* focus on performance improvement in many aspects. 1. Do BlockBody verification concurrently; 2. Do calculation of intermediate root concurrently; 3. Preload accounts before processing blocks; 4. Make the snapshot layers configurable. 5. Reuse some object to reduce GC. add * rlp: improve decoder stream implementation (#22858) This commit makes various cleanup changes to rlp.Stream. * rlp: shrink Stream struct This removes a lot of unused padding space in Stream by reordering the fields. The size of Stream changes from 120 bytes to 88 bytes. Stream instances are internally cached and reused using sync.Pool, so this does not improve performance. * rlp: simplify list stack The list stack kept track of the size of the current list context as well as the current offset into it. The size had to be stored in the stack in order to subtract it from the remaining bytes of any enclosing list in ListEnd. It seems that this can be implemented in a simpler way: just subtract the size from the enclosing list context in List instead. * rlp: use atomic.Value for type cache (#22902) All encoding/decoding operations read the type cache to find the writer/decoder function responsible for a type. When analyzing CPU profiles of geth during sync, I found that the use of sync.RWMutex in cache lookups appears in the profiles. It seems we are running into CPU cache contention problems when package rlp is heavily used on all CPU cores during sync. This change makes it use atomic.Value + a writer lock instead of sync.RWMutex. In the common case where the typeinfo entry is present in the cache, we simply fetch the map and lookup the type. * rlp: optimize byte array handling (#22924) This change improves the performance of encoding/decoding [N]byte. name old time/op new time/op delta DecodeByteArrayStruct-8 336ns ± 0% 246ns ± 0% -26.98% (p=0.000 n=9+10) EncodeByteArrayStruct-8 225ns ± 1% 148ns ± 1% -34.12% (p=0.000 n=10+10) name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta DecodeByteArrayStruct-8 120B ± 0% 48B ± 0% -60.00% (p=0.000 n=10+10) EncodeByteArrayStruct-8 0.00B 0.00B ~ (all equal) * rlp: optimize big.Int decoding for size <= 32 bytes (#22927) This change grows the static integer buffer in Stream to 32 bytes, making it possible to decode 256bit integers without allocating a temporary buffer. In the recent commit 088da24, Stream struct size decreased from 120 bytes down to 88 bytes. This commit grows the struct to 112 bytes again, but the size change will not degrade performance because Stream instances are internally cached in sync.Pool. name old time/op new time/op delta DecodeBigInts-8 12.2µs ± 0% 8.6µs ± 4% -29.58% (p=0.000 n=9+10) name old speed new speed delta DecodeBigInts-8 230MB/s ± 0% 326MB/s ± 4% +42.04% (p=0.000 n=9+10) * eth/protocols/eth, les: avoid Raw() when decoding HashOrNumber (#22841) Getting the raw value is not necessary to decode this type, and decoding it directly from the stream is faster. * fix testcase * debug no lazy * fix can not repair * address comments Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <fjl@twurst.com>
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