/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller (paulmillr.com) */ import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256'; import { utf8ToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; import { Fp, validateField } from '../esm/abstract/modular.js'; import { poseidon } from '../esm/abstract/poseidon.js'; import * as u from '../esm/abstract/utils.js'; // Poseidon hash https://docs.starkware.co/starkex/stark-curve.html export const Fp253 = Fp( BigInt('14474011154664525231415395255581126252639794253786371766033694892385558855681') ); // 2^253 + 2^199 + 1 export const Fp251 = Fp( BigInt('3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020481') ); // 2^251 + 17 * 2^192 + 1 function poseidonRoundConstant(Fp, name, idx) { const val = Fp.fromBytes(sha256(utf8ToBytes(`${name}${idx}`))); return Fp.create(val); } // NOTE: doesn't check eiginvalues and possible can create unsafe matrix. But any filtration here will break compatibility with starknet // Please use only if you really know what you doing. // https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/458.pdf Section 2.3 (Avoiding Insecure Matrices) export function _poseidonMDS(Fp, name, m, attempt = 0) { const x_values = []; const y_values = []; for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) { x_values.push(poseidonRoundConstant(Fp, `${name}x`, attempt * m + i)); y_values.push(poseidonRoundConstant(Fp, `${name}y`, attempt * m + i)); } if (new Set([...x_values, ...y_values]).size !== 2 * m) throw new Error('X and Y values are not distinct'); return x_values.map((x) => y_values.map((y) => Fp.inv(Fp.sub(x, y)))); } const MDS_SMALL = [ [3, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [1, 1, -2], ].map((i) => i.map(BigInt)); export function poseidonBasic(opts, mds) { validateField(opts.Fp); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(opts.rate) || !Number.isSafeInteger(opts.capacity)) throw new Error(`Wrong poseidon opts: ${opts}`); const m = opts.rate + opts.capacity; const rounds = opts.roundsFull + opts.roundsPartial; const roundConstants = []; for (let i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { const row = []; for (let j = 0; j < m; j++) row.push(poseidonRoundConstant(opts.Fp, 'Hades', m * i + j)); roundConstants.push(row); } const res = poseidon({ ...opts, t: m, sboxPower: 3, reversePartialPowIdx: true, // Why?! mds, roundConstants, }); res.m = m; res.rate = opts.rate; res.capacity = opts.capacity; return res; } export function poseidonCreate(opts, mdsAttempt = 0) { const m = opts.rate + opts.capacity; if (!Number.isSafeInteger(mdsAttempt)) throw new Error(`Wrong mdsAttempt=${mdsAttempt}`); return poseidonBasic(opts, _poseidonMDS(opts.Fp, 'HadesMDS', m, mdsAttempt)); } export const poseidonSmall = poseidonBasic( { Fp: Fp251, rate: 2, capacity: 1, roundsFull: 8, roundsPartial: 83 }, MDS_SMALL ); export function poseidonHash(x, y, fn = poseidonSmall) { return fn([x, y, 2n])[0]; } export function poseidonHashFunc(x, y, fn = poseidonSmall) { return u.numberToVarBytesBE(poseidonHash(u.bytesToNumberBE(x), u.bytesToNumberBE(y), fn)); } export function poseidonHashSingle(x, fn = poseidonSmall) { return fn([x, 0n, 1n])[0]; } export function poseidonHashMany(values, fn = poseidonSmall) { const { m, rate } = fn; if (!Array.isArray(values)) throw new Error('bigint array expected in values'); const padded = Array.from(values); // copy padded.push(1n); while (padded.length % rate !== 0) padded.push(0n); let state = new Array(m).fill(0n); for (let i = 0; i < padded.length; i += rate) { for (let j = 0; j < rate; j++) state[j] += padded[i + j]; state = fn(state); } return state[0]; }