meowsbits 3ec6fe6101
tests: fix state test error checking (#25702)
Some tests define an 'expectException' error but the tests runner does not check for conditions where this test value is filled (error expected) but in which no error is returned by the test runner.

An example of this scenario is GeneralStateTests/stTransactionTest/HighGasPrice.json, which expects a 'TR_NoFunds' error, but the test runner does not return any error.

Signed-off-by: meows <>
2022-09-26 16:00:56 +02:00

412 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package tests
import (
// StateTest checks transaction processing without block context.
// See for the test format specification.
type StateTest struct {
json stJSON
// StateSubtest selects a specific configuration of a General State Test.
type StateSubtest struct {
Fork string
Index int
func (t *StateTest) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error {
return json.Unmarshal(in, &t.json)
type stJSON struct {
Env stEnv `json:"env"`
Pre core.GenesisAlloc `json:"pre"`
Tx stTransaction `json:"transaction"`
Out hexutil.Bytes `json:"out"`
Post map[string][]stPostState `json:"post"`
type stPostState struct {
Root common.UnprefixedHash `json:"hash"`
Logs common.UnprefixedHash `json:"logs"`
TxBytes hexutil.Bytes `json:"txbytes"`
ExpectException string `json:"expectException"`
Indexes struct {
Data int `json:"data"`
Gas int `json:"gas"`
Value int `json:"value"`
//go:generate go run -type stEnv -field-override stEnvMarshaling -out gen_stenv.go
type stEnv struct {
Coinbase common.Address `json:"currentCoinbase" gencodec:"required"`
Difficulty *big.Int `json:"currentDifficulty" gencodec:"optional"`
Random *big.Int `json:"currentRandom" gencodec:"optional"`
GasLimit uint64 `json:"currentGasLimit" gencodec:"required"`
Number uint64 `json:"currentNumber" gencodec:"required"`
Timestamp uint64 `json:"currentTimestamp" gencodec:"required"`
BaseFee *big.Int `json:"currentBaseFee" gencodec:"optional"`
type stEnvMarshaling struct {
Coinbase common.UnprefixedAddress
Difficulty *math.HexOrDecimal256
Random *math.HexOrDecimal256
GasLimit math.HexOrDecimal64
Number math.HexOrDecimal64
Timestamp math.HexOrDecimal64
BaseFee *math.HexOrDecimal256
//go:generate go run -type stTransaction -field-override stTransactionMarshaling -out gen_sttransaction.go
type stTransaction struct {
GasPrice *big.Int `json:"gasPrice"`
MaxFeePerGas *big.Int `json:"maxFeePerGas"`
MaxPriorityFeePerGas *big.Int `json:"maxPriorityFeePerGas"`
Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"`
To string `json:"to"`
Data []string `json:"data"`
AccessLists []*types.AccessList `json:"accessLists,omitempty"`
GasLimit []uint64 `json:"gasLimit"`
Value []string `json:"value"`
PrivateKey []byte `json:"secretKey"`
type stTransactionMarshaling struct {
GasPrice *math.HexOrDecimal256
MaxFeePerGas *math.HexOrDecimal256
MaxPriorityFeePerGas *math.HexOrDecimal256
Nonce math.HexOrDecimal64
GasLimit []math.HexOrDecimal64
PrivateKey hexutil.Bytes
// GetChainConfig takes a fork definition and returns a chain config.
// The fork definition can be
// - a plain forkname, e.g. `Byzantium`,
// - a fork basename, and a list of EIPs to enable; e.g. `Byzantium+1884+1283`.
func GetChainConfig(forkString string) (baseConfig *params.ChainConfig, eips []int, err error) {
var (
splitForks = strings.Split(forkString, "+")
ok bool
baseName, eipsStrings = splitForks[0], splitForks[1:]
if baseConfig, ok = Forks[baseName]; !ok {
return nil, nil, UnsupportedForkError{baseName}
for _, eip := range eipsStrings {
if eipNum, err := strconv.Atoi(eip); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("syntax error, invalid eip number %v", eipNum)
} else {
if !vm.ValidEip(eipNum) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("syntax error, invalid eip number %v", eipNum)
eips = append(eips, eipNum)
return baseConfig, eips, nil
// Subtests returns all valid subtests of the test.
func (t *StateTest) Subtests() []StateSubtest {
var sub []StateSubtest
for fork, pss := range t.json.Post {
for i := range pss {
sub = append(sub, StateSubtest{fork, i})
return sub
// checkError checks if the error returned by the state transition matches any expected error.
// A failing expectation returns a wrapped version of the original error, if any,
// or a new error detailing the failing expectation.
// This function does not return or modify the original error, it only evaluates and returns expectations for the error.
func (t *StateTest) checkError(subtest StateSubtest, err error) error {
expectedError := t.json.Post[subtest.Fork][subtest.Index].ExpectException
if err == nil && expectedError == "" {
return nil
if err == nil && expectedError != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("expected error %q, got no error", expectedError)
if err != nil && expectedError == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %w", err)
if err != nil && expectedError != "" {
// Ignore expected errors (TODO MariusVanDerWijden check error string)
return nil
return nil
// Run executes a specific subtest and verifies the post-state and logs
func (t *StateTest) Run(subtest StateSubtest, vmconfig vm.Config, snapshotter bool) (*snapshot.Tree, *state.StateDB, error) {
snaps, statedb, root, err := t.RunNoVerify(subtest, vmconfig, snapshotter)
if checkedErr := t.checkError(subtest, err); checkedErr != nil {
return snaps, statedb, checkedErr
// The error has been checked; if it was unexpected, it's already returned.
if err != nil {
// Here, an error exists but it was expected.
// We do not check the post state or logs.
return snaps, statedb, nil
post := t.json.Post[subtest.Fork][subtest.Index]
// N.B: We need to do this in a two-step process, because the first Commit takes care
// of suicides, and we need to touch the coinbase _after_ it has potentially suicided.
if root != common.Hash(post.Root) {
return snaps, statedb, fmt.Errorf("post state root mismatch: got %x, want %x", root, post.Root)
if logs := rlpHash(statedb.Logs()); logs != common.Hash(post.Logs) {
return snaps, statedb, fmt.Errorf("post state logs hash mismatch: got %x, want %x", logs, post.Logs)
return snaps, statedb, nil
// RunNoVerify runs a specific subtest and returns the statedb and post-state root
func (t *StateTest) RunNoVerify(subtest StateSubtest, vmconfig vm.Config, snapshotter bool) (*snapshot.Tree, *state.StateDB, common.Hash, error) {
config, eips, err := GetChainConfig(subtest.Fork)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, common.Hash{}, UnsupportedForkError{subtest.Fork}
vmconfig.ExtraEips = eips
block := t.genesis(config).ToBlock()
snaps, statedb := MakePreState(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase(), t.json.Pre, snapshotter)
var baseFee *big.Int
if config.IsLondon(new(big.Int)) {
baseFee = t.json.Env.BaseFee
if baseFee == nil {
// Retesteth uses `0x10` for genesis baseFee. Therefore, it defaults to
// parent - 2 : 0xa as the basefee for 'this' context.
baseFee = big.NewInt(0x0a)
post := t.json.Post[subtest.Fork][subtest.Index]
msg, err := t.json.Tx.toMessage(post, baseFee)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, common.Hash{}, err
// Try to recover tx with current signer
if len(post.TxBytes) != 0 {
var ttx types.Transaction
err := ttx.UnmarshalBinary(post.TxBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, common.Hash{}, err
if _, err := types.Sender(types.LatestSigner(config), &ttx); err != nil {
return nil, nil, common.Hash{}, err
// Prepare the EVM.
txContext := core.NewEVMTxContext(msg)
context := core.NewEVMBlockContext(block.Header(), nil, &t.json.Env.Coinbase)
context.GetHash = vmTestBlockHash
context.BaseFee = baseFee
context.Random = nil
if config.IsLondon(new(big.Int)) && t.json.Env.Random != nil {
rnd := common.BigToHash(t.json.Env.Random)
context.Random = &rnd
context.Difficulty = big.NewInt(0)
evm := vm.NewEVM(context, txContext, statedb, config, vmconfig)
// Execute the message.
snapshot := statedb.Snapshot()
gaspool := new(core.GasPool)
_, err = core.ApplyMessage(evm, msg, gaspool)
if err != nil {
// Add 0-value mining reward. This only makes a difference in the cases
// where
// - the coinbase suicided, or
// - there are only 'bad' transactions, which aren't executed. In those cases,
// the coinbase gets no txfee, so isn't created, and thus needs to be touched
statedb.AddBalance(block.Coinbase(), new(big.Int))
// Commit block
// And _now_ get the state root
root := statedb.IntermediateRoot(config.IsEIP158(block.Number()))
return snaps, statedb, root, err
func (t *StateTest) gasLimit(subtest StateSubtest) uint64 {
return t.json.Tx.GasLimit[t.json.Post[subtest.Fork][subtest.Index].Indexes.Gas]
func MakePreState(db ethdb.Database, accounts core.GenesisAlloc, snapshotter bool) (*snapshot.Tree, *state.StateDB) {
sdb := state.NewDatabase(db)
statedb, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, sdb, nil)
for addr, a := range accounts {
statedb.SetCode(addr, a.Code)
statedb.SetNonce(addr, a.Nonce)
statedb.SetBalance(addr, a.Balance)
for k, v := range a.Storage {
statedb.SetState(addr, k, v)
// Commit and re-open to start with a clean state.
root, _ := statedb.Commit(false)
var snaps *snapshot.Tree
if snapshotter {
snapconfig := snapshot.Config{
CacheSize: 1,
Recovery: false,
NoBuild: false,
AsyncBuild: false,
snaps, _ = snapshot.New(snapconfig, db, sdb.TrieDB(), root)
statedb, _ = state.New(root, sdb, snaps)
return snaps, statedb
func (t *StateTest) genesis(config *params.ChainConfig) *core.Genesis {
genesis := &core.Genesis{
Config: config,
Coinbase: t.json.Env.Coinbase,
Difficulty: t.json.Env.Difficulty,
GasLimit: t.json.Env.GasLimit,
Number: t.json.Env.Number,
Timestamp: t.json.Env.Timestamp,
Alloc: t.json.Pre,
if t.json.Env.Random != nil {
// Post-Merge
genesis.Mixhash = common.BigToHash(t.json.Env.Random)
genesis.Difficulty = big.NewInt(0)
return genesis
func (tx *stTransaction) toMessage(ps stPostState, baseFee *big.Int) (core.Message, error) {
// Derive sender from private key if present.
var from common.Address
if len(tx.PrivateKey) > 0 {
key, err := crypto.ToECDSA(tx.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid private key: %v", err)
from = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key.PublicKey)
// Parse recipient if present.
var to *common.Address
if tx.To != "" {
to = new(common.Address)
if err := to.UnmarshalText([]byte(tx.To)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid to address: %v", err)
// Get values specific to this post state.
if ps.Indexes.Data > len(tx.Data) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tx data index %d out of bounds", ps.Indexes.Data)
if ps.Indexes.Value > len(tx.Value) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tx value index %d out of bounds", ps.Indexes.Value)
if ps.Indexes.Gas > len(tx.GasLimit) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tx gas limit index %d out of bounds", ps.Indexes.Gas)
dataHex := tx.Data[ps.Indexes.Data]
valueHex := tx.Value[ps.Indexes.Value]
gasLimit := tx.GasLimit[ps.Indexes.Gas]
// Value, Data hex encoding is messy:
value := new(big.Int)
if valueHex != "0x" {
v, ok := math.ParseBig256(valueHex)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tx value %q", valueHex)
value = v
data, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.TrimPrefix(dataHex, "0x"))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tx data %q", dataHex)
var accessList types.AccessList
if tx.AccessLists != nil && tx.AccessLists[ps.Indexes.Data] != nil {
accessList = *tx.AccessLists[ps.Indexes.Data]
// If baseFee provided, set gasPrice to effectiveGasPrice.
gasPrice := tx.GasPrice
if baseFee != nil {
if tx.MaxFeePerGas == nil {
tx.MaxFeePerGas = gasPrice
if tx.MaxFeePerGas == nil {
tx.MaxFeePerGas = new(big.Int)
if tx.MaxPriorityFeePerGas == nil {
tx.MaxPriorityFeePerGas = tx.MaxFeePerGas
gasPrice = math.BigMin(new(big.Int).Add(tx.MaxPriorityFeePerGas, baseFee),
if gasPrice == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no gas price provided")
msg := types.NewMessage(from, to, tx.Nonce, value, gasLimit, gasPrice,
tx.MaxFeePerGas, tx.MaxPriorityFeePerGas, data, accessList, false)
return msg, nil
func rlpHash(x interface{}) (h common.Hash) {
hw := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
rlp.Encode(hw, x)
return h
func vmTestBlockHash(n uint64) common.Hash {
return common.BytesToHash(crypto.Keccak256([]byte(big.NewInt(int64(n)).String())))