By default, git-arr limits the number of pages of commits to 5, however, it is reasonable to expect that some projects will want all commits to be shown. Rather than forcing such projects to choose an arbitrarily large number as the value of 'max_pages', provide a formal mechanism to specify unlimited commit pages. Signed-off-by: Eric Sunshine <sunshine@sunshineco.com> Signed-off-by: Alberto Bertogli <albertito@blitiri.com.ar>
458 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
458 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
git-arr: A git web html generator.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import math
import optparse
import configparser
except ImportError:
import ConfigParser as configparser
import bottle
import git
import utils
# Tell bottle where to find the views.
# Note this assumes they live next to the executable, and that is not a good
# assumption; but it's good enough for now.
0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/views/')
# The path to our static files.
# Note this assumes they live next to the executable, and that is not a good
# assumption; but it's good enough for now.
static_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/static/'
# The list of repositories is a global variable for convenience. It will be
# populated by load_config().
repos = {}
def load_config(path):
"""Load the configuration from the given file.
The "repos" global variable will be filled with the repositories
as configured.
defaults = {
'tree': 'yes',
'desc': '',
'recursive': 'no',
'commits_in_summary': '10',
'commits_per_page': '50',
'max_pages': '5',
'web_url': '',
'web_url_file': 'web_url',
'git_url': '',
'git_url_file': 'cloneurl',
'embed_markdown': 'yes',
'embed_images': 'no',
config = configparser.SafeConfigParser(defaults)
# Do a first pass for general sanity checking and recursive expansion.
for s in config.sections():
if config.getboolean(s, 'recursive'):
for path in os.listdir(config.get(s, 'path')):
fullpath = find_git_dir(config.get(s, 'path') + '/' + path)
if not fullpath:
if os.path.exists(fullpath + '/disable_gitweb'):
if config.has_section(path):
for opt, value in config.items(s, raw = True):
config.set(path, opt, value)
config.set(path, 'path', fullpath)
config.set(path, 'recursive', 'no')
# This recursive section is no longer useful.
for s in config.sections():
fullpath = find_git_dir(config.get(s, 'path'))
if not fullpath:
raise ValueError(
'%s: path %s is not a valid git repository' % (
s, config.get(s, 'path')))
config.set(s, 'path', fullpath)
config.set(s, 'name', s)
desc = config.get(s, 'desc')
if not desc and os.path.exists(fullpath + '/description'):
desc = open(fullpath + '/description').read().strip()
r = git.Repo(fullpath, name = s)
r.info.desc = desc
r.info.commits_in_summary = config.getint(s, 'commits_in_summary')
r.info.commits_per_page = config.getint(s, 'commits_per_page')
r.info.max_pages = config.getint(s, 'max_pages')
if r.info.max_pages <= 0:
r.info.max_pages = sys.maxint
r.info.generate_tree = config.getboolean(s, 'tree')
r.info.web_url = config.get(s, 'web_url')
web_url_file = fullpath + '/' + config.get(s, 'web_url_file')
if not r.info.web_url and os.path.isfile(web_url_file):
r.info.web_url = open(web_url_file).read()
r.info.git_url = config.get(s, 'git_url')
git_url_file = fullpath + '/' + config.get(s, 'git_url_file')
if not r.info.git_url and os.path.isfile(git_url_file):
r.info.git_url = open(git_url_file).read()
r.info.embed_markdown = config.getboolean(s, 'embed_markdown')
r.info.embed_images = config.getboolean(s, 'embed_images')
repos[r.name] = r
def find_git_dir(path):
"""Returns the path to the git directory for the given repository.
This function takes a path to a git repository, and returns the path to
its git directory. If the repo is bare, it will be the same path;
otherwise it will be path + '.git/'.
An empty string is returned if the given path is not a valid repository.
def check(p):
"""A dirty check for whether this is a git dir or not."""
# Note silent stderr because we expect this to fail and don't want the
# noise; and also we strip the final \n from the output.
return git.run_git(p,
['rev-parse', '--git-dir'],
silent_stderr = True).read()[:-1]
for p in [ path, path + '/.git' ]:
if check(p):
return p
return ''
def repo_filter(unused_conf):
"""Bottle route filter for repos."""
# TODO: consider allowing /, which is tricky.
regexp = r'[\w\.~-]+'
def to_python(s):
"""Return the corresponding Python object."""
if s in repos:
return repos[s]
bottle.abort(404, "Unknown repository")
def to_url(r):
"""Return the corresponding URL string."""
return r.name
return regexp, to_python, to_url
app = bottle.Bottle()
app.router.add_filter('repo', repo_filter)
def with_utils(f):
"""Decorator to add the utilities to the return value.
Used to wrap functions that return dictionaries which are then passed to
utilities = {
'shorten': utils.shorten,
'can_colorize': utils.can_colorize,
'colorize_diff': utils.colorize_diff,
'colorize_blob': utils.colorize_blob,
'can_markdown': utils.can_markdown,
'markdown_blob': utils.markdown_blob,
'can_embed_image': utils.can_embed_image,
'embed_image_blob': utils.embed_image_blob,
'abort': bottle.abort,
'smstr': git.smstr,
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapped function we will return."""
d = f(*args, **kwargs)
return d
wrapped.__name__ = f.__name__
wrapped.__doc__ = f.__doc__
return wrapped
def index():
return dict(repos = repos)
def summary(repo):
return dict(repo = repo)
def branch(repo, bname, offset = 0):
return dict(repo = repo.new_in_branch(bname), offset = offset)
def commit(repo, cid):
c = repo.commit(cid)
if not c:
bottle.abort(404, 'Commit not found')
return dict(repo = repo, c=c)
def tree(repo, bname, dirname = ''):
if dirname and not dirname.endswith('/'):
dirname = dirname + '/'
dirname = git.smstr.from_url(dirname)
r = repo.new_in_branch(bname)
return dict(repo = r, tree = r.tree(), dirname = dirname)
def blob(repo, bname, fname, dirname = ''):
r = repo.new_in_branch(bname)
if dirname and not dirname.endswith('/'):
dirname = dirname + '/'
dirname = git.smstr.from_url(dirname)
fname = git.smstr.from_url(fname)
path = dirname.raw + fname.raw
content = r.blob(path)
if content is None:
bottle.abort(404, "File %r not found in branch %s" % (path, bname))
return dict(repo = r, dirname = dirname, fname = fname, blob = content)
def static(path):
return bottle.static_file(path, root = static_path)
# Static HTML generation
def is_404(e):
"""True if e is an HTTPError with status 404, False otherwise."""
# We need this because older bottle.py versions put the status code in
# e.status as an integer, and newer versions make that a string, and using
# e.status_code for the code.
if isinstance(e.status, int):
return e.status == 404
return e.status_code == 404
def generate(output, skip_index = False):
"""Generate static html to the output directory."""
def write_to(path, func_or_str, args = (), mtime = None):
path = output + '/' + path
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
if mtime:
path_mtime = 0
if os.path.exists(path):
path_mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime
# Make sure they're both float or int, to avoid failing
# comparisons later on because of this.
if isinstance(path_mtime, int):
mtime = int(mtime)
# If we were given mtime, we compare against it to see if we
# should write the file or not. Compare with almost-equality
# because otherwise floating point equality gets in the way, and
# we rather write a bit more, than generate the wrong output.
if abs(path_mtime - mtime) < 0.000001:
s = func_or_str(*args)
# Otherwise, be lazy if we were given a function to run, or write
# always if they gave us a string.
if isinstance(func_or_str, (str, unicode)):
s = func_or_str
if os.path.exists(path):
s = func_or_str(*args)
open(path, 'w').write(s.encode('utf8', errors = 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
if mtime:
os.utime(path, (mtime, mtime))
def link(from_path, to_path):
from_path = output + '/' + from_path
if os.path.lexists(from_path):
print(from_path, '->', to_path)
os.symlink(to_path, from_path)
def write_tree(r, bn, mtime):
t = r.tree(bn)
write_to('r/%s/b/%s/t/index.html' % (r.name, bn),
tree, (r, bn), mtime)
for otype, oname, _ in t.ls('', recursive = True):
# FIXME: bottle cannot route paths with '\n' so those are sadly
# expected to fail for now; we skip them.
if '\n' in oname.raw:
print('skipping file with \\n: %r' % (oname.raw))
if otype == 'blob':
dirname = git.smstr(os.path.dirname(oname.raw))
fname = git.smstr(os.path.basename(oname.raw))
'r/%s/b/%s/t/%s%sf=%s.html' %
(str(r.name), str(bn),
dirname.raw, '/' if dirname.raw else '', fname.raw),
blob, (r, bn, fname.url, dirname.url), mtime)
write_to('r/%s/b/%s/t/%s/index.html' %
(str(r.name), str(bn), oname.raw),
tree, (r, bn, oname.url), mtime)
if not skip_index:
write_to('index.html', index())
# We can't call static() because it relies on HTTP headers.
read_f = lambda f: open(f).read()
write_to('static/git-arr.css', read_f, [static_path + '/git-arr.css'],
os.stat(static_path + '/git-arr.css').st_mtime)
write_to('static/git-arr.js', read_f, [static_path + '/git-arr.js'],
os.stat(static_path + '/git-arr.js').st_mtime)
write_to('static/syntax.css', read_f, [static_path + '/syntax.css'],
os.stat(static_path + '/syntax.css').st_mtime)
for r in sorted(repos.values(), key = lambda r: r.name):
write_to('r/%s/index.html' % r.name, summary(r))
for bn in r.branch_names():
commit_count = 0
commit_ids = r.commit_ids('refs/heads/' + bn,
limit = r.info.commits_per_page * r.info.max_pages)
for cid in commit_ids:
write_to('r/%s/c/%s/index.html' % (r.name, cid),
commit, (r, cid))
commit_count += 1
# To avoid regenerating files that have not changed, we will
# instruct write_to() to set their mtime to the branch's committer
# date, and then compare against it to decide whether or not to
# write.
branch_mtime = r.commit(bn).committer_date.epoch
nr_pages = int(math.ceil(
float(commit_count) / r.info.commits_per_page))
nr_pages = min(nr_pages, r.info.max_pages)
for page in range(nr_pages):
write_to('r/%s/b/%s/%d.html' % (r.name, bn, page),
branch, (r, bn, page), branch_mtime)
link(from_path = 'r/%s/b/%s/index.html' % (r.name, bn),
to_path = '0.html')
if r.info.generate_tree:
write_tree(r, bn, branch_mtime)
for tag_name, obj_id in r.tags():
write_to('r/%s/c/%s/index.html' % (r.name, obj_id),
commit, (r, obj_id))
except bottle.HTTPError as e:
# Some repos can have tags pointing to non-commits. This
# happens in the Linux Kernel's v2.6.11, which points directly
# to a tree. Ignore them.
if is_404(e):
print('404 in tag %s (%s)' % (tag_name, obj_id))
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options] serve|generate')
parser.add_option('-c', '--config', metavar = 'FILE',
help = 'configuration file')
parser.add_option('-o', '--output', metavar = 'DIR',
help = 'output directory (for generate)')
parser.add_option('', '--only', metavar = 'REPO', action = 'append',
default = [],
help = 'generate/serve only this repository')
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if not opts.config:
parser.error('--config is mandatory')
except (configparser.NoOptionError, ValueError) as e:
print('Error parsing config:', e)
if not args:
parser.error('Must specify an action (serve|generate)')
if opts.only:
for rname in list(repos.keys()):
if rname not in opts.only:
del repos[rname]
if args[0] == 'serve':
bottle.run(host = 'localhost', port = 8008, reloader = True)
elif args[0] == 'generate':
if not opts.output:
parser.error('Must specify --output')
generate(output = opts.output,
skip_index = len(opts.only) > 0)
parser.error('Unknown action %s' % args[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':