const fs = require('fs') const Jszip = require('jszip') const zipper = require('zip-local') const BloomFilter = require('bloomfilter.js') const jszip = new Jszip() const EVENTS = ['deposit'] const { MerkleTree } = require('fixed-merkle-tree') const { buildMimcSponge } = require('circomlibjs') const networkConfig = require('./networkConfig') const treesPath = './static/trees/' const eventsPath = './static/events/' let mimcHash const trees = { PARTS_COUNT: 4, LEVELS: 20 // const from contract } function getName({ path, type, instance, format = '.json', currName = 'eth' }) { return `${path}${type.toLowerCase()}s_${currName}_${instance}${format}` } const TREES_FOLDER = 'static/trees' function createTreeZip(netId) { try { const config = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const { instanceAddress: CONTRACTS } = config.tokens.eth for (const type of EVENTS) { for (const [instance] of Object.entries(CONTRACTS)) { const baseFilename = getName({ type, instance, format: '', path: treesPath, currName: config.currencyName.toLowerCase() }) const treesFolder = fs.readdirSync(TREES_FOLDER) treesFolder.forEach((fileName) => { fileName = `${treesPath}${fileName}` const isInstanceFile = !fileName.includes('.zip') && fileName.includes(baseFilename) if (isInstanceFile) { zipper.sync .zip(`${fileName}`) .compress() .save(`${fileName}.zip`) fs.unlinkSync(fileName) } }) } } } catch {} } async function createTree(netId) { try { const config = networkConfig[`netId${netId}`] const currName = config.currencyName.toLowerCase() const { instanceAddress: CONTRACTS } = config.tokens.eth for (const type of EVENTS) { for (const [instance] of Object.entries(CONTRACTS)) { const filePath = getName({ type, instance, currName, format: '', path: treesPath }) console.log('createTree', { type, instance }) const events = await loadCachedEvents({ type, amount: instance, currName }) console.log('events', events.length) const bloom = new BloomFilter(events.length) // to reduce the number of false positives const eventsData = events.reduce( (acc, { leafIndex, commitment, }, i) => { if (leafIndex !== i) { throw new Error('leafIndex !== i', i, leafIndex) } const leave = commitment.toString() acc.leaves.push(leave) acc.metadata[leave] = {, leafIndex } return acc }, { leaves: [], metadata: {} } ) console.log('leaves', eventsData.leaves.length) const tree = new MerkleTree(trees.LEVELS, eventsData.leaves, { zeroElement: '21663839004416932945382355908790599225266501822907911457504978515578255421292', hashFunction: mimcHash }) const slices = tree.getTreeSlices(trees.PARTS_COUNT) // [edge(PARTS_COUNT)] slices.forEach((slice, index) => { slice.metadata = slice.elements.reduce((acc, curr) => { if (index < trees.PARTS_COUNT - 1) { bloom.add(curr) } acc.push(eventsData.metadata[curr]) return acc }, []) const sliceJson = JSON.stringify(slice, null, 2) + '\n' fs.writeFileSync(`${filePath}_slice${index + 1}.json`, sliceJson) }) const bloomCache = bloom.serialize() fs.writeFileSync(`${filePath}_bloom.json`, bloomCache) } } } catch (e) { console.log(e.message) } } async function download({ name, contentType }) { const path = `${name}.zip` const data = fs.readFileSync(path) const zip = await jszip.loadAsync(data) const file = zip.file( path .replace(eventsPath, '') .slice(0, -4) .toLowerCase() ) const content = await file.async(contentType) return content } async function loadCachedEvents({ type, amount, currName = 'eth', path = '' }) { try { const module = await download({ contentType: 'string', name: path || getName({ path: eventsPath, type, instance: amount, currName }) }) if (module) { return JSON.parse(module) } } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Method loadCachedEvents has error: ${err.message}`) } } async function initMimc() { const mimcSponge = await buildMimcSponge() mimcHash = (left, right) => mimcSponge.F.toString(mimcSponge.multiHash([BigInt(left), BigInt(right)])) } async function main() { await initMimc() const NETWORKS = [1] for await (const netId of NETWORKS) { await createTree(netId) await createTreeZip(netId) } } main()