cosensus, core, eth, params, trie: fixes + clique history cap
This commit is contained in:
@ -365,8 +365,11 @@ func (c *Clique) snapshot(chain consensus.ChainReader, number uint64, hash commo
// If we're at an checkpoint block, make a snapshot if it's known
if number == 0 || (number%c.config.Epoch == 0 && chain.GetHeaderByNumber(number-1) == nil) {
// If we're at the genesis, snapshot the initial state. Alternatively if we're
// at a checkpoint block without a parent (light client CHT), or we have piled
// up more headers than allowed to be reorged (chain reinit from a freezer),
// consider the checkpoint trusted and snapshot it.
if number == 0 || (number%c.config.Epoch == 0 && (len(headers) > params.ImmutabilityThreshold || chain.GetHeaderByNumber(number-1) == nil)) {
checkpoint := chain.GetHeaderByNumber(number)
if checkpoint != nil {
hash := checkpoint.Hash()
@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ import (
lru ""
@ -197,7 +199,11 @@ func (s *Snapshot) apply(headers []*types.Header) (*Snapshot, error) {
// Iterate through the headers and create a new snapshot
snap := s.copy()
for _, header := range headers {
var (
start = time.Now()
logged = time.Now()
for i, header := range headers {
// Remove any votes on checkpoint blocks
number := header.Number.Uint64()
if number%s.config.Epoch == 0 {
@ -285,6 +291,14 @@ func (s *Snapshot) apply(headers []*types.Header) (*Snapshot, error) {
delete(snap.Tally, header.Coinbase)
// If we're taking too much time (ecrecover), notify the user once a while
if time.Since(logged) > 8*time.Second {
log.Info("Reconstructing voting history", "processed", i, "total", len(headers), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logged = time.Now()
if time.Since(start) > 8*time.Second {
log.Info("Reconstructed voting history", "processed", len(headers), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
snap.Number += uint64(len(headers))
snap.Hash = headers[len(headers)-1].Hash()
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ func (ethash *Ethash) remote(notify []string, noverify bool) {
start := time.Now()
if !noverify {
if err := ethash.verifySeal(nil, header, true); err != nil {
log.Warn("Invalid proof-of-work submitted", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", time.Since(start), "err", err)
log.Warn("Invalid proof-of-work submitted", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), "err", err)
return false
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ func (ethash *Ethash) remote(notify []string, noverify bool) {
log.Warn("Ethash result channel is empty, submitted mining result is rejected")
return false
log.Trace("Verified correct proof-of-work", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", time.Since(start))
log.Trace("Verified correct proof-of-work", "sealhash", sealhash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
// Solutions seems to be valid, return to the miner and notify acceptance.
solution := block.WithSeal(header)
@ -221,6 +221,10 @@ func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *par
// Initialize the chain with ancient data if it isn't empty.
if bc.empty() {
if frozen, err := bc.db.Ancients(); err == nil && frozen > 0 {
var (
start = time.Now()
logged time.Time
for i := uint64(0); i < frozen; i++ {
// Inject hash<->number mapping.
hash := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(bc.db, i)
@ -235,12 +239,23 @@ func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *par
return nil, errors.New("broken ancient database")
rawdb.WriteTxLookupEntries(bc.db, block)
// If we've spent too much time already, notify the user of what we're doing
if time.Since(logged) > 8*time.Second {
log.Info("Initializing chain from ancient data", "number", i, "hash", hash, "total", frozen-1, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logged = time.Now()
hash := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(bc.db, frozen-1)
rawdb.WriteHeadHeaderHash(bc.db, hash)
rawdb.WriteHeadFastBlockHash(bc.db, hash)
log.Info("Initialized chain with ancients", "number", frozen-1, "hash", hash)
// The first thing the node will do is reconstruct the verification data for
// the head block (ethash cache or clique voting snapshot). Might as well do
// it in advance.
bc.engine.VerifyHeader(bc, rawdb.ReadHeader(bc.db, hash, frozen-1), true)
log.Info("Initialized chain from ancient data", "number", frozen-1, "hash", hash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
if err := bc.loadLastState(); err != nil {
@ -179,17 +179,18 @@ func InspectDatabase(db ethdb.Database) error {
logged = time.Now()
// Key-value store statistics
total common.StorageSize
headerSize common.StorageSize
bodySize common.StorageSize
receiptSize common.StorageSize
tdSize common.StorageSize
numHashPairing common.StorageSize
hashNumPairing common.StorageSize
trieSize common.StorageSize
txlookupSize common.StorageSize
preimageSize common.StorageSize
bloomBitsSize common.StorageSize
total common.StorageSize
headerSize common.StorageSize
bodySize common.StorageSize
receiptSize common.StorageSize
tdSize common.StorageSize
numHashPairing common.StorageSize
hashNumPairing common.StorageSize
trieSize common.StorageSize
txlookupSize common.StorageSize
preimageSize common.StorageSize
bloomBitsSize common.StorageSize
cliqueSnapsSize common.StorageSize
// Ancient store statistics
ancientHeaders common.StorageSize
@ -199,8 +200,12 @@ func InspectDatabase(db ethdb.Database) error {
ancientTds common.StorageSize
// Les statistic
ChtTrieNodes common.StorageSize
BloomTrieNodes common.StorageSize
chtTrieNodes common.StorageSize
bloomTrieNodes common.StorageSize
// Meta- and unaccounted data
metadata common.StorageSize
unaccounted common.StorageSize
// Inspect key-value database first.
for it.Next() {
@ -228,12 +233,26 @@ func InspectDatabase(db ethdb.Database) error {
preimageSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, bloomBitsPrefix) && len(key) == (len(bloomBitsPrefix)+10+common.HashLength):
bloomBitsSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("clique-")) && len(key) == 7+common.HashLength:
cliqueSnapsSize += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("cht-")) && len(key) == 4+common.HashLength:
ChtTrieNodes += size
chtTrieNodes += size
case bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte("blt-")) && len(key) == 4+common.HashLength:
BloomTrieNodes += size
bloomTrieNodes += size
case len(key) == common.HashLength:
trieSize += size
var accounted bool
for _, meta := range [][]byte{databaseVerisionKey, headHeaderKey, headBlockKey, headFastBlockKey, fastTrieProgressKey, ancientKey} {
if bytes.Equal(key, meta) {
metadata += size
accounted = true
if !accounted {
unaccounted += size
count += 1
if count%1000 == 0 && time.Since(logged) > 8*time.Second {
@ -261,18 +280,24 @@ func InspectDatabase(db ethdb.Database) error {
{"Key-Value store", "Bloombit index", bloomBitsSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Trie nodes", trieSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Trie preimages", preimageSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Clique snapshots", cliqueSnapsSize.String()},
{"Key-Value store", "Singleton metadata", metadata.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Headers", ancientHeaders.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Bodies", ancientBodies.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Receipts", ancientReceipts.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Difficulties", ancientTds.String()},
{"Ancient store", "Block number->hash", ancientHashes.String()},
{"Light client", "CHT trie nodes", ChtTrieNodes.String()},
{"Light client", "Bloom trie nodes", BloomTrieNodes.String()},
{"Light client", "CHT trie nodes", chtTrieNodes.String()},
{"Light client", "Bloom trie nodes", bloomTrieNodes.String()},
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{"Database", "Category", "Size"})
table.SetFooter([]string{"", "Total", total.String()})
if unaccounted > 0 {
log.Error("Database contains unaccounted data", "size", unaccounted)
return nil
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
@ -52,11 +53,6 @@ const (
// storage.
freezerRecheckInterval = time.Minute
// freezerBlockGraduation is the number of confirmations a block must achieve
// before it becomes elligible for chain freezing. This must exceed any chain
// reorg depth, since the freezer also deletes all block siblings.
freezerBlockGraduation = 90000
// freezerBatchLimit is the maximum number of blocks to freeze in one batch
// before doing an fsync and deleting it from the key-value store.
freezerBatchLimit = 30000
@ -268,12 +264,12 @@ func (f *freezer) freeze(db ethdb.KeyValueStore) {
case *number < freezerBlockGraduation:
log.Debug("Current full block not old enough", "number", *number, "hash", hash, "delay", freezerBlockGraduation)
case *number < params.ImmutabilityThreshold:
log.Debug("Current full block not old enough", "number", *number, "hash", hash, "delay", params.ImmutabilityThreshold)
case *number-freezerBlockGraduation <= f.frozen:
case *number-params.ImmutabilityThreshold <= f.frozen:
log.Debug("Ancient blocks frozen already", "number", *number, "hash", hash, "frozen", f.frozen)
@ -285,7 +281,7 @@ func (f *freezer) freeze(db ethdb.KeyValueStore) {
// Seems we have data ready to be frozen, process in usable batches
limit := *number - freezerBlockGraduation
limit := *number - params.ImmutabilityThreshold
if limit-f.frozen > freezerBatchLimit {
limit = f.frozen + freezerBatchLimit
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func init() {
// Gets a chunk of data, filled with 'b'
func getChunk(size int, b int) []byte {
data := make([]byte, size)
for i, _ := range data {
for i := range data {
data[i] = byte(b)
return data
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (
ethereum ""
@ -46,20 +46,20 @@ var (
MaxReceiptFetch = 256 // Amount of transaction receipts to allow fetching per request
MaxStateFetch = 384 // Amount of node state values to allow fetching per request
MaxForkAncestry = 3 * params.EpochDuration // Maximum chain reorganisation
rttMinEstimate = 2 * time.Second // Minimum round-trip time to target for download requests
rttMaxEstimate = 20 * time.Second // Maximum round-trip time to target for download requests
rttMinConfidence = 0.1 // Worse confidence factor in our estimated RTT value
ttlScaling = 3 // Constant scaling factor for RTT -> TTL conversion
ttlLimit = time.Minute // Maximum TTL allowance to prevent reaching crazy timeouts
rttMinEstimate = 2 * time.Second // Minimum round-trip time to target for download requests
rttMaxEstimate = 20 * time.Second // Maximum round-trip time to target for download requests
rttMinConfidence = 0.1 // Worse confidence factor in our estimated RTT value
ttlScaling = 3 // Constant scaling factor for RTT -> TTL conversion
ttlLimit = time.Minute // Maximum TTL allowance to prevent reaching crazy timeouts
qosTuningPeers = 5 // Number of peers to tune based on (best peers)
qosConfidenceCap = 10 // Number of peers above which not to modify RTT confidence
qosTuningImpact = 0.25 // Impact that a new tuning target has on the previous value
maxQueuedHeaders = 32 * 1024 // [eth/62] Maximum number of headers to queue for import (DOS protection)
maxHeadersProcess = 2048 // Number of header download results to import at once into the chain
maxResultsProcess = 2048 // Number of content download results to import at once into the chain
maxQueuedHeaders = 32 * 1024 // [eth/62] Maximum number of headers to queue for import (DOS protection)
maxHeadersProcess = 2048 // Number of header download results to import at once into the chain
maxResultsProcess = 2048 // Number of content download results to import at once into the chain
maxForkAncestry uint64 = params.ImmutabilityThreshold // Maximum chain reorganisation (locally redeclared so tests can reduce it)
reorgProtThreshold = 48 // Threshold number of recent blocks to disable mini reorg protection
reorgProtHeaderDelay = 2 // Number of headers to delay delivering to cover mini reorgs
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peerConnection, hash common.Hash, td *big.I
log.Debug("Synchronising with the network", "peer",, "eth", p.version, "head", hash, "td", td, "mode", d.mode)
defer func(start time.Time) {
log.Debug("Synchronisation terminated", "elapsed", time.Since(start))
log.Debug("Synchronisation terminated", "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
// Look up the sync boundaries: the common ancestor and the target block
@ -491,10 +491,10 @@ func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peerConnection, hash common.Hash, td *big.I
// The peer would start to feed us valid blocks until head, resulting in all of
// the blocks might be written into the ancient store. A following mini-reorg
// could cause issues.
if d.checkpoint != 0 && d.checkpoint > MaxForkAncestry+1 {
if d.checkpoint != 0 && d.checkpoint > maxForkAncestry+1 {
d.ancientLimit = d.checkpoint
} else if height > MaxForkAncestry+1 {
d.ancientLimit = height - MaxForkAncestry - 1
} else if height > maxForkAncestry+1 {
d.ancientLimit = height - maxForkAncestry - 1
frozen, _ := d.stateDB.Ancients() // Ignore the error here since light client can also hit here.
// If a part of blockchain data has already been written into active store,
@ -725,9 +725,9 @@ func (d *Downloader) findAncestor(p *peerConnection, remoteHeader *types.Header)
p.log.Debug("Looking for common ancestor", "local", localHeight, "remote", remoteHeight)
// Recap floor value for binary search
if localHeight >= MaxForkAncestry {
if localHeight >= maxForkAncestry {
// We're above the max reorg threshold, find the earliest fork point
floor = int64(localHeight - MaxForkAncestry)
floor = int64(localHeight - maxForkAncestry)
// If we're doing a light sync, ensure the floor doesn't go below the CHT, as
// all headers before that point will be missing.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import (
// Reduce some of the parameters to make the tester faster.
func init() {
MaxForkAncestry = uint64(10000)
maxForkAncestry = 10000
blockCacheItems = 1024
fsHeaderContCheck = 500 * time.Millisecond
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var testChainBase = newTestChain(blockCacheItems+200, testGenesis)
var testChainForkLightA, testChainForkLightB, testChainForkHeavy *testChain
func init() {
var forkLen = int(MaxForkAncestry + 50)
var forkLen = int(maxForkAncestry + 50)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() { testChainForkLightA = testChainBase.makeFork(forkLen, false, 1); wg.Done() }()
@ -46,4 +46,10 @@ const (
// HelperTrieProcessConfirmations is the number of confirmations before a HelperTrie
// is generated
HelperTrieProcessConfirmations = 256
// ImmutabilityThreshold is the number of blocks after which a chain segment is
// considered immutable (i.e. soft finality). It is used by the downloader as a
// hard limit against deep ancestors, by the blockchain against deep reorgs, by
// the freezer as the cutoff treshold and by clique as the snapshot trust limit.
ImmutabilityThreshold = 90000
@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ func (b *SyncBloom) init(database ethdb.Iteratee) {
it = database.NewIteratorWithStart(key)
log.Info("Initializing fast sync bloom", "items", b.bloom.N(), "errorrate", b.errorRate(), "elapsed", time.Since(start))
log.Info("Initializing fast sync bloom", "items", b.bloom.N(), "errorrate", b.errorRate(), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
swap = time.Now()
// Mark the bloom filter inited and return
log.Info("Initialized fast sync bloom", "items", b.bloom.N(), "errorrate", b.errorRate(), "elapsed", time.Since(start))
log.Info("Initialized fast sync bloom", "items", b.bloom.N(), "errorrate", b.errorRate(), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
atomic.StoreUint32(&b.inited, 1)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user