89367a8b43Estimate gas to check possibly revert of invalid transaction that relayer don't spend gas accidentally
Theo2023-10-27 23:04:10 -07:00
8ebcfe6b55Change software version after fixing withdrawal bug that leads to revert if recipient is specific contractTheo2023-10-17 06:54:33 -07:00
1e99a136ccAdd protection from abusing relayers (force spending fee for reverted tx): fail if address is invalid or smart-contract (not EOA)Theo2023-10-16 16:49:56 -07:00
52473197eaAdd protection from abusing relayers (force spending fee for reverted tx): fail if address is invalid or smart-contract (not EOA)
Theo2023-10-16 16:40:03 -07:00
8a7bb849cfAdd protection from abusing relayers (force spending fee for reverted tx): fail if address is invalid or smart-contract (not EOA)Theo2023-10-16 16:37:49 -07:00
45a01cf8e6Update script, docker bundler and instructions for Nova
Theo2023-10-11 03:13:44 -07:00
490c482a0eUpdate script, docker bundler and instructions for Nova
Theo2023-10-11 02:00:03 -07:00
77f4c37078Update software version to be listed in Nova UI without changes in UI code
Theo2023-10-07 08:10:09 -07:00
de05a8b64bUpdate repository link (name changed, because classic-relayer repo merged with nova-relayer)
Theo2023-10-07 07:30:40 -07:00
91ccc7c2adAdd Nova relayer server to docker-compose bundleTheo2023-10-07 07:02:07 -07:00
108c46bcf5Change default RPC links to uncensoredTheo2023-10-07 06:57:00 -07:00
01a66ec6e3Update Nova software versionTheo2023-10-07 06:42:05 -07:00
232fc0030cChange default parameters in example .env file to actualTheo2023-10-07 06:41:04 -07:00
c338f27819Add Nova relayer installation to script and instructions about Nova to READMETheo2023-10-07 05:59:54 -07:00
0a8f252d9dUpdate readme instructions to copy .env for local docker deploymentTheo2023-10-07 04:47:15 -07:00
178fadcc33Build docker image locally from source & update readme for deployment with dockerTheo2023-09-25 00:05:24 -07:00
9532c3558cUpdate deprecated dependencies & resolve via self-hosted registryTheo2023-09-24 23:44:41 -07:00
fceb0def51Use dependecies from self-hosted Gitea registry & bump node to 16
Theo2023-09-19 00:03:13 -07:00
a2f7adce52Update dependencies & bump required node version to 16Theo2023-09-14 09:43:36 -07:00
03c71f28bbUpgrade dependecies to self-hosted versions & bump node to 16Theo2023-09-18 22:50:24 -07:00
cb1212d793Resolve all Tornado dependencies via self-hosted registry on GiteaTheo2023-09-18 08:54:05 -07:00
1435457e67Add concurrently to allow run local relayer on Windows & start redis in docker before running relayer softwareTheo2023-07-12 10:36:16 -07:00
e60b4a12e5Change default withdraw fee to 0.4% on mainnetTheo2023-07-12 10:14:05 -07:00
3b6289bf2cPrepare main repository for v4 multiple network relayer deploymentTheo2023-07-12 10:08:11 -07:00
6adeb27b83Change .env name for mainnetTheo2023-07-11 18:51:57 -07:00
d69a17073aFix relayer balance checking: need to get relayer locked balance in relayer registry contract, not TORN token balance on relayer walletTheo2023-07-10 07:11:10 -07:00
26fdb54fb0Use BigNumber for balance calculation to avoid overflows or incorrect stringificationTheo2023-07-10 07:09:55 -07:00
1f549c799cUpdate ABI generation and add missing Optimism L1 gas oracle contract ABITheo2023-07-10 06:26:27 -07:00
0fe61d572fAdd concurrently for correct local deployment & bump tsyringe for typesTheo2023-07-09 19:48:46 -07:00
0c33fcd54dFix software versions comparison, now, if version higher than latest on git, no error thrownTheo2023-07-09 19:40:08 -07:00
8527be370cChange RPC to non-censoringTheo2023-07-09 19:36:45 -07:00
fb80cd1904Change minimum staked TORN balance for relayer to 500 TORN corresponding to Proposal #16 resultsTheo2023-07-09 13:54:51 -07:00
fd59706ea1Change minimum relayer balances: specify unique value for each chainTheo2023-07-09 13:51:15 -07:00
bc6778bda2Bump node in docker-container & add all .env files, except example, to gitignoreTheo2023-07-03 12:49:35 -07:00
64ccb5d4d0Correctly estimate withdrawal gas feeTheo2023-07-02 17:59:48 -07:00
b2ae3d3399Change default oracle RPC from censored and change minimum required relayer balance for sidechains: 10 MATIC/AVAX or 0.1 ETH/BNBTheo2023-07-02 17:58:44 -07:00
9b14e3ed89Bump gas-price-oracle to correct gas estimation & add 'concurrently' and change 'start' command, because if run server without concurrently, worker and healthWatcher wont be startedTheo2023-07-02 17:52:39 -07:00