This PR fixes some issues with benchmarks - [x] Removes log output from a log-test - [x] Avoids a `nil`-defer in `triedb/pathdb` - [x] Fixes some crashes re tracers - [x] Refactors a very resource-expensive benchmark for blobpol. **NOTE**: this rewrite touches live production code (a little bit), as it makes the validator-function used by the blobpool configurable. - [x] Switch some benches over to use pebble over leveldb - [x] reduce mem overhead in the setup-phase of some tests - [x] Marks some tests with a long setup-phase to be skipped if `-short` is specified (where long is on the order of tens of seconds). Ideally, in my opinion, one should be able to run with `-benchtime 10ms -short` and sanity-check all tests very quickly. - [x] Drops some metrics-bechmark which times the speed of `copy`. --------- Co-authored-by: Sina Mahmoodi <itz.s1na@gmail.com>
192 lines
5.1 KiB
192 lines
5.1 KiB
package log
import (
// TestLoggingWithVmodule checks that vmodule works.
func TestLoggingWithVmodule(t *testing.T) {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
glog := NewGlogHandler(NewTerminalHandlerWithLevel(out, LevelTrace, false))
logger := NewLogger(glog)
logger.Warn("This should not be seen", "ignored", "true")
logger.Trace("a message", "foo", "bar")
have := out.String()
// The timestamp is locale-dependent, so we want to trim that off
// "INFO [01-01|00:00:00.000] a message ..." -> "a message..."
have = strings.Split(have, "]")[1]
want := " a message foo=bar\n"
if have != want {
t.Errorf("\nhave: %q\nwant: %q\n", have, want)
func TestTerminalHandlerWithAttrs(t *testing.T) {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
glog := NewGlogHandler(NewTerminalHandlerWithLevel(out, LevelTrace, false).WithAttrs([]slog.Attr{slog.String("baz", "bat")}))
logger := NewLogger(glog)
logger.Trace("a message", "foo", "bar")
have := out.String()
// The timestamp is locale-dependent, so we want to trim that off
// "INFO [01-01|00:00:00.000] a message ..." -> "a message..."
have = strings.Split(have, "]")[1]
want := " a message baz=bat foo=bar\n"
if have != want {
t.Errorf("\nhave: %q\nwant: %q\n", have, want)
// Make sure the default json handler outputs debug log lines
func TestJSONHandler(t *testing.T) {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
handler := JSONHandler(out)
logger := slog.New(handler)
logger.Debug("hi there")
if len(out.String()) == 0 {
t.Error("expected non-empty debug log output from default JSON Handler")
handler = JSONHandlerWithLevel(out, slog.LevelInfo)
logger = slog.New(handler)
logger.Debug("hi there")
if len(out.String()) != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected empty debug log output, but got: %v", out.String())
func BenchmarkTraceLogging(b *testing.B) {
SetDefault(NewLogger(NewTerminalHandler(io.Discard, true)))
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Trace("a message", "v", i)
func BenchmarkTerminalHandler(b *testing.B) {
l := NewLogger(NewTerminalHandler(io.Discard, false))
benchmarkLogger(b, l)
func BenchmarkLogfmtHandler(b *testing.B) {
l := NewLogger(LogfmtHandler(io.Discard))
benchmarkLogger(b, l)
func BenchmarkJSONHandler(b *testing.B) {
l := NewLogger(JSONHandler(io.Discard))
benchmarkLogger(b, l)
func benchmarkLogger(b *testing.B, l Logger) {
var (
bb = make([]byte, 10)
tt = time.Now()
bigint = big.NewInt(100)
nilbig *big.Int
err = errors.New("oh nooes it's crap")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
l.Info("This is a message",
"foo", int16(i),
"bytes", bb,
"bonk", "a string with text",
"time", tt,
"bigint", bigint,
"nilbig", nilbig,
"err", err)
func TestLoggerOutput(t *testing.T) {
type custom struct {
A string
B int8
var (
customA = custom{"Foo", 12}
customB = custom{"Foo\nLinebreak", 122}
bb = make([]byte, 10)
tt = time.Time{}
bigint = big.NewInt(100)
nilbig *big.Int
err = errors.New("oh nooes it's crap")
smallUint = uint256.NewInt(500_000)
bigUint = &uint256.Int{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
glogHandler := NewGlogHandler(NewTerminalHandler(out, false))
NewLogger(glogHandler).Info("This is a message",
"foo", int16(123),
"bytes", bb,
"bonk", "a string with text",
"time", tt,
"bigint", bigint,
"nilbig", nilbig,
"err", err,
"struct", customA,
"struct", customB,
"ptrstruct", &customA,
"smalluint", smallUint,
"bigUint", bigUint)
have := out.String()
t.Logf("output %v", out.String())
want := `INFO [11-07|19:14:33.821] This is a message foo=123 bytes="[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" bonk="a string with text" time=0001-01-01T00:00:00+0000 bigint=100 nilbig=<nil> err="oh nooes it's crap" struct="{A:Foo B:12}" struct="{A:Foo\nLinebreak B:122}" ptrstruct="&{A:Foo B:12}" smalluint=500,000 bigUint=1,600,660,942,523,603,594,864,898,306,482,794,244,293,965,082,972,225,630,372,095
if !bytes.Equal([]byte(have)[25:], []byte(want)[25:]) {
t.Errorf("Error\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", have, want)
const termTimeFormat = "01-02|15:04:05.000"
func BenchmarkAppendFormat(b *testing.B) {
var now = time.Now()
b.Run("fmt time.Format", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(io.Discard, "%s", now.Format(termTimeFormat))
b.Run("time.AppendFormat", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
now.AppendFormat(nil, termTimeFormat)
var buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
b.Run("time.Custom", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
writeTimeTermFormat(buf, now)
func TestTermTimeFormat(t *testing.T) {
var now = time.Now()
want := now.AppendFormat(nil, termTimeFormat)
var b = new(bytes.Buffer)
writeTimeTermFormat(b, now)
have := b.Bytes()
if !bytes.Equal(have, want) {
t.Errorf("have != want\nhave: %q\nwant: %q\n", have, want)