositDate = new Date(depositInfo.timestamp * 1000);
console.log('Deposit :', amount, currency.toUpperCase());
console.log('Date :', depositDate.toLocaleDateString(), depositDate.toLocaleTimeString());
console.log('From :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/address/${depositInfo.from}`);
console.log('Transaction :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${depositInfo.txHash}`);
console.log('Commitment :', depositInfo.commitment);
console.log('Spent :', depositInfo.isSpent);
if (!depositInfo.isSpent) {
console.log('The note was not spent');
console.log('=====================================', '\n');
const withdrawInfo = await loadWithdrawalData({ amount, currency, deposit });
const withdrawalDate = new Date(withdrawInfo.timestamp * 1000);
console.log('Withdrawal :', withdrawInfo.amount, currency);
console.log('Relayer Fee :', withdrawInfo.fee, currency);
console.log('Date :', withdrawalDate.toLocaleDateString(), withdrawalDate.toLocaleTimeString());
console.log('To :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/address/${}`);
console.log('Transaction :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${withdrawInfo.txHash}`);
console.log('Nullifier :', withdrawInfo.nullifier);
console.log('=====================================', '\n');
.command('syncEvents <type> <currency> <amount>')
'Sync the local cache file of deposit / withdrawal events for specific currency.'
.action(async (type, currency, amount) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
console.log("Starting event sync command");
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, type, currency, amount });
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount });
console.log("Synced event for", type, amount, currency.toUpperCase(), netName, "Tornado instance to block", cachedEvents[cachedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber);
.command('parseNote <note>')
.action(async(noteString) => {
const parse = parseNote(noteString);
netId = parse.netId;
netName = getCurrentNetworkName();
console.log('Network:', netName);
console.log('Denomination:', parse.amount, parse.currency.toUpperCase());
console.log('Commitment: ', parse.deposit.commitmentHex);
console.log('Nullifier Hash: ', parse.deposit.nullifierHex);
console.log('=====================================', '\n');
.description('Perform an automated test. It deposits and withdraws one ETH and one ERC20 note. Uses ganache.')
.action(async () => {
.option('-r, --rpc <URL>', 'The RPC that CLI should interact with', 'http://localhost:8545')
.option('-R, --relayer <URL>', 'Withdraw via relayer')
.option('-T, --tor <PORT>', 'Optional tor port')
.option('-L, --local', 'Local Node - Does not submit signed transaction to the node')
.option('-o, --onlyrpc', 'Only rpc mode - Does not enable thegraph api nor remote ip detection');
.command('createNote <currency> <amount> <chainId>')
'Create deposit note and invoice, allows generating private key like deposit notes from secure, offline environment. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount, chainId) => {
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
await createInvoice({ currency, amount, chainId });
.command('depositInvoice <invoice>')
'Submit a deposit of invoice from default eth account and return the resulting note.'
.action(async (invoice) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
console.log('Start performing ETH deposit-withdraw test');
let currency = 'eth';
let amount = '0.1';
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount });
let noteString = await deposit({ currency, amount });
let parsedNote = parseNote(noteString);
await withdraw({
deposit: parsedNote.deposit,
recipient: senderAccount,
relayerURL: program.relayer
console.log('\nStart performing DAI deposit-withdraw test');
currency = 'dai';
amount = '100';
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount });
noteString = await deposit({ currency, amount });
parsedNote = parseNote(noteString);
await withdraw({
deposit: parsedNote.deposit,
recipient: senderAccount,
refund: '0.02',
relayerURL: program.relayer
torPort = program.tor;
const { currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote } = parseInvoice(invoice);
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
console.log("Creating", currency.toUpperCase(), amount, "deposit for", netName, "Tornado Cash Instance");
await deposit({ currency, amount, commitmentNote });
.command('deposit <currency> <amount>')
'Submit a deposit of specified currency and amount from default eth account and return the resulting note. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
await deposit({ currency, amount });
.command('withdraw <note> <recipient> [ETH_purchase]')
'Withdraw a note to a recipient account using relayer or specified private key. You can exchange some of your deposit`s tokens to ETH during the withdrawal by specifing ETH_purchase (e.g. 0.01) to pay for gas in future transactions. Also see the --relayer option.'
.action(async (noteString, recipient, refund) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString);
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
await withdraw({
relayerURL: program.relayer
try {
.command('balance [address] [token_address]')
.description('Check ETH and ERC20 balance')
.action(async (address, tokenAddress) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true });
if (!address && senderAccount) {
console.log("Using address", senderAccount, "from private key");
address = senderAccount;
await printETHBalance({ address, name: 'Account' });
if (tokenAddress) {
await printERC20Balance({ address, name: 'Account', tokenAddress });
.command('send <address> [amount] [token_address]')
.description('Send ETH or ERC to address')
.action(async (address, amount, tokenAddress) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true, localMode: program.local });
await send({ address, amount, tokenAddress });
.command('broadcast <signedTX>')
.description('Submit signed TX to the remote node')
.action(async (signedTX) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true });
await submitTransaction(signedTX);
.command('compliance <note>')
'Shows the deposit and withdrawal of the provided note. This might be necessary to show the origin of assets held in your withdrawal address.'
.action(async (noteString) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString);
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount });
const depositInfo = await loadDepositData({ amount, currency, deposit });
const depositDate = new Date(depositInfo.timestamp * 1000);
console.log('Deposit :', amount, currency.toUpperCase());
console.log('Date :', depositDate.toLocaleDateString(), depositDate.toLocaleTimeString());
console.log('From :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/address/${depositInfo.from}`);
console.log('Transaction :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${depositInfo.txHash}`);
console.log('Commitment :', depositInfo.commitment);
console.log('Spent :', depositInfo.isSpent);
if (!depositInfo.isSpent) {
console.log('The note was not spent');
console.log('=====================================', '\n');
const withdrawInfo = await loadWithdrawalData({ amount, currency, deposit });
const withdrawalDate = new Date(withdrawInfo.timestamp * 1000);
console.log('Withdrawal :', withdrawInfo.amount, currency);
console.log('Relayer Fee :', withdrawInfo.fee, currency);
console.log('Date :', withdrawalDate.toLocaleDateString(), withdrawalDate.toLocaleTimeString());
console.log('To :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/address/${}`);
console.log('Transaction :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${withdrawInfo.txHash}`);
console.log('Nullifier :', withdrawInfo.nullifier);
console.log('=====================================', '\n');
.command('syncEvents <type> <currency> <amount>')
'Sync the local cache file of deposit / withdrawal events for specific currency.'
.action(async (type, currency, amount) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
console.log("Starting event sync command");
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, type, currency, amount });
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount });
console.log("Synced event for", type, amount, currency.toUpperCase(), netName, "Tornado instance to block", cachedEvents[cachedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber);
.command('parseNote <note>')
.action(async(noteString) => {
const parse = parseNote(noteString);
netId = parse.netId;
netName = getCurrentNetworkName();
console.log('Network:', netName);
console.log('Denomination:', parse.amount, parse.currency.toUpperCase());
console.log('Commitment: ', parse.deposit.commitmentHex);
console.log('Nullifier Hash: ', parse.deposit.nullifierHex);
console.log('=====================================', '\n');
.description('Perform an automated test. It deposits and withdraws one ETH and one ERC20 note. Uses ganache.')
.action(async () => {
privateRpc = true;
console.log('Start performing ETH deposit-withdraw test');
let currency = 'eth';
let amount = '0.1';
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount });
let noteString = await deposit({ currency, amount });
let parsedNote = parseNote(noteString);
await withdraw({
deposit: parsedNote.deposit,
recipient: senderAccount,
relayerURL: program.relayer
console.log('\nStart performing DAI deposit-withdraw test');
currency = 'dai';
amount = '100';
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount });
noteString = await deposit({ currency, amount });
parsedNote = parseNote(noteString);
await withdraw({
deposit: parsedNote.deposit,
recipient: senderAccount,
refund: '0.02',
relayerURL: program.relayer
try {
await program.parseAsync(process.argv);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error:', e);