Add command to check deposit tree root validity

This commit is contained in:
Theodike 2023-04-22 19:16:28 +03:00
parent 899dc634c0
commit 7e79c85bba

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@ -110,6 +110,39 @@ async function printERC20Balance({ address, name, tokenAddress }) {
console.log(`${name}`, tokenName, `Balance is`, rmDecimalBN(tokenBalance), tokenSymbol);
* Compute merkle tree and its root from array of cached deposit events
* @param {Array} depositEvents Array of deposit event objects
* @returns {Object} treeData
* @returns {String[]} treeData.leaves Commitment hashes converted to decimals
* @returns {@link MerkleTree} treeData.tree Builded merkle tree
* @returns {String} treeData.root Merkle tree root
function computeDepositEventsTree(depositEvents) {
const leaves = depositEvents
.sort((a, b) => a.leafIndex - b.leafIndex) // Sort events in chronological order
.map((e) => toBN(e.commitment).toString(10)); // Leaf = commitment pedersen hash of deposit
console.log('Computing deposit events merkle tree and its root');
const tree = new merkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves);
return { leaves, tree, root: tree.root() };
* Check validity of events merkle tree root via tornado contract
* @async
* @param {Array} depositEvents
* @returns {boolean} True, if root is valid, else false
* @throws {Error}
async function isRootValid(depositEvents) {
const { root } = computeDepositEventsTree(depositEvents);
const isRootValid = await tornadoContract.methods.isKnownRoot(toHex(root)).call();
return isRootValid;
async function submitTransaction(signedTX) {
console.log('Submitting transaction to the remote node');
await web3.eth
@ -1217,7 +1250,7 @@ async function fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount, filterEvents }) {
* Parses note
* @param noteString the note
* @param noteString the notenullifier
function parseNote(noteString) {
const noteRegex = /tornado-(?<currency>\w+)-(?<amount>[\d.]+)-(?<netId>\d+)-0x(?<note>[0-9a-fA-F]{124})/g;
@ -1630,6 +1663,28 @@ async function main() {
cachedEvents[cachedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber
.command('checkCacheValidity <currency> <amount>')
.description('Check cache file of deposit events for specific currency for validity of the root.')
.action(async (currency, amount) => {
const type = 'deposit';
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, type, currency: currency.toLowerCase(), amount });
const depositCachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount });
const isValidRoot = await isRootValid(depositCachedEvents);
'\nDeposit events tree for',
isValidRoot ? 'has valid root' : 'is invalid, unknown root. You need to reset cache to zero array or to latest git state'
program.command('parseNote <note>').action(async (noteString) => {
const parse = parseNote(noteString);