2021-10-18 13:16:32 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
workspace = $( cd ` dirname $0 ` ; pwd ) /..
function prepare( ) {
if ! [ [ -f /usr/local/bin/geth ] ] ; then
echo "geth do not exist!"
exit 1
rm -rf ${ workspace } /storage/*
cd ${ workspace } /genesis
rm -rf validators.conf
function init_validator( ) {
node_id = $1
mkdir -p ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id }
geth --datadir ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } account new --password /dev/null > ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } Info
validatorAddr = ` cat ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } Info| grep 'Public address of the key' | awk '{print $6}' `
echo " ${ validatorAddr } , ${ validatorAddr } , ${ validatorAddr } ,0x0000000010000000 " >> ${ workspace } /genesis/validators.conf
echo ${ validatorAddr } > ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /address
function generate_genesis( ) {
INIT_HOLDER_ADDRESSES = $( ls ${ workspace } /init-holders | tr '\n' ',' )
sed " s/{{INIT_HOLDER_ADDRESSES}}/ ${ INIT_HOLDER_ADDRESSES } /g " ${ workspace } /genesis/init_holders.template | sed " s/{{INIT_HOLDER_BALANCE}}/ ${ INIT_HOLDER_BALANCE } /g " > ${ workspace } /genesis/init_holders.js
node generate-validator.js
chainIDHex = $( printf '%04x\n' ${ BSC_CHAIN_ID } )
node generate-genesis.js --chainid ${ BSC_CHAIN_ID } --bscChainId ${ chainIDHex }
function init_genesis_data( ) {
node_type = $1
node_id = $2
geth --datadir ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } init ${ workspace } /genesis/genesis.json
cp ${ workspace } /config/config-${ node_type } .toml ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /config.toml
sed -i -e " s/{{NetworkId}}/ ${ BSC_CHAIN_ID } /g " ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /config.toml
if [ " ${ node_id } " = = "bsc-rpc" ] ; then
cp ${ workspace } /init-holders/* ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /keystore
cp ${ workspace } /genesis/genesis.json ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id }
2023-04-10 13:36:45 +03:00
function prepareBLSWallet( ) {
node_id = $1
echo "123456" > ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /blspassword.txt
expect ${ workspace } /scripts/create_bls_key.sh ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id }
sed -i -e 's/DataDir/BLSPasswordFile = \"{{BLSPasswordFile}}\"\nBLSWalletDir = \"{{BLSWalletDir}}\"\nDataDir/g' ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /config.toml
PassWordPath = "/root/.ethereum/blspassword.txt"
sed -i -e " s:{{BLSPasswordFile}}: ${ PassWordPath } :g " ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /config.toml
WalletPath = "/root/.ethereum/bls/wallet"
sed -i -e " s:{{BLSWalletDir}}: ${ WalletPath } :g " ${ workspace } /storage/${ node_id } /config.toml
2021-10-18 13:16:32 +03:00
2023-04-10 13:36:45 +03:00
# Step 1, generate config for each validator
2021-10-18 13:16:32 +03:00
for ( ( i = 1; i<= ${ NUMS_OF_VALIDATOR } ; i++) ) ; do
init_validator " bsc-validator ${ i } "
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# Step 2, use validator configs to generate genesis file
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2023-04-10 13:36:45 +03:00
# Step 3, use genesis file to init cluster data
2021-10-18 13:16:32 +03:00
init_genesis_data bsc-rpc bsc-rpc
for ( ( i = 1; i<= ${ NUMS_OF_VALIDATOR } ; i++) ) ; do
init_genesis_data validator " bsc-validator ${ i } "
2023-04-10 13:36:45 +03:00
#Step 4, prepare bls wallet, used by fast finality vote
prepareBLSWallet bsc-rpc
for ( ( i = 1; i<= ${ NUMS_OF_VALIDATOR } ; i++) ) ; do
prepareBLSWallet " bsc-validator ${ i } "