#!/usr/bin/env python """ git-arr: A git web html generator. """ from __future__ import print_function import math import optparse import os import re import sys try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import bottle import git import utils # Tell bottle where to find the views. # Note this assumes they live next to the executable, and that is not a good # assumption; but it's good enough for now. bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert( 0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/views/') # The path to our static files. # Note this assumes they live next to the executable, and that is not a good # assumption; but it's good enough for now. static_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/static/' # The list of repositories is a global variable for convenience. It will be # populated by load_config(). repos = {} def load_config(path): """Load the configuration from the given file. The "repos" global variable will be filled with the repositories as configured. """ defaults = { 'tree': 'yes', 'rootdiff': 'yes', 'desc': '', 'recursive': 'no', 'commits_in_summary': '10', 'commits_per_page': '50', 'max_pages': '250', 'web_url': '', 'web_url_file': 'web_url', 'git_url': '', 'git_url_file': 'cloneurl', 'embed_markdown': 'yes', 'embed_images': 'no', 'ignore': '', } config = configparser.SafeConfigParser(defaults) config.read(path) # Do a first pass for general sanity checking and recursive expansion. for s in config.sections(): if config.getboolean(s, 'recursive'): for path in os.listdir(config.get(s, 'path')): fullpath = find_git_dir(config.get(s, 'path') + '/' + path) if not fullpath: continue if os.path.exists(fullpath + '/disable_gitweb'): continue if config.has_section(path): continue config.add_section(path) for opt, value in config.items(s, raw = True): config.set(path, opt, value) config.set(path, 'path', fullpath) config.set(path, 'recursive', 'no') # This recursive section is no longer useful. config.remove_section(s) for s in config.sections(): if config.get(s, 'ignore') and re.search(config.get(s, 'ignore'), s): continue fullpath = find_git_dir(config.get(s, 'path')) if not fullpath: raise ValueError( '%s: path %s is not a valid git repository' % ( s, config.get(s, 'path'))) config.set(s, 'path', fullpath) config.set(s, 'name', s) desc = config.get(s, 'desc') if not desc and os.path.exists(fullpath + '/description'): desc = open(fullpath + '/description').read().strip() r = git.Repo(fullpath, name = s) r.info.desc = desc r.info.commits_in_summary = config.getint(s, 'commits_in_summary') r.info.commits_per_page = config.getint(s, 'commits_per_page') r.info.max_pages = config.getint(s, 'max_pages') if r.info.max_pages <= 0: r.info.max_pages = sys.maxint r.info.generate_tree = config.getboolean(s, 'tree') r.info.root_diff = config.getboolean(s, 'rootdiff') r.info.web_url = config.get(s, 'web_url') web_url_file = fullpath + '/' + config.get(s, 'web_url_file') if not r.info.web_url and os.path.isfile(web_url_file): r.info.web_url = open(web_url_file).read() r.info.git_url = config.get(s, 'git_url') git_url_file = fullpath + '/' + config.get(s, 'git_url_file') if not r.info.git_url and os.path.isfile(git_url_file): r.info.git_url = open(git_url_file).read() r.info.embed_markdown = config.getboolean(s, 'embed_markdown') r.info.embed_images = config.getboolean(s, 'embed_images') repos[r.name] = r def find_git_dir(path): """Returns the path to the git directory for the given repository. This function takes a path to a git repository, and returns the path to its git directory. If the repo is bare, it will be the same path; otherwise it will be path + '.git/'. An empty string is returned if the given path is not a valid repository. """ def check(p): """A dirty check for whether this is a git dir or not.""" # Note silent stderr because we expect this to fail and don't want the # noise; and also we strip the final \n from the output. return git.run_git(p, ['rev-parse', '--git-dir'], silent_stderr = True).read()[:-1] for p in [ path, path + '/.git' ]: if check(p): return p return '' def repo_filter(unused_conf): """Bottle route filter for repos.""" # TODO: consider allowing /, which is tricky. regexp = r'[\w\.~-]+' def to_python(s): """Return the corresponding Python object.""" if s in repos: return repos[s] bottle.abort(404, "Unknown repository") def to_url(r): """Return the corresponding URL string.""" return r.name return regexp, to_python, to_url app = bottle.Bottle() app.router.add_filter('repo', repo_filter) bottle.app.push(app) def with_utils(f): """Decorator to add the utilities to the return value. Used to wrap functions that return dictionaries which are then passed to templates. """ utilities = { 'shorten': utils.shorten, 'can_colorize': utils.can_colorize, 'colorize_diff': utils.colorize_diff, 'colorize_blob': utils.colorize_blob, 'can_markdown': utils.can_markdown, 'markdown_blob': utils.markdown_blob, 'can_embed_image': utils.can_embed_image, 'embed_image_blob': utils.embed_image_blob, 'is_binary': utils.is_binary, 'hexdump': utils.hexdump, 'abort': bottle.abort, 'smstr': git.smstr, } def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): """Wrapped function we will return.""" d = f(*args, **kwargs) d.update(utilities) return d wrapped.__name__ = f.__name__ wrapped.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return wrapped @bottle.route('/') @bottle.view('index') @with_utils def index(): return dict(repos = repos) @bottle.route('/r//') @bottle.view('summary') @with_utils def summary(repo): return dict(repo = repo) @bottle.route('/r//c//') @bottle.view('commit') @with_utils def commit(repo, cid): c = repo.commit(cid) if not c: bottle.abort(404, 'Commit not found') return dict(repo = repo, c=c) @bottle.route('/r//b//t/f=.html') @bottle.route('/r//b//t//f=.html') @bottle.view('blob') @with_utils def blob(repo, bname, fname, dirname = ''): if dirname and not dirname.endswith('/'): dirname = dirname + '/' dirname = git.smstr.from_url(dirname) fname = git.smstr.from_url(fname) path = dirname.raw + fname.raw content = repo.blob(path, bname) if content is None: bottle.abort(404, "File %r not found in branch %s" % (path, bname)) return dict(repo = repo, branch = bname, dirname = dirname, fname = fname, blob = content) @bottle.route('/r//b//t/') @bottle.route('/r//b//t//') @bottle.view('tree') @with_utils def tree(repo, bname, dirname = ''): if dirname and not dirname.endswith('/'): dirname = dirname + '/' dirname = git.smstr.from_url(dirname) return dict(repo = repo, branch = bname, tree = repo.tree(bname), dirname = dirname) @bottle.route('/r//b//') @bottle.route('/r//b//.html') @bottle.view('branch') @with_utils def branch(repo, bname, offset = 0): return dict(repo = repo, branch = bname, offset = offset) @bottle.route('/static/') def static(path): return bottle.static_file(path, root = static_path) # # Static HTML generation # def is_404(e): """True if e is an HTTPError with status 404, False otherwise.""" # We need this because older bottle.py versions put the status code in # e.status as an integer, and newer versions make that a string, and using # e.status_code for the code. if isinstance(e.status, int): return e.status == 404 else: return e.status_code == 404 def generate(output, only = None): """Generate static html to the output directory.""" def write_to(path, func_or_str, args = (), mtime = None): path = output + '/' + path dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) if mtime: path_mtime = 0 if os.path.exists(path): path_mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime # Make sure they're both float or int, to avoid failing # comparisons later on because of this. if isinstance(path_mtime, int): mtime = int(mtime) # If we were given mtime, we compare against it to see if we # should write the file or not. Compare with almost-equality # because otherwise floating point equality gets in the way, and # we rather write a bit more, than generate the wrong output. if abs(path_mtime - mtime) < 0.000001: return print(path) s = func_or_str(*args) else: # Otherwise, be lazy if we were given a function to run, or write # always if they gave us a string. if isinstance(func_or_str, (str, unicode)): print(path) s = func_or_str else: if os.path.exists(path): return print(path) s = func_or_str(*args) open(path, 'w').write(s.encode('utf8', errors = 'xmlcharrefreplace')) if mtime: os.utime(path, (mtime, mtime)) def link(from_path, to_path): from_path = output + '/' + from_path if os.path.lexists(from_path): return print(from_path, '->', to_path) os.symlink(to_path, from_path) def write_tree(r, bn, mtime): t = r.tree(bn) write_to('r/%s/b/%s/t/index.html' % (r.name, bn), tree, (r, bn), mtime) for otype, oname, _ in t.ls('', recursive = True): # FIXME: bottle cannot route paths with '\n' so those are sadly # expected to fail for now; we skip them. if '\n' in oname.raw: print('skipping file with \\n: %r' % (oname.raw)) continue if otype == 'blob': dirname = git.smstr(os.path.dirname(oname.raw)) fname = git.smstr(os.path.basename(oname.raw)) write_to( 'r/%s/b/%s/t/%s%sf=%s.html' % (str(r.name), str(bn), dirname.raw, '/' if dirname.raw else '', fname.raw), blob, (r, bn, fname.url, dirname.url), mtime) else: write_to('r/%s/b/%s/t/%s/index.html' % (str(r.name), str(bn), oname.raw), tree, (r, bn, oname.url), mtime) # Always generate the index, to keep the "last updated" time fresh. write_to('index.html', index()) # We can't call static() because it relies on HTTP headers. read_f = lambda f: open(f).read() write_to('static/git-arr.css', read_f, [static_path + '/git-arr.css'], os.stat(static_path + '/git-arr.css').st_mtime) write_to('static/git-arr.js', read_f, [static_path + '/git-arr.js'], os.stat(static_path + '/git-arr.js').st_mtime) write_to('static/syntax.css', read_f, [static_path + '/syntax.css'], os.stat(static_path + '/syntax.css').st_mtime) rs = sorted(repos.values(), key = lambda r: r.name) if only: rs = [r for r in rs if r.name in only] for r in rs: write_to('r/%s/index.html' % r.name, summary(r)) for bn in r.branch_names(): commit_count = 0 commit_ids = r.commit_ids('refs/heads/' + bn, limit = r.info.commits_per_page * r.info.max_pages) for cid in commit_ids: write_to('r/%s/c/%s/index.html' % (r.name, cid), commit, (r, cid)) commit_count += 1 # To avoid regenerating files that have not changed, we will # instruct write_to() to set their mtime to the branch's committer # date, and then compare against it to decide whether or not to # write. branch_mtime = r.commit(bn).committer_date.epoch nr_pages = int(math.ceil( float(commit_count) / r.info.commits_per_page)) nr_pages = min(nr_pages, r.info.max_pages) for page in range(nr_pages): write_to('r/%s/b/%s/%d.html' % (r.name, bn, page), branch, (r, bn, page), branch_mtime) link(from_path = 'r/%s/b/%s/index.html' % (r.name, bn), to_path = '0.html') if r.info.generate_tree: write_tree(r, bn, branch_mtime) for tag_name, obj_id in r.tags(): try: write_to('r/%s/c/%s/index.html' % (r.name, obj_id), commit, (r, obj_id)) except bottle.HTTPError as e: # Some repos can have tags pointing to non-commits. This # happens in the Linux Kernel's v2.6.11, which points directly # to a tree. Ignore them. if is_404(e): print('404 in tag %s (%s)' % (tag_name, obj_id)) else: raise def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options] serve|generate') parser.add_option('-c', '--config', metavar = 'FILE', help = 'configuration file') parser.add_option('-o', '--output', metavar = 'DIR', help = 'output directory (for generate)') parser.add_option('', '--only', metavar = 'REPO', action = 'append', default = [], help = 'generate/serve only this repository') opts, args = parser.parse_args() if not opts.config: parser.error('--config is mandatory') try: load_config(opts.config) except (configparser.NoOptionError, ValueError) as e: print('Error parsing config:', e) return if not args: parser.error('Must specify an action (serve|generate)') if args[0] == 'serve': bottle.run(host = 'localhost', port = 8008, reloader = True) elif args[0] == 'generate': if not opts.output: parser.error('Must specify --output') generate(output = opts.output, only = opts.only) else: parser.error('Unknown action %s' % args[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()