Felix Lange 94a8b296e4
p2p/discover: refactor node and endpoint representation (#29844)
Here we clean up internal uses of type discover.node, converting most code to use
enode.Node instead. The discover.node type used to be the canonical representation of
network hosts before ENR was introduced. Most code worked with *node to avoid conversions
when interacting with Table methods. Since *node also contains internal state of Table and
is a mutable type, using *node outside of Table code is prone to data races. It's also
cleaner not having to wrap/unwrap *enode.Node all the time.

discover.node has been renamed to tableNode to clarify its purpose.

While here, we also change most uses of net.UDPAddr into netip.AddrPort. While this is
technically a separate refactoring from the *node -> *enode.Node change, it is more
convenient because *enode.Node handles IP addresses as netip.Addr. The switch to package
netip in discovery would've happened very soon anyway.

The change to netip.AddrPort stops at certain interface points. For example, since package
p2p/netutil has not been converted to use netip.Addr yet, we still have to convert to
net.IP/net.UDPAddr in a few places.
2024-05-29 15:02:26 +02:00

506 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package discover
import (
func TestTable_pingReplace(t *testing.T) {
run := func(newNodeResponding, lastInBucketResponding bool) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("newNodeResponding=%t/lastInBucketResponding=%t", newNodeResponding, lastInBucketResponding)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
testPingReplace(t, newNodeResponding, lastInBucketResponding)
run(true, true)
run(false, true)
run(true, false)
run(false, false)
func testPingReplace(t *testing.T, newNodeIsResponding, lastInBucketIsResponding bool) {
simclock := new(mclock.Simulated)
transport := newPingRecorder()
tab, db := newTestTable(transport, Config{
Clock: simclock,
Log: testlog.Logger(t, log.LevelTrace),
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
// Fill up the sender's bucket.
replacementNodeKey, _ := crypto.HexToECDSA("45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8")
replacementNode := enode.NewV4(&replacementNodeKey.PublicKey, net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1}, 99, 99)
last := fillBucket(tab, replacementNode.ID())
nodeEvents := newNodeEventRecorder(128)
tab.nodeAddedHook = nodeEvents.nodeAdded
tab.nodeRemovedHook = nodeEvents.nodeRemoved
// The revalidation process should replace
// this node in the bucket if it is unresponsive.
transport.dead[last.ID()] = !lastInBucketIsResponding
transport.dead[replacementNode.ID()] = !newNodeIsResponding
// Add replacement node to table.
tab.addFoundNode(replacementNode, false)
t.Log("last:", last.ID())
t.Log("replacement:", replacementNode.ID())
// Wait until the last node was pinged.
waitForRevalidationPing(t, transport, tab, last.ID())
if !lastInBucketIsResponding {
if !nodeEvents.waitNodeAbsent(last.ID(), 2*time.Second) {
t.Error("last node was not removed")
if !nodeEvents.waitNodePresent(replacementNode.ID(), 2*time.Second) {
t.Error("replacement node was not added")
// If a replacement is expected, we also need to wait until the replacement node
// was pinged and added/removed.
waitForRevalidationPing(t, transport, tab, replacementNode.ID())
if !newNodeIsResponding {
if !nodeEvents.waitNodeAbsent(replacementNode.ID(), 2*time.Second) {
t.Error("replacement node was not removed")
// Check bucket content.
defer tab.mutex.Unlock()
wantSize := bucketSize
if !lastInBucketIsResponding && !newNodeIsResponding {
bucket := tab.bucket(replacementNode.ID())
if l := len(bucket.entries); l != wantSize {
t.Errorf("wrong bucket size after revalidation: got %d, want %d", l, wantSize)
if ok := containsID(bucket.entries, last.ID()); ok != lastInBucketIsResponding {
t.Errorf("revalidated node found: %t, want: %t", ok, lastInBucketIsResponding)
wantNewEntry := newNodeIsResponding && !lastInBucketIsResponding
if ok := containsID(bucket.entries, replacementNode.ID()); ok != wantNewEntry {
t.Errorf("replacement node found: %t, want: %t", ok, wantNewEntry)
// waitForRevalidationPing waits until a PING message is sent to a node with the given id.
func waitForRevalidationPing(t *testing.T, transport *pingRecorder, tab *Table, id enode.ID) *enode.Node {
simclock := tab.cfg.Clock.(*mclock.Simulated)
maxAttempts := tab.len() * 8
for i := 0; i < maxAttempts; i++ {
simclock.Run(tab.cfg.PingInterval * slowRevalidationFactor)
p := transport.waitPing(2 * time.Second)
if p == nil {
t.Fatal("Table did not send revalidation ping")
if id == (enode.ID{}) || p.ID() == id {
return p
t.Fatalf("Table did not ping node %v (%d attempts)", id, maxAttempts)
return nil
// This checks that the table-wide IP limit is applied correctly.
func TestTable_IPLimit(t *testing.T) {
transport := newPingRecorder()
tab, db := newTestTable(transport, Config{})
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
for i := 0; i < tableIPLimit+1; i++ {
n := nodeAtDistance(tab.self().ID(), i, net.IP{172, 0, 1, byte(i)})
tab.addFoundNode(n, false)
if tab.len() > tableIPLimit {
t.Errorf("too many nodes in table")
checkIPLimitInvariant(t, tab)
// This checks that the per-bucket IP limit is applied correctly.
func TestTable_BucketIPLimit(t *testing.T) {
transport := newPingRecorder()
tab, db := newTestTable(transport, Config{})
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
d := 3
for i := 0; i < bucketIPLimit+1; i++ {
n := nodeAtDistance(tab.self().ID(), d, net.IP{172, 0, 1, byte(i)})
tab.addFoundNode(n, false)
if tab.len() > bucketIPLimit {
t.Errorf("too many nodes in table")
checkIPLimitInvariant(t, tab)
// checkIPLimitInvariant checks that ip limit sets contain an entry for every
// node in the table and no extra entries.
func checkIPLimitInvariant(t *testing.T, tab *Table) {
tabset := netutil.DistinctNetSet{Subnet: tableSubnet, Limit: tableIPLimit}
for _, b := range tab.buckets {
for _, n := range b.entries {
if tabset.String() != tab.ips.String() {
t.Errorf("table IP set is incorrect:\nhave: %v\nwant: %v", tab.ips, tabset)
func TestTable_findnodeByID(t *testing.T) {
test := func(test *closeTest) bool {
// for any node table, Target and N
transport := newPingRecorder()
tab, db := newTestTable(transport, Config{})
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
fillTable(tab, test.All, true)
// check that closest(Target, N) returns nodes
result := tab.findnodeByID(test.Target, test.N, false).entries
if hasDuplicates(result) {
t.Errorf("result contains duplicates")
return false
if !sortedByDistanceTo(test.Target, result) {
t.Errorf("result is not sorted by distance to target")
return false
// check that the number of results is min(N, tablen)
wantN := test.N
if tlen := tab.len(); tlen < test.N {
wantN = tlen
if len(result) != wantN {
t.Errorf("wrong number of nodes: got %d, want %d", len(result), wantN)
return false
} else if len(result) == 0 {
return true // no need to check distance
// check that the result nodes have minimum distance to target.
for _, b := range tab.buckets {
for _, n := range b.entries {
if containsID(result, n.ID()) {
continue // don't run the check below for nodes in result
farthestResult := result[len(result)-1].ID()
if enode.DistCmp(test.Target, n.ID(), farthestResult) < 0 {
t.Errorf("table contains node that is closer to target but it's not in result")
t.Logf(" Target: %v", test.Target)
t.Logf(" Farthest Result: %v", farthestResult)
t.Logf(" ID: %v", n.ID())
return false
return true
if err := quick.Check(test, quickcfg()); err != nil {
type closeTest struct {
Self enode.ID
Target enode.ID
All []*enode.Node
N int
func (*closeTest) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
t := &closeTest{
Self: gen(enode.ID{}, rand).(enode.ID),
Target: gen(enode.ID{}, rand).(enode.ID),
N: rand.Intn(bucketSize),
for _, id := range gen([]enode.ID{}, rand).([]enode.ID) {
r := new(enr.Record)
n := enode.SignNull(r, id)
t.All = append(t.All, n)
return reflect.ValueOf(t)
func TestTable_addInboundNode(t *testing.T) {
tab, db := newTestTable(newPingRecorder(), Config{})
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
// Insert two nodes.
n1 := nodeAtDistance(tab.self().ID(), 256, net.IP{88, 77, 66, 1})
n2 := nodeAtDistance(tab.self().ID(), 256, net.IP{88, 77, 66, 2})
tab.addFoundNode(n1, false)
tab.addFoundNode(n2, false)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1, n2})
// Add a changed version of n2. The bucket should be updated.
newrec := n2.Record()
newrec.Set(enr.IP{99, 99, 99, 99})
n2v2 := enode.SignNull(newrec, n2.ID())
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1, n2v2})
// Try updating n2 without sequence number change. The update is accepted
// because it's inbound.
newrec = n2.Record()
newrec.Set(enr.IP{100, 100, 100, 100})
n2v3 := enode.SignNull(newrec, n2.ID())
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1, n2v3})
func TestTable_addFoundNode(t *testing.T) {
tab, db := newTestTable(newPingRecorder(), Config{})
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
// Insert two nodes.
n1 := nodeAtDistance(tab.self().ID(), 256, net.IP{88, 77, 66, 1})
n2 := nodeAtDistance(tab.self().ID(), 256, net.IP{88, 77, 66, 2})
tab.addFoundNode(n1, false)
tab.addFoundNode(n2, false)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1, n2})
// Add a changed version of n2. The bucket should be updated.
newrec := n2.Record()
newrec.Set(enr.IP{99, 99, 99, 99})
n2v2 := enode.SignNull(newrec, n2.ID())
tab.addFoundNode(n2v2, false)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1, n2v2})
// Try updating n2 without a sequence number change.
// The update should not be accepted.
newrec = n2.Record()
newrec.Set(enr.IP{100, 100, 100, 100})
n2v3 := enode.SignNull(newrec, n2.ID())
tab.addFoundNode(n2v3, false)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1, n2v2})
// This test checks that discv4 nodes can update their own endpoint via PING.
func TestTable_addInboundNodeUpdateV4Accept(t *testing.T) {
tab, db := newTestTable(newPingRecorder(), Config{})
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
// Add a v4 node.
key, _ := crypto.HexToECDSA("dd3757a8075e88d0f2b1431e7d3c5b1562e1c0aab9643707e8cbfcc8dae5cfe3")
n1 := enode.NewV4(&key.PublicKey, net.IP{88, 77, 66, 1}, 9000, 9000)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1})
// Add an updated version with changed IP.
// The update will be accepted because it is inbound.
n1v2 := enode.NewV4(&key.PublicKey, net.IP{99, 99, 99, 99}, 9000, 9000)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1v2})
// This test checks that discv4 node entries will NOT be updated when a
// changed record is found.
func TestTable_addFoundNodeV4UpdateReject(t *testing.T) {
tab, db := newTestTable(newPingRecorder(), Config{})
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
// Add a v4 node.
key, _ := crypto.HexToECDSA("dd3757a8075e88d0f2b1431e7d3c5b1562e1c0aab9643707e8cbfcc8dae5cfe3")
n1 := enode.NewV4(&key.PublicKey, net.IP{88, 77, 66, 1}, 9000, 9000)
tab.addFoundNode(n1, false)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1})
// Add an updated version with changed IP.
// The update won't be accepted because it isn't inbound.
n1v2 := enode.NewV4(&key.PublicKey, net.IP{99, 99, 99, 99}, 9000, 9000)
tab.addFoundNode(n1v2, false)
checkBucketContent(t, tab, []*enode.Node{n1})
func checkBucketContent(t *testing.T, tab *Table, nodes []*enode.Node) {
b := tab.bucket(nodes[0].ID())
if reflect.DeepEqual(unwrapNodes(b.entries), nodes) {
t.Log("wrong bucket content. have nodes:")
for _, n := range b.entries {
t.Logf(" %v (seq=%v, ip=%v)", n.ID(), n.Seq(), n.IP())
t.Log("want nodes:")
for _, n := range nodes {
t.Logf(" %v (seq=%v, ip=%v)", n.ID(), n.Seq(), n.IP())
// Also check IP limits.
checkIPLimitInvariant(t, tab)
// This test checks that ENR updates happen during revalidation. If a node in the table
// announces a new sequence number, the new record should be pulled.
func TestTable_revalidateSyncRecord(t *testing.T) {
transport := newPingRecorder()
tab, db := newTestTable(transport, Config{
Clock: new(mclock.Simulated),
Log: testlog.Logger(t, log.LevelTrace),
defer db.Close()
defer tab.close()
// Insert a node.
var r enr.Record
r.Set(enr.IP(net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1}))
id := enode.ID{1}
n1 := enode.SignNull(&r, id)
tab.addFoundNode(n1, false)
// Update the node record.
r.Set(enr.WithEntry("foo", "bar"))
n2 := enode.SignNull(&r, id)
// Wait for revalidation. We wait for the node to be revalidated two times
// in order to synchronize with the update in the table.
waitForRevalidationPing(t, transport, tab, n2.ID())
waitForRevalidationPing(t, transport, tab, n2.ID())
intable := tab.getNode(id)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(intable, n2) {
t.Fatalf("table contains old record with seq %d, want seq %d", intable.Seq(), n2.Seq())
func TestNodesPush(t *testing.T) {
var target enode.ID
n1 := nodeAtDistance(target, 255, intIP(1))
n2 := nodeAtDistance(target, 254, intIP(2))
n3 := nodeAtDistance(target, 253, intIP(3))
perm := [][]*enode.Node{
{n3, n2, n1},
{n3, n1, n2},
{n2, n3, n1},
{n2, n1, n3},
{n1, n3, n2},
{n1, n2, n3},
// Insert all permutations into lists with size limit 3.
for _, nodes := range perm {
list := nodesByDistance{target: target}
for _, n := range nodes {
list.push(n, 3)
if !slices.EqualFunc(list.entries, perm[0], nodeIDEqual) {
t.Fatal("not equal")
// Insert all permutations into lists with size limit 2.
for _, nodes := range perm {
list := nodesByDistance{target: target}
for _, n := range nodes {
list.push(n, 2)
if !slices.EqualFunc(list.entries, perm[0][:2], nodeIDEqual) {
t.Fatal("not equal")
func nodeIDEqual[N nodeType](n1, n2 N) bool {
return n1.ID() == n2.ID()
// gen wraps quick.Value so it's easier to use.
// it generates a random value of the given value's type.
func gen(typ interface{}, rand *rand.Rand) interface{} {
v, ok := quick.Value(reflect.TypeOf(typ), rand)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't generate random value of type %T", typ))
return v.Interface()
func genIP(rand *rand.Rand) net.IP {
ip := make(net.IP, 4)
return ip
func quickcfg() *quick.Config {
return &quick.Config{
MaxCount: 5000,
Rand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())),
func newkey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
panic("couldn't generate key: " + err.Error())
return key