const { redisClient } = require('./redis') const config = require('../config') const { toBN, toHex, toWei, BN, fromWei } = require('web3-utils') class Sender { constructor(web3) { this.web3 = web3 this.watherInterval = config.watherInterval this.pendingTxTimeout = config.pendingTxTimeout this.gasBumpPercentage = 100 + Number(config.gasBumpPercentage) this.watcher() } async watcher() { try { const networkNonce = await this.web3.eth.getTransactionCount(this.web3.eth.defaultAccount) let tx = await redisClient.get('tx:' + networkNonce) if (tx) { tx = JSON.parse(tx) if ( - > this.pendingTxTimeout) { const newGasPrice = toBN(tx.gasPrice).mul(toBN(this.gasBumpPercentage)).div(toBN(100)) const maxGasPrice = toBN(toWei(config.maxGasPrice.toString(), 'Gwei')) tx.gasPrice = toHex(BN.min(newGasPrice, maxGasPrice)) = await redisClient.set('tx:' + tx.nonce, JSON.stringify(tx)) console.log('resubmitting with gas price', fromWei(tx.gasPrice.toString(), 'gwei'), ' gwei') this.sendTx(tx, null, 9999) } } } catch (e) { console.error('watcher error:', e) } finally { setTimeout(() => this.watcher(), this.watherInterval) } } async sendTx(tx, done, retryAttempt = 1) { let signedTx = await this.web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, config.privateKey) let result = this.web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction) result .once('transactionHash', (txHash) => { console.log(`A new successfully sent tx ${txHash}`) if (done) { done(null, { status: 200, msg: { txHash } }) } }) .on('error', async (e) => { console.log(`Error for tx with nonce ${tx.nonce}\n${e.message}`) if ( e.message === 'Returned error: Transaction gas price supplied is too low. There is another transaction with same nonce in the queue. Try increasing the gas price or incrementing the nonce.' || e.message === 'Returned error: Transaction nonce is too low. Try incrementing the nonce.' || e.message === 'Returned error: nonce too low' || e.message === 'Returned error: replacement transaction underpriced' ) { console.log('nonce too low, retrying') if (retryAttempt <= 10) { retryAttempt++ const newNonce = tx.nonce + 1 tx.nonce = newNonce await redisClient.set('nonce', newNonce) await redisClient.set('tx:' + newNonce, JSON.stringify(tx)) this.sendTx(tx, done, retryAttempt) return } } if (done) { done(null, { status: 400, msg: { error: 'Internal Relayer Error. Please use a different relayer service' } }) } }) } } module.exports = Sender