* dep: upgrade secp256k1 to use btcec/v2 v2.3.2 and update insecurity pkg
* build ci: upgrade go to 1.19 and golangci-lint to 1.50.1
* docs: fix format that does not follow the goimports
* dep: redirect github.com/bnb-chain/tendermint to v0.31.13
* ci: disable GOPROXY
When new block is imported, there is no need to commit the current
work, even the new imported block is offturn and itself is inturn.
That is because when offturn block is received, the inturn block is
already later to broadcast block, deliver the later block will cause
many reorg, which is not reasonable.
And also make sure all useless work can be discarded, to avoid goroutine leak.
Currently, validator only try once to get transactions from TxPool to produce the block.
However, new transactions could arrive while the validator is committing transaction.
Validator should be allowed to add these new arrived transactions as long as
Header.Timestamp is not reached
This commit will:
** commitTransactions return with error code
** drop current mining block on new block imported
** try fillTransactions several times for the best
not use append mode to follow the GasPrice rule.
** check if there is enough time for another fillTransactions.
Right now, DelayLeftOver is used to reserve time for block finalize, not block
broadcast. And the code does not work as expected.
The general block generation could be described as:
|- fillTransactions -|- finalize a block -|- wait until the period(3s) reached -|- broadcast -|