Taylor Gerring b2112729fa cleanup
2015-01-12 23:44:56 -06:00

303 lines
7.0 KiB

For each request type, define the following:
1. RpcRequest "To" method [message.go], which does basic validation and conversion to "Args" type via json.Decoder()
2. json.Decoder() calls "UnmarshalJSON" defined on each "Args" struct
3. EthereumApi "Get" method, taking the "Args" type and replying with an interface to be marshalled to JSON
package rpc
import (
type EthereumApi struct {
pipe *xeth.JSXEth
func (p *EthereumApi) GetBlock(args *GetBlockArgs, reply *interface{}) error {
err := args.requirements()
if err != nil {
return err
if args.BlockNumber > 0 {
*reply = p.pipe.BlockByNumber(args.BlockNumber)
} else {
*reply = p.pipe.BlockByHash(args.Hash)
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) Transact(args *NewTxArgs, reply *interface{}) error {
err := args.requirements()
if err != nil {
return err
result, _ := p.pipe.Transact(p.pipe.Key().PrivateKey, args.Recipient, args.Value, args.Gas, args.GasPrice, args.Body)
*reply = result
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) Create(args *NewTxArgs, reply *interface{}) error {
err := args.requirementsContract()
if err != nil {
return err
result, _ := p.pipe.Transact(p.pipe.Key().PrivateKey, "", args.Value, args.Gas, args.GasPrice, args.Body)
*reply = result
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) PushTx(args *PushTxArgs, reply *interface{}) error {
err := args.requirementsPushTx()
if err != nil {
return err
result, _ := p.pipe.PushTx(args.Tx)
*reply = result
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetKey(args interface{}, reply *interface{}) error {
*reply = p.pipe.Key()
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetStorageAt(args *GetStorageArgs, reply *interface{}) error {
err := args.requirements()
if err != nil {
return err
state := p.pipe.World().SafeGet(ethutil.Hex2Bytes(args.Address))
var hx string
if strings.Index(args.Key, "0x") == 0 {
hx = string([]byte(args.Key)[2:])
} else {
// Convert the incoming string (which is a bigint) into hex
i, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(args.Key, 10)
hx = ethutil.Bytes2Hex(i.Bytes())
jsonlogger.Debugf("GetStorageAt(%s, %s)\n", args.Address, hx)
value := state.Storage(ethutil.Hex2Bytes(hx))
*reply = GetStorageAtRes{Address: args.Address, Key: args.Key, Value: value.Str()}
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetPeerCount(reply *interface{}) error {
*reply = p.pipe.PeerCount()
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetIsListening(reply *interface{}) error {
*reply = p.pipe.IsListening()
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetCoinbase(reply *interface{}) error {
*reply = p.pipe.CoinBase()
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetIsMining(reply *interface{}) error {
*reply = p.pipe.IsMining()
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetTxCountAt(args *GetTxCountArgs, reply *interface{}) error {
err := args.requirements()
if err != nil {
return err
*reply = p.pipe.TxCountAt(args.Address)
return nil
func (p *EthereumApi) GetBalanceAt(args *GetBalanceArgs, reply *interface{}) error {
err := args.requirements()
if err != nil {
return err
state := p.pipe.World().SafeGet(ethutil.Hex2Bytes(args.Address))
*reply = BalanceRes{Balance: state.Balance().String(), Address: args.Address}
return nil
type GetBlockArgs struct {
BlockNumber int32
Hash string
func (obj *GetBlockArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
argint, argstr := int32(0), ""
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &argint); err == nil {
obj.BlockNumber = argint
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &argstr); err == nil {
obj.Hash = argstr
return NewErrorResponse("Could not determine JSON parameters")
func (obj *GetBlockArgs) requirements() error {
if obj.BlockNumber == 0 && obj.Hash == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("GetBlock requires either a block 'number' or a block 'hash' as argument")
return nil
type NewTxArgs struct {
Sec string `json:"sec"`
Recipient string `json:"recipient"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Gas string `json:"gas"`
GasPrice string `json:"gasprice"`
Init string `json:"init"`
Body string `json:"body"`
// type TxResponse struct {
// Hash string
// }
func (a *NewTxArgs) requirements() error {
if a.Recipient == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Transact requires a 'recipient' address as argument")
if a.Value == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Transact requires a 'value' as argument")
if a.Gas == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Transact requires a 'gas' value as argument")
if a.GasPrice == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Transact requires a 'gasprice' value as argument")
return nil
func (a *NewTxArgs) requirementsContract() error {
if a.Value == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Create requires a 'value' as argument")
if a.Gas == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Create requires a 'gas' value as argument")
if a.GasPrice == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Create requires a 'gasprice' value as argument")
if a.Body == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("Create requires a 'body' value as argument")
return nil
type PushTxArgs struct {
Tx string `json:"tx"`
func (a *PushTxArgs) requirementsPushTx() error {
if a.Tx == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("PushTx requires a 'tx' as argument")
return nil
type GetStorageArgs struct {
Address string
Key string
func (a *GetStorageArgs) requirements() error {
if a.Address == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("GetStorageAt requires an 'address' value as argument")
if a.Key == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("GetStorageAt requires an 'key' value as argument")
return nil
type GetStorageAtRes struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Address string `json:"address"`
type GetTxCountArgs struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
// type GetTxCountRes struct {
// Nonce int `json:"nonce"`
// }
func (obj *GetTxCountArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
arg0 := ""
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, arg0); err == nil {
obj.Address = arg0
return NewErrorResponse("Could not determine JSON parameters")
func (a *GetTxCountArgs) requirements() error {
if a.Address == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("GetTxCountAt requires an 'address' value as argument")
return nil
// type GetPeerCountRes struct {
// PeerCount int `json:"peerCount"`
// }
// type GetListeningRes struct {
// IsListening bool `json:"isListening"`
// }
// type GetCoinbaseRes struct {
// Coinbase string `json:"coinbase"`
// }
// type GetMiningRes struct {
// IsMining bool `json:"isMining"`
// }
type GetBalanceArgs struct {
Address string
func (obj *GetBalanceArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
arg0 := ""
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &arg0); err == nil {
obj.Address = arg0
return NewErrorResponse("Could not determine JSON parameters")
func (a *GetBalanceArgs) requirements() error {
if a.Address == "" {
return NewErrorResponse("GetBalanceAt requires an 'address' value as argument")
return nil
type BalanceRes struct {
Balance string `json:"balance"`
Address string `json:"address"`