* dep: upgrade secp256k1 to use btcec/v2 v2.3.2 and update insecurity pkg
* build ci: upgrade go to 1.19 and golangci-lint to 1.50.1
* docs: fix format that does not follow the goimports
* dep: redirect github.com/bnb-chain/tendermint to v0.31.13
* ci: disable GOPROXY
* trie: fix error in stacktrie not committing small roots
* fuzzers: make trie-fuzzer use correct returnvalues
* trie: improved tests
* tests/fuzzers: fuzzer for stacktrie vs regular trie
* test/fuzzers: make stacktrie fuzzer use 32-byte keys
* trie: fix error in stacktrie with small nodes
* trie: add (skipped) testcase for stacktrie
* tests/fuzzers: address review comments for stacktrie fuzzer
* trie: fix docs in stacktrie