2024-12-21 09:17:17 +00:00

104 lines
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import { time, loadFixture } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox/network-helpers';
import { anyValue } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/withArgs';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import hre from 'hardhat';
describe('Lock', function () {
// We define a fixture to reuse the same setup in every test.
// We use loadFixture to run this setup once, snapshot that state,
// and reset Hardhat Network to that snapshot in every test.
async function deployOneYearLockFixture() {
const ONE_YEAR_IN_SECS = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
const ONE_GWEI = 1_000_000_000;
const lockedAmount = ONE_GWEI;
const unlockTime = (await time.latest()) + ONE_YEAR_IN_SECS;
// Contracts are deployed using the first signer/account by default
const [owner, otherAccount] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
const Lock = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory('Lock');
const lock = await Lock.deploy(unlockTime, { value: lockedAmount });
return { lock, unlockTime, lockedAmount, owner, otherAccount };
describe('Deployment', function () {
it('Should set the right unlockTime', async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
expect(await lock.unlockTime()).to.equal(unlockTime);
it('Should set the right owner', async function () {
const { lock, owner } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
expect(await lock.owner()).to.equal(owner.address);
it('Should receive and store the funds to lock', async function () {
const { lock, lockedAmount } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
expect(await hre.ethers.provider.getBalance(lock.target)).to.equal(lockedAmount);
it('Should fail if the unlockTime is not in the future', async function () {
// We don't use the fixture here because we want a different deployment
const latestTime = await time.latest();
const Lock = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory('Lock');
await expect(Lock.deploy(latestTime, { value: 1 })).to.be.revertedWith(
'Unlock time should be in the future',
describe('Withdrawals', function () {
describe('Validations', function () {
it('Should revert with the right error if called too soon', async function () {
const { lock } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
await expect(lock.withdraw()).to.be.revertedWith("You can't withdraw yet");
it('Should revert with the right error if called from another account', async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime, otherAccount } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
// We can increase the time in Hardhat Network
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
// We use lock.connect() to send a transaction from another account
await expect(lock.connect(otherAccount).withdraw()).to.be.revertedWith("You aren't the owner");
it("Shouldn't fail if the unlockTime has arrived and the owner calls it", async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
// Transactions are sent using the first signer by default
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
await expect(lock.withdraw()).not.to.be.reverted;
describe('Events', function () {
it('Should emit an event on withdrawals', async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime, lockedAmount } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
await expect(lock.withdraw()).to.emit(lock, 'Withdrawal').withArgs(lockedAmount, anyValue); // We accept any value as `when` arg
describe('Transfers', function () {
it('Should transfer the funds to the owner', async function () {
const { lock, unlockTime, lockedAmount, owner } = await loadFixture(deployOneYearLockFixture);
await time.increaseTo(unlockTime);
await expect(lock.withdraw()).to.changeEtherBalances([owner, lock], [lockedAmount, -lockedAmount]);