164 lines
6.6 KiB
164 lines
6.6 KiB
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import program from "commander";
// Global Options:
program.option("--rpc <rpc>", "Rpc");
// GetTxCount Options:
program.option("--startNum <startNum>", "start num")
program.option("--endNum <endNum>", "end num")
program.option("--miner <miner>", "miner", "")
// GetVersion Options:
program.option("--num <Num>", "validator num", 21)
// GetTopAddr Options:
program.option("--topNum <Num>", "top num of address to be displayed", 20)
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(program.rpc)
function printUsage() {
console.log(" node getchainstatus.js --help");
console.log(" node getchainstatus.js [subcommand] [options]");
console.log(" GetTxCount: find the block with max tx size of a range");
console.log(" GetVersion: dump validators' binary version, based on Header.Extra");
console.log(" GetTopAddr: get hottest $topNum target address within a block range");
console.log(" --rpc specify the url of RPC endpoint");
console.log(" --startNum the start block number, for command GetTxCount");
console.log(" --endNum the end block number, for command GetTxCount");
console.log(" --miner the miner address, for command GetTxCount");
console.log(" --num the number of blocks to be checked, for command GetVersion");
console.log(" --topNum the topNum of blocks to be checked, for command GetVersion");
// mainnet https://bsc-mainnet.nodereal.io/v1/454e504917db4f82b756bd0cf6317dce
console.log(" node getchainstatus.js GetTxCount --rpc https://bsc-testnet-dataseed.bnbchain.org --startNum 40000001 --endNum 40000005")
console.log(" node getchainstatus.js GetVersion --rpc https://bsc-testnet-dataseed.bnbchain.org --num 21")
console.log(" node getchainstatus.js GetTopAddr --rpc https://bsc-testnet-dataseed.bnbchain.org --startNum 40000001 --endNum 40000010 --topNum 10")
// 1.cmd: "GetTxCount", usage:
// node getchainstatus.js GetTxCount --rpc https://bsc-testnet-dataseed.bnbchain.org \
// --startNum 40000001 --endNum 40000005 \
// --miner(optional): specified: find the max txCounter from the specified validator,
// not specified: find the max txCounter from all validators
async function getTxCount() {
let txCount = 0;
let num = 0;
console.log("Find the max txs count between", program.startNum, "and", program.endNum);
for (let i = program.startNum; i < program.endNum; i++) {
if (program.miner !== "") {
let blockData = await provider.getBlock(Number(i))
if (program.miner !== blockData.miner) {
let x = await provider.send("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber", [
let a = ethers.toNumber(x)
if (a > txCount) {
num = i;
txCount = a;
console.log("BlockNum = ", num, "TxCount =", txCount);
// 2.cmd: "GetVersion", usage:
// node getchainstatus.js GetVersion \
// --rpc https://bsc-testnet-dataseed.bnbchain.org \
// --num(optional): defualt 21, the number of blocks that will be checked
async function getBinaryVersion() {
const blockNum = await provider.getBlockNumber();
for (let i = 0; i < program.num; i++) {
let blockData = await provider.getBlock(blockNum - i);
// 1.get Geth client version
let major = ethers.toNumber(ethers.dataSlice(blockData.extraData, 2, 3))
let minor = ethers.toNumber(ethers.dataSlice(blockData.extraData, 3, 4))
let patch = ethers.toNumber(ethers.dataSlice(blockData.extraData, 4, 5))
// 2.get minimum txGasPrice based on the last non-zero-gasprice transaction
let lastGasPrice = 0
for (let txIndex = blockData.transactions.length - 1; txIndex >= 0; txIndex--) {
let txHash = blockData.transactions[txIndex]
let txData = await provider.getTransaction(txHash);
if (txData.gasPrice == 0) {
lastGasPrice = txData.gasPrice
console.log(blockData.miner, "version =", major + "." + minor + "." + patch, " MinGasPrice = " + lastGasPrice)
// 3.cmd: "GetTopAddr", usage:
// node getchainstatus.js GetTopAddr \
// --rpc https://bsc-testnet-dataseed.bnbchain.org \
// --startNum 40000001 --endNum 40000005 \
// --topNum(optional): the top num of address to be displayed, default 20
function getTopKElements(map, k) {
let entries = Array.from(map.entries());
entries.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
return entries.slice(0, k);
async function getTopAddr() {
let countMap = new Map();
let totalTxs = 0
console.log("Find the top target address, between", program.startNum, "and", program.endNum);
for (let i = program.startNum; i <= program.endNum; i++) {
let blockData = await provider.getBlock(Number(i), true)
totalTxs += blockData.transactions.length
for (let txIndex = blockData.transactions.length - 1; txIndex >= 0; txIndex--) {
let txData = await blockData.getTransaction(txIndex)
if (txData.to == null) {
console.log("Contract creation,txHash:", txData.hash)
let toAddr = txData.to;
if (countMap.has(toAddr)) {
countMap.set(toAddr, countMap.get(toAddr) + 1);
} else {
countMap.set(toAddr, 1);
console.log("progress:", (program.endNum-i), "blocks left", "totalTxs", totalTxs)
let tops = getTopKElements(countMap, program.topNum)
tops.forEach((value, key) => {
// value: [ '0x40661F989826CC641Ce1601526Bb16a4221412c8', 71 ]
console.log(key+":", value[0], " ", value[1], " ", ((value[1]*100)/totalTxs).toFixed(2)+"%");
const main = async () => {
if (process.argv.length <= 2) {
console.error('invalid process.argv.length', process.argv.length);
const cmd = process.argv[2]
if (cmd === "--help") {
if (cmd === "GetTxCount") {
await getTxCount()
} else if (cmd === "GetVersion") {
await getBinaryVersion()
} else if (cmd === "GetTopAddr") {
await getTopAddr()
} else {
console.log("unsupported cmd", cmd);
main().then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {