* dep: upgrade secp256k1 to use btcec/v2 v2.3.2 and update insecurity pkg
* build ci: upgrade go to 1.19 and golangci-lint to 1.50.1
* docs: fix format that does not follow the goimports
* dep: redirect github.com/bnb-chain/tendermint to v0.31.13
* ci: disable GOPROXY
* build: use golangci-lint
This changes build/ci.go to download and run golangci-lint instead
of gometalinter.
* core/state: fix unnecessary conversion
* p2p/simulations: fix lock copying (found by go vet)
* signer/core: fix unnecessary conversions
* crypto/ecies: remove unused function cmpPublic
* core/rawdb: remove unused function print
* core/state: remove unused function xTestFuzzCutter
* core/vm: disable TestWriteExpectedValues in a different way
* core/forkid: remove unused function checksum
* les: remove unused type proofsData
* cmd/utils: remove unused functions prefixedNames, prefixFor
* crypto/bn256: run goimports
* p2p/nat: fix goimports lint issue
* cmd/clef: avoid using unkeyed struct fields
* les: cancel context in testRequest
* rlp: delete unreachable code
* core: gofmt
* internal/build: simplify DownloadFile for Go 1.11 compatibility
* build: remove go test --short flag
* .travis.yml: disable build cache
* whisper/whisperv6: fix ineffectual assignment in TestWhisperIdentityManagement
* .golangci.yml: enable goconst and ineffassign linters
* build: print message when there are no lint issues
* internal/build: refactor download a bit