const fs = require('fs') const Web3 = require('web3') const Jszip = require('jszip') const networkConfig = require('./networkConfig') const ABI = require('./abis/Instance.abi.json') const EVENTS = ['Deposit', 'Withdrawal'] const CHAINS = [56] const jszip = new Jszip() async function download({ name, contentType }) { const path = `${name}.zip` const data = fs.readFileSync(path) const zip = await jszip.loadAsync(data) const file = zip.file( path .replace('./static/events/', '') .slice(0, -4) .toLowerCase() ) const content = await file.async(contentType) return content } async function loadCachedEvents({ type, amount, nativeCurrency, deployedBlock }) { try { const module = await download({ contentType: 'string', name: `./static/events/${type}s_${nativeCurrency}_${amount}.json` }) if (module) { const events = JSON.parse(module) return { events, lastBlock: events[events.length - 1].blockNumber } } } catch (err) { console.error(`Method loadCachedEvents has error: ${err.message}`) return { events: [], lastBlock: deployedBlock } } } async function main(type, netId) { const { tokens, nativeCurrency, deployedBlock } = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const CONTRACTS = tokens[nativeCurrency].instanceAddress for (const [instance, _contract] of Object.entries(CONTRACTS)) { const cachedEvents = await loadCachedEvents({ type, amount: instance, nativeCurrency, deployedBlock }) console.log('cachedEvents', let startBlock = cachedEvents.lastBlock + 1 console.log('startBlock', startBlock) const rpcUrl = netId === 1 ? networkConfig[`netId${netId}`].rpcUrls.Infura.url : networkConfig[`netId${netId}`].rpcUrls.publicRpc3.url const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpcUrl) const web3 = new Web3(provider) const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(ABI, _contract) let events = [] console.log(netId) if (netId === 56) { const blockRange = 4950 const currentBlockNumber = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() const blockDifference = Math.ceil(currentBlockNumber - startBlock) let numberParts = blockDifference === 0 ? 1 : Math.ceil(blockDifference / blockRange) const part = Math.ceil(blockDifference / numberParts) console.log('numberParts', numberParts) let events = [] let toBlock = startBlock + part if (startBlock < currentBlockNumber) { if (toBlock >= currentBlockNumber) { toBlock = 'latest' numberParts = 1 } for (let i = 0; i < numberParts; i++) { try { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200)) console.log({ startBlock, toBlock }) const partOfEvents = await contract.getPastEvents(type, { fromBlock: startBlock, toBlock }) if (partOfEvents) { events = events.concat(partOfEvents) console.log({ events: events.length }) } startBlock = toBlock toBlock += part } catch { numberParts = numberParts + 1 } } } console.log({ events }) } else { events = await contract.getPastEvents(type, { fromBlock: startBlock, toBlock: 'latest' }) } console.log('events', events.length) if (type === 'Deposit') { events ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => { const { commitment, leafIndex, timestamp } = returnValues return { blockNumber, transactionHash, commitment, leafIndex: Number(leafIndex), timestamp } }) } if (type === 'Withdrawal') { events ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => { const { nullifierHash, to, fee } = returnValues return { blockNumber, transactionHash, nullifierHash, to, fee } }) } const eventsJson = JSON.stringify(, null, 2) + '\n' fs.writeFileSync(`./static/events/${type.toLowerCase()}s_${nativeCurrency}_${instance}.json`, eventsJson) } } async function start() { for await (const chain of CHAINS) { for await (const event of EVENTS) { await main(event, chain) } } } start()